Hey Exiled,

I got something similar too going on, u can see it like a raised vein underneath but not so bad or tearing like yours. My tear is up much higher in the middle of the frenulum itself. Now I would still consider ur problem is frenulum related still, just not normally where most people have a problem. But the good thing is you should be able to do a few ties down there with very little to cut through and healing should be fast and scar free too.

Phallus, thanks for your explanation, it helps a lot. I have actually been showing my girlfriend pictures of the guy who did his own procedure online and posted pics and explanation, and she seems more understanding and didn't realize it was causing that much discomfort and mostly self consciousness during sex. The prospect of a little more energetic or rougher shall we say has got her just about excited as me now, so wish me luck...

The emla cream I got was 2.5% lidocaine and 2.5% prilocaine. So I guess it adds up to 5%? I think stronger stuff you need a prescription from your GP, so maybe in Europe or north America it is easier to buy buy here in the UK, some pharmacies really restrict selling it and require a prescription to sell to you.

Well as you mentioned, the hardest thing is amassing all the required tools and equipment. I am basically ready but my thread I found is not stretchy or elastic at all, it is 100% polyester. I guess I may hit up a crafts store and see if they have that stretch magic, but not sure again here in the UK.

Anyways I will give an update once i find some thread, or just end up using this normal thread I got from impatience and just wanting to get this done with once and for all.

How tight should I tie this knot? Like tighter than pulling on and tying up your shoelaces? Should it hurt or feel uncomfortable??? I guess you'd be numb from emla cream, so maybe not notice til it wears off

Cheers mate thanks for all the help everyone. Looking to come out of very first self surgery a new man! Who needs medical school when you have Internet forums?
Hi UnknownUser,
I second your idea of rather doing more smaller ties - I was surprised by the amount of change, and if I had known this, would probably not have gone as deep or low as I did for the first one.
Some other advice:
1. Don't put two threads in - by the time the thread loosens, the hole is about 2-3mm in diameter, so you don't need to use a needle to do the second thread. (have a look at the flickr photos)
2. I didn't use any unaesthetic - its really not that sore at all (about as bad as squeezing a pimple out) - the thread I used felt slightly funny going through, because it was a twisted thread.
3. Remember that the skin is very stretchy in the direction you will be putting the needle through, so I placed two fingers from my other hand against the frenulum, and aimed between them, and went slowly.
4. Try to get alcohol swabs - worked very well to clean the penis before hand.
5. I tied mine as tight as I could using two hands opposing each other - slight pain for about the first hour or two, and then it seemed to fade away.

Hope all this helps,
please ask if you need more advice.
Good Luck !
doublelongdaddy;482311 said:

http://www.flickr.com/groups/fren_tying/ is to the Flickr group page but I think you can only view it if you're invited there.

http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7279/7069313791_83f885760b_b.jpg here's a direct link to my before/after photo. Hopefully you can see it? If not then either me or JanBarrel will PM an invite to the Flickr group! :)

EDIT: the second link works fine it seems. If anyone has any tips on healing the phimotic ring and the tough skin tissue, that would be great to hear.
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Okay guys. Got a pea sized amount of cream on my ding don't, specifically the frenular flap on the gland (the attachment point closest to the gland head, vs. The other attachment point which would be to the shafts or foreskin). Seperate note, we really need a universal diagram or glossary, so we don't get confused by our creative descriptions.

Anyhow, must thank phallus for this thread existence. Then the diy guy who wrote the tutorial online with pics at oicazen, then the other dude who has the pics with the 1 2 3 4 lines marked out was helpful too. But must also thank Jan for posting pics and as well mostly same problems as me, all of you given me the courage to go through with this and I must thank you all. Many years of bs in teen/adult years due to this pesky frenulum.

To all the others in the previous 8 pages of this thread, thanks also for you positive additions and feedback. Your successful results further guide me to do what I am about to do.

I am going oldschool with just normal thread and needle btw, so just to be an example of mcgyver tools and nothing fishy, stretchy, bouncy, elastic or special in any regard.

Ok. My first tie, here goes.... Wish me luck!!!!!!!

First tie, as high up as possible, as shallow as possible. The idea is just to detach the anchor point, not remove tons of skin material. Let's hope it's a good spot I poke through.....

What. That's it????????

LOL. Ok needles through, cream works like a charm, felt like poking a needle through paper.

I just stretched it out super tight, and poked it through. Might have gone 1mm higher but oh well, it's still high enough.

I took pics too but excuse me while I Google how to tie a surgeons knot. Or double surgeon, etc....
:cool:Okay. That was an easy knot.... Now do you tie multiple knots after that? I am going to err on the side of caution and do so.

Will keep you guys informed of the progress, but it was so simple and easy, I almost want to do 2 more ties right now. If that shouldn't tell anyone how easy this has been, then I don't know what will. The feelings a few minutes after tightening knots, I won't lie guys, it IS sore, but nothing really new or unusual if you've torn or ripped micrograms already, trust me this is noway nohow nowhere near as painful. That tear rip sensation is a sharp twang! pain, hence the reference to banjo string. The soreness I feel is like the dull pain, post rip or tear. So if u can deal with that, man up and poke yourselves mates, that is, if you suffer from this problem.

Thanks guys!!!!!!
Did my first tie about 9 hours ago, woke up during the night to a dull sharp pain down there, but now it's less uncomfortable and I don't feel the pressure anymore. I did crank on the thread when tying, since my normal sewing thread has no elasticity whatsoever at all. I would imagine circulation is being cut off, and causing less feeling and pain.

I think my tie is probably one of the shallower I've seen, when comparing to others and their procedures or examples, so I am hoping it will cut through quite quickly, and healing just the same.

I seriously wanted to just do this once, deep as I can and be done with it, but I think small shallow ties are the way to go for best cosmetic effect, though with my anatomy it looks like I will still have a thick "turtleneck" sweater for my glans to keep warm. Just hopefully that V, that breve below is finally less attached. I have no idea how I will remove all the extra material after, but I'm hoping it will absorb back into itself as much as it can. But no sense fretting about this now, for the years it has bothered me, I am gonna take this one day at a time.

I have over 30 photos of my procedure from before tying, showing my micrograms and why I finally had to do this, showing my ultra thick and protruding frenulum, the tight cord from glans to view I am working on with the first tie, and then I also have what Exiled15 does down below, multiple problem areas, but detaching the glans is priority 1 and a gauge to see how much is released or gained from once cut through.

Exiled15, don't think it's weird mate, because it just goes to show how long that frenulum corded material is under neath the skin. It's not just a small connecting piece up above, it can literally run down your shafts like a vein, almost all the way down to your ballsack. I have not ripped there myself, but enough tightness has been plaguing that area and I have physical visible stretch line marks, just as you do. If you do super small shallow ties down there, as the length of the area is quite long, I would tie at both ends where the skin is raised up like a skinvein, and then in the middle of it, after your lengthwise tear heals. That will in effect be like 3 small horizontal slices through your long cord, should sever the tightness and give you relief.

I will let you all know how things go, if interested I can post pics, though some are blurry, u can still see what was done and where.

Okay so knowing I need to do multiple ties still and being impatient already, I have opted to do two more ties right now, got the emla cream on my ding dong again, but lower, like where Exiled15 is tear, and then one more tie below my microtear area on the frenulum band, but above the lowest point being the origin of the lowest part on the shafts where extra skin sticks up as a slight ridge like a raised vein, mainly pulled from the skin being so taut. Hoping I got the first tie at Janbarrel location, high above, I'm about to do the one furthest below, so I am basically hoping to sever both ends attachment points. Then I still have in between to deal with, and something tells me since my first tie was so shallow to the surface, it's a very superficial tie that won't cut much meat, but I got lots extra skin, took a pic with it stretched out underneath the glans, but looks like no veins through the light at least. Ok emla almost stopped burning, so it must be getting numb now. They say only 5-10 minutes for down there, vs an hour on other areas of the body. I got two needles prepared this time, with the same black normal sewing thread. Hope they'll all cut through together and healing together, shortening my recovery time vs doing the three ties one by one and waiting to heal in between. As I mentioned, I think the glans may still need extra work to completely detach but I'm hoping these lower ties may loosen up some slack some. And then as long as it doesn't tear during sex, then I am good to go, and can play more dig plastic surgeon just for cosmetic reason after the physical problem has been solved. Probably won't take pics of the processes again, as it's two ties this to.even around, but I will try to take a picture when. I'm done of all three so you can see where I targeted location wise. Hope this thread can help others, I'm not done nor do I have completed results to share, but the do it yourself procedure is easy enough.

Alright comfortably numb now so here goes nothing....... 5......4....3......2....1..... X 2.
UnknownUser420;482632 said:
if interested I can post pics, though some are blurry, u can still see what was done and where.


Yes, very interested. I will pony up some pictures too.
UnknownUser420;482415 said:
How tight should I tie this knot? Like tighter than pulling on and tying up your shoelaces? Should it hurt or feel uncomfortable???
Yea that's a good measure to see how tight to pull. I'd say to pull a bit tighter still. When I tied mine, I pulled the thread to the point where I was expecting the thread to snap. Shoe-lace tightness or slightly tighter should be enough force though I think. I did it as tight as I dared. I wish I could give a more accurate answer and it might vary with the different threads used. I used Coats Elastic Sewing Thread, by the way. I found the packet earlier today. The thread is 60% Elastane and 40% Polyester:


JanBarrel;482426 said:
Hi Phallus,
Good to hear from you again - thanks for the trouble to try and find the name of that thread you used ! Appreciate it.

I managed to find the packet today! The thread is Coats Elastic Thread. Turns out it was 60% Elastane and 40% Polyester:

http://www.coatscrafts.co.uk/Products/Sewing/threads/Coats+Elastic.htm - that's the one I used except mine was Black not White. You get 10m of thread which should be enough for all our tying needs lol. I bought mine in a supermarket at the end of an isle and it was in a slightly different packet but it's the exact same stuff. If you want, i'll upload a couple pics of my packet but that's the one anyway!

Hope this helps rofl
It has been a while since I did my first ties and this time period has allowed everything to full recover and adjust.

Some time within the next 4 or 5 weeks, when I have a lot of free time, I'll be doing a 3rd tie to further increase the slackness to the level that I want. At the moment it is good and I'm very pleased but I feel it is time for the next stage in my sculpture.

By now it is second nature, so I will be able to comfortably take a bunch of photos of the process for anyone who's interested! For me, I'm at the point where I'm just tweaking things into perfection now.

I wish everyone the best of luck who is doing there's now or within the next few days! Keep us posted! rofl
Congrats UnkownUser !! :cool:
Not that sore at all ! - The worst part for me was the waiting !
Please feel free to post your pics on the flickr page.
Thanks for the detailed descriptions - I loved the " ... excuse me while I look up the knot on google ...." - cool as a cucumber !
I think such detailed descriptions will really help other people - it did in my case. I also agree that we should document this whole thing somehow.
Did 2nd tie today !!
I decided to use "Johnson&Johnson, Reach dental floss, regular waxed" as an experiment.
Needed a slight bit of lube to thread through the skin. Its very strong, but the "knot holding" ability isn't as good as the croche yarn I used for my first tie.
Once again I didn't use anything to numb the area - although I did feel slightly more pain on this one, probably because its quite deep and close to the shaft.
If it seems not to be working I will replace it with the elastic thread that Phallus used - then hopefully, I can compare all three.
I will try to paste the photos on flickr tomorrow.
(If anyone has a better way of posting the photos please let us know - I can't seem to get flickr to make something like a directory structure ?)
Update guys,

My three tie race is still at a standstill, one has yet to pull ahead of the race and take the lead.

Now it's been days, no more sore or pain at the tie..... Is my body adjusting?

I feel like I have pierced my buddy down there, without jewelery and just string in the place of where metal would be. I am relating to ear piercing where again a hole is poked through with a sharp needle and it heals around the hole created. I'm worried there's no cutting action now and just a few tie holes.

I will give it a few. More days in the name of patience, but I may find some elastic stuff if I have to retie. I'm yanking on the tiez to keep them tight best I can

Any advice of opinions?
Might try the dental floss if I can't find that damn stretch magic. How's it working for you Jan?

Itfellow. What kind thread you use and did you tug or tighten or just let the tie do all the work?

Maybe too shallow a tie doesn't work the same without as much meat or skin material to go through.

I'm gonna post pics up on flickr so you can help chime in mates if you have something helpful to say or any comments are welcome too. I am obviously completely straight as most of you mates are, and not everyday I ask another fella to look at the jewels down there, so I do appreciate what we all have to bear through to find a solution and relief. Just wanted to say thanks again, you guys are helping me an each other with the do it yourself courage needed to start this procedure.
Found and arts and crafts store in the retail villa in a few towns over, they said they have all sizes of the stretch magic, so I guess 0.5mm is the way to go. It looks like the smallest amount is a lot too, so I guess if anyone wants or needs some, let me know, I will probably have lots leftover once I'm done, unless I have to do lots more multi ties.... Anyways, I'm thinking of undying the three, and revoking-rendering with stretch magic once I acquire some this afternoon.

And I will post pics up ASAP once I'm back in and have the stretchy stuff. I am gonna call my normal thread tie attempt somewhat of a failure, possibly due to being too shallow a tie or knot, and not enough skin to bite through or cut through properly. I can probably also account some impatience as well for part of this failed attempt, as I did not wait 1-2 weeks for it to cut through. Feeling as though I have wasted enough time now, I think that elastic stuff will really help to cut through my super shallow ties. Maybe thread would work for a deep bunch of scrunched up skin, but not for a super taut 1mm diameter frenulum 'attachment cord' that is the connecting or anchor point for the frenulum to glans.

Will redo all three ties with stretch magic. Do you want me to post just the new stretch magic results or would you like to see my whole previously failed attempt #1 too? I can just post a few showing before and after/done tying, or if you want all the steps in between, I can do that too. Of all the pics so far, mine procedure is the least bloody, actually none at all. I saw some red in some others pics which made me cringe a bit, but that's just me.

Off to the shops to pickup the off-label use stretch magic beading cord. Maybe after the surgeon knots add a couple colored beads to bring out your tie. Well, they make colored stitches/suture threads as well as colored casts, why not add some color to your frenulum tie as well? Just kidding.

Will post some updates once I return home, thanks mates, cheers and great day. Round 2. Right!
Hi UnkownUser,
So far I'm not that impressed with the dental floss - doesn't hold the knot very well, and I have to keep tightening the top set of the 4 knots I did in it.
This might be because I used the "waxed" type - was more focused on getting through the hole behind the needle than its knotting ability.
I think I will try and find some of that elastic mixture that Phallus used tomorrow, and replace the floss.

My first tie took quite a while to finish, and things were really slow for the first week, after that it was quite quick, so don't lose heart !
I used flat type dental floss for two of my knots. at the end when only half of quarter mm of skin left, i became impatient and pulled the string out, however there was very little amount of pain involved in this pull. lasted only for a minute or so.

I was unable to find the suitable stretchable thread, whatever i found were not convincing in terms of quality. The dental floss was very strong. I used double surgeon knots and it held till last. the knots were firm may be because the thread was flat. and yes, it was waxed too.

Just put as much pressure as you can, it may reduce the waiting time significantly and also the loose knots issue.

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My second tie broke through yesterday morning while putting ointment on it.
I had the dental floss in all the way, without tightening it - only the very top knot seemed to come loose, and had the two end needed to be tightened up.
I must say, it wasn't as much skin in the tie as my first tie, so that also helps a bit.
ItFellow, I will try tape kind for the next tie and see how it goes.
UnknownUser, how are your multiple ties going ?
JanBarrel;483322 said:
Hi again,
Just posted 6 photos of the second tying on flickr - any comments are welcome !

Do you have a direct link?
Hey guys,

Good news, the impatience is over with as all three ties have finally eaten and chewed through their spots on the frenulum and I would have to say although all technically successful, they did not all turn out the way I had hoped or wanted to. One problem was my bottom two ties were done too close, so at the very bottom there is a stegosaurus effect going on. Or what I can best describe is that it looks like maybe I got a barbell cocktail ring pierced on the shafts about 1 inch down from the bottom of the glans and looks like the barbell has been ripped out violently leaving the two sides flaps remaining and barbell and top flap missing. They are both super sensitive now, having just pulled the last bottom tie impatiently out/off today that one is still really sore. But it seems these stegosaurus humps still contain a lot of nerve endings they are extremely sensitive to touch right now, so I don't know what to do. My girlfriend is trying to cheer me up and says it's a work in progress and that it's like a built in tickler for her pleasure so if it's sensitive for me, that's good too. But as I just ripped the last tie out of its final little skip of skin just today, I don't feel safe to have sex without a condom on because of the soreness and friction and potential for open wound. I want to heal first then give an update.

Oh my top tie has gone the best cosmetically. It has just detached the thinnest tip of the anchor point of the glans and there is still basically all the whole frenulum still to deal with, I feel now I know enough to sculpt and do proper ties where needed to best detach the frenulum with best cosmetic effect.

Future plans, to go back at the top again and further work my way back with shallow ties. It will be longer and more ties than one thick deep pinching of each, but I think it'll have the best cosmetic result this way. The lower extra frenulum skin flaps remaining after the two bottom ties cut through, I may opt to freeze them with emla cream anesthetic and then quickly slice them off with a sharp razor, or I was thinking of clipping them off may even while large toenail clippers. They resemble large skin tags really, I wonder if a wart freezer kit or skin tag remover kit would get rid if them, but I'm worried as they are basically total flap of bundled nerves right now possibly the most sensitive in my body. I think I will give a week to consider and think about my next ties.

I may also do a tie at my microtear point in the middle. Now that the top and bottom are detached, I can work on the top and work its way back. The two extra flaps, I might just try tying a knot around itself and seeing if it will cut off that way. But gonna heal first mates. Will take pics of the result once healed, it's sore so I don't wanna pull too hard around down there right now.

WOW UnknownUser, that sounds wild ! :cool:
I'm really impressed that someone has had the guts to try multiple ties at once - I suspect this might be a first !

I sort of considered two ties for my first tie, and wondered if a "horizontal" tie would be able to get rid of the "tickler".
Its not a good idea to put to much strain on it now, I found it makes small tears quite easily - have to give it at least two weeks.

Looking forward to seeing your pics ! (You should be able to post them on the flickr page - let me know if you can't)
JanBarrel;483412 said:
WOW UnknownUser, that sounds wild ! :cool:
I'm really impressed that someone has had the guts to try multiple ties at once - I suspect this might be a first !

I sort of considered two ties for my first tie, and wondered if a "horizontal" tie would be able to get rid of the "tickler".
Its not a good idea to put to much strain on it now, I found it makes small tears quite easily - have to give it at least two weeks.

Looking forward to seeing your pics ! (You should be able to post them on the flickr page - let me know if you can't)

I am now on my fourth tie but really the most successful one in term0 ofs gain was the first one, about 2cm.

Stretch Magic is also available from Amazon but although everyone says it's the best thing to use I have previously used plain cotton which seems to have worked out OK even though I have always cut through the remaining tissue after about 7 days.

Great Forum BTW.

PS. Please advise me a very first stage size program if possible.

Thanks to all.
Hey guys,

I was about to post some pics up for you all, but it seems my gf may have deleted the previous pics when she took the camera out on a day trip with her friends. She didn't know they were there and had to turn the camera away quickly when reviewing the photos with her friends, I can only imagine her face, somehow its very funny to me right now. Anyhow, I may have some saved on the pc, but won't know till I check. Unfortunately you'll all have to bear with my descriptions for now. I can retake all the pics, but the microtear area has healed well, no more giant hole of a rip and whitish color skin around the tear signifying dead skin cells. Actually over time as it healed, the white skin cells just kinda rubbed or fell off, similar to a snake shedding skin I suppose is a good metaphor to use.

So I tried having sex with a condom, things are much looser now for me down there, not as much tension or frenulum tightness and even with my gf having not had sex in a week or two, she had also been a bit tighter which I guess was a good test. Some things to note, the little extra tickler nubbin are hella sensitive, and not in a good way. I imagine to picture the frenulum cord in a 3d cross section, that the outer edges or perimeter would be hardened off or least sensitive than the inside. It seems my ties may have cut through the desensitized part or outer edge. Where the ties have cut through, I'm not sure if you all notice this too, but where the tie was, it takes off a chunk of skin from the frenulum. A tiny little knot seems to remove a 1mm wide section of the frenulum cord. Except now the cross section or side is exposed I think. Think of a ham or kolbassa sausage, where there's the side, lengthwise. Then if u look at it sideways, the cross section style slices, I think normally the frenulum cord is like a sausage. There is that outer sausage casing protecting the nerve bundles inside. Except where my ties were, and what it cut through, I think on either sides of my skin flap tickler nubbin, is that exposed side cross section (think sausage slices, the slice sides are now exposed.

And though of course the frenulum is highly sensitive so I'm not to say it's desensitized in any way, I am just comparing the inner and outer layer of the frenulum cord and their respective sensitivity. I am only commenting on this because the frenulum is sensitive enough on its own. But after my procedure, it seems even more sensitive so I am guessing maybe I exposed more nerve endings in my cut areas of the ties.

I found also that to be true with my top tie near the glans. Where it cut through, u can almost see the cross section too, kinda like a cut rope end. That area is still highly sensitive. Plus, the frenulum skin below he detacHydromaxent point is also a bit redder and looks more sore. It's seriously almost like I have a bunch of extra skin to deal with, on top of the frenulum I have to deal with. If urs is just a tiny band strap connection point, then it's like simply snapping a rubber band cord and detaching it. But if u got lots of extra material and frenulum skin, and then raised skin material from the stretched f renulum cord being so taut, it literally pulls out of your skin, like exiled15s pics, they look actually like cracks. Surface cracks. So I have the meat to deal with like janbarrel does, but also raised up like exiled15s as well, so my tie might actually be more complicated than most.

Now because I did 3 ties, 1 top, 2 bottom, that still leaves lot of frenulum material I could add more ties to. And if I do the same as before, I will end up with a few more tickler skin flap tags, in the middle now between the three ties. It could literally be a single row of like 6 skin flaps, basically looking like 5 barbells got torn out from the frenulum, and only the side skin materials of the holes remain. That way, I can completely get rid of the short frenulum problem, since I basically hacked the cord into segments, it should free up a lot of skin. And then go from there.

All is not lost. The top tie detached just as I wanted it to. I can still slowly work on that carefully. A half dozen ties should completely detach the frenulum. But then I will have a really long, forward facing skin flap, basically the front leading point edge of the frenulum. But I think that could be tied off like how puppies get their tails tied off. Which leads me to the bottom two skin tag flaps right now. I may opt to leave the top and middle for now and allow to deal, while I figure out how to remove these flaps below. Any suggestions or ideas are welcomed and appreciated.
My friends,

Good news, my girlfriend has figured out a solution to my problem. She is going to help me with my next ties or ties, depending on how brave I feel. Something tells me after the first tie, I am just going to get her to rub emla cream and the heck with it, do a couple more ties while your at it to save time. It definitely does sick mates, having three tie spots all cinched and cutting through and sore and hurting at the same time.

Anyhow, to anyone who has the same problem of excess skin left in a flap or skin tag form after the thread cuts through completely, this solution may help you too.

1. Wash yourself clean. Sterilize with isopropyl alcohol wipes. Apply EMLA cream to anesthesize local area.

2. Clean your tools and equipment. Thread, needles, etc. Keep paper towel handy.

3. Dip thread if fiber or porous in alcohol. If stretch magic, can also dip or wipe with alcohol wipe.

4. Sterilize the needle, thread the needle with sterilizer thread.

5. Clean hands, area, all surfaces, make sure needle and thread are clean.

Now here are the steps to tie or remove these skin tag flaps remaining after a tying cuts through:

6. Poke needle through the middle of the lowest point on the skin tag flap. If you were to pull on it, as close to the shafts as possible should be your needle hole incision. Just like a frenulum tie.

7. Pull the needle all the way through the center lowest point on the skin tag flap. It will be two threads from the needle that comes through, you need both so don't just pull one thread like a normal tie is, you need both threads for this method to work.

8. One thread, tie a knot to cut the frontal edge. The other thread, tie the rear or back edge. It should seem like a donut with the two threads in the middle, the threads are pulled in opposite directions and the threads are tied in double surgeons knots. So if you picture a vertically oriented donut, the two knots would be on separate sides of the center donut ring. And since they both have the same center point as the middle, if they both cut or slice outwards, they should sever off circulation from the center core of the tag skin flap, and the thread should bite into both sides, cutting the flap off neatly.

It still is two knots, so one side may cut through faster than the other due to them being different knots and not a single knot cutting cutting the skin tag off. My ticklers are very very small, so it will be interesting to see if I can even tie two knots out from the center of one skin tag flap.

This so far seems my best solution to get rid of remaining sensitive skin. Without a razorblade slice leaving a big wound open to get infected. And since I'd have to do multiple flaps its probably better this way. And if it works, I won't mind hacking away at my frenulum to loosen it up some more, and then just basically doing this double sided donut tie for each and every new skin tag flap that occurs from tie cuts eating through the frenulum cord

But I will start off with the two tie cuts below that created the skin tag flaps in the first place and test removing those two first and then go from there.

Good luck mates, if this works for me I will definitely let you guys know my results. Cheers
UnknownUser420;483507 said:
My friends,

Good news, my girlfriend has figured out a solution to my problem. She is going to help me with my next ties or ties, depending on how brave I feel. Something tells me after the first tie, I am just going to get her to rub emla cream and the heck with it, do a couple more ties while your at it to save time. It definitely does sick mates, having three tie spots all cinched and cutting through and sore and hurting at the same time.

Anyhow, to anyone who has the same problem of excess skin left in a flap or skin tag form after the thread cuts through completely, this solution may help you too.

1. Wash yourself clean. Sterilize with isopropyl alcohol wipes. Apply EMLA cream to anesthesize local area.

2. Clean your tools and equipment. Thread, needles, etc. Keep paper towel handy.

3. Dip thread if fiber or porous in alcohol. If stretch magic, can also dip or wipe with alcohol wipe.

4. Sterilize the needle, thread the needle with sterilizer thread.

5. Clean hands, area, all surfaces, make sure needle and thread are clean.

Now here are the steps to tie or remove these skin tag flaps remaining after a tying cuts through:

6. Poke needle through the middle of the lowest point on the skin tag flap. If you were to pull on it, as close to the shafts as possible should be your needle hole incision. Just like a frenulum tie.

7. Pull the needle all the way through the center lowest point on the skin tag flap. It will be two threads from the needle that comes through, you need both so don't just pull one thread like a normal tie is, you need both threads for this method to work.

8. One thread, tie a knot to cut the frontal edge. The other thread, tie the rear or back edge. It should seem like a donut with the two threads in the middle, the threads are pulled in opposite directions and the threads are tied in double surgeons knots. So if you picture a vertically oriented donut, the two knots would be on separate sides of the center donut ring. And since they both have the same center point as the middle, if they both cut or slice outwards, they should sever off circulation from the center core of the tag skin flap, and the thread should bite into both sides, cutting the flap off neatly.

It still is two knots, so one side may cut through faster than the other due to them being different knots and not a single knot cutting cutting the skin tag off. My ticklers are very very small, so it will be interesting to see if I can even tie two knots out from the center of one skin tag flap.

This so far seems my best solution to get rid of remaining sensitive skin. Without a razorblade slice leaving a big wound open to get infected. And since I'd have to do multiple flaps its probably better this way. And if it works, I won't mind hacking away at my frenulum to loosen it up some more, and then just basically doing this double sided donut tie for each and every new skin tag flap that occurs from tie cuts eating through the frenulum cord

But I will start off with the two tie cuts below that created the skin tag flaps in the first place and test removing those two first and then go from there.

Good luck mates, if this works for me I will definitely let you guys know my results. Cheers

Good manual!
Hi Watson,

Welcome !, and congrats on the ties !

Watson31;483473 said:
I am now on my fourth tie but really the most successful one in term0 ofs gain was the first one, about 2cm.
Stretch Magic is also available from Amazon but although everyone says it's the best thing to use I have previously used plain cotton which seems to have worked out OK even though I have always cut through the remaining tissue after about 7 days.

I used cotton on my first tie, but it was croche cotton, which was really strong. What type did you use - just normal cotton, or something stronger ?
Hi UnknownUser,

Very good plan !
The only possible flaw I can think of is that if you put the needle through to far down (i.e. close to the shaft) it might move up slightly, and make a slight "forked tongue".
Please let us know how it progresses, and post photos if possible.

Good luck !
Hi Phallus,

Things have been quite the last week or so.

My second tie went ok, but I think I should have gone closer to the shaft, and a little further back from the glans.
Will post photos of the result on flickr.

So I'm also about to do a third tie - hope this is the final one !
JanBarrel;484260 said:
Hi Phallus,

Things have been quite the last week or so.

My second tie went ok, but I think I should have gone closer to the shaft, and a little further back from the glans.
Will post photos of the result on flickr.

So I'm also about to do a third tie - hope this is the final one !

Could you pick up the slack in the 3rd tie? If it is off it may cause unwanted curvature.
A bit off topic here but I was wondering if a [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98 ]Bathmate[/words] would help a phimotic ring? I'm thinking about the effect that the expansion would have on the ring and if, with routine use, it would stretch it out to the normal girth of the rest of the shaft skin...
Hi Phallus,

I've been keeping an eye out for a solution since I saw your photos.
Recently read about using a cylinder that you pull the skin over in the forwards direction - this, along with the [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98 ]Bathmate[/words] might help ?
JanBarrel;484891 said:
Hi Phallus,

I've been keeping an eye out for a solution since I saw your photos.
Recently read about using a cylinder that you pull the skin over in the forwards direction - this, along with the [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98 ]Bathmate[/words] might help ?

Ah I think I know of that cylinder thing. Is it a cone shaped plastic thing with a slit in it?

So far I've been keeping it retracted for hours a day and it seems to work. The only problem is if I leave it forward overnight or something like that it will sort of heal in that state and become tight again no matter how long I leave it retracted. I suppose I'll have to practise expanding it as often as I can while keeping it retracted almost 24/7. Maybe the [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98 ]Bathmate[/words] will help
Just did my fourth and fifth ties to cut off the bottom most leftover frenulum skin material mates.

The middle tie cut also created a middle leftover frenulum flap or nubbin and I attempted a sixth and seventh donut/doubletie as mentioned in previous post and what I did for tie four and five, but stretcHydromaxagic is much thicker than normal thread so it took more pressure and force to poke through. As well when reaching the thicker thread, when the thread portion poked through near the end of the needle, it really stretched skin and made a bigger hole for the stretcHydromaxagic making it bleed heavily. Slippery stretcHydromaxagic cord, I had to abandon team attempt for tie six and seven were failures. Healing and try again.

As a consolation I did an eighth tie, another at the very top continuing the detacHydromaxent from the anchor point. Very shallow still, but also testing stretch magic for the first time in two spots. Will know more of what to do after these stretch magic ties cut through and how to proceed. Excited for results.

Will update soon, kind of disappointed I didn't get the middle but I guess still have to see how the bottom does with new material before committing to both. But tested the top for the eighth tie. I think I have a lot more ties to go, but will gain all that I possibly can, with careful planning and execution.

Cheers mates, I hope your own procedures are much easier and going well for you!
Slept very well without discomfort or pain. Woke up and checked this morning, no more bleeding from the failed middle poke hole, the top seems holding nice, it's just a shallow tie maybe 1-1.5mm of frenulum to be removed slowly from the glans. Very much like chipping away at the cord. The middle, nothing it going on so far. As the proximal distance to the bottom flap is so close spacewise, I may wait for results from the bottommost tie to give or cut through first giving more space to access and tie around the middle flap. It can be done now, but I will be a little patient this time and let the cord do its stretch magic. I hope I prestretched enough as the bottom donut tie does not seem as pinched as a single knot, but again that's probably why too.

I hope the doublethread donut tie method does indeed work, otherwise to remove flaps we may need to tie one side to cut through, then tie the other to cut completely off. I could have just done this, but again trying to save time. This failed middle tie will cost me about a week or so time extra to redo after, with the multiple ties I still need up front and maybe clean up the extra frenulum v breve skin material opposite the foreskin as well. Lots to do, to get things looking the way I want, then I can continue pe exercises without straining or ripping my frenulum further.

It's still a work in progress but I do not regret starting this procedure. It is really only going to get better. And it's like we've outgrown a pair of jeans, things are so tight down there mates. I cannot wait to fit into a proper size, no stretching, tearing, ripping or the feeling of being held back, like trying on a pair of britches that are too tight, you have to squeeze into them like skintight leathers 4 sizes too small. Then you find a perfect pair of britches just your perfect size, and no squeezing or straining, you just fit perfect. That's how I want to feel, not too large or outgrown the skin im in, or in this case, I've outgrown a short frenulum and need the extra space to stretch. It's like being in a small room your whole life never ever been able to stand up tall. That's how I feel down there mates, can't wait for all the freedom that's coming.

Cheers mates
UnknownUser420;485046 said:
It's like being in a small room your whole life never ever been able to stand up tall. That's how I feel down there mates, can't wait for all the freedom that's coming.

Cheers mates

Well said and I hope all of your goals come true.
I know exactly how you feel, UnknownUser420.

When I first saw the pages on tying the frenulum I knew it would be the solution. I could already feel the freedom in my mind. Not having to worry about it now is amazing and it's now letting me focus my energy on the bigger things at hand. Can't wait to start back on the Penis Enlargement journey again :)

Best of everything to you!
Hi Fellas,

Quick update, not much really going on except waiting for the ties to cut through. On my second round of three ties done at once, the race is still on to see which will win this time. I am cheering for the top tie to finish up problem free, and then the bottom is two ties in one, so time will tell if the front or back tie cuts through first. The pinched or tied skin is turning darker colored red or purple from the tying off I think. I feel a dull soreness, similar to the first ties, so again just got to get through this uncomfortable part and once one tie cuts through, hopefully I can just snip off the excess and heal from there.

Hoping that the bottom clean up procedure of excess skin works well. Worst case situation, I believe can be fixed by overly numbing the area and then using a new sharp razor or exacto to remove all extra nubs or pieces of skin completely without any extra at all. This however wont be a tie at all, and will need a steady hand and precise cut without hesitation in order to just slice and remove whats needed and allow it to heal naturally.

Really looking forward to the second round of ties cutting through, so I can start the next set and remove both the bottom and middle extra flaps. I've already begun the second tie too up top, so its like I am working at it from both ends, but hopefully clean up the bottom cosmetically and only have the top to worry about afterwards. Have only gained about 0.5cm in length since starting this procedure, but the extra freedom gained is already worth it. If I had to stop now, it did at least relieve a lot of tension pressure on the cord, but I will be so ecstatic to fully able to stretch out, and not have a little downward pull on the gland head from the frenulum. The best is probably being able to go hard at it now without having to worry about that rip or tearing your banjo string completely. Theres nothing to describe going at it carefully, slowly, gingerly vs. going at it just primal lust full on. She can feel the difference in lack of hesitation and also more power and force without me holding back mentally as before.

I really hope you guys achieve your goals as well! Thanks Phallus for first posting this thread. You've really helped a lot of us immensely. With years of problems for many of us mates, it feels SO GOOD to finally be able to be proactive and do something about it, instead of just trolling for online medical procedures your too afraid to ask for to get done, or too embarassed to talk to your GP about. I remember when I first learned of frenuloplasty, and building myself up to talk to my GP to book me into the urologist and see if this procedure is covered costwise too. Had I known it would lead to self tying procedures so easy, I wish I really knew about this years earlier - hopefully it will help others too!

I know every time another chap chimes in, "just did my first tie", it makes me feel like we really are helping others, as well as fixing our own dilemnas at the same time. Hopefully by my next post, another tie will have cut through, and I will be closer to frenular freedom, my friends.
Hey Phallus,

Just saw some of your before and after pics a few forum pages back, and mate, I feel for you. That phimotic ring looks so troublesome! But at least your frenulum procedure went well. Though I dont have phimosis to deal with personally, now that I see what troubles you, will do my best to find out or help you out, even though this is somewhat frenulum breve based initially, your concerns are valid and I hope we can help you with your phimotic as youve helped us with the frenulum breve.

I have just found some photos I thought were previously deleted of my first rip/microtears in the middle, and then pictures of the first three ties I did with normal thread. I didnt take pictures recently of the second group of ties using stretch magic, but I can take a quick pick of the after-procedure of the second set of ties to show the changes from the first ties, and location of the second ties.

Going to be out tonight, but when I get some time this evening or weekend, I will pony up some pics for Jan's private group on Flikr, sorry it has taken so long, appreciate your patience all.

Still a work in process, bear with me as I sculpt a masterpiece!
Uh oh mates, we have a bleeder!!!!!!!!!

So was checking progress this morning of the second group of ties with my gf, and noticed the top had more distance gained. Looked like the knot cut through but was still held there by maybe a small loop of skin, almost invisible or nonexistent, I couldn't see why it hadn't fallen off if it had cut through...

The top tie cut through, but I was impatient and seeing the knot still held there by almost nothing, it was just bugging me. I yanked the knot of stretch cord that seemed to be just floating there on the end of the frenulum. It started gushing blood, I was worried I hit the frenulum vein and needed to go to the hospital. Worse yet, this occurred this morning, not at home, I slept over at my girlfriends so it happened in her bed! It was bleeding heavy too, I was really worried until it stopped. Still going to wait before inspecting more, I don't want to rip and start the bleeding all over again.

Well my worst worry and fear happened, so it's not so bad now, but declined to take pics of the bloody mess to keep his from turning into a gore thread and scaring others off. Yes it did happen, yes it was lots of blood, but it wasn't bad once it stopped, what a bloody mess to clean up though.

Anyhow long story short, thought I was in serious trouble or had to go to the emergency ward at the hospital. Not fun at all mates. Anyhow it seems more superficial now after the fact, going to wait to heal before proceeding on the top again. Bottom doubletie also has work left to do, it was nowhere near as fast or quick, but I'm wondering if it's human error and I didn't prestretch the cord enough first. Time will tell, I guess the worst that can happen has already. If you heard the whole situation it was actually quite humorous but I am still recovering from the shock of gushing blood from my dick!

But up near the top tie, everything is going picture perfect accordingly to my plan, I don't think a cosmetic surgeon will have done a better job once I am done. Have gained it seems 4-5mm up top separating the glans, 1.5mm distance for the middle tie cut, and 3-4mm from the bottom tie cut. 1cm doesn't sound like much in total, but it's enough to loosen things up down there and no more ripping or tearing issues. Peace of mind is worth all the discomfort and blood and pain to get there. Many shallow ties is what I prefer for my situation for sure.

Can't wait to heal and proceed, and also finish up the middle and bottom sections too. This is going much better than expected after all the bumps in the road have been sorted and smoothed out. Very happy on results
UnknownUser420;485293 said:
If you heard the whole situation it was actually quite humorous but I am still recovering from the shock of gushing blood from my dick!

That is some scary shit! Be sure to use a lot of topical anti-biotic ointment and keep the area clean.
So janbarrel, did you do your third tie?

I see you mentioned you may have gone too far up or too deep, so I am wondering how things ended up for you after the tie cut through and you had a chance to recover.

I went up as high as I could for my top tie on the glans, but it was only after the needle went through I saw I could have gone up a mm higher. Even so, by my second tie up top cutting through, you could see the finished effect up on the glans, it is a picture perfect textbook separation without any leftover material up top, even though I poked a mm back from where intended. I didn't think the bottom ties would create any problems as they have, and without them, my tying back shallowly from the top would have been completely problem free from start to finish.

Once I get these pics finally posted, you will see my similar situation to yours, except the added extra skin and material complicating thing for me and the extra large leftover frenulum skin that I am still going to have to deal with, when most people will be finishing up their procedures, I need to do a tie for that forward facing frenulum flap left over. Somehow I am thinking like how they tie off dogs tails, that my remainder frenulum flap will be like a tail, but forward facing cause I cut from top down/back. It will be my biggest skin flap tie off, so I guess it's just as well I have the bottom and middle to attend to first to get some practice in before doing that last final frenulum tie to remove the last of the material. I had just planned to do multiple ties with no real setup or order of logical operations, but now I know what I am going to do and in what order. So in the near future, the pictures may do more talking than my posts do. But so far even without pics I hope my descriptions have been helpful to at least some of you, and hopefully for future forum members who might have the same issue or problem to deal with.

Is everyone else finished with their ties? Are you happy with the results? Please post if you have tied already, are in the process of tying or thinking about doing so. Must be from at least a half dozen to a dozen forum members now who have tied or tying as we speak? Hopefully it has been positive and beneficial to everyone who has tried it.

Waiting for my last tie that's installed to cut through, nothing else going on really til then to report. Cheers mates. Good luck to all
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