When do you get the news on your drug testing?
doublelongdaddy;608830 said:
When do you get the news on your drug testing?

october 3rd everyday i pray i pass i just cant wait to call and have them tell me i pass but nothing is certain yet :/ though i keep my outlook strong i was planning on buying all things to srt first paycheck as it would be a great investment in my progression and its not that much money considering the results are perment surgery is pointless , then give the rest of my paychecks for my family i have no needs/wants right now besides helping my family and doing pe ... hopefully i can help them get through this little obstacle with bills right now but if i dont get the job im back on the job search grind... depresses me that im the reason their in this debactle my friend needed me to pick him up cuza he was fucked up and i didnt have a liscence and i hit a car not bad but truns out the price was outrageous and my parents have to pay off different loans on top of this one... everything is fine right now just making it by but i feel i should be theone working longer shifts not them my time working would translet to their time resting witch is music to my ears
Don't stress, life is a learning process. Next time you go job hunting make sure your system is clean because most places test nowadays before they hire. Stay positive
jacob5414;608880 said:
october 3rd everyday i pray i pass i just cant wait to call and have them tell me i pass but nothing is certain yet :/ though i keep my outlook strong i was planning on buying all things to srt first paycheck as it would be a great investment in my progression and its not that much money considering the results are perment surgery is pointless , then give the rest of my paychecks for my family i have no needs/wants right now besides helping my family and doing pe ... hopefully i can help them get through this little obstacle with bills right now but if i dont get the job im back on the job search grind... depresses me that im the reason their in this debactle my friend needed me to pick him up cuza he was fucked up and i didnt have a liscence and i hit a car not bad but truns out the price was outrageous and my parents have to pay off different loans on top of this one... everything is fine right now just making it by but i feel i should be theone working longer shifts not them my time working would translet to their time resting witch is music to my ears

What sucks the most is Marijuana is so close to becoming legal and once it is it will be used for a slue of medical reasons, helping many people who can find no help any where else. We have people sitting in prison for something that will eventually become the biggest stride in medical history. Such a sad situation.
im staying away from everything till im employed sucks i dont drink alchol because i feel like im just putting toxins inside of me , i dont see how they make alchol legal for fun but not weed when one is wayyyyyyy more dangerous then something that is harmless and also benificial as i have adhd and one toke puts me in a state of mind similar to mediatting for like 1 hour the concentration/focus i get is outragoeus plus you feel good .. i cant wait till the day its legal ..... also meditating high is amzaing do it for 30 minutes after toking and come out of the mediation feeling more higher/tranquil then before
jacob5414;609045 said:
im staying away from everything till im employed sucks i dont drink alchol because i feel like im just putting toxins inside of me , i dont see how they make alchol legal for fun but not weed when one is wayyyyyyy more dangerous then something that is harmless and also benificial as i have adhd and one toke puts me in a state of mind similar to mediatting for like 1 hour the concentration/focus i get is outragoeus plus you feel good .. i cant wait till the day its legal ..... also meditating high is amzaing do it for 30 minutes after toking and come out of the mediation feeling more higher/tranquil then before

This question has a very easy answer, money.
jacob5414;609045 said:
im staying away from everything till im employed sucks i dont drink alchol because i feel like im just putting toxins inside of me , i dont see how they make alchol legal for fun but not weed when one is wayyyyyyy more dangerous then something that is harmless and also benificial as i have adhd and one toke puts me in a state of mind similar to mediatting for like 1 hour the concentration/focus i get is outragoeus plus you feel good .. i cant wait till the day its legal ..... also meditating high is amzaing do it for 30 minutes after toking and come out of the mediation feeling more higher/tranquil then before

doublelongdaddy;609075 said:
This question has a very easy answer, money.

yup...money. there is literally a drug dealer(s) in most every town/city there is in the US. hell Chili's deals drugs out like crazy!!!
instead of growing together as humans the leaders choose to only care about money disgusting
ok so i decided to measure today found a ruler somewhere in the house and though the measurements arent what i thought im still happpy cuz im gaining..... so before any workouts i measures at 8.8 bpfsl 8.5 bpel after my workout it whent to 9.1/8.8 bpel and i also measured my girth sad to say i lost girth im 5.5 all around though the width on my penis is kinda unevenen still im happy cuz i know mentally and effort wise ive just been focusing on length and missed alot of daysof girth theres allways time to get my girth later and it was just my first month last month so being inconsisatnt is wat i attrubute to the loss in the .25 girth next month lets see if i can get that .25 girth back and get 9 bpel
jacob5414;609120 said:
ok so i decided to measure today found a ruler somewhere in the house and though the measurements arent what i thought im still happpy cuz im gaining..... so before any workouts i measures at 8.8 bpfsl 8.5 bpel after my workout it whent to 9.1/8.8 bpel and i also measured my girth sad to say i lost girth im 5.5 all around though the width on my penis is kinda unevenen still im happy cuz i know mentally and effort wise ive just been focusing on length and missed alot of daysof girth theres allways time to get my girth later and it was just my first month last month so being inconsisatnt is wat i attrubute to the loss in the .25 girth next month lets see if i can get that .25 girth back and get 9 bpel

great for you!! keep gaining!!
jacob5414;609120 said:
ok so i decided to measure today found a ruler somewhere in the house and though the measurements arent what i thought im still happpy cuz im gaining..... so before any workouts i measures at 8.8 bpfsl 8.5 bpel after my workout it whent to 9.1/8.8 bpel and i also measured my girth sad to say i lost girth im 5.5 all around though the width on my penis is kinda unevenen still im happy cuz i know mentally and effort wise ive just been focusing on length and missed alot of daysof girth theres allways time to get my girth later and it was just my first month last month so being inconsisatnt is wat i attrubute to the loss in the .25 girth next month lets see if i can get that .25 girth back and get 9 bpel

Congratulations Jacob! Sometimes gains come in strange ways but a gain is a gain and that should keep you hitting it hard. There have been times where I expected to see gains in girth and I gained in length or the other way around but I always feel blessed to gain anything.
jacob5414;609120 said:
ok so i decided to measure today found a ruler somewhere in the house and though the measurements arent what i thought im still happpy cuz im gaining..... so before any workouts i measures at 8.8 bpfsl 8.5 bpel after my workout it whent to 9.1/8.8 bpel and i also measured my girth sad to say i lost girth im 5.5 all around though the width on my penis is kinda unevenen still im happy cuz i know mentally and effort wise ive just been focusing on length and missed alot of daysof girth theres allways time to get my girth later and it was just my first month last month so being inconsisatnt is wat i attrubute to the loss in the .25 girth next month lets see if i can get that .25 girth back and get 9 bpel

Grats bro you are huge
jacob, what would you say was most effective for you in gaining length?

your starting size was decent aswell, if you keep going youre going to be a monster!
-dld yes i am blessed for the gains im getting and expect to see even more this month i am going to do a stretch, btc and ,low streching from the newbie routine and continue with rotarys finishing with erect streching might mess around with your size blasters aswell also gonna look into madingo strech i wanna make a rotation workout and target mutiple streching like the newbie routine did hitting all angles .... im gonna continue the supra slammers statrting tommorow and strech twice a day slammers before bed ......

-acromegaly thankyou brother i appreciate the compliment ... i really thought i was gonna be 6 girth this month maybe i can gain .5 this month who knows mauahhaah but as for length i plan on working even harder then last month ima schedule my routine in the day instead of just making sure i dont skip the workouts if not i wouldve got girth everyday and �naked people movies� is starting to bore me my imagiontion/visualtion is strenghting so much i get erections just thinking about sex without touchinjg myself

-dmoney101 like a picture of my results every month with measurements ? i was gonna do a photo when i got to 9/6 then 10/6.5

-jordey thew newbie rotuine is what i did but i dont think i wouldve got the gains if i didnt add 15 mins erect streching after but i think btc middle/left/right and the down down/left down/right , and rotarys were the most effective of the newbie routine as the angles make me feel the strech way more then the other two sections .... if 10/6.5-7 is a monster then thats what im going for :D
5 rotations of this (estimated time 2 hours)including the end erect strech work
A strech x5 hold for 6 seconds
UNDER THE LEGS left/right 1 minute each
DOWNWARD STRECH left/middle/right 1 minute each
BTC left /middle/right 1 minute each
ROTARYS X25 rotations

after the 5 rotations of the routine are complete ill do size-blasters to substitute my basic erect streching for 15-20 min

i will be doing this twice a day wakeup at 7 do first set of streching wait 4 hours do second set at 1:30 rest till 1 hour before bed and do 1 hour of supra slammers for girth .... no breaks till next measurement in novemeber .....the rotation in which i setup my strech makes it to when i hit the btc i get a greatest strech possible i mean outta this world as i beleive (am certain) the streches leading up to that lossen up my penis to where this extremely malueble state is reached for the btc cuz i culsnt get that kinda strech from just the newbe routine but now the btc are even more amazing ....... i no matter what expect to see that .25 girth gain back as for length who knows 9 inch erect length .5 gain :p that would be awesome but i think i need to get an extender to help me out as i think mydick retarcts back to normal size quick tutrles etc( cold dick state) but hey i find out friday if i got the job or not hopefully i miraculously passed the drug test if i was an alchololic instead of a pothead my job outlooks would be better sad society we live in.... , that extender will be a seal deal as i would also buy everything for srt doing that i think my gains would be out of this world im talking like getiing the 10/6.5 within 3 months so here i come 5 hours p.e. a day manual and hope for a job if not job serach again:/ wish me luck guys also ima read up on this madningo stretch but might save it for later or maybe add it to my routine the future will tell
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Yeah you could do a picture every month of measurements. Help keep you motivated. Or just posting anything in general because someone who's almost 9" will motivate everyone on the forum lol
sure ill start next month , i just cut my ruler at 10 well 10.25 to help motivate me more
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