Log for October 9th, 2004:

No warmup
manually clamped with hand for about 2min
200 wet jelqs, with about 20 of them modified (clamped off at base while jelqing with the other hand slowly)
manually clamped 2min
100 wet jelqs with about 15 modified
manually clamped 2min
100 wet jelqs with about 15 modified
manually clamped 2min
300 wet jelqs with about 25 modified
warm down and massage

Notes: got a great pump but the (T-vein?) hard white lumpy vein came out at times. I was able to keep it under control by paying close attention to pain and visible signs. That's why I only clamped for about 2min at a time. Also, manually clamping with my hands allows me to clamp, whereas I can't clamp at all with the hose clamp now due to pain/ damage caused. Truth be told though, I like manually clamping better for several reasons:
1)I can clamp closer to the pelvic bone.
2)It does not hurt as much.
3)I don't loose my erection while trying to get the cloth wrapped around my penis and the clamp attached low enough. (This is similar to the problem that I have with taking erect measurement pics - I loose the erection by the time I get ready to take the picture).

This is my first time clamping manually and I think it is a winner. My hands are definitely gonna get stronger from this. My clamping hand burns like fire after the second minute. I even tried a couple of erect bends while manually clamping, but not enough reps worth mentioning.

Today's Log:

morning sex with wife (woke up with some good wood ;) )
hot shower
minor stretching (a few tugs in all directions)
short penile massage

Today is my rest day. T-vein looks and feels ok, but I had some pain this morning during sex with my wife. In fact the pain has been with me all day on the left hand side of my penis where the base meets the scrotum. I think that it is still hurt from clamping (with the orange hose clamp last week) and may try treating it with ice in addition to warm wraps/hot showers. Hopefully I'll be healed up enough tomorrow to at least do some stretching and jelqing. May have to keep those jelqs light though.


My normal routine is usually a one day on/ one day off schedule:

1)hot shower/warm wrap
2)stretching (Newbie Stretches)
3)1,000 consecutive wet jelqs
4)warm wrap
5)rest day
6)repeat steps 1-5

Any past logs that I may have entered for the Girth Attack can be found at this link:

What a log it is...

About that pain... take as much Ibuprofen as allowable in the day, and apply heat to the pain as often as you get the chance, along with a massage. The heat draws the medicine to the injury. I did this for two days and my pain/T-vien cleared up instantly.

How long does each jelq last for? Are you kegeling between strokes?

Otherwise, I'm excited to see how the 1 on 1 off routine works for you.
AlloyCG said:
How long does each jelq last for? Are you kegeling between strokes?

Each wet jelq lasts for about 2 seconds. They can last quite a bit longer when doing modified wet jelqs but I'm unsure of the time. If I had to guess, I'd say the modified jelqs take about 5-7 seconds. I concentrate on kegeling between strokes only when necessary to keep the proper engorgement. Sometimes, I don't kegel at all and need to stop for a moment to keep from getting fully erect (unless I'm clamping).

As far as the T-vein (located at top left beneath glans) goes - it's fine. No visible sign or pain from that. It's the left side on the base that's hurting, but it's nothing you can see.

Thanks for the advice, Alloy.


I think you should try adding palm pressing the shaft,while doing ULI squeez.Feels great and more engorgement can be acheaved,also you should concentrate on DLD newbie stretches.Just my opinion!?
profesionalac said:
I think you should try adding palm pressing the shaft,while doing ULI squeez.Feels great and more engorgement can be acheaved,also you should concentrate on DLD newbie stretches.Just my opinion!?

Thanks for the advice, Professional. I'll add the palm press on the shaft when my penis has healed more and it can take more pressure. As far as DLD's Newbie Stretches, I just started them a few days ago and plan on doing them 1-2 times a day depending on how I feel. I had to skip them yesterday because I was still getting pain on the bottom left base of my penis. The injury seems to be doing a little better today. Last night I put an ice pack on it for about 25 min. Had sex with the wife and then did a hot wrap. There is still a little pain in that area so I will play it by ear today.

*Also, I just happened to measure my EG last night and was surprised to find it at 5 and 5/8ths" = 1/8th" bigger than when measured last week ^^ . BPenis EnlargementL was still the same at 6 and 1/8th"; didn't measure width. I'm not going to post the girth gain yet in my signature because it seems that gains can be lost again over a short period of time. Here's what I'll do - measure weekly and note the results in this log, but only change my signature gains on a monthly basis.

October 10, 2004:
BPenis EnlargementL = 6 and 1/8"
EG= 5 and 5/8"

If that 5.6" measurement was taken cold (no exercises in the past 24 hours, sex erections are also iffy) that can probably be counted as a non-cemented gain. And gains aren't cemented until long after you make them, so congrats. 1/8" is huge.

Good idea to note measurements weekly. I have a bad habit of measuring about 15 times a day, but I try different things so often that it helps to know what works and what doesn't. If I was on a solid routine I would probably stick to once a week max.

Be careful on the squeezes for now (what ProAC was talking about,) they can apply an excessive amount of force that your injury may not be happy with.

Looks good man. I like the idea of switching between jelqing and clamping.
AlloyCG said:
I can't take aspirin or ibuprofen. What else would you recommend instead?

9cyclops9 said:
I like the idea of switching between jelqing and clamping.
Me too - It seems to be yielding solid gains in girth(continue reading below).

Got some good wood this morning a few hours after I woke up. It seemed thicker so I decided,"What the hell!" and measured the girth. The EG came in at 5.75" . . . 1/8" bigger than yesterday. Anyway, most of the pain at the left base of my penis was gone so I decided to do a Penis Enlargement session. As I said before, I won't list any gains in my signature until I make my monthly measurement (which is around the first of the month). As far as I am concerned, ALL my gains up to this point need to be cemented since I have only been doing Penis Enlargement for about 1.5 months.

Here's what I did today:
hot shower
DLD Newbie Stretches
100 wet jelqs
2 min manual clamp with hand
100 wet jelqs with about 5 of those modified
2 min manual clamp with hand
100 wet jelqs with about 5 of those modified
2 min manual clamp with hand
100 wet jelqs with about 5 of those modified
2 min manual clamp with hand
200 wet jelqs
hot wrap

Notes: I could have done more jelqs at the end, but time was an issue. The T-vein came out during each clamp and was successfully controlled by lessening the pressure when pain in that area increased. I also massaged the T-vein area after each clamp and started the first jelqs following the clamps with a lighter grip. Another massage followed the hot wrap and the T-vein seemed to have subsided completely.
Ii personaly use tape for protection of car parts when painting.Mainly becouse it could be torn easy(it is made of paper).You could use whatever you like,just wrap it around the base tight enough,and thats it!It is adhesive(has a glue on one side).Newbie stretches are fantastic,i added in previous 2 weeks 0.5 inch EL,but not cemented still.PM me what do you think of my new thread (Girth Attack Soldier research thread),if you have the time,or simply post there your opinion on that matter.
things seem good hoosyadaddy, i was wondering if you would mine me doing your routine as i am going to do some manuel girthwork and yours routine seems perfect.
Looks like you have a good routine HYD, also looks like you are trying to fine tune what works for you, and what doesn't. I do the same thing as well.
pUNKY said:
i was wondering if you would mine me doing your routine as i am going to do some manuel girthwork and yours routine seems perfect.
pUNKY, of course you are welcome to try my routine in whole or parts however you feel will help your progress.

Iwant8X6 said:
Looks like you have a good routine HYD, also looks like you are trying to fine tune what works for you, and what doesn't. I do the same thing as well.
Thanks, Iwant8X6. You are perceptive about the fine tuning. All of you at [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MOS[/words] have helped to motivate me to keep a progress log, without which, it would be difficult to gauge the effectiveness of my routine. So - a big "Thank You!" to everyone here at [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MOS[/words] that has dedicated their time to post routines, progress, feedback and general thoughts.
Well, October 12th and 13th turned out to be rest days. The 12th was a complete rest day without any stretching. I was able to get in DLD's Newbie Stretches last night, but got prevented from doing the girth work due to an unexpected interruption. The good news is that Mr. Winkie seems to be healed up with this rest and is ready for more abuse ;)
pUNKY said:
Hows the routines going?
Routine is going fine. EG measured 5.75" this morning.

Here's what I did last night:
hot wrap
DLD's Newbie Stretches
hot wrap
100 wet jelqs
2 min manual clamp with hand
100 wet jelqs with about 5 of those modified
2 min manual clamp with hand
100 wet jelqs with about 5 of those modified
2 min manual clamp with hand
100 wet jelqs with about 10 of those modified
2 min manual clamp with hand
300 wet jelqs
hot wrap

NOTES: The T-vein came out on the third clamp along with some pain. I stopped kageling until the pressure and pain subsided slightly then kageled some more. The T-vein made another appearance on the last clamp but there was not as much pain initially, so I kagled harder. After the last hot wrap, the T-vein was still sticking out so I massaged it for a minute and it went away.


This Morning:

Hot Shower
DLD Newbie Stretches
i have an advice for you.you should be avoiding hand clamping for a few days,jelq alone instead of mixing it with hand squeezes.You will promote penil health and a T-vein will subside in a matter of days.When that happens continue with a previous routine.

Oh yeah,Keep up the good work!!! That 6(for you) is not as far as it looks like for me though.You will have it before a NY.
profesionalac said:
i have an advice for you.you should be avoiding hand clamping for a few days,jelq alone instead of mixing it with hand squeezes.You will promote penil health and a T-vein will subside in a matter of days.When that happens continue with a previous routine.
Whoops! I should have read your email yesterday. lol

Here's what I did today:

no warmup
2 min manual clamp with hand
100 wet jelqs with about 5 of those modified
2 min manual clamp with hand
100 wet jelqs with about 5 of those modified
2 min manual clamp with hand
100 wet jelqs with about 10 of those modified
3 min manual clamp with hand
200 wet jelqs
3 min manual clamp with hand
400 wet jelqs with about 5 of those modified
hot shower
DLD's Newbie Stretches
hot wrap

I woke up with some good wood this morning and decided to get right to work without a warmup. The T-vein came out on the third manual hand clamp and was managed by kageling less/controlling the pressure. I will take profesionalac's advice and go back to stretching and wet jelqing for a week in order to let the T-vein heal. EG is still measuring at 5.75"
Awesome log Hoostodaddi! Have you checked out SLOW SQUASH JELQS yet? I see something about a palm press but just wanted to make sure. It is a very powerful exercise.
Take care and dont avoid warmup.Good warmup is something that you always need.Few weeks ago i tryed avoiding it too,and i had to take a 2 days off because of a pain in penile tissue.My erections were problematic also.But now i am warming up like this:i put the penis in a cup filled with hot water for 5 mins. (i can stand that),and i havent had a day off the whole week for now.No probs. at all!
doublelongdaddy said:
Awesome log Hoostodaddi! Have you checked out SLOW SQUASH JELQS yet? I see something about a palm press but just wanted to make sure. It is a very powerful exercise.
Thanks, DLD. I'll be sure to try the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/penis-enlargement-forum/12539-slow-squash-jelq-nothing-give-me-better-expansion.html]SSJ[/words]'s when I have a little more experience under my belt (pun intended). For right now, my goal is to get through one girth routine without a T-vein popping out.

profesionalac said:
Take care and dont avoid warmup.
Thanks for the advice, profesionalac. The only time that I skip warmups is when I wake up from a nice toasty bed with a raging hard on (usually on the weekend). If it is the weekend, I'll start right in with a clamp since that first erection is the hardest. After that, the erections just take longer to build the further along the routine (you know what I mean)i.e. - the Best Erection is the First Erection. Basically, what I'm saying is that I'm afraid that My "solid wood" will be gone by the time I run and get the hot water. lol

BTW: I've been having dreams for about a month now in which my penis is huge (and shaped strangely too). Last night I dreamed that I had an erection the shape of an MX missile and it was about 18" long and prolly the same in girth. Weird, huh?
Last night I dreamed that I had an erection the shape of an MX missile and it was about 18" long and prolly the same in girth. Weird, huh?

Not really, since you spend so much time at a dick forum. :)
BTW: I've been having dreams for about a month now in which my penis is huge (and shaped strangely too). Last night I dreamed that I had an erection the shape of an MX missile and it was about 18" long and prolly the same in girth. Weird, huh?

I think you are the funniest dude I have ever met...

How are the gains coming? I'm rockin and rollin, coming your way. By the way, I tried out the 3x6 set work in the gym yesterday - felt great.

Man hook it up on the AIM sometime again!
Last night:
hot wrap
DLD's Newbie Stretches
600 wet jelqs done slowly with a tight grip (Feel the burn!)
100 wet jelqs done at regular pace with light grip
edged for about 3 min(?)
hot wrap

Got a GREAT pump during the 600 wet jelqs. Glans expansion was HUGE. I also tried a few of the "squashes" (that DLD recommended) during the 600 wet jelqs; they seem to be a little too intense for me at my newbie level, so I'll have to work up to doing more reps of them later. The last 100 wet jelqs were more or less to massage things back in place, etc., after the intense jelqs. The T-vein almost popped out during some of the more intense jelqs, so I had to let up the pressure a few times. Overall it was a great workout.

*** Tomorrow will be my two month anniversary for starting Penis Enlargement. I'm not gonna officially measure until around the first of November. Also, here's some funny information about how people's attitudes change: When I first started Penis Enlargement, my wife said,"That's baloney. It doesn't really work. You're gonna hurt yourself." A month after I started she only said,"You're gonna hurt yourself." Now she says (in a serious tone and with a little fear),"What if it gets too big to fit?"

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pUNKY said:
Now with the wifes support theres no stopping you,
She does not support me. I should have used the word "perception" instead of "attitude." My wife is still unsupportive . . . but if I can't get her support - her belief and fear of my increasing size will have to do.
Iwant8X6 said:
you think she may have fears that you might leave her, if you get a bigger boom stick?
I don't think that she's afraid of my leaving her. She expressed concern that my tool might get too big to fit. My reply was,"Don't worry. You'll accomodate it." She said,"What do you mean?" I replied,"Well. . . you have what is sometimes referred to as 'cow pussy' . . . "
She asked me what I meant, so I explained in a nice way that her vagina was extremely loose after about 30 strokes. . .
My wife replied,"Well I don't want it poking my kidneys, Ehhh!"
Cow pussy....shit!!

Man just keep up the good work and it will come. I also believe strongly in wet jelqs and have decided to increase my routine by 100 wet jelqs per week.

They keep my arteries/veins in great shape (strong erections all the time if i am doing them consistently)
They give me nice tissue expansion and pressure.
They allow me to modify anything else about my routine, and/or use them as "filler time" in between sets of whatever else (hanging/pumping/other manual exercises, etc).

Keep it up!
UpgradingUnit said:
They keep my arteries/veins in great shape (strong erections all the time if i am doing them consistently)
I agree.

Had two rest days, yesterday, which was unintentional because I was way too tired to even do stretching. Man was I tired!

Here's how today went:

Hot wrap
Tried to stretch, but my dick kept getting too hard so I had to stop
then tried to jelq, but again, kept getting an erection
Did 3 x 2min consecutive manual clamps - T-vein came out on 3rd clamp
Was trying to wet jelq and was STILL too erect
My dad called at this point, said he was in town and was coming over to the house later that day . . . THAT brought my erection down! LMFAO
Finally I was able to do about 500 slow wet jelqs w/strong grip
I was almost unable to do the 500 because I was about to pass out right there in the bathroom - never went flaccid, but was about to fall asleep.
Hot shower

My sleeping pattern has been fucked up for about a month now and has finally taken an impact on my training. I'm going to have to get serious about getting back on a regular schedule. The problem is that whenever I take sleeping pills, I wake up in the middle of the night with an EXTREMELY painful erection and painful prostate. Not sure why I get that reaction, but it is a definite deterent to taking sleeping pills. I get that reaction even if I take half the recommended dosage.

Wife update: My wife asked me (with a smile) last night,"What would you do if somebody cut your penis and balls off? Just think about all that work you will have lost." I asked her,"What the fuck are you talking about?!?" and "Who is going to cut my dick and balls off? You? Why would somebody want to cut my dick and balls off?" She replied that a hypothetical "stranger" might come in the house and do the deed. I'm not sure where my wife is going with this "Bobbit" business, but perhaps she thinks that I'm cheating on her and is sending me a message. In any event, my wife has such a low libido that she should THANK any woman that took an interest in me. My wife has a lower libido than those Gallopogas tortoises. lol
profesionalac said:
Your wife is your wife,so dont talk like that,its not moral nor nice!
First of all, my wife does not need anyone to defend her. If anything, I need somebody to defend ME! What part of my post was not nice? The part where she alluded to cutting my dick and balls off? Please read all my posts before making a judgement. Even though my posts tend to be on the humorous side, they are truthful. You certainly have the right to post your opinions here on the forum. Please also remember that this forum serves several purposes, one of which is the support of its members. My wife was not a member here the last time that I checked . . .

No warmup
DLD Newbie Stretches
No warm-down

No warmup
700 slow, intense wet jelqs with about 5 slow squash jelqs (SSJ's)thrown in
hot shower

I'm not sure about everyone else, but during my wet jelqs, I get really good head expansion - especially lately. This added head expansion allows me to hold the glans in an extended stretch at the end of a jelq. Well, at the end of the 700th wet jelq, I pulled the glans straight out and was getting a great stretch. All of a sudden I saw an air bubble the size of a marble move from the glans down the shaft about 2 cm. Needless to say, I called 911, my mommy and DLD (in that order). Just kidding. I was somewhat scared to see that giant bubble/blister but decided to try to massage it and give it heat before calling the Dick Ambulance. Massaging seemed to help, but damned if that T-vein was not hard as a rock under there too. Shit. Talk about getting double-fucked! The air bubble/blister went away faster than the T-vein subsided, but all seems to be ok now. Phew! I'm going to take it easy tomorrow and probably won't even do any light stretching.

Now before any of you say,"You didn't warm up, Dumbass," let me say in my defense: 1)Before stretching, I had been asleep under the covers and my penis and balls were actually pretty hot. I had planned on taking a shower right after stretching, but ended up taking a shite instead. As we all know, "shit happens!" Took my hot shower after my shite, but by then, everything was already cold.
2)I had just gotten back from a hard workout at the gym and, again, my frank and beans were nice and hot and ready for their own workout.
That wasnt my intention,i just wanted to say that everyone should respect each other.I respect you and i am also here to support you,and i would be glad if you support me either.We are here to support each other.Keep it up man!!!

Dont be affraid of that thing(fluid buildup),i get it after clamping,and also after intense jelq session like you do.That occurs because of constant pressure onto spongie tissue that you apply.Warming up is very important for workout,just keep that in mind!

My stats:
(18.01.2003) 5 inch. BPenis EnlargementL / 4.25 inch. EG
(17.07.2004) 6.2 inch. BPenis EnlargementL / 4.80 inch. EG
(18.10.2004) 6.6 inch. BPenis EnlargementL / 5.125 inch. EG
So does fluid buildup look like a big air bubble? There was nothing to see until I hit the extended stretch at the end of my 700th wet jelq. Then,"Bloop!" - There it was. That's fluid? Seriously, the air bubble was about the size of a marble (cut in half). I've never seen anything like that, even after 1,000 jelqs. Although, in all honesty, I think that I'm doing wet jelqs a lot more intense than before.

Thanks for the support, profesionalac :)
Just made a "wench" today. I'll fine tune it tonight, but won't be doing any stretching with it today due to the fact that I beat the crap out of my penis yesterday - He deserves a break :)

For those that want to view my "wench" post today under the Hanging forum, here it is:

And just to be clear (profesionalac), I'm talking about the stretching device - not my wife.
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I am in slight pain over here just from reading of your bubble incident

Take it easy over there man, its a race, but not a race to the death.

Yeah, that is weird about your wife saying that stuff.....she might be jealous of you being able to change your penis, all the while she might feel powerless about changing her...."cow pussy."

get some GOOD rest days in.

Keep up the good work
Yea i had that kind of bubble pop up once.. it was no biggie it went away after a couple more days of working out. I think it was because my penis wasn't conditioned properly for the amount of stress i was putting on it. Hopefully u gain a lot from this routine. Keep it up !
Good News and Bad News

The Good News:
Got some great wood today and everything is back to normal.

The Bad News:
I was cleaning my scissors this morning and almost cut off the top of my right index finger . . .

The Good News:
I was still able to do my workout at the gym today after taping my finger on.

The Bad News:
I'm not sure that I'll be able to jelq today (or this week for that matter).

The Good News:
I think that I can still stretch if the tape wrapped around my finger does not stick to my schlong . . .

More Good News/Bad News to come later tomorrow . . .
The Bad News:
I'm not sure that I'll be able to jelq today (or this week for that matter).

The Good News:
I think that I can still stretch if the tape wrapped around my finger does not stick to my schlong . . .

Have you ever tried dry jelqing? I posted about it in the main forum, you could give it a shot going one handed for a week. You aren't going to hurt anything doing a few sessions with one hand, and you'll still get your routine in.

Also, how's the Wench coming? I decided to hang as soon as I hit a solid 5.5 EG, phasing out girth work for a while... deconditioning for a while and nailing that last half inch hard after some length gains.

Send me a PM sometime letting me know when you are going to be on.
philadelph said:
Hope your finger gets better soon man. That's why I stopped cleaning my scissors when I started Penis Enlargement!
Thanks for the well wishes and . . . No shit!!! Believe me I'm thinking long and hard about cleaning sharp objects from now on. BTW - just for everyone's information: I was cleaning the scissors because they had a lot of adhesive stuck to them from cutting/trimming the WENCH!!!!. The Captain cursed me! Damn you Captain!!!!

AlloyCG said:
Have you ever tried dry jelqing?
Yes, I have and it hurts like hell. I don't like them. Maybe I'm doing them wrong or at too high % erection. Good advice though, Alloy. I was thinking about doing these too, when I cut myself. However, I'd rather hang 100lbs from my dick than do dry jelqs. I was able to stretch and still do my wet jelqs with the cut finger, so everything is ok. The cut actually does not hurt to bad with the jelqs - probably because of the vaseline (just tried it out last night), which keeps the skin around the cut hydrated and flexible. I have been keeping it clean and changing the bandages regularly. It'll be healed up in a week or so I bet.
AlloyCG said:
Also, how's the Wench coming?
I think that I finally got the Wench adjusted to where it will work properly with a minimum of slippage. All that's left to do is to find/get the hardware for hanging ("S" hook, rope, etc.). I already have a few light weights around the house that can be used to start. I showed the device to my wife, who of course thinks I'm REALLY nuts now - especially when I told her what I was going to do with it. She wasn't THAT much more understanding when I told her that I'd only be hanging with about 4 - 5 lbs for 10 minutes at a time to start - which is a hell of a lot less force than that which I use to manually stretch. I explained to her that some guys hang because they lack the gripping strength to make manual stretching an option. Putting it that way may have helped her to understand that hanging devices are "helper" or "assist" devices- not torture devices. Oh well. As long as she does not interfere with my routine - it really does not matter.

Here's what I did last night:
no warmup
DLD newbie stretches
600 slow wet jelqs with a very strong grip (ouch - they hurt)
100 slow wet jelqs with a medium grip
100 normal speed wet jelqs with a light grip
warm wrap

No problems with cut finger doing jelqs - YAY! First time that I tried petroleum jelly. I usually use cocoa butter. The petroleum jelly lasts longer and provided more friction - which made for a more intense workout. Dang those first 600 jelqs hurt! I had to stop kegeling a few times in order to keep things from getting out of hand. The T-vein stayed under control and really did not fully inflate - good deal! Also - a note on how I got my T-vein and probably my girth . . . READ THIS:
I am not very familiar yet with terminology, so I will describe to you what I was doing for a while before I came to [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MOS[/words]. After every 100 wet jelqs I would try to kegel as much blood as I could into my penis, stop my hand directly below the glans at the end of the 100th jelq, kegel some more, clamp off at the base with my other hand and squeeze like a mother-fucker. So in 1,000 jelqs - i'd do 10 of these exercises. I used to call these my "head-expanders" because that is what I was trying to do. However, I had an epiphany the other day and thought to myself,"Holy shit! I bet that's what made my girth grow - because it sure as shit did not make my head grow."
Eventually, I got a T-vein from doing those. I now believe that they will jack up your girth FAST if combined with wet jelqs. I had stopped doing these for a few weeks due to the T-vein. Everthing was kosher until I started manually clamping and the T-vein popped out again. Now that I instinctively know more about what exercises target certain areas - I'm pretty sure that I was hitting girth - not my glans. So HEADS UP!!!! I'm starting to do these again, but more carefully to avoid agravating my T-vein too much. Still at 5.75" EG as of today. Let's see what happens when I re-incorporate my "head-base squeezes" (I know you guys are prolly going - "that's a ULI, etc.").
Quick Update:

My workout on Saturday was pretty much the same as Thursday, with less intensity. Today's workout will probably be similar. I hope to take new measurements today or tomorrow and will record those results.

On a Sour Note:
Looks like I've been hacked again >:(
One of my relatives just emailed me, saying that she could not open the attachment that I had sent her. Guess what? I never emailed her. i.e. - somebody hijacked my email account. Now I need to backup, reformat, reinstall,etc.
I'm not sure how long I'm going to be offline this time but wanted to give you guys a heads-up.
hopful said:
if ya need some help with you're pc give me a pm or something
Thanks for the help offer, hopful. I just finished reinstalling OS and new protection software, etc. etc.
FYI - Zone Alarm does NOT work with PC-Cillin. Neither product will install with the other present, despite what many respected online reviewers recommend. So, before purchasing any software, always contact the manufacturer in advance to inquire about known compatibility issues with their product.

Last Night:
Hot Wrap
DLD Newbie Stretches
Hot wrap
100 wet jelqs
1 min manual constrictor
100 wet jelqs
1 min manual constrictor
200 wet jelqs
1 min manual constrictor
300 wet jelqs
10 min edging
Hot wrap

Wet jelqs were done at medium-hard intensity at normal speed. Exception - last 200 jelqs were done at low intensity. T-vein popped out on second and third constrictor, but subsided with minimal massaging/jelqing. I would have done just straight jelqing, but I kept getting hard and figured that I might as well go with some constrictors instead of fighting the erections. Sometimes you just have to go with the flow. Overall, not a very intense workout last night. I'm somewhat concerned about whether the T-vein will ever go away permanently or if I'm doomed to always work with it. It's pretty difficult(and painful) to do the wet jelqs when my penis gets so engorged. The problem is that any constrictors/clamping bring out the T-vein fast - so they are not really a good option right now.
No Warmup
DLD Newbie Stretches
No Cooldown
900 wet jelqs
4 min edging
Hot Shower

Wet Jelqs were done at medium-tight grip and were 2-3 seconds in length. Although the intensity was not as great as usual, the T-vein still made an appearance. In addition, the T-vein was more difficult to get rid than usual. Edging helped make it go down - interestingly enough. I attribute the t-vein to the fact that I missed a day or two (was just too tired and burned out) and feel that my penis was slightly deconditioned. My girth has not changed at all in a while, but has not gone down either. I have kept the .25" that was gained over two days time about a month ago. I'm somewhat disappointed in my length which has shown zero gain for over a month. Additional stretching and introducing hanging (no I have not hung with the Wench yet) are some options that I'm exploring. Overall, I'm not too concerned with my girth since it seems to be progressing at an acceptable pace.

On a different and more positive note, I squatted 235 lbs 6 times on my last set today. I'm pretty much going up about 10lbs weight on my squats every 5 days (which is the length between those workouts). Last week was 225 lbs at a set of 6. At the current rate, I should easily be at the "triple" plates(on each side of the 45lb bar) by Christmas = 315 lbs. The magic number of rest days between routines seems to be 5. At some point I will start doubling up my shoulder and chest routines with my Leg2 days(hamstring and calves) in order to meet that 5 day rest requirement. ***For those that are curious, I started Penis Enlargementing on the same day that I started lifting weights back on August 20th of this year. Before that I had not lifted weights for about 9-10 yrs.
no warmup
BTC hang for 5 min at 4.4 lbs
hot wrap
BTC hang for 15 min at 4.4 lbs
hot wrap
900+ wet jelqs
10 min edging (no ejaculation)
hot wrap

I did my first hangs today with the Captain's Wench. My penis felt alright, but did hurt my balls a bit where they were stretching. I expect that pain to go away with a few more sessions. The jelqs were done at medium - hard grip at a normal pace. It was NOT fun peeling the theraband off my scHydromaxuck - Oucheebowow! I'm a little bit allergic to latex but so far no big reaction to the theraband (fingers crossed). Haven't tried wrapping with [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?44-Ace-Strapped-Jims-Joint]ace[/words] yet but can already tell that the theraband sticks well with less material and little slippage. Guys, as much as I like doing wet jelqs, they are really time consuming. The T-vein came out (again) during wet jelqs and was banished (again) by edging.

Some possible changes to my routine are:

*Less DLD Newbie Stretches and more hanging -> the DLD Newbie Stretches are great but have not yielded any length gains for me in over a month. They also take a lot of time to do.

*Fewer wet jelqs and more squeeze (ULI) type exercises -> again, the wet jelqs take a lot of time to do in quantity and are not necesarily the most efficient means to the kind of gains I need. I believe that I can acheive more length gains in less time with hanging. I'm not too keen on dry jelqs - but by God I'll learn to like 'em if they work more efficiently.

*Eventually, I'd like to try clamping again - preferably when I have about an inch gain in length. So far, clamping has hurt me a lot (pain and injuries), but I'm willing to try it again in the interest of its versatility and efficiency. I figure that the inch gain in length should provide a little more to work with as well as time for my stick to adjust/heal.
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    Out of sheer curiosity, is anyone interested in having a premature O together while we watch videos?
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    Hi. Good to be here.
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    I was approached by a coach from a Nigerian phone number?
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    @Akteon1, visit other sub forums to check out all the info in PE. Forum list
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    More importantly, see the first three posts in this sub forums to answer most of your doubts and questions: Ask questions
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  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
  • H @ huge-girth:
    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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