I have a tight frenulum, and never really thought there was much for it except surgery -- which I was not going to do -- until I found another site that outlined frenulum tying. Took me several months to work up the courage to do it, but last night I finally got out the suture and went for it. To my surprise it hardly hurt at all!! And very little bleeding. So far I'm thinking I should have done this YEARS ago. Continuing to keep it clean, and now after reading through this forum, I'm also going to make sure to soak it regularly. Very encouraging to hear there are a bunch of other people doing this as well. Wish me luck!
Hi all, well what a great read I've just had. I felt like there was something really wrong with my business but to see so many others go through the same thing AND overcome it with something less intrusive than surgery. Such a great post to find as I have just preformed my first tie close to the meatus with the very steady hand of my amazing wife. My glans bend down towards the shaft during sex. Extremely tight mrs causes it to pull down and it cuts off blood supply to the head. Lubrication is not the problem at all. I have to be so gentle so I don't tear. I just want to be able to grab her and smash into her without the pain/numbing.

I have a few questions for those that have tied.
How long did your first tie take to break through?
Have any of you had extra connections to the glans? How did you overcome this issue?
With proper cleaning/soaking being preformed has anyone continued to have sex with the tie in?
So I didn't think much was happening, then all of a sudden yesterday evening I noticed the frenulum had started splitting from the top edge of the suture (rather than cutting up from the bottom as some others have described). It's been seven days, and I can now see two points on either side of the stitch that were once connected. These two points are now about 1.5 cm apart. Gained that much wiggle room so far! The stitch is still cutting through, though it is visibly loose now, so I may remove it and do another tie tomorrow.
I took out the stitch, though by the time I did it had nearly cut though anyway. I cut the last little, little bit with a razor. I've now gained an inch of desperately needed motion. I could still use some more, but the frenulum proper is pretty much gone, so I'm not sure if I should try for more. The area is a bit sore, and could use some healing, so I am going to wait a day or two before I evaluate whether I do another stitch.
Hey guys. I was thinking of trying this process myself but that post where Jan Barrel mentioned a big tear at right angles to his frenulum unsettled me. I wondered if it might have anything to do with all the scar tissue caused by numerous tyings.

I was just wondering if i could have an update from some of you guys like phallus and janbarrel or anyone who finished their tyings several months ago. Have you noticed any long terms problems or issues as a result of the tyings or is everything still A-OK?

I want to lengthen my frenulum but i don't really need to, it's more for cosmetic reasons and i'm just pondering whether it might be safer to leave it alone rather than replacing my frenulum with scar tissue.

Also, could someone add me to the Flickr group? My screen name is "sjmb2013".
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Manx;567618 said:
Hey guys. I was thinking of trying this process myself but that post where Jan Barrel mentioned a big tear at right angles to his frenulum unsettled me. I wondered if it might have anything to do with all the scar tissue caused by numerous tyings.

I was just wondering if i could have an update from some of you guys like phallus and janbarrel or anyone who finished their tyings several months ago. Have you noticed any long terms problems or issues as a result of the tyings or is everything still A-OK?

I want to lengthen my frenulum but i don't really need to, it's more for cosmetic reasons and i'm just pondering whether it might be safer to leave it alone rather than replacing my frenulum with scar tissue.

Also, could someone add me to the Flickr group? My screen name is "sjmb2013".

This thread is a monster thread and it blows my mind that something I did to myself, by mistake, has become something men are doing on purpose:) For me, when my frenulum was torn, after the recovery I gained length just because the tightness of the frenulum was gone leaving the penis easier to stretch. I can not suggest this "home surgery" but I do understand why men have addressed it.
Manx;567618 said:
Hey guys. I was thinking of trying this process myself but that post where Jan Barrel mentioned a big tear at right angles to his frenulum unsettled me. I wondered if it might have anything to do with all the scar tissue caused by numerous tyings.

I was just wondering if i could have an update from some of you guys like phallus and janbarrel or anyone who finished their tyings several months ago. Have you noticed any long terms problems or issues as a result of the tyings or is everything still A-OK?

I want to lengthen my frenulum but i don't really need to, it's more for cosmetic reasons and i'm just pondering whether it might be safer to leave it alone rather than replacing my frenulum with scar tissue.

Also, could someone add me to the Flickr group? My screen name is "sjmb2013".

shouldnt be a problem if you don't go too deep and dont do too many ties. Loosing it just a bit with one tie is probably the safest way to go.
Way i did it, did it in 2008 i believe, because wanted to really be uncut. Didnt.know about this site, or anyone else that would do it. I just had a plastic ear stretching kit, one was tapered to the size, a long piece, and other was that size but a stud like barrell. I just kept extending, stretching size gradually till it snapped. Was a long process but not worrysome because i had ear stretcher.
Ya im the same. Not circumsized off of it, thats my goal when erect to be, im about half way theyre. Thats a nice clean tying job though. I have a little skin tag at the top, but overall happy because i winged it with no Penis Enlargement or any experience, nice to know i wasnt a whackjob after all, lol. Alot of my head sensitivity is gone, whitch i dont mind, pleases the girls alot. When had the fendulum could shoot alot farther because of tightness. Hard now because built up PM so much can block me ejaculating with my mind, girls dont like it, hah.
mojo_jojo;567863 said:
I've done tying (twice) two months ago, and here is the current result:

View attachment 27886

View attachment 27887

View attachment 27888

Orange lines indicate where the frenulum was originally joined, and the blue line marks the middle point of the cut.
I'm very satisfied with the outcome, would do it again, recommend it to a friend and all that. There's no scarring or loss of sensitivity whatsoever.
If anyone wants me to share more details about my procedure and it's aftermath, let me know. Unfortunately, I haven't taken any photos during the process, but there should be some old photos buried in the deeper layers of my hard drive.

You did an awesome job there! Very clean cut by the looks of it and it's healed nicely.
We have our own picture server, why doesn't anyone in this thread post their pictures here?
I've done tying (twice) two months ago, and here is the current result:


View attachment 27949______________View attachment 27950________________View attachment 27951

Orange lines indicate where the frenulum was originally joined, and the blue line marks the middle point of the cut.
I'm very satisfied with the outcome, would do it again, recommend it to a friend and all that. There's no scarring or loss of sensitivity whatsoever.
If anyone wants me to share more details about my procedure and it's aftermath, let me know. Unfortunately, I haven't taken any photos during the process, but there should be some old photos buried in the deeper layers of my hard drive.
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I'm hoping to try this tomorrow morning, will definitely take photos. I really would prefer to be cut (except I have nowhere near the required money) and am hoping that my foreskin will loosen up enough to retract fully when flaccid. By the way, could I please be added to the flickr group? My username is spython88
It should loosen up enough to be fully retracted even when erect, I had to tie twice to get there, but the whole thing was over within a week. One thing i didn't mention is that there was initially a small skin tag left on the upper end of the cut (at the upper orange line). It was roughly 2 mm long and 1 mm thick. Yes, I've successfully tied that thing off :). So, actually it took three steps (the second tying of the frenulum and the tying of the skin tag were done simultaneously).
OK, I've taken the plunge, it was all really painless. I used betadine as an antiseptic, a sewing needle and a cotton/polyester thread. Painkillers/ice was not necessary, it wasn't all that painful anyway. Anyway, here's the photos

Photo 1
Photo 2
Photo 3
Hi Guys ive been reading this forum for a few weeks now, keep coming back and just decided to register... was wondering if anybody was still active on this subject? i also want to tie my frenulum since i experience pain when i use condoms, is it possible that anybody could add me to the group on flickr? i registered there as well today, my screen name is jacquesH17... im just not sure if i understand corectky of how exactly you tie the knot (in which direction) if that makes sense? will come back soon to see if you guys are still active here :-) really do hope so!
Thanks for the pics... pls let me know how the experience goes... i read all posts on this forum, but nerves are getting to me now, wanting to do it soon, i wanted to do it today, but was hoping i get to see more pics on flickr first...
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YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYYYYY! You have made me happy...I have been quite obsessed with seeing pictures here on the forum...I was starting to think there was a Frenulum Conspiracy against me and my feeble Frenulum:)
Hey guys. After reading all the success stories, I really want to have my own frenulum tied! I was decided to do it today, but I didn't find a good place to pierce. I've a major problem with a big vein all along my frenulum. There's only a little space where the frenulum joins the glans but it's not easy to hold everything and put the needle in only with 2 hands! I've pierced my prince albert myself and it was a lot easier to find the way to go (maybe more painful but thats another story...)!
Has anybody already pierced "under" the big vein? Doing so, it will be cut off with the frenulum.
Is it possible to stretch the frenulum if I don't manage to cut it?
Could someone invite me to the flickr group please?
Second try today and it's still not ok for me :-(
I have very little space to put the needle in without risks for the veins and it's really not easy. I'm not sure there will be a third try...
Third try today... Successful this time! Frenulum is tied :)
Still have to wait a week or so to see the results. Hoping everything will be ok.
Hi all!

I was just replying to a few PM's about Flickr group invitations. It seems that sometimes Flickr cannot find the usernames provided for some reason. I'm not sure why exactly. But if anyone still wants invitations to the group on Flickr, it might be best to provide the email address associated with your Flickr account too as a secondary means for invite.

Congratulations to all the recent frenulum tie-ers! Once healed, there will be many happy years ahead I'm sure ;)
The recent pictures suBathmateitted here are just excellent. Very good job!

doublelongdaddy;569771 said:
YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYYYYY! You have made me happy...I have been quite obsessed with seeing pictures here on the forum...I was starting to think there was a Frenulum Conspiracy against me and my feeble Frenulum:)

I think it was more about the indivudal's privacy at the time more than anything else. I personally didn't mind at all suBathmateitting mine but that was about half a thread back now lol.

So for ANYONE TYING IN THE FUTURE please consider coming back here and posting progress/before&after pictures to help others. It makes sense to do so here :)
Hello folks! Tying looks like a great solution to a short frenulum. I have all the equipment and creams ready but I don't know the best way to sterilize the needle and thread. How did you guys go about doing it?
mojo_jojo;568180 said:
I've done tying (twice) two months ago, and here is the current result:


View attachment 27949______________View attachment 27950________________View attachment 27951

Orange lines indicate where the frenulum was originally joined, and the blue line marks the middle point of the cut.
I'm very satisfied with the outcome, would do it again, recommend it to a friend and all that. There's no scarring or loss of sensitivity whatsoever.
If anyone wants me to share more details about my procedure and it's aftermath, let me know. Unfortunately, I haven't taken any photos during the process, but there should be some old photos buried in the deeper layers of my hard drive.

I did not see this set of photos, very good work, very clean and surgically perfect!
mojo_jojo;568180 said:
I've done tying (twice) two months ago, and here is the current result:


View attachment 27949______________View attachment 27950________________View attachment 27951

Orange lines indicate where the frenulum was originally joined, and the blue line marks the middle point of the cut.
I'm very satisfied with the outcome, would do it again, recommend it to a friend and all that. There's no scarring or loss of sensitivity whatsoever.
If anyone wants me to share more details about my procedure and it's aftermath, let me know. Unfortunately, I haven't taken any photos during the process, but there should be some old photos buried in the deeper layers of my hard drive.

I did not see this set of photos, very good work, very clean and surgically perfect!
Hi everybody,
New update for my "story". The thread has fall off tuesday morning (day 4). I think the morning wood helped a bit...;)
I'm very happy with the results for a first tying. Visually it's not impressive but the feeling is far better. Waiting for complete healing to see if a second tying would be necessary, but I don't think so.
Many thanks for sharing your success stories. I had never heard about frenulum tying 2 weeks ago and now mine is cut :cool:
Need help here.
Ok, so I managed to pierce through the frenulum with a needle, everything's fine, no bleeding.
Then i did a little knot and cut the string off but now every time the foresking comes back up and cover the head the knot unties and gets loose.
WTF? What am I doing wrong? Now I need to learn how to do a knot asap as possible.

I'll provide you with pics as soon as my camera finishes charging.
Sorry for the double post, I tried a double knot but it didn't seem to work at first, same problem with the knot becoming loose.
Now I don't have enough string to double knot anymore.
afff;576635 said:
Sorry for the double post, I tried a double knot but it didn't seem to work at first, same problem with the knot becoming loose.
Now I don't have enough string to double knot anymore.

afff, try a blood knot, it seems to be working for me. There are many examples of how to tie a blood knot on the web, and it's pretty easy. It has the advantage that you can continue to tighten it as required without retying, and it doesn't come loose provided you do enough turns (I used 6). Used cheap 10lb fishing line, around 0.012 ", 0.3mm diameter. You'll probably need to put some new line through from what you say though.

Good luck.
First tie successful, 18mm separation. Will rest for a couple of weeks before going further.
PhallusOfOsiris;491015 said:

In regards to this picture how did you make the frenulum detach after the first tying (at the top of the frenulum). Did you tie a new one at the lower half of the frenulum where the foreskin folds are.

I have done my first tying but there is still a tiny bit of frenulum at the bottom now where the glans makes an upside down V if that makes sense, do I tie here to release it further.

Also I am uncut so is it possible to make it like this http://www.male-initiation.net/library/gallery/frenuloplasty/frenulum_tying.html#start so that the foreskin can be more rounded rather than having that area below the foreskin.
Hi guys, I was just wondering if it is possible to make your penis look like this hxxp://malemotion.com/video/no-frenulum-long-foreskin.j53, if so does anyone know how he did it?
Hi. I also what to know how the guy from the video removed his frenulum.

Is it possible to get the same results with frenulum tying?
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