Double Long Daddy, The Guru
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Super Moderator
Performing the DLD Blaster:
Warm up to the Blasters
Sitting on the toilet in a totally flaccid state stretch penis upward to a taunt pull. In this state do 100 quick Kegels. This will aid in making you aware of the PC muscle prior to engaging in the Blasters. It will also serve to pre-exhaust the PC muscle to some extent. When this is complete move on to the actual Blasters.

The Blasters
Sitting on the toilet get yourself into the DLD “A” stretch. For some this may be difficult due to wrist size so the RB fake arm stretch or the Dual Fulcrum Stretch can be substituted. I would prefer that everyone eventually get into the “A’ Stretch as an ultimate goal so continue trying to get into it as you make gains.

Once in the “A” Stretch pull your penis to a good solid stretch straight out. In this position do kegel. (take note of how your penis will pull back as the PC muscle flexes) Hold this Kegel for 5 seconds. Feel the pull back? If not loosen stretch a bit...your main objective on this part of the stretch is to feel that slight pull make so the next part of the exercise can be felt. The Kegel portion of this exercise is to serve only this function..this is where you will be training your PC muscle the stretch is only in place to feel the pull back.

Now this is where you want to really stretch... do a Reverse Kegel (as you make this change from a Kegel to a Reverse Kegel you will feel the PC Unflex) As you RK pull your stretch to accommodate the unflex, meaning just as when you Kegel the penis pulls back the penis in a Reverse Kegel will produce more slack. Stretch this to your max for 5 seconds. During this 5 second Reverse Kegel be sure to pivot your arm or fake arm to increase tension. The idea on the Reverse Kegel is to take your stretching capasity beyond normal and this is accomplished by the Arm pivot, Fake arm Pivot or Increasing pull on Dual Fulcrum.

This is one Rep.

You should continue to do rep sets of these. (formula 5sec Kegel, 5 sec Reverse Kegel= One rep. [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98]x 50[/words])

The same instructions apply to the "Bundled Version of this exercise"

All Graphic Images will be included after this post.
That is great - now.... is there a similar explanation about what the DLD A Stretch, RB fake arm and Dual fulcrum are? Can't do this one without the explanation of those.

Many thanks
I will get all this info up tomorow jelqtogrow.
I do this workout every two days, DLD + jelq, I found it confortable, but how could be sure they works? Which are the signals of a good job?

After DLD I feel a little pain if I touch the base of my penis and it is reddened. I use usually toilet paper for a better grip.

What's the best? Do DLD more times in a day, do it with intensity (strech penis hard), do it with minor intensity but with lot of kegel, reverse kegel, strecht...
Originally posted by cableman
I do this workout every two days, DLD + jelq, I found it confortable, but how could be sure they works? Which are the signals of a good job?

After DLD I feel a little pain if I touch the base of my penis and it is reddened. I use usually toilet paper for a better grip.

What's the best? Do DLD more times in a day, do it with intensity (strech penis hard), do it with minor intensity but with lot of kegel, reverse kegel, strecht...

I go both ways. I like to increase the intensity of the stretch over the reverse kegel time. So if I am doing a 10 second reverse kegel I will start the stretch moderate and increase the intensity to the max towards the end of the 10 seconds.
Originally posted by doublelongdaddy

I go both ways.

See, I knew there was something funny about you man. Now that we know youre BI...LOL Just kidding man, just had to seize an opportunity!
man you need to do a video or something for us on this one. the kegal/reverse kegal is easily understoon for me but it's the bundled A stretch role I'm having tough time understanding.
loco said:
man you need to do a video or something for us on this one. the kegal/reverse kegal is easily understoon for me but it's the bundled A stretch role I'm having tough time understanding.

There are videos on all of this on the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MoS[/words] site.
whoa just did 50 reps of these and WHOOOAA!!! they are powerful.
I can see myself making some big gains off this exercise.

You really feel it and see the results.
My dick got well stretchy and I cold pull it further flacid, man its all good.
Thanx DLD ;)
BosheR said:
whoa just did 50 reps of these and WHOOOAA!!! they are powerful.
I can see myself making some big gains off this exercise.

You really feel it and see the results.
My dick got well stretchy and I cold pull it further flacid, man its all good.
Thanx DLD ;)

The exercise that thousands of Thund3rs Pl@ce Members used to make miles of dick...The exercise that gave me 4" of new dick...The exercise that made [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MOS[/words] possible...
getting back into pe as of right now.
Have taken about 4 months off because ive been really busy, and slack i guess.
The blasters have worked for me beofre, ive gained about 1.2 inches of length with this exercise. My goal is to gain about another inch of length by next year, about 6 weeks. A big ask , but ill put in the effort to get to it.

Cheers dld.
dex said:
I always get hard when im doing A stretches. Anybody had experienced the same?
I sometimes would get semi-erect, and have to stop for about five minutes to pick up where I left off. I think it is because so much of the shaft receives pressure from the wrist.
There's a couple things I don't understand.

doublelongdaddy said:
Performing the DLD Blaster:
Once in the “A” Stretch pull your penis to a good solid stretch straight out.

I thought with the "A" stretch you pulled down? What exactly is the point of using your wrist if you're just pulling straight forward?

Also, I simply don't understand why using the "A" stretch is better than just regular stretching. If you just did a regular manual stretch (instead of the "A" stretch) and did everything else the same, why would that be less productive?
ocd said:

the action of a lever or the mechanical advantage gained by it

Do you pull forward while doing the "A" stretch with the DLD blasters? All the pics and descriptions I've seen have been pulling downward. If you're pulling straight forward, I really don't understand what kind of leverage that would give you.
"Once in the “A” Stretch pull your penis to a good solid stretch straight out."

Do you actually mean strait out, or over the wrist and down? Im a bit confused about this one because in the picture it is over and down.
Nice goal i would love to see you make it. Let us know how it's going :)
PR69 said:
"Once in the “A” Stretch pull your penis to a good solid stretch straight out."

Do you actually mean strait out, or over the wrist and down? Im a bit confused about this one because in the picture it is over and down.

That's the same thing I was wondering about. ?:(
T-Baby said:
Do you pull forward while doing the "A" stretch with the DLD blasters? All the pics and descriptions I've seen have been pulling downward. If you're pulling straight forward, I really don't understand what kind of leverage that would give you.

Anyone? Anyone?
T-Baby said:
Do you pull forward while doing the "A" stretch with the DLD blasters? All the pics and descriptions I've seen have been pulling downward. If you're pulling straight forward, I really don't understand what kind of leverage that would give you.

Can someone please answer this? I'm sure SOMEONE must know. :cool:
Hydromaxmm... I always pulled down, but then again, I gained nothing. I think the advantage to pulling straight out would just be more power from the second hand. Let's wait to see if DLD answers this one though. He would know better than I.
T-Baby said:
There's a couple things I don't understand.

...and this is why we can ask for help:) I only wish I had more time to be on the forums to answer every question that I get. Persistence in KING and you caught my attention:)

T-Baby said:
I thought with the "A" stretch you pulled down? What exactly is the point of using your wrist if you're just pulling straight forward?

Leverage or essentially a "simple machine" Using the wrist as a ramp/Lever you can not only get trajectory leverage but opposite resistance far beyond that of your normal strength output. The body is an amazing thing with limitless ingenuity's if we only look:)

Woman get milk from their boobs, why not strength from our wrists?

T-Baby said:
Also, I simply don't understand why using the "A" stretch is better than just regular stretching. If you just did a regular manual stretch (instead of the "A" stretch) and did everything else the same, why would that be less productive?

Wow, I guess I answered this already
Alright, cool. Thanks DLD. I understand now. I know you must be very busy with your various projects. That's why I persisted, because I just figured you'd eventually get to it.

I've been registered for awhile, but I've just recently really got into studying this stuff and working out every single day. I really like your style, and I wish you the best of luck with all your ventures.

I'm looking forward to the Alpha Blade.
Thanks, DLD, for explaining this again. I've done the A stretches for some time off and on. Guess I'll try these with the reverse kegel for a few months and see how it goes.
No problems guys!

goinfor11x7 said:
Thanks, DLD, for explaining this again. I've done the A stretches for some time off and on. Guess I'll try these with the reverse kegel for a few months and see how it goes.

T-Baby said:
Alright, cool. Thanks DLD. I understand now. I know you must be very busy with your various projects. That's why I persisted, because I just figured you'd eventually get to it.

I've been registered for awhile, but I've just recently really got into studying this stuff and working out every single day. I really like your style, and I wish you the best of luck with all your ventures.

I'm looking forward to the Alpha Blade.
doublelongdaddy said:
Performing the DLD Blaster:
Once in the “A” Stretch pull your penis to a good solid stretch straight out. .

hey seeing how much DLD advocates doing these to increase length, i want to try these out. I'm a little confused though, by "straight out" does this mean stretch directly away from your body or over and pull down like the pictures suggest.

Also, a reverse kegle is kind of like "pushing out" like if you were going to the bathroom right?

thanks for the help :)
BigGainer12 said:
hey seeing how much DLD advocates doing these to increase length, i want to try these out. I'm a little confused though, by "straight out" does this mean stretch directly away from your body or over and pull down like the pictures suggest.

Also, a reverse kegle is kind of like "pushing out" like if you were going to the bathroom right?

thanks for the help :)

Exactly on both questions, the illustration denotes the A-Stretch done later in the exercise.
Alright so basically you just get into the A stretch, kegel, then reverse kegel to further intensify the stretch? i cant wait to do these and start gaining :)
BigGainer12 said:
Alright so basically you just get into the A stretch, kegel, then reverse kegel to further intensify the stretch? i cant wait to do these and start gaining :)

Basically, when you engage in a reverse kegel the ligaments become highly venerable to a stretch.
Have been a lurcker but believe modest gains are possible and possibly more but kids make time hard to come by. Anyone's thoughts of 5-6 sessions a day of 5-10 minutes. I believe I have gained modest length .5 inch stretching this way although no girth. Would like to gain about another .5 as that would put me above 7 BPenis EnlargementL. Girth of 5.2-5.3 is okay and my wife digs it enough that we go at it about 3x weekly even after 3 kids and us in our 40s
workinit said:
Have been a lurcker but believe modest gains are possible and possibly more but kids make time hard to come by. Anyone's thoughts of 5-6 sessions a day of 5-10 minutes. I believe I have gained modest length .5 inch stretching this way although no girth. Would like to gain about another .5 as that would put me above 7 BPenis EnlargementL. Girth of 5.2-5.3 is okay and my wife digs it enough that we go at it about 3x weekly even after 3 kids and us in our 40s

Mini-sessions are a great method to making length gains, particularly 10 minutes (this seems to be the time that stretching feels most productive). I wrote about frequent stretching sessions somewhere, but I believe the more frequently you put your penis into an extended length stretch, the better your chances of making quicker gains.
doublelongdaddy said:
Mini-sessions are a great method to making length gains, particularly 10 minutes (this seems to be the time that stretching feels most productive). I wrote about frequent stretching sessions somewhere, but I believe the more frequently you put your penis into an extended length stretch, the better your chances of making quicker gains.

i'm going to start this more as well, i was kind of wondering the same thing about stretching throughout the day

time to make some nice gains :)
I really can't seem to get the hang of reverse kegels...
I've being doing ordinary kegels for ages and my pc muscle seems pretty good now. But I don't quite get the whole reverse kegel thing.
I try pushing like I'm trying to take a leak... is that right? Even when I do that I see no difference - my penis doesn't stretch any further out or anything.
What am I doing wrong ?
Rude_God said:
I really can't seem to get the hang of reverse kegels...
I've being doing ordinary kegels for ages and my pc muscle seems pretty good now. But I don't quite get the whole reverse kegel thing.
I try pushing like I'm trying to take a leak... is that right? Even when I do that I see no difference - my penis doesn't stretch any further out or anything.
What am I doing wrong ?

If you are doing a reverse kegel there needs to be a release or extension of the suspensory ligaments. Perhaps you are mentally holding back somehow. I would love to see you get this right as this is a prime place to grab gains. It is an internal movement that is akin to peeing hard but without the extension something is being held back. Really concentrate.
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    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
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    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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