megzobo;466855 said:
Can anyone please help me. So I used the winevac with my [words= ]Bathmate[/words] and I must say it is awesome. However now when I use it, I get bubbles at the top of the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] and when I pump even more, it seems to really relieve the pressure.

Your [words= ]Bathmate[/words] isn't broken. Mine does the same thing. Take the button you push down to release pressure and just rotate it/twist it until it stops. This will happen to me and I'll just rotate the hard plastic piece 1/3rd of a rotation and it stops. Sometimes I will however rotate it and it gets worse, but it's just a matter of fooling with it until the bubbles stop.
Oh my goodness. I love you guys. I got the wine vac today and for the first time i went passed 180. Been stuck there for a year. I don't know if my [words= ]Bathmate[/words] wasn't wokring right but the suction now is amazing. Going to take it very slow though.
DLD, my [words= ]Bathmate[/words] is still leaking. Twisting the top did not make a difference. I think I will have to start doing more jelqs because my [words= ]Bathmate[/words] can not hold pressure anymore. Kind of sad since I just recently got about 4 weeks ago. :(
Just make sure you rotated it well if it didn't work. I usually lose all of the pump in the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] when I do it and I have to retry 3-4 times to get it to work, but rotating the top part, while difficult, didn't change anything? Didn't get worse or better?
Also to answer your question, when I rotate the head, it seems to leak out even more. It actually relieves the pressure faster and completely. I am not sure what to do. I wll gladly accept any advise I can get.
megzobo;467176 said:
I did just that after just rotating it only about 1/3 of a rotation. That did not help either

Keep pluggin away, you will figure it out. Try once again and start from the first position and try each again, you will find the right angle.
Try rotating it a lot in the other direction? I think most I've had to rotate it is a full rotation. I lose pressure and always have to start over so don't feel bad if that happens. For me if the top starts making bubbles I just scrap the set, fix the bubbles and start over. Keep playing with the rotation there might just be a sweet spot. Don't get frustrated remember this is supposed to be fun and enjoyable, which means stick with the winevac.
I will stick with the winevac. I totally love it. Thanks for your help. I totally love this forum and all the information I have found
Has anyone tried any alternatives to the winevac from Vacu vin?

I bought the white vacu vin pump with the single ring rubber stopper and the stopper(different from the poster's) does not fit over the [words= ]Bathmate[/words]. I actually tried heating it as mention before and the rubber stopper ripped when I was expanding it backwards.

I bought broccoli too from the grocery store to try and use its rubber band but it was too big to fit securely with just the pump and [words= ]Bathmate[/words].

I was planning to order the correct stoppers but according to vacu vin, they stopped production of the one used by the poster and I believe it does not work with the white pump. (Reference: @ the Q&A section)

I want to get this right and experience the full potential of the [words= ]Bathmate[/words]. Does anyone have any suggestions? Anyone else using the white wine vac pump?

This is the one I bought:
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Asinine16;467878 said:
Has anyone tried any alternatives to the winevac from Vacu vin?

I bought the white vacu vin pump with the single ring rubber stopper and the stopper(different from the poster's) does not fit over the [words= ]Bathmate[/words]. I actually tried heating it as mention before and the rubber stopper ripped when I was expanding it backwards.

I bought broccoli too from the grocery store to try and use its rubber band but it was too big to fit securely with just the pump and [words= ]Bathmate[/words].

I was planning to order the correct stoppers but according to vacu vin, they stopped production of the one used by the poster and I believe it does not work with the white pump. (Reference: @ the Q&A section)

I want to get this right and experience the full potential of the [words= ]Bathmate[/words]. Does anyone have any suggestions? Anyone else using the white wine vac pump?

This is the one I bought:
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Asinine16;467878 said:
Has anyone tried any alternatives to the winevac from Vacu vin?

I bought the white vacu vin pump with the single ring rubber stopper and the stopper(different from the poster's) does not fit over the [words= ]Bathmate[/words]. I actually tried heating it as mention before and the rubber stopper ripped when I was expanding it backwards.

I bought broccoli too from the grocery store to try and use its rubber band but it was too big to fit securely with just the pump and [words= ]Bathmate[/words].

I was planning to order the correct stoppers but according to vacu vin, they stopped production of the one used by the poster and I believe it does not work with the white pump. (Reference: @ the Q&A section)

I want to get this right and experience the full potential of the [words= ]Bathmate[/words]. Does anyone have any suggestions? Anyone else using the white wine vac pump?

This is the one I bought:

Hi Asinine16.

Me too I had the same problem. I believe we have the same stopper. Try tying the rubber band around the valve 3 times and put the pump directly on top of it. You can test it by putting the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] on your chest and air pumping. if you feel your chest being sucked then it is working. Otherwise air must be escaping between rubber band and the pump. It works for me. In fact I have broken my own record, I can pump now to 210. Without the winevac, I could only reach 197. max. But be careful because the suction is very strong with winevac. Used it the last 5 min of your 20min session.
Guys, I picked up a wine vacuum at bed bath and beyond today that does the job. The stopped is flexible and large enough to fit over the top vent holes on the [words= ]Bathmate[/words]. The device was 12.99 and comes with 2 stoppers. The brand is Rabbit.

I "tested" it out by placing my [words= ]Bathmate[/words] face down on the counter and vacuuming the air out. It worked. I'll give it a real run through tomorrow and post my results.
Ty nw2pe, it worked. I was trying to tie the wine vac to the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] with the rubberband. Thx for clearing it up. I was just about to order more stoppers too.
The Rabbit brand wine vac that I purchased works perfectly. The stoppers are also very soft and flexible. I modified the stopper by placing it over a small metal cone and placing it in 1" of boiling water to stretch it. You can also use the highlighter or magic marker body as they seem to be about the proper diameter. The stopper now fits over the entire clear plastic valve of the [words= ]Bathmate[/words].
This device will not work for the [words= ]X-40[/words], so bare in mind those with one as you'll not be able to use it :( like me.
That's the exact one I have. Cut and glue a circle piece of foam to it and it will be perfect. And when I say exact I mean exact.
REDZULU2003;468034 said:
This device will not work for the [words= ]X-40[/words], so bare in mind those with one as you'll not be able to use it :( like me.

Red, have you tried using it with the [words=]vlc[/words] skin cone, that is what I use on my [words= ]X-40[/words].
Just ordered my wine vac from amazon. I started doing the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] 3 x 20min. every day. It's going to be crazy with the wine vac I can't wait to try it out.
Just received my VacuVin from amazon today. The stopper didn't fit over the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] so I rushed to [words=]MOS[/words] and read Cockycocks's tip about using the skin cone. What a great idea! The skin cone goes right over the top of the [words= ]Bm[/words] and sticks there like it's made for it. The stopper than fits perfectly snug into the top hole of the skin cone! This is some mod, it's funny that the [words=]VLC[/words] got into the mix and I actually needed it lol. I can even use the wine vac with the [words=]VLC[/words] on the [words=]SG[/words], this is so cool. I was getting scared there for a second but [words=]MOS[/words] comes to the rescue like always. :)
this a great mod. about the best I could do before with the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] was between 160-170, now I can push it to almost 180. What I like about the mod is that I can now use it dry and still get a great session. My only problem now is that my girth at the base is better than 6 1/8, pre-pump, so it's getting very uncomfortable for me, which up 2 issues: 1. I'm only a little over 6 for bpel, so there is going to be a lot space when I get the [words= ]X-40[/words], which brings the 2nd problem. 2. The [words= ]Bathmate[/words] link goes straight to amazon, and there isn't a [words= ]X-40[/words] available.....:(
I'll have to look into further purchasing one of those [words=]VLC[/words] Skin cones one day as currently this mod wont work with the [words= ]X-40[/words].
Having the same issue with the stopper. Where can you get the skin cone without purchasing a whole [words=]vlc[/words]?
My wine vac made by Bonny, with a foam ring glued to the rim fits perfectly over my [words= ]X-40[/words] and my [words= ]X-40[/words]. The head of the [words= ]X-40[/words] and [words= ]X-40[/words] are identical.
I was having the same issue. I used a little heat to get the rubber pliable and stretch it out a little using my hands. But the simple trick is the way you stretch it when applying it to the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] just like in the video (post #25) put your thumbs on the inside stretch it out and slide it right over. It was so easy I felt kind of stupid for having so much trouble.

twins172_up;470825 said:
Having the same issue with the stopper. Where can you get the skin cone without purchasing a whole [words=]vlc[/words]?
twins172_up;470825 said:
Having the same issue with the stopper. Where can you get the skin cone without purchasing a whole [words=]vlc[/words]?
[words=]tlctugger[/words].com go with the rc10, I also have the rc14, but that one was to big for this. you can buy just the skin cone.
Okay so Im wondering, do I pump just using the winevac only or do I pump with the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] then Winevac? Also, does this method bring back the massive expansion the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] gave at first use? (B/c at first I could fill the chamber completely width wise in like 20-30mins. Now Im lucky if I can do that in 60mins)
Hello my english reading is not very good so i got a question,

If i attach this mod to my [words= ]Bathmate[/words] do i still need to compress the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] like before with my hands? Another question is how do you release the pressure/water from [words= ]Bathmate[/words] with that mod attached.

Thanks in advance
CockyCock;455343 said:
I ended up buying a wine vac called Houdini (see pictures below in the link) and the wine cork would not fit over the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] nozzle, so i added the skin cone from my [words=]vlc[/words] [words=]tugger[/words] and put it over the nozzle then connected it to the wine cork and pumped the best session i have ever had! I didnt even use water, i"m trying that next. Just imagine batHydromaxating while driving or walking around without the worry of spilling water, cool right!! Just remember to be careful with exceeding pressure!

Where can you buy the Houdini Wine Vac from
CockyCock;455343 said:
I ended up buying a wine vac called Houdini (see pictures below in the link) and the wine cork would not fit over the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] nozzle, so i added the skin cone from my [words=]vlc[/words] [words=]tugger[/words] and put it over the nozzle then connected it to the wine cork and pumped the best session i have ever had! I didnt even use water, i"m trying that next. Just imagine batHydromaxating while driving or walking around without the worry of spilling water, cool right!! Just remember to be careful with exceeding pressure!
I don't know where to find it
Jamie_Maddrox;473814 said:
Okay so Im wondering, do I pump just using the winevac only or do I pump with the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] then Winevac? Also, does this method bring back the massive expansion the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] gave at first use? (B/c at first I could fill the chamber completely width wise in like 20-30mins. Now Im lucky if I can do that in 60mins)

You can pump with both the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] and the WineVac modification. The expansion is better because there's more suction/pressure within the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] chamber. 20-30 minutes is too long, unless you are on a low pressure (really low). The WineVac modification is for those who want an intense session that lasts maximum 20 minutes. 30 Minutes I think my cock would stay purple for ever :P

I hope this helps
Any Beer & Wine Store.
I'm in Canada and saw one at the Liquor Store but didn't buy one there. I went to China Tire and bought it there but realize I payed too much when I found one 30% cheaper at London Drugs.
You could also just buy one online.
Seek and you shall find.
StaffMeeting;474581 said:
Any Beer & Wine Store.
I'm in Canada and saw one at the Liquor Store but didn't buy one there. I went to China Tire and bought it there but realize I payed too much when I found one 30% cheaper at London Drugs.
You could also just buy one online.
Seek and you shall find.

I understand but I'm looking for the one that Gettinthere had because when I checked in Amazon the specific one he said he used was sold out and I bought the other ones and for some reason they wouldn't fit on the Bathmates tip so I really need help with putting it on and finding that specific one
StaffMeeting;474581 said:
Any Beer & Wine Store.
I'm in Canada and saw one at the Liquor Store but didn't buy one there. I went to China Tire and bought it there but realize I payed too much when I found one 30% cheaper at London Drugs.
You could also just buy one online.
Seek and you shall find.
Thank you for the advice I really appreciate it
Okay, I recently purchased a Vacu Vin wine saver ( and like everybody else the stoppers dont fit the [words= ]X-40[/words] valve. I just ordered the skin cone (RC10). Would the stoppers I have work with the skin cone I ordered and if so would they both work on the [words= ]X-40[/words]?
I wouldn't bother with this unless you can get the stuff cheaply. I purchased the Wine Vac as well and it wouldn't fit the [words= ]X-40[/words], so a waste of money really. I know the skin cone thing is said to help but I aint shelling out more money at this stage. If anyone here has a [words= ]X-40[/words] and finds a vac piece which fits over it without other pieces to be purchased then please let us know.
REDZULU2003;475814 said:
I wouldn't bother with this unless you can get the stuff cheaply. I purchased the Wine Vac as well and it wouldn't fit the [words= ]X-40[/words], so a waste of money really. I know the skin cone thing is said to help but I aint shelling out more money at this stage. If anyone here has a [words= ]X-40[/words] and finds a vac piece which fits over it without other pieces to be purchased then please let us know.

I just use the Wine Vac pump without the rubber tip on the [words= ]X-40[/words]. Just have to align it properly and should pump the water out fine. :cool:
Check my previous post on this thread. I bought a wine vacuum (I think Rabbit) is the brand from bed bath and beyond. It has 2 attachments but they are a little to thin of a diameter to bit around the [words= ]Bathmate[/words]. I modified the tips by soacking them in some boiling water then placing them over a slightly larger device for a minute. This stretched them out to a perfect size. The modification was free and there are two attachments. I will upload pics of the device if it is requested.
REDZULU2003;475814 said:
I wouldn't bother with this unless you can get the stuff cheaply. I purchased the Wine Vac as well and it wouldn't fit the [words= ]X-40[/words], so a waste of money really. I know the skin cone thing is said to help but I aint shelling out more money at this stage. If anyone here has a [words= ]X-40[/words] and finds a vac piece which fits over it without other pieces to be purchased then please let us know.

Have you tried a thick rubber band on top and then putting the vacuvin pump on top of it to create a seal so no air escapes. It is works perfectly with the [words= ]X-40[/words]. By the way I use the rubber band that you get when you buy brocolli from the grocery store.
magiksock;475848 said:
Check my previous post on this thread. I bought a wine vacuum (I think Rabbit) is the brand from bed bath and beyond. It has 2 attachments but they are a little to thin of a diameter to bit around the [words= ]Bathmate[/words]. I modified the tips by soacking them in some boiling water then placing them over a slightly larger device for a minute. This stretched them out to a perfect size. The modification was free and there are two attachments. I will upload pics of the device if it is requested.
So you mean that when you boiled it in hot water the Wine Vacuum was able to stretch even more. That's nice I didn't know that. You should give out a video.
magiksock;475848 said:
Check my previous post on this thread. I bought a wine vacuum (I think Rabbit) is the brand from bed bath and beyond. It has 2 attachments but they are a little to thin of a diameter to bit around the [words= ]Bathmate[/words]. I modified the tips by soacking them in some boiling water then placing them over a slightly larger device for a minute. This stretched them out to a perfect size. The modification was free and there are two attachments. I will upload pics of the device if it is requested.
That is very interesting.
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