CockyCock;458861 said:
Hahahaha i had the same problem so i used my skin cone from the [words=]VLC[/words] [words=]Tugger[/words] to modify and it works perfect with the wine vac! Go to simple mod to increase vacuum pressure in the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] forum and i have a post with pics, or go to and u can c the pics directly, I hope this helps man!!

Hey CC, mind if I ask what size skin cone you have? I'm about to buy the [words=]VLC[/words] and did the measurements and talked to Ron and we decided on the RC8. I am just scared that it might be too small potentially to fit over the end of the [words= ]Bathmate[/words].
Its a small vacuum used to suck out the air in an opened bottle of wine to preserve the wine longer.
One of our members here came up with the idea to suck out extra air/water from the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] once you have reached normal max pressure.
It is a way to go beyond the max pressure one can get from compressing the gator in the [words= ]Bathmate[/words].
Because you are going beyond the normal safe pressure of the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] you have to be extra careful cause their is no gauge reading the pressure and you can easily up the pressure using this device to dangerous levels.

There are alot of animals here who like to push the boundaries of Penis Enlargement.
This shouldn't IMO be attempted by any novice or new guys to Penis Enlargement.
eldon;459316 said:
Hi, I never saw that. Can anybody tell me what is it and how it works ? please :)
Can someone advise on how to get the Vacu-Vin rubber stopper stretched over the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] valve?

I have tried and it simply will not fit over it. The rubber of the Vacu-vin stopper is just too tight.

Does Vacu-vin offer a larger-size stopper?

I even tried lubing up the stopper with Astroglide, to no avail. I could not get it to stretch like the OP does in the video. Finally, I tried cutting the lip off of the stopper to widen it but that left not enough rubber to create a seal.

Thanks in advance for any help!
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Ok what I did is I went to home depot and got a clear tube I think it is 7/8 inch wide.Cut a small piece. The end still needs to be stretched a bit to go over the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] valve. Use some heat from the stove as you widen it open. I used a screwdriver Handel. Once that is done just leave it on the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] because the other piece from the vac-vin fits right inside the clear tube. I just remove the vac-vin piece and use my finger to release the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] and such. If you need a pic let me know NP.
sweet improv, i would say if you are having problems you can heat it to make it more stretchy or like my vid put your thumbs in the stopper and just stretch it repeatedly. stretch hold for 5 mins and relax, will stretch the stopper and give u nice fore arms :D
That is what I did. I heated it over the stove as I opened up one side of the tube to go over the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] valve. A short piece of the tube is what I leave on and just remove the vacu-vin to use the valve & such. BTW the stretch and pressure you get with it is really good. @ 200 now with the [words= ]X-40[/words]!
EMTMJG33;459265 said:
Hey CC, mind if I ask what size skin cone you have? I'm about to buy the [words=]VLC[/words] and did the measurements and talked to Ron and we decided on the RC8. I am just scared that it might be too small potentially to fit over the end of the [words= ]Bathmate[/words].

i never sent Ron any measurements to kno what size i have. So i dont kno the size! best bet is to send Ron the circumference measurements from the top of the [words= ]Bathmate[/words].Goodluckman!
So here is my take on this mod. I decided i liked the idea of doing this after I kept getting small air bubbles 30% of the time leaking in from the tip of the [words= ]Bathmate[/words]. It was kind of frustrating to get an erection, fill with water and pump only to have the hissing sounds and see small air bubbles leaking from the valve after 1-2 mins.

So I recently bought a [words=]VLC[/words] and Skin Cone (size RC8 to be exact). I placed the skin cone over the end of the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] like someone else in this thread but noticed due to a smaller skin cone (it is the size I needed for the actual [words=]tugger[/words]) that I wouldn't be able to fit the nozzle tip through the skin cone without it interfering with the valve on top of the [words= ]Bathmate[/words]. So I just put the end of my Vacu Vin over the tip of the skin cone and viola, great pressure. I only have tested the pressure of the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] against my thigh but it was definitely creating more pressure than I have ever seen by just the [words=]gaiter[/words] alone.

I will test out the Vacu Vin with an actual pumping session either today or tomorrow and come back and let people know if it solved my air bubble issues and how the session goes.

I tried to upload directly to the site but I guess the images are too big even from my crappy phone. I dont feel like messing around to resize them so I just uploaded them here. Password to view them is: mos123
So I do a half hour of a stretching and jelq routine then the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] for another half hour with the vacu vin mod hitting 200 on the [words= ]Bathmate[/words]. Question is how to stay at that range...
Lmp;459952 said:
So I do a half hour of a stretching and jelq routine then the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] for another half hour with the vacu vin mod hitting 200 on the [words= ]Bathmate[/words]. Question is how to stay at that range...

Have you tried super-seting your [words= ]Bathmate[/words] session with jelqing instead of doing a straight 30 minutes? I suggest trying 5 minutes in the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] followed by jelqing for 5 minutes an doing the 3 times. This will get you passed that level for sure!
No DLD I haven't but I meant when I come out of the [words= ]Bathmate[/words]. I would think in time or hope. Thanks for the reply.
Lmp;460016 said:
No DLD I haven't but I meant when I come out of the [words= ]Bathmate[/words]. I would think in time or hope. Thanks for the reply.

Could make all the difference.
if you go to the simple mod to increase pressure sticky, alot of this is covered including a video of myself putting the stopper on the [words= ]Bathmate[/words].
GETTINTHERE;449808 said:
video of how i attach it, as you can see it's pretty firmly on and takes abit of effort to pull it off.


Do you think this would fit on the [words= ]X-40[/words]?
tef1;461469 said:
GETTINTHERE;449808 said:
video of how i attach it, as you can see it's pretty firmly on and takes abit of effort to pull it off.


Do you think this would fit on the [words= ]X-40[/words]?

Same size valve
Thanks Lmp for the tubing photos and thanks GETINTHERE for the original idea!

This is a GREAT mod. I am getting expansion like never before.

What I do is pump out the water/air with VacuVin until I feel a kind of burn in my dick. I believe that's the sign that I'm expanding to new levels. I then leave it for 5 minutes, then press the valve and give my dick a break and jelq some blood back into it, as per DLD.

So far I'm on three 5-minute VacuVin sets per session, want to work my way up to 4 or more, or perhaps two sessions of three per day. Will update on results, I think this could be the method that gets the girth gains really going.
Oh, damn!

Today in using the WineVac mod I pulled the valve lid out of the [words= ]Bathmate[/words].

No biggie, it clicks back on, EXCEPT:

I lost the little black button that keeps the water in!

I have e-mailed [words= ]Bathmate[/words] customer support about replacing this button / valve, but in the meantime:

Can anyone think of a household item that I could put into the valve to simulate the effect of the black button?

I cannot use the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] as normal now because it does not keep the water in without the black button.
I just found one at my house while cleaning, I will try it tonight!
I've been an avid user of the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] for 8 months and I must say this mod took my sessions to a whole new level. I've plateaued for the last 3 months because I can't get enough pressure to cause novel expansion anymore. After 3-4 minutes with the winevac it feels like I've gone back to my first session with the [words= ]Bathmate[/words]. So much pressure! I honestly wouldn't go back and I can almost imagine that this is going to push me past my slump.
I purchased the winevac and used it today for the first time ... oh my freakin goodness!!!. I had the hardest suction I ever had and I also pumped up an extra 10mm on the [words= ]Bathmate[/words]. Then when I came out the [words= ]Bathmate[/words]. I was fatter than I ever saw myself. Thank you so much for the suggestion with the winevac. Awesome!!! I look forward to my future gains. I will keep you guys posted.
Damn I completly forgot about this! Putting my order in for one of these. It takes the intensity levels up from the sounds of it and atm that is what I need. Thanks.

REDZULU2003;466611 said:
Got mine few days ago and will be using it very soon.

The one I bought fit over the release valve perfectly, but required a good deal of pressure to get a good seal. So I cut a foam ring and super glued it to the wine vac. Works perfect. If someone would give me an email address I can send a picture of it and my [words= ]X-40[/words] foam extension modification. I feel like my dick has grown half an inch since I first used it Monday.
Chas79;466618 said:
The one I bought fit over the release valve perfectly, but required a good deal of pressure to get a good seal. So I cut a foam ring and super glued it to the wine vac. Works perfect. If someone would give me an email address I can send a picture of it and my [words= ]X-40[/words] foam extension modification. I feel like my dick has grown half an inch since I first used it Monday.

Good work! I love the inventiveness an the advice an knowledge that is so freely given and accepted at [words=]Matters of Size[/words]:)
So I used the winevac with my [words= ]Bathmate[/words] and I must say it is awesome. However now when I use it, I get bubbles at the top of the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] and when I pump even more, it seems to really relieve the pressure. Not sure where the bubbles are coming from but any advice would be really appreciated. I love the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] and will order another one if I have to. Please help!!!
I've only recently noted that this device doesn't fit over the [words= ]X-40[/words] valve piece! It must be larger then the [words= ]X-40[/words] one.
Hi Everybody !

First time poster, long time lurker. I have been using [words= ]Bathmate[/words] for 6 months on and off. I went from pumping to 180 to 195 currently. I like it very much.
After reading this threat , I decided to buy a vacuvin. I bought mine at Canadian Tire.,+3-Pc.jsp?locale=en
But I had a hard time putting the stoppers on top of the [words= ]Bathmate[/words]. So, this is what I did. I put a thick rubber band around the valve cup of the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] and put the pump directly on top of it. When you buy brocolli from the market you get a thick rubber band that come with it. The idea is to create a seal so no air escape. I got erect, lubricated my penis and air pumped to 200 after 15 min. The suction is quite strong with the vinevac. Ijelqed for 10 min after.
One of my best session ever. Thanks GETTINTHERE for the vacuvin idea.
StaffMeeting;466841 said:
How the heck did you get the cap on there?

I just bought a Wine Vac and have been trying to stretch that cork over the tip of the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] like how you did, yet without any success so far.

Please share your technique.

I had the same problem too. If you have a thick rubber band put it along the valve cap and put the pump directly on top of it. It will work. try it.
StaffMeeting;466841 said:
How the heck did you get the cap on there?

I just bought a Wine Vac and have been trying to stretch that cork over the tip of the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] like how you did, yet without any success so far.

Please share your technique.

Never mind

Holy cow is this little mod so amazing!!!

I just figured out how to get the cap on there by rolling the rubber opening back as much as I could while heating it with a blow dryer and then folding it over top of the tip of the [words= ]Bathmate[/words].

This mod is so great because it doesn't take much to pump it up. I used only one hand to pump it up while I used the other hand to pull my balls from going inside.

Though, I'm still getting a lot of pain though from the bottom rings and am looking forward to getting and using the universal pump sleeves.


I still wonder how much time I've got to dedicate to using the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] to notice permanent gains.
Can anyone please help me. So I used the winevac with my [words= ]Bathmate[/words] and I must say it is awesome. However now when I use it, I get bubbles at the top of the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] and when I pump even more, it seems to really relieve the pressure. Not sure exactly where the bubbles are coming from but any advice would be really appreciated. I love the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] and will order another one if I have to. Please help!!!
megzobo;466855 said:
Can anyone please help me. So I used the winevac with my [words= ]Bathmate[/words] and I must say it is awesome. However now when I use it, I get bubbles at the top of the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] and when I pump even more, it seems to really relieve the pressure. Not sure exactly where the bubbles are coming from but any advice would be really appreciated. I love the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] and will order another one if I have to. Please help!!!

Do you get the same problem without using the winevac? if yes, there is a problem with your [words= ]Bathmate[/words].
REDZULU2003;466852 said:
Anyone done this with the [words= ]X-40[/words] model?

I just used a tube shaped piece of plastic to avoid this problem. I got the idea from a post/picture on this thread or maybe a video. It works great. I never had much luck with the peeling back and trying to use what just came with the VacVin.
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    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
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    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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