"tbirdy argued with me on this a few months ago and it got really, really ugly. Maybe he'd have more to say about it in this thread, but he stopped coming to [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MoS[/words] a few months back."
I'm always around and will be for as long as this site will be online. I just stopped posting simply because I didn't have anything new to say or tell. You can search up on all of my comments and theories concerning Penis Enlargement its dark sides and possible cures if you check out the profile and click on "display all posts by tbirdy"
I think I did tell you guys in some former posts that the surgery that I had was a terrible mistake and its result only lasted for like 2-3 weeks...
I did mention all the reasons for the initial success and the failure, so I'm not going to repeat (you can search it up)
I do however want to give you an update on my situation and also give you a link to a site wich almost perfectly describes the kind of surgery that I should have gotten and the kind of surgery I had in mind when I went to the so called specialists here:
Read it carefully, look at the pictures , remember my posts.
This is the only technique that I have seen in 2 years of research that gets pretty damn close to a complete cure for the venous leak and an almost perfect operation technique.
The guys who perform it obviously think along the same lines as I did and do. Eventhough its dated 2002 , these guys have the most up-to-date understanding of the penile venous system , and they also understand that some veins have to be closed/stripped completely to make sure they can't feed branches and thus rechannel.
If anyone plans on getting surgery, then this is the absolute minimum standard of quality and ED-knowledge to settle for.
I say minimum because there is already a better way of doing it, however I haven't there aren't any publications, its from personal contact to a specialist from austria.
Basically its the same operation like above (I mean the same understanding of the venous system) however they are alot less invasive and probably less dangerous.
The downside of the first technique is that they still do a pretty big horizontal cut wich, even if you recover your hard erection again, WILL leave you with a numbed upperside of your dick...everything below the cut or later scar will be numbed to a degree that varies. Its probably a good thing if you suffer from premature ejaculation due to oversensitive glans...keep in mind its only the superficial skin nerves that get cut then reconnect , however remain numbed (I speak from personal experience). The nerve bundle that induces erections and triggers orgasms is ofcourse left completely intact. Still you will be less sensitive. Als in the first opereation , they pull out the penis (out of the hole from the cut , then start dealing with the veins segment by segment) basically this is pretty damn invasive as you can imagine , and the risk to damage arteries or those above mentioned nerves is always there.
This is why the austria guys took the very same approach and modified it..instead of making a horizontal cut , they do a vertical 2 cm cut at the base of the penis , then insert a tiny flexible tube in the deep dorsla vein (so they can move it furth up the shaft , or move it into other veins) and then they inject a sklerosing/embolising agent into the vein , segment by segment making sure it closes in its whole length. You have all the benefits of the first operation without its possible threats to yor nerves.
This is pretty much the most minimal invasive way and they have GREAT results with the 60 patients that they have performed this operation on. As you can see this is all very new and based on the newest understanding of the penil venous system and anatomy.
Ok let me give you some ideas , theorys and advice. It may
sound sarcastic at times but its all researched based on true facts or my personel experience and understanding:
-Urologists do NOT have the knowledge, understanding and interest to permanently cure organic erectyle dysfunction, such as venous leak. All the can do is give you viagra and cialis to TEMPORARY cure the symptoms of ED, never its origin. 99% Of all urlogists are men in their 40s'-60's wich means they do not know the real anatomy of the penis, as dicovered and researched in the last 5 years. To make it short , they are a waste of time.
-there are only a handful of specialists or clinics in the whole world who are capable of correctly performing the above mentioned operations. Get that in your head. If you are serious about getting it done , consider a trip to china, france, russia or austria and keep in mind that it will cost 4000-5000k's. Everything else is a waste of time money and risking your penis.
-Veins can easily become the erections worst enemy.
I'm not going to explain the physiology of an erection, you either know it or can google it.
Basically at some point in the chain of events that lead to a hard erection, the veins have to be sealed of almost completely by the tunica albuginea (wich happens due to a much greater blood inflow than outflow) so that the penis can reach its maximum rigid state and remain there for as long as the stimulation (visual, manual, audial and so on) takes place. The veins have many points along the shaft where they connect through the tunica "inside the penis",
these are the points where this "sealing of takes place.
In a bad case scenario , you have some sort of malfunction , or local deformation at one part of the penis , where such an entry point exists. This resluts in a "leak"because the vein doesn't get pressed against the tunica there and its not sealed of...you loose blood just likea leaking ship , wich makes your captain go down more quickly or not get it up at all. However if you din't have the stupid vein sticking out of the entry point and stealing your blood you wouldn't have the problem in the first place.
- Even one fucked up vein (open entry point, leak) can lead to a great loss of hardness , girth , head size and spongiousum hardness.
-In the cavernosgraphys performed on guys who had some sort of venous surgery done you can see how they INSTANTLY regain their head, and spongiosum , and base girth fullness. Because the flow balance is in their favour again.
I experienced the same thing btw.
-You are a candidate for a operation on your veins when :
-you have atleast one functioning arterie that enters the penis at some point ( you got 4 of them and unless you smoke (=arteriosklerosis) you should be fine)
-your erection inducing nerves are alright...
symptoms of venous leak:
Well you penis used to be healthy, somehow you fucked it up now : can't get it up , no staying up , blood rushes out, head isn't firm , cs doesn't fill up and so on...all this is due to veins , if you cancelled out basic stuff such as testosterone test , psychological problems and so on..
-well I could go on for ages like this , but my original idea was to share that link with you so I try to stop here
my situation: Well pretty easy : I took many month to recover from the first disastrous operation, gained more knowledge , had contact with the austra guy, told him my whole story, he understood and confirmed what I experienced and found out, he offered a real solution , I cannot afford it
no money , no fuckin 5k's, my insurance would cover all of that if it wa sin germany , however not for austria, I'm saving money , but it will probably take me 3-4 years to have that amount..in the meantime I found a plebologist and convinced him of performing the probably most minimal invasive type of ED remedy...he is injecting a sklerosing agent in that one stupid vein of my choice attemting to close it full length
So far we tried it 3 times and each time I had my 100% erection and girth back for a week , then the stupid vein reopened, same shit everytime
We will try higher concentrations next time , well this is not austria and their modified newest techniques, but I don't want to wait 3 years , so I'm trying risky crazy stuff you see
Of course the doc and I , we are both extremly carefully, we are tryig to work our way up to eleminating all possible "venous leak" tubes one by one , segment by segment...it doesn't cost me anything (insurance pays it), then again it doesn't bring great results because we are probably too carefull about the concentrations...
Well ok , so much from me..I think sometime I'll be fully recovered , I'm definetly right in all of my assumption and on the right track, so wish me luck...if only that vein would remain shut aaaaaaaah