Alright, I'm MOS certified hehe! Thank you DLD I'm excited to start my journey once more. That's all I needed to know I appreciate your guidance and what you've done and are doing for this community brother, be blessed!
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Alright, I'm MOS certified hehe! Thank you DLD I'm excited to start my journey once more. That's all I needed to know I appreciate your guidance and what you've done and are doing for this community brother, be blessed!

I will always take blessings anywhere I can! God bless you my Brother
Hi all, would love your wisdom. After resolving phimosis some 10-11 years ago from stretching, have since been plagued with a tight frenulum. Started reading about tying frenulum and very intrigued with the idea (after receiving a $1000 estimate WITH INSURANCE to get it cut from a urologist!)
As is visible in the third image, just really concerned about the many many nerves that seem to be running through it, and certainly not seeing how to make a piercing and a tie that wouldn't wrap AROUND and pinch a nerve. If there is some loss of sensitivity, I think it'd be worth the reduced pain (from frenulum being tugged at when I'm trying to penetrate), but I don't want to be doing anything catastrophic to myself... Thoughts?
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Umm too impatient... Did it! I thought pushing the needle through would be less sensation-invoking than it ended up being (lidocaine 4%), but I've experienced way more pain than that before... It was just nerve-wrecking because one was doing it to oneself, and the fear of not having a medical professional being responsible! I found it helpful to keep applying gentle pressure from the needle and give it 2-3 minutes of slow, gradual pressure to push through the layers of skin, rather than one forceful poke. I think there was 1-2 drops of blood after the fact. No noteworthy pain or sensation.

I used ordinary needle/polyester thread from the pharmacy. Hope it does the trick and hope the tie was strong enough! It was numb when I tied it, so I tried to pull as much as the flimsy thread would let me.

I was definitely conservative and was super close to the glans, which means more pokes before it's resolved, but I'll try to be patient (not my strong suit, but better safe than sorry).

Any idea how long to wait (if any) before using a swimming pool/hot tub?
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Umm too impatient... Did it! I thought pushing the needle through would be less sensation-invoking than it ended up being (lidocaine 4%), but I've experienced way more pain than that before... It was just nerve-wrecking because one was doing it to oneself, and the fear of not having a medical professional being responsible! I found it helpful to keep applying gentle pressure from the needle and give it 2-3 minutes of slow, gradual pressure to push through the layers of skin, rather than one forceful poke. I think there was 1-2 drops of blood after the fact. No noteworthy pain or sensation.

I used ordinary needle/polyester thread from the pharmacy. Hope it does the trick and hope the tie was strong enough! It was numb when I tied it, so I tried to pull as much as the flimsy thread would let me.

I was definitely conservative and was super close to the glans, which means more pokes before it's resolved, but I'll try to be patient (not my strong suit, but better safe than sorry).

Any idea how long to wait (if any) before using a swimming pool/hot tub?

Fuck, looks painful, but with lidocaine yeah you should be fine, if you didn't experience pain that's a good sign.

it ended up being (lidocaine 4%)

  • Did you inject it or was it topically applied?

You are a brave man, hope everything goes well. I am rooting for you, hope you can enjoy the results afterwards, but be careful though.
  • Also have you used any disinfectant before and after the needle went in?
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  • Did you inject it or was it topically applied?
  • Also have you used any disinfectant before and after the needle went in?
Gosh, I don't think I did anything that so many others in this thread haven't done... Certainly doesn't feel particularly brave. Watching folks on youtube get piercings seems to make it look more painful than this!
I used an antiseptic spray that had lidocaine in it, so it was both disinfecting and numbing, but I also used a Hydrogen Peroxide spray before and after for further cleansing. And I'm applying an anti-bacterial cream every few hours. Not ultra-carefully or anything, but the bare minimum lazy-me can do.
Appreciate you rooting for me (now and the next few times I have to do this to get optimal results)!
Gosh, I don't think I did anything that so many others in this thread haven't done... Certainly doesn't feel particularly brave. Watching folks on youtube get piercings seems to make it look more painful than this!
I used an antiseptic spray that had lidocaine in it, so it was both disinfecting and numbing, but I also used a Hydrogen Peroxide spray before and after for further cleansing. And I'm applying an anti-bacterial cream every few hours. Not ultra-carefully or anything, but the bare minimum lazy-me can do.
Appreciate you rooting for me (now and the next few times I have to do this to get optimal results)!
How has this worked out for you? Your frenulum looks particularly substantial!
How has this worked out for you? Your frenulum looks particularly substantial!
Not so great right now, but maybe I'm being impatient? The thread is still very much there, and it's been almost 2 weeks! I feel like I pierced really close to the surface, and I do see an opening, but should it be taking so long?
Things I might've done wrong:
- Used ordinary polyester thread. I've since gotten Stretch Magic 0.5mm to use for future use, but it won't fit through the needle!
- Not really been doing the soaking thing. I do keep numbing every few days and trying to pull them apart.

Even if this works out, it's getting quite tiring to wait this long... Almost tempted to cough up the $$ for a frenuloplasty and have it done with in 20 minutes rather than 20 weeks! Also, I was using 4% lidocaine spray, and while I wouldn't call it excessively painful, it wasn't by any means painless. And even when I numb it again to look at it, and try tightening the knot, it still hurts a bit.

Attached a photo taken with my microscopic camera, and some taken with phone camera. Any advice is much appreciated!
Not so great right now, but maybe I'm being impatient? The thread is still very much there, and it's been almost 2 weeks! I feel like I pierced really close to the surface, and I do see an opening, but should it be taking so long?
Things I might've done wrong:
- Used ordinary polyester thread. I've since gotten Stretch Magic 0.5mm to use for future use, but it won't fit through the needle!
- Not really been doing the soaking thing. I do keep numbing every few days and trying to pull them apart.

Even if this works out, it's getting quite tiring to wait this long... Almost tempted to cough up the $$ for a frenuloplasty and have it done with in 20 minutes rather than 20 weeks! Also, I was using 4% lidocaine spray, and while I wouldn't call it excessively painful, it wasn't by any means painless. And even when I numb it again to look at it, and try tightening the knot, it still hurts a bit.

Attached a photo taken with my microscopic camera, and some taken with phone camera. Any advice is much appreciated!
Maybe take a look at post 976 (1 April 2017) on this thread - describes how to keep retying the knot to keep it really tight for very fast results. My second tie broke through in less than five days!
Thanks! I can
Maybe take a look at post 976 (1 April 2017) on this thread - describes how to keep retying the knot to keep it really tight for very fast results. My second tie broke through in less than five days!
Thanks! I read that and I can certainly try that if I use stretch magic. With the thin polyester thread I used the first time, the most I could do was grab the ends and try and tighten it further.

So this morning, I took a nail clipper and managed to just snip the original thread off. It didn't cut through, but it did manage to cut a bit of an opening (ironically from the surface inwards, rather than the way others seem to be experiencing, i.e. from point of puncture towards the surface. (Pics attached).

At this point, I'm feeling relieved to not have thread in my skin! I literally was beginning to feel like I'd have to live with that knot, because it just wasn't cutting through (2 weeks today!) And for the tiniest bit of release I've gotten (fraction of a mm), it feels like a wasted effort.
Now I could definitely do the second attempt better, i.e. using Stretch Magic, which would hopefully cut through faster (or at all), and maybe pierce deeper than the flimsy point on the surface I chose the first time. But if I look at my frenulum through a flashlight, it just seems so veiny, that I don't know where to pierce. Is it expected that there'd be a lot of thick veins above the point of penetration, and you'd be cutting through them as the frenulum released? Everything I read re: these veins being pleasure points worries me a bit.

I'm also so tempted to just cough up the $$ for a frenuloplasty and have it done in 20 minutes. I *can* afford it, I think, just feels like I could better spend that money (1000-1500 USD) on, I dunno, a vacation or shopping or something. (So basically, I'm being cheap). But you mentioned that I had substantial frenulum, so it sounds like it'd be a long process to get all the way to the bottom of it (or reasonably far enough so I don't feel an unpleasant pulling sensation while penetrating).
Option 3- I'd like to go to a tattoo/piercing parlor and have them do the piercing, and stick stretch magic through it instead of a stud or something. I don't have great pain tolerance, but it's particularly less when the pain is caused by my own hands! I've been jabbed and prodded a lot by other people for surgeries etc. and I endure it as long as I'm not doing it to myself! Is that a weird idea?

I'd really value any honest opinions (and encouragement, if that's all I need)!
Thanks! I can

Thanks! I read that and I can certainly try that if I use stretch magic. With the thin polyester thread I used the first time, the most I could do was grab the ends and try and tighten it further.

So this morning, I took a nail clipper and managed to just snip the original thread off. It didn't cut through, but it did manage to cut a bit of an opening (ironically from the surface inwards, rather than the way others seem to be experiencing, i.e. from point of puncture towards the surface. (Pics attached).

At this point, I'm feeling relieved to not have thread in my skin! I literally was beginning to feel like I'd have to live with that knot, because it just wasn't cutting through (2 weeks today!) And for the tiniest bit of release I've gotten (fraction of a mm), it feels like a wasted effort.
Now I could definitely do the second attempt better, i.e. using Stretch Magic, which would hopefully cut through faster (or at all), and maybe pierce deeper than the flimsy point on the surface I chose the first time. But if I look at my frenulum through a flashlight, it just seems so veiny, that I don't know where to pierce. Is it expected that there'd be a lot of thick veins above the point of penetration, and you'd be cutting through them as the frenulum released? Everything I read re: these veins being pleasure points worries me a bit.

I'm also so tempted to just cough up the $$ for a frenuloplasty and have it done in 20 minutes. I *can* afford it, I think, just feels like I could better spend that money (1000-1500 USD) on, I dunno, a vacation or shopping or something. (So basically, I'm being cheap). But you mentioned that I had substantial frenulum, so it sounds like it'd be a long process to get all the way to the bottom of it (or reasonably far enough so I don't feel an unpleasant pulling sensation while penetrating).
Option 3- I'd like to go to a tattoo/piercing parlor and have them do the piercing, and stick stretch magic through it instead of a stud or something. I don't have great pain tolerance, but it's particularly less when the pain is caused by my own hands! I've been jabbed and prodded a lot by other people for surgeries etc. and I endure it as long as I'm not doing it to myself! Is that a weird idea?

I'd really value any honest opinions (and encouragement, if that's all I need)!
Don’t lose heart, even though your first tie hasn’t given the result you hoped for. Look back at post 1518 in this thread; the second image shows the freedom I got from only three ties. The blue arrow points to a little nub of vestigial frenulum which was originally joined to my glans right up beside the meatus (peehole). It is of course your own decision whether you go further with this, but for many of us in this group the results have been amazing. And, speaking for myself, absolutely no loss of sensitivity - probably the opposite in truth.
Don’t lose heart, even though your first tie hasn’t given the result you hoped for. Look back at post 1518 in this thread; the second image shows the freedom I got from only three ties. The blue arrow points to a little nub of vestigial frenulum which was originally joined to my glans right up beside the meatus (peehole). It is of course your own decision whether you go further with this, but for many of us in this group the results have been amazing. And, speaking for myself, absolutely no loss of sensitivity - probably the opposite in truth.
Thank you, I guess encouragement was just what I needed! I did a second tie last night (I guess I make bolder decisions at night), and went deeper (way deeper?) I feel more encouraged using Stretch Magic this time. (Getting stretch magic through the needle was no easy task!)
More bleeding this time, but stopped pretty quick.
Hopefully I didn't over compensate this time! I keep tightening it every few hours, as you'd done!
Err... should I be concerned about this swelling on one side? The second image is of the other (normal) side sans swelling, for reference.
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Well golly, the swelling has gone down, and the stretch magic is actually cutting through the skin! So excited to see the results!
Thanks so much for your encouragement, FrenBreve!

Amen my brother! I am so happy that you found a way through this, isn’t it great when that happens? We have one hell of a family here in the Brotherhood
Hello all. I noticed long ago that I had a short frenulum and thought there was nothing I can do about it. After some researching I came across the male initiation site and there was mention on frenlum tying but thought that I would have to go to the doctor for this and dismissed this idea.
I revisited the idea earlier this year and to my relief frenlum tying could be performed in the comfort of your own home by yourself. This thread has amazing results and has given me courage to do this myself now.

I want to gather a few bit and pieces before I get started and make sure I have everything.
From what I gather I require; 1) Very sharp needle 2) nylon thread 3) disinfectant (for the needle) 4) Torch (to see through the frenulum skin)
Should I use a numbing cream and if so what should I use?

Edit: Post: #30 seems to have everything I need.
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It's more than a week in, and been a tiny bit of a struggle. Even though the stretch magic cut through some of the frenulum quite well and I keep tightening it multiple times a day to hurry it along, but it still hasn't cut through all the way. On the flip side, I experience that every morning, it feels like the skin that's already cut through is sort of... fusing together? There's some strange yellowish goo that appears to develop. I end up using a floss stick or other sharp objects and prying it apart each morning, but I feel like I'm literally tearing open a healing wound each time (a wound that I don't want healing). Has any one experienced this, and tips on how to deal with it?
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Hi guys! New here. I've read this thread 3 times until I decided to go ahead and tie my frenulum. So, my story is that I have a thick and meaty frenulum that goes up to the urethra opening. About 1 year ago it started cutting open, I guess due to Phallosan sessions and getting bigger? Anyway the top of my frenulum has tiny scars across and the wound from 1 year ago still opens occasionally. My goal is to get rid of the scarred portion for esthetic and practical reasons as I don't like being out of order for 1 week or more until the cut is healed just to have it open again randomly. So reading back I decided to use the now "old school" technique of the double tie B2T. Got 3.0 sutures, sewing needle so I can insert 2 ties through the same hole, lidocaine 2.5%, Bepanthene, betadine, baneocin, and other assorted creams and antiseptics. I have first aid burn gels available if needed also. So, I got the courage in, chose the spot, pushed the needle through. No pain, no blood. Tied the knots in kind of isoseleces triangle. The part I want to remove is kinda long so I decided to do 2 or 3 ties rather then 1 big one. The only subtle pain was when tying the knots. I'm a sailor so I'm quite proficient. Did a double overhand reverse knot. I believe I got the urethra opening section nicely tight. How it cuts the same way. The frenulum section between the ties got instantly white. It's now been 18 hours. No pain, no discomfort at all. Hope it all goes well. First picture is before the ties. The rest are from today, 18 hours later. Sorry for the long post.View attachment 1830330View attachment 1830331View attachment 1830332View attachment 1830333View attachment 1830334
So... the results are in. The ties fell after 4 days. There was a slight discomfort towards the end because the piece between the ties dried and was poking the healthy flesh. As much as I tried to reduce nubs and bumps there is still a small piece left. I guess it was inevitable seeing how high my frenulum went. Anything that can be done about that? Will it retract?
Anyway, there's a big flap remaining now as I was expecting due to the size of the thing. Most likely I will need 2 additional ties. Pics are taken abt 16 hours after the first tie fell. Meatus is still not completely free but I have to say I'm happy about the results so far. Any further advice is more than welcomed. Glad I found this forum
So... yesterday I did my second tie. Maybe it was too soon (only 3 days passed since removing the first one) but healing status looked pretty good to me. I did a double tie again starting where the glans joins the new frenulum and as close as possible to the shaft and incorporating that leftover flap from my previous tie which you can see in my previous post. I have to say that using the same instruments It was much more difficult to penetrate the frenulum. I really had to muster my strength this time as the skin was much more thicker. Again no bleeding, only slight discomfort while tying. This time I used a double overhand reverse knot but did a nice bow tie so I can tighten further on if needed. I may have found a way to get rid of the nubs/bumps. In an effort to find a better numbing agent than the 2.5% lidocaine I have I used Clove oil for dental use. I left it on using a cotton dressing for 30 min but it was too much. It started stinging badly and when I removed the dressing the skin had burns like from an acid. So... after my tying operations are done I will try removing any nubs and bumps by repeatedly applying clove oil only in the areas of interest. I will let you guys know how it goes. For the moment wish me luck with my second tie. Pics are about 18 hours later. Good luck to all of you!
Ok y'all, I'm waving the white flag on this one... After 3 weeks of waiting, and repeatedly tightening, it still didn't cut all the way through. Moreover, every morning, I'd wake up to see that the cut frenulum seemed to be healing and sealing around the knot. And every morning, I felt like I'd be ripping open the same wound again and again to get it to the state it was in the day prior.
That's not to say that the frenulum didn't cut through and open up a tiny bit (pics attached), but I won't be surprised if it's sealed back up in 24 hours to look like it was before, with thicker scar tissue this time.
I'll look at the surgical option later this year. The amount of time and discomfort tiny amounts of progress it's taking for an impatient person like me isn't workable.
Glad to see though that there are other success stories on this forum, and that the method works for others!

First pic before cutting the knot off, second pic after cutting it off. The "progress" in the first pic is a regression from a few days ago.
Third pic shows the opening created after the 3 week period, but I'd be keen to see tomorrow how much of that remains v/s the skin just sealing up again.
So... the results are in. The ties fell after 4 days. There was a slight discomfort towards the end because the piece between the ties dried and was poking the healthy flesh. As much as I tried to reduce nubs and bumps there is still a small piece left. I guess it was inevitable seeing how high my frenulum went. Anything that can be done about that? Will it retract?
Anyway, there's a big flap remaining now as I was expecting due to the size of the thing. Most likely I will need 2 additional ties. Pics are taken abt 16 hours after the first tie fell. Meatus is still not completely free but I have to say I'm happy about the results so far. Any further advice is more than welcomed. Glad I found this forum

Wow I really think you are on a good way. I am also a fan of the "two tie method" because it already reduces the size of the skin flab that remains.
Your frenulum really is an extreme case. but I am sure that with the two following extra ties you can remove nearly the whole thing.

I for myself are tying my frenulum for the second time as well right now. one tie already broke, the other still remains. I will post everything here with pics and story when the second tie broke as well.

Until then. Good luck and have a nice day!
Wow I really think you are on a good way. I am also a fan of the "two tie method" because it already reduces the size of the skin flab that remains.
Your frenulum really is an extreme case. but I am sure that with the two following extra ties you can remove nearly the whole thing.

I for myself are tying my frenulum for the second time as well right now. one tie already broke, the other still remains. I will post everything here with pics and story when the second tie broke as well.

Until then. Good luck and have a nice day!
Thanks! Good luck to you too! Second set of ties are out today after 7 days. I'm not surprised seeing that the amount of skin was much larger this time. I will revert with photos tomorrow after a little healing time and result analysys :)
Hello everyone.
About 5 years ago i did my first frenulum tying. Very basic, like most of the people here in the forum did with a thread and needle. I was watching out for veins with a flashlight and was using icecubes against the pain plus a fishing-threat for the tying. I might have used too much force back then with the tie and I cut through the skin. But hey, the procedure was over very quickly. In like 2 days it was already separated. it was bleeding a bit but healed up very well. Sadly I haven't taken any pictures back then.

At that point i was able to free my foreskin for a good amount. I was pleased but wanted more. Shortly after i prepared for another tie. I went very deep in the fremulum, but in the process i became scared. The needle went under some "relatively bigger" veins. And because I already had some bleeding before, I didn't finish the tie. But then there was this needle in my frenulum... Temporarey I took an earring of mine. I always cleaned and desinfected. The hole healed and lateron I bought a real piercing. So actually i pierced myself that day...
However. now 5 years later. I decided to finish what I have started. The hole witch became my piercing healed very well, it became stretchy over the time and very confortable. But something inside me wanted to free my frenulum even more. When erected the frenulum was still pulling back my glans.
If I would just tie a knot in the middle i would have been left with leftover skin flaps. So i did two ties. Compleatly removing a part of the "skin bridge" that I created with my piercing.
Thete were some veins going throught, but the blood will find another way I guess...
Well. 4 days in I became inpatient. So I decided to cut through the knotted frenulum. I applied numbing cream and prepared a warm bath. I sterilized the frenum, my hands and the razorblade. I was shaking a little but then went for one clean cut. It stressed me out, because it was bleeding much more than expected. But still i went for the whole cut. It didn't hurt, but the bleeding was freaking me out a bit. I pressed with some toiletpaper on the cut and let it dry. the bleeding stopped and I was glad i did it. Then I prepared for the secound cut the next day after work. One cut was enough for one day.
It was bleeding even more after the second cut. I was concerned until the bleeding stopped. I had to apply pressure fore quiet some time, but also with the help of "blood stop cotton - calciumalginate" I was able to get control of the bleeding. Now the healing process begins and because i did two cuts it has quiet an amont to heal. But I am already liking the new look, cant wait for it to be fully healed.
I can just say: Don't be impatient. Tying and waiting is probabely the better solution. But i was concerned about the dead skinpart inbetween the ties, that the dead tissue might cause inflammations, because of this I went for the cut and now I hope for a good and clean healing process.

I want to thank you all in this forum to encourage and help eachother and new ones. It is very helpful to hear all your stories. Special thanks to @D_Andrei, his story encouraged me to finish my frenulum-story.
I will post some final pictures when everything is fully healed. As well as some before and after pictures for comparison.

I wish you all the best.
Hello everyone.
About 5 years ago i did my first frenulum tying. Very basic, like most of the people here in the forum did with a thread and needle. I was watching out for veins with a flashlight and was using icecubes against the pain plus a fishing-threat for the tying. I might have used too much force back then with the tie and I cut through the skin. But hey, the procedure was over very quickly. In like 2 days it was already separated. it was bleeding a bit but healed up very well. Sadly I haven't taken any pictures back then.

At that point i was able to free my foreskin for a good amount. I was pleased but wanted more. Shortly after i prepared for another tie. I went very deep in the fremulum, but in the process i became scared. The needle went under some "relatively bigger" veins. And because I already had some bleeding before, I didn't finish the tie. But then there was this needle in my frenulum... Temporarey I took an earring of mine. I always cleaned and desinfected. The hole healed and lateron I bought a real piercing. So actually i pierced myself that day...
However. now 5 years later. I decided to finish what I have started. The hole witch became my piercing healed very well, it became stretchy over the time and very confortable. But something inside me wanted to free my frenulum even more. When erected the frenulum was still pulling back my glans.
If I would just tie a knot in the middle i would have been left with leftover skin flaps. So i did two ties. Compleatly removing a part of the "skin bridge" that I created with my piercing.
Thete were some veins going throught, but the blood will find another way I guess...
Well. 4 days in I became inpatient. So I decided to cut through the knotted frenulum. I applied numbing cream and prepared a warm bath. I sterilized the frenum, my hands and the razorblade. I was shaking a little but then went for one clean cut. It stressed me out, because it was bleeding much more than expected. But still i went for the whole cut. It didn't hurt, but the bleeding was freaking me out a bit. I pressed with some toiletpaper on the cut and let it dry. the bleeding stopped and I was glad i did it. Then I prepared for the secound cut the next day after work. One cut was enough for one day.
It was bleeding even more after the second cut. I was concerned until the bleeding stopped. I had to apply pressure fore quiet some time, but also with the help of "blood stop cotton - calciumalginate" I was able to get control of the bleeding. Now the healing process begins and because i did two cuts it has quiet an amont to heal. But I am already liking the new look, cant wait for it to be fully healed.
I can just say: Don't be impatient. Tying and waiting is probabely the better solution. But i was concerned about the dead skinpart inbetween the ties, that the dead tissue might cause inflammations, because of this I went for the cut and now I hope for a good and clean healing process.

I want to thank you all in this forum to encourage and help eachother and new ones. It is very helpful to hear all your stories. Special thanks to @D_Andrei, his story encouraged me to finish my frenulum-story.
I will post some final pictures when everything is fully healed. As well as some before and after pictures for comparison.

I wish you all the best.
If you are happy with it then well done. I believe you were just a little impatient. I wanted to take my time with it seeing that my frenulum was connected to the meatus. I believe it workes. Anyway, good job. I honestly wasn't expecting anyone to be inspired by my story. I was just providing some info about how I went about it in case it helps anyone else. Especially guys with a big, meaty freunulum. Stay safe!
As I promised here are the pictures after my serving set of ties fell. It's been 2 days since. I believe the scars are healing up nicely but I've learned my lesson and won't go for the third set until they are in better shape. Last time I was impatient with the serving set and I can feel there's some trauma.
At last my frenulum looks a little more normal even though I'm at the point where other guys do their first tie. :). Slow and steady... I'm not sure how to go about the bottom section of skin that looks like a tooth now. Either another double tie parallel with the shaft or try the clamp and cut method ( I tried showing that in a rudimentary drawing). That area is not so critical. Any opinions?
As for the glans there is still some attached frenulum remaining and I believe a simple tie will finish up the job. Hope this helps other guys also. If you think about it there's 10 years of accumulated experience in this thread with different results and approaches, multiple physiological issues and situations. I would highly recommend tu any newcomers like me to read the whole thing. It's worth it. I'll be back!! :)
As I promised here are the pictures after my serving set of ties fell. It's been 2 days since. I believe the scars are healing up nicely but I've learned my lesson and won't go for the third set until they are in better shape. Last time I was impatient with the serving set and I can feel there's some trauma.
At last my frenulum looks a little more normal even though I'm at the point where other guys do their first tie. :). Slow and steady... I'm not sure how to go about the bottom section of skin that looks like a tooth now. Either another double tie parallel with the shaft or try the clamp and cut method ( I tried showing that in a rudimentary drawing). That area is not so critical. Any opinions?
As for the glans there is still some attached frenulum remaining and I believe a simple tie will finish up the job. Hope this helps other guys also. If you think about it there's 10 years of accumulated experience in this thread with different results and approaches, multiple physiological issues and situations. I would highly recommend tu any newcomers like me to read the whole thing. It's worth it. I'll be back!! :)
Nice work. Will be very interested to learn how you deal with that little nub of skin left on the shaft (the “tooth” as you describe it). Mine is like that too but I have left it there for now.
Nice work. Will be very interested to learn how you deal with that little nub of skin left on the shaft (the “tooth” as you describe it). Mine is like that too but I have left it there for now.
Thanks! I haven't made up my mind yet about that leftover skin. At this point the issue is now more cosmetic than functional. Two option,:
1. Another tie like in the drawing but I don't know how it will progress. If it cuts straight I think I will still have 2 smaller nubs left at the ends. I could just cut a notch at each end to guide the tie and hopefully I won't have any bumps remaining
2. Numb the area with the hemostatic clamp technique and cut to shape with surgical scissors. In this scenario I'm worried about scar tissue.
For the moment I'm healing up and I will continue most likely after the 3rd of September as work is also crazy and I need to have time and focus :)
Guess who's back? It's been about 9 days since my last tie fell. It seems I healed pretty nicely so I decided to do something about my huge nub leftover skin whatever. As I previously mentioned I tried to go with the clamp technique. I used a hemostatic clamp but it didn't work out for me. It was too painful. So I took a surgical scalpel and cut 2 guiding notches at the extreme ends and did another double tie. Basically I went more or less with the drawing from my previous post. I didn't go as close as possible to the shaft but I still think maybe I went to deep with the needle. The ties cut outwards, from the hole to the knot. So if you go to deep with the needle it could cut in a circular o pattern. To me it looks good so far. I hope the results are up to expectations. @FrenBreve maybe my future results will help you take a decision. As you can see from the pictures my frenulum still is attached to the glans. I want to wait a few more days before doing anything else as it still feels a little traumatized. For all who want to try frenulum tying. Due to my job I'm still about 3 months away from having sex so I can afford all the time in the world. Don't hurry. Anyway... here are the pictures
Guess who's back? It's been about 9 days since my last tie fell. It seems I healed pretty nicely so I decided to do something about my huge nub leftover skin whatever. As I previously mentioned I tried to go with the clamp technique. I used a hemostatic clamp but it didn't work out for me. It was too painful. So I took a surgical scalpel and cut 2 guiding notches at the extreme ends and did another double tie. Basically I went more or less with the drawing from my previous post. I didn't go as close as possible to the shaft but I still think maybe I went to deep with the needle. The ties cut outwards, from the hole to the knot. So if you go to deep with the needle it could cut in a circular o pattern. To me it looks good so far. I hope the results are up to expectations. @FrenBreve maybe my future results will help you take a decision. As you can see from the pictures my frenulum still is attached to the glans. I want to wait a few more days before doing anything else as it still feels a little traumatized. For all who want to try frenulum tying. Due to my job I'm still about 3 months away from having sex so I can afford all the time in the world. Don't hurry. Anyway... here are the pictures
Great work! Looking forward to seeing how this works out for you.
It's good to be back eyes. I have a new method that may help with friendly a won't time period I will try to make a thread about it today. It would be very helpful for people to end up with scarring or other unwanted skin ailments
Update. I did my last tie hopefully to separate the glans and the one on the leftover skin fell. I think I did a pretty good job. So @FrenBreve, maybe this will give you an ideea.
Right. I'm going to start my first tie soon as I have been holding it off for over a month. This is what my frenulum looks like before doing anything. The frenulum is quite short and I'm going with the advice of small distance ties from the top and wait to heal before starting the nest tie. BTW. I'm going to be using nylon monofilament reverse sutures dipped in 99% IPA and applying EMLA cream to numb the area.

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Hello, yesterday I decided that I would finally dare and bind my frenulum because when pulling down the foreskin my frenulum pulls the glans to down I have this problem from an early age it is too thick to strech it, but I wonder if I took too large a piece of the frenulum I just want to avoid the second bond because piercing the frenulum was quite painful for me (my frenulum is well innervated and I pierced without anesthesia) but luckily it was without blood which I was afraid of. I used an ordinary thread and a sewing needle, pierced it and tied it with a surgical knot, this website helped me
Węzeł chirurgiczny (technika zwyczajna) . Has anyone tried to cut their entire frenulum in one binding, will it work?
(I'm sorry for my english)
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Hi guys, i'd like to seek your help.
I tied my frenulum a few months ago, it was rather successful, i managed to get rid of most of it.
Unfortunately i have some kind of white scar tissue left, as well as two pieces of frenulum remnants, one just at the tip of my penis and the other on the shaft, where the frenulum started.
Now, what i'd like to do is get rid of the 2 pieces of remaining tissue.
I've read about the "clamp and cut" technique, do you think it would be what i need to perform what I want?
i'm afraid that the gap the cut will create will produce more scar tissue.
what do you think?
On the pictures I circled the parts i'd like to get rid of.
On picture n*3,it's a different, longer piece of tissue i thought i could remove in order to remove all the old scar tissue, kind of carving off what's left of frenulum.
any suggestion and idea will be very helpful and appreciated ??


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Very nicely performed cutting with the fishing line! Unfortunately, after 24 hours, I had to remove the knot because it hurt a lot, I think I pierced it close to a nerve, my frenulum is quite thick, I had to use a lot of force when piercing, now I'm afraid to pierce it, it will just stretch after some time now I practice it in the pump with the foreskin pulled down either it will tear itself or it will expand on its own. I prefer not to mess with it anymore, I'm afraid of the pain :& .
Pain is an indicator something is wrong or something needs action..
I will stick to the first statement that something is wrong, I did not pierced the needle too close to the glans, there is some reserve left, I wish other users visiting this thread not to be afraid that each of us is built differently. Everyone has to try cutting the frenulum on their own skin.
Hi all,

Well, I have just gone and done it.
I had started with cutting a few days ago, tried ice to dull the pain and had very sharp nail clippers and scissors.
Holding the ice against the Frenulum for between 5-10 mins did partially numb things and I was able to make small snips, but no more. Probably could if I felt brave but didn’t want to find out how sore it could be. Also, hiding this from the wife so can’t be doing tones of bandages. :)
I was left with a small cut. But as I was shaking I had made a few cuts close to each other. So it was like snipping away at the edge of an elastic band.
After a day or two the skin turned white and looked like it may go hard. So I went at it with the scissors to trim the white skin. No real pain there but could feel when getting close to what was probably good skin. This left a curved notch below the glands. I wasn’t unhappy and knew I would consider snipping again.
With that all trimmed I thought I would wait awhile, maybe a week or two. But I couldn’t.

Today I had some private time and went for it.
Sterilised needle and cotton, used a thimble to help with pushing as needle was even sharp the eye end. Felt a little pain, but as I like the wife biting me down their it felt much the same, so just imagined that.
slowly I kept pushing as the skin bulged the opposite side. Then the needle just slipped through, no pain. Even pulling the thread through was easy.
It was hard to tie the knot, although I pulled as much as I could and felt it snag tight it was just difficult to keep the knot tight to knot again. But I think (hope) it is sufficiently tight.
I now have a little tingling, like it would be if skin was pulled back when wearing trousers.
No pain, the tingling is making me want to start masturbating though.
Upon inspection, if it all goes well, I should be pleased with this attempt.
will update as I go if anyone is interested.
Well, I have just gone and done it.
Congrats on taking action, I don't know I could get a knife near my unit like you did... congrats again

Question about your membership here.
I have a friend trying to become a member, he says he never got an activation email and he tries several times. He emailed support with no reply.
Did you receive an email to active your membership here?

much appreciation
I had the same issue and basically I ripped mine off, not on purpose, but one day I was measuring and the ruler slipped and my frenulum was history. I gained a half inch that day instantly:) My advice is to stretch through it, keep the frenulum saturated with bacitracin during the day, eventually it will give and the scar tissue will form and the nightmare will be over.

I also tore my Frenulum off, again not on purpose. It was during a pretty rough sex session with my now wife when we where a bit younger. I was in my mid 20s when I tore my Frenulum.

At the time I got a fright as it was bleeding for quite a while and I did not want to report to the hospital with my penis pouring blood. It was actually surprising how much blood came from that to be honest.

Needless to say I am better off for it being snapped. As when I used to get a proper solid erection my frenulum would pull on the underside of my glans sometimes which was pretty annoying. Now my foreskin can move back and forward with so much ease im glad its gone.
The frenulum is just a leftover tissue connectivity during development. In reality, it's doesn't have much purpose in the large scheme of things.
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