Hello everyone. I'm a new member to the forums having just registered, but have been frequenting them for a while now. I decided it's time to register and hopefully add my own knowledge to this place! :)

Now, i've been doing my own Penis Enlargement routine off and on since the start of the year, but sadly have had to stop to address a problem. After doing some research on the internet it appears I have a case of Phimosis and Frenulum Breve.

Since I was a child my frenulum has always been on the short side and i've always seen a small white ring on the foreskin when it was retracted, but none of this has ever caused any problems up until recently. Over the period of about 6 months my foreskin has gradually become dry during the day and after sexual activity it is left cracked/teared. Eventually I decided to use some Palmer's Cocoa Butter to moisterize and help reduce any scarring or stretch marks. It certainly helps with the dryness but doesn't seem to do much for the tightness. I have combined stretching techniques with massages for a couple months at a time, but I keep getting tears and cracks, and have had to wait for them to heal before starting again. Two nights ago I had my first tear on the actual frenulum itself after simply retracting the foreskin to urinate (something I have been doing every time I urinate to help make the foreskin more pliable and for better hygiene).

I took to the internet once again to see if there is anything else that can be done. I do not want circumcision and would prefer to avoid a frenuloplasty as that involves removing the frenulum from what I can gather. After browsing for a couple hours I came across this webpage http://www.male-initiation.net/library/gallery/frenuloplasty/frenulum_tying.html

Has anyone heard of this?

It talks of a solution that involves tying a suture through the frenulum under local anaesthetic (EMLA cream would suffice as it temporarily numbs the skin for use of needles or stitches without pain). These sutures/knots have to be tied tight enough so they can cut into the skin over time. After the first day you bathe your whole penis head in some warm water 3-4 times a day for 15 mins to help keep the area soft and pliable. I think this is done every day until healed. Antiseptic cream is applied liberally so as to not get an infection. From what I have read, you do one knot at a time with the first knot at the top of the frenulum and close to the shaft or head. After about 10 days it should be done and you can pull the forskin down with great ease. You keep repeating these sutures from the top to the bottom until you are happy with the amount of slack on the frenulum and foreskin.

The guy in that link seems to have done a neat job without any major scarring and most importantly without any removal of the frenulum. As I understand it the frenulum heals into itself or into the shaft.

When I found out about this method I searched for more information, but I haven't been able to find much more than what's already in that link. I did find another page however, where this guy had performed the surgery on himself because it's such a simple procedure and cost effective.

I have compiled a bullet point list of what's needed and the basic steps for performing this Frenulum Tying if anyone is interested?

I'm willing to perform this simple surgery on myself if I can find enough information on the procedure and ofcourse the time and privacy to get everything together. It appears to be an effective alternative to eliminate the restrictiveness of a tight frenulum and foreskin without having to resort to the removal of tissue like what would happen in a frenuloplasty and circumcision.

Anyone know anything about Frenulum Tying?? :)
I had the same issue and basically I ripped mine off, not on purpose, but one day I was measuring and the ruler slipped and my frenulum was history. I gained a half inch that day instantly:) My advice is to stretch through it, keep the frenulum saturated with bacitracin during the day, eventually it will give and the scar tissue will form and the nightmare will be over.
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Mine was kinda tight so one day i stretched it out and sliced the end a bit with a razor (after disinfection of course). It was a very tiny cut, less than 1 mm deep, but it ended up loosening my frenulum just enough. I know it sounds crazy but worked for me. There was a bit of bleeding though :P
Wang Chung;453001 said:
Mine was kinda tight so one day i stretched it out and sliced the end a bit with a razor (after disinfection of course). It was a very tiny cut, less than 1 mm deep, but it ended up loosening my frenulum just enough. I know it sounds crazy but worked for me. There was a bit of bleeding though :P

Sounds like mine but I did not do on purpose. Today I have absolutely no frenulum, it is totally gone.
doublelongdaddy;452864 said:
I had the same issue and basically I ripped mine off, not on purpose, but one day I was measuring and the ruler slipped and my frenulum was history. I gained a half inch that day instantly:) My advice is to stretch through it, keep the frenulum saturated with bacitracin during the day, eventually it will give and the scar tissue will form and the nightmare will be over.

What do you mean by "eventually it will give"? That the frenulum will snap?

All the tears have healed up now but every time it heals it seems to get tighter. I get so frustrated sometimes that I want to rip the frenulum off and be done with it lol. Have you lost any pleasure or sensitivity since yours ripped off? Also, what does it look like now?

Thanks for the relpy!
Wang Chung;453001 said:
Mine was kinda tight so one day i stretched it out and sliced the end a bit with a razor (after disinfection of course). It was a very tiny cut, less than 1 mm deep, but it ended up loosening my frenulum just enough. I know it sounds crazy but worked for me. There was a bit of bleeding though :P

When it healed, did it heal lower so everything was more slack? Sounds painful but no more crazy than my OP! :P
Mine grew back flat with no attachment to the glans anymore. I will snap a picture when I get a chance.
doublelongdaddy;452864 said:
I had the same issue and basically I ripped mine off, not on purpose, but one day I was measuring and the ruler slipped and my frenulum was history. I gained a half inch that day instantly:) My advice is to stretch through it, keep the frenulum saturated with bacitracin during the day, eventually it will give and the scar tissue will form and the nightmare will be over.

I'm going to see if I can get some of that bacitracin. Is it just for healing the cracks etc? I did my jelqing and stretching sets yesterday and I couldn't retract AT ALL. It's become too tight and is almost wanting to close up completely...never would've thought it get this bad, my god!
PhallusOfOsiris;453091 said:
When it healed, did it heal lower so everything was more slack? Sounds painful but no more crazy than my OP! :P

Ye, its weird, but if u can imaging just slightly cutting a rubber band while it is stretched out. As soon as u cut it the outer stretched part gives more slack while at the same time stretching and creating an even surface.

Wang Chung;453748 said:
Ye, its weird, but if u can imaging just slightly cutting a rubber band while it is stretched out. As soon as u cut it the outer stretched part gives more slack while at the same time stretching and creating an even surface.


Ahhh I see yea. Thanks for the diagram I can see how it works now :)

I'll sort the frenulum out once the foreskin is looser. Right now it's unretractable unless I have a hot bath and stretch for 10 mins. I'm really hoping the stretching will work because the white ring is now a white band, and rough to the touch....seems to be getting worse :(

If it's possible to have just the tight bit removed through surgery that would be tempting, but I don't know much about it.
PhallusOfOsiris;454466 said:
Anyone else know about tying the frenulum? I think it's something that's overlooked and could help people

I am not advising this but: it may be just as easy to cut it with a surgical blade and allow to heal extended.
doublelongdaddy;454484 said:
I am not advising this but: it may be just as easy to cut it with a surgical blade and allow to heal extended.

True. It is so very tempting to do. What is yours like now? Would you say you're glad it happened? I imagine it's less hassle now.

The extra slackness would be great and not having to worry about it snapping in the future. I've had some progress here stetching the foreskin more with hot baths. I can actually retract it fully again now.

The tight band itself is still really rough tho...almost like cracked leather. I've had another tiny tear on the frenulum again...perhaps I should get it snipped before it scars and gets worse?
god those pictures scare me. I have a similar issue with my frenulum, I think id rather take a sharp blade to it than do this stitching stuff. yeeesh. His results though, are awesome. If I can get my dick there Manky little frenulum wont get in the way of Penis Enlargement and condoms ever again.
Little wing;464703 said:
god those pictures scare me. I have a similar issue with my frenulum, I think id rather take a sharp blade to it than do this stitching stuff. yeeesh. His results though, are awesome. If I can get my dick there Manky little frenulum wont get in the way of Penis Enlargement and condoms ever again.

Blade would work best, quick slice and 3 weeks of recovery. Make sure to follow surgical procedures if you attempt this as you could really hurt yourself through infection. I no longer have a frenulum an mine, by accident, was sliced down the middle. After I healed I was about 1/4 - 1/2" longer:) I do not suggest anyone do this though.
Ive worked in an Emergency room a while so I can deal with the disinfecting and so on. 3 weeks of awkward healing does phase me a bit though, the tying method is a bit less traumatic but I'm pretty sure both will work the same.
ok- so I weighed the two options-

cutting the frenulum-

very fast
immediately begins the healing process.

takes a minimum of 2 weeks to heal (on average)
can be pretty painful (initially)
takes alot of courage to take scissors/scalpel to your frenulum.

frenulum tying-
there isnt ever any severe pain
scarring almost non existant once completely healed
doesn't hurt to pierce frenulum with a surgical needle (i used a sewing needle)
doesn't take that long to heal

takes 4-7 days to go thru the frenulum, slow progress.
have to soak/dip your cock in warm water 3x a day for 15 minutes to soften the tissue
sharp pain if you get hard. dont get hard while doing this. ice pack, pictures of ugly girls, whatever it takes, dont get hard.

so after going through and finding as much info as I could, I decided to go the tying route. The needle got me nervous, but it didn't hurt. I used fishing line and a square knot to cinch it tight, followed by a surgeon's knot. I knew the knots from boyscouts but they are easily learned on line. Practice the knots BEFORE you stick a needle in your dick.

I sterilized the needle and my hands in isopropyl alcohol. My dick bled very little. I used hot water to clean it, and then rubbed in some bacitracin zinc ointment to prevent infection.

here are some websites that really helped me out.

http://www.male-initiation.net/phimosis.html#start this site has loads of information on things many guys need info about, but the medical field is to stubborn, or stupid, to address. this includes phimosis, frenulum breve, tying, etc.

http://www.voy.com/190293/23.html this website is a general discussion about the tying process.

keep it tight, keep it clean, and sterile.

hope this helps. Ill keep updating this as things progress. I cant wait to pull a raging hard boner that isnt held back by the skin...just the thought makes it all worth it.
Last edited:
one full day has gone by since I did this. I got hard, surprisingly it wasnt painful. I jerked off, carefully lol.

I also just about got raped by a long time friend yesterday, she's 5 feet tall, thick, and I bit her neck from behind as I was talking crap on twilight. That must have set her off because when I fell asleep on her couch, I woke up to her sitting on my lap wearing some low rise jeans and a low cut shirt, sucking on my neck.

needless to say we had fun but it was awkward telling her my cock is out of commission for the next few weeks.

moral of the story- dont try to get laid, and practice teasing and stalling girls while your cock is healing. and then once its healed, line them up and destroy them with your newfound power!
end of day 2 coming up in a few hours. not much to report. Scared me earlier today, some of the extra line i left got snagged and I gave it a bit of a tug by mistake. Sharp pain, nothing crazy though. gotta be careful when Im washing down there haha.

mentally, this is a little taxing, it is always on your mind. But a few days is a small price to pay.
Little wing;465185 said:
end of day 2 coming up in a few hours. not much to report. Scared me earlier today, some of the extra line i left got snagged and I gave it a bit of a tug by mistake. Sharp pain, nothing crazy though. gotta be careful when Im washing down there haha.

mentally, this is a little taxing, it is always on your mind. But a few days is a small price to pay.

Just be extra careful, double clean an extremely obsessive about your project.
Little wing;465428 said:
yea I've been using lots of bacitricin and cleaning it 3x a day. So far so good. Should be through in the next 2 days or so.

DLD is there any way I can stretch my Frenulum? I would like to try to negotiate a way to get that area to stretch through micro tears brought on by intense stretching techniques.

These procedures look like a lot of sterilization would be needed, so is there any other way of trying to lengthen the frenulum?

How did you rip yours?
Ironwill84;465668 said:
DLD is there any way I can stretch my Frenulum? I would like to try to negotiate a way to get that area to stretch through micro tears brought on by intense stretching techniques.

These procedures look like a lot of sterilization would be needed, so is there any other way of trying to lengthen the frenulum?

How did you rip yours?

The frenulum will stretch as easy as the skin stretches. I cut mine when I was measuring, the ruler slipped an ripped off the frenulum.
Little wing;465185 said:
end of day 2 coming up in a few hours. not much to report. Scared me earlier today, some of the extra line i left got snagged and I gave it a bit of a tug by mistake. Sharp pain, nothing crazy though. gotta be careful when Im washing down there haha.

mentally, this is a little taxing, it is always on your mind. But a few days is a small price to pay.

Hi Little wing!

I'm so pleased to come back to this thread after a while and see that it has grown, and on top of that you're actually tying the frenulum! Brilliant work in my opinion. I've had some trouble getting hold of suture needles from local chemists/pharmacists here in the UK but I suppose a sewing needle would do just fine. I've been reading through those links over and over and i'm really wanting to get mine tied now. I just need to get the tools together (and privacy) to perform the surgery. I have the anaesthetic and antiseptic creams - tested both of them and they work great. Once the frenulum has healed into itself into the shaft, I can work on stretching the phimotic ring and surrounding tissue with greater ease and effectiveness.

I have questions for after tying the frenulum. Do you keep the foreskin forward covering the glans while tied? or do you ever pull it back to urinate? I imagine it might sting a bit pulling it back, but that won't stop me achieving this!
Would you guys be willing to look at some pictures i've taken of my phimotic ring? I'm not sure what I should do next. Stretching doesn't seem to have helped much...infact it might have made it worse over time. I've made a wall of images if anyone could take a look?

Awww man!;) After hearing you guys and the other fellas on the Voy forum I basically got psyched. This is actually something anybody with steady hands and a good eye can do, I just did mine like 5 minutes ago; scary as hell but easy as pie.

Eat your hearts out, you 8-years-of-higher education-Ph.D-toting-charging-me-up-the-ass-for-kissing-my-boo-boos General Practicioners/Urologists!

My List of ingredients:
Isopropyl Alcohol (Walgreens)
Vaseline Petroleum Jelly (Walgreens)
Original Strength Triple Antibiotic (Walgreens) ---check to make sure it has bacitracin in it
Cotton balls (Walgreens)
Magic cord (Michael's arts and crafts store)
LED Flashlight (Spencer's/ Toy Store, Already Had)
Kit of 5 sewing needles (Already had)
Fishing line (Already had)
Tweezers (Already had)
Towel (Already had)
Lighter for sterilizing (Already had)

Total cost≈$15

I gathered up and sterilized everything that was going near the sight to be pierced: tweezers, needles, the cord, hands (duh), etc. I washed, heated, washed again, and covered my tools in isopropyl alcohol using a soaked cotton ball. Laid them all out on the towel and it was go time.:cool:

I used fishing line but I also had magic cord for bead necklaces. I decided to opt for the fishing line for two reasons A) it was specifically labeled monofilament nylon and B) it was about 2x thinner than the bead cord I had. You can get bead cord at varying sizes, its just the one I had I initially bought for fixing my glasses. I heard or read somewhere surgeons use some kind of monofilament nylon but whatever, we've got people doing it with floss.

ALSO, NOOB MISTAKE: don't tie a knot for your suturing cord at the top of your needle! I did and it wouldn't go through the hole I poked. Just make sure you got plenty of length on each side and pull the cord through. Give the cord a little disinfecting lube too.:P

I think it is easier to start in a flaccid state: pull back the forskin as far back as you can to reveal the severity of the frenulum breve. Try to form the "streched triangle" shape and locate the highest point of the frenulum breve, which would basically be closest to the middle of the two bulbous parts of the glans penis on the underside. You'll know it when you see it. The higher you poke through on the frenulum, the more slack you'll get. Just be careful you don't stab your glans penis on the other side of the membrance when you go through. Go ahead and fiddle with your banjo-string and inspect it. It might calm you down if understand how insensitive the membrane actually is. (I'm talking about me lol). Check for veins.

If you have an LED [words=http://fleshlight.sjv.io/c/348327/302851/4702]FleshLight[/words], I recommend using it. I was a bit worried about puncturing a vein but a [words=http://fleshlight.sjv.io/c/348327/302851/4702]FleshLight[/words] really helps put your mind at ease. If you shine the light from under the frenulum after you've rolled your foreskin back and pulled the membrane taut, you'll be able to see any big vein immediately. I was actually quite amazed at how thin the frenulum skin was. It was like some fleshy, alien spider window.

The blood vessels are mostly of the small red capillary types which are superficial bleeders. Did I mention I didn't even bleed? You can see some blood permeating the inside the membrane as you puncture but its really nothing at all. In fact I barely felt any pain going through with the sewing needle. If you find it difficult to pierce through, try rolling the needle in your fingers while pushing into yout taut frenulum. The worst part was when it just poked through the skin that kind of scared me but I was cool.:)

Oh, lubricate the needle with some of your bacitrin disinfectant or petrol jelly before your pierce. I pierced though without any lubricating material and the needle was basically pulling on the skin which was rather uncomfortable. It'll hopefully add to the disinfecting process too. After I pulled through, I went ahead made a really tight square knot on the membrane. This is actually the part I'm not sure of. I don't know exactly how 'tight' really tight is for tying the frenulum. I just made sure it really pinched using the tweezers to pull the cord.(my fingers were greasy from the disinfectants). I made a couple more square knots and left a decent amount of cord just in case I needed to go back and retighten. Hopefully that wont be necessary.:O

So its day 1. Gotta keep soaking and adding bacitracin. Man I can't WAIT to see what this baby's gonna look like in a week! I've had this shit for the 20 years of my virgin life thinking it was normal! Bought condoms, lube and brazilian wax and then I'm hitting up the ladies!! Hooo Boy (b^O^)b

Good Luck and Godspeed guys.
TacticalPenis;472275 said:
Awww man!;) After hearing you guys and the other fellas on the Voy forum I basically got psyched. This is actually something anybody with steady hands and a good eye can do, I just did mine like 5 minutes ago; scary as hell but easy as pie.

Eat your hearts out, you 8-years-of-higher education-Ph.D-toting-charging-me-up-the-ass-for-kissing-my-boo-boos General Practicioners/Urologists!

My List of ingredients:
Isopropyl Alcohol (Walgreens)
Vaseline Petroleum Jelly (Walgreens)
Original Strength Triple Antibiotic (Walgreens) ---check to make sure it has bacitracin in it
Cotton balls (Walgreens)
Magic cord (Michael's arts and crafts store)
LED Flashlight (Spencer's/ Toy Store, Already Had)
Kit of 5 sewing needles (Already had)
Fishing line (Already had)
Tweezers (Already had)
Towel (Already had)
Lighter for sterilizing (Already had)

Total cost≈$15

I gathered up and sterilized everything that was going near the sight to be pierced: tweezers, needles, the cord, hands (duh), etc. I washed, heated, washed again, and covered my tools in isopropyl alcohol using a soaked cotton ball. Laid them all out on the towel and it was go time.:cool:

I used fishing line but I also had magic cord for bead necklaces. I decided to opt for the fishing line for two reasons A) it was specifically labeled monofilament nylon and B) it was about 2x thinner than the bead cord I had. You can get bead cord at varying sizes, its just the one I had I initially bought for fixing my glasses. I heard or read somewhere surgeons use some kind of monofilament nylon but whatever, we've got people doing it with floss.

ALSO, NOOB MISTAKE: don't tie a knot for your suturing cord at the top of your needle! I did and it wouldn't go through the hole I poked. Just make sure you got plenty of length on each side and pull the cord through. Give the cord a little disinfecting lube too.:P

I think it is easier to start in a flaccid state: pull back the forskin as far back as you can to reveal the severity of the frenulum breve. Try to form the "streched triangle" shape and locate the highest point of the frenulum breve, which would basically be closest to the middle of the two bulbous parts of the glans penis on the underside. You'll know it when you see it. The higher you poke through on the frenulum, the more slack you'll get. Just be careful you don't stab your glans penis on the other side of the membrance when you go through. Go ahead and fiddle with your banjo-string and inspect it. It might calm you down if understand how insensitive the membrane actually is. (I'm talking about me lol). Check for veins.

If you have an LED [words=http://fleshlight.sjv.io/c/348327/302851/4702]FleshLight[/words], I recommend using it. I was a bit worried about puncturing a vein but a [words=http://fleshlight.sjv.io/c/348327/302851/4702]FleshLight[/words] really helps put your mind at ease. If you shine the light from under the frenulum after you've rolled your foreskin back and pulled the membrane taut, you'll be able to see any big vein immediately. I was actually quite amazed at how thin the frenulum skin was. It was like some fleshy, alien spider window.

The blood vessels are mostly of the small red capillary types which are superficial bleeders. Did I mention I didn't even bleed? You can see some blood permeating the inside the membrane as you puncture but its really nothing at all. In fact I barely felt any pain going through with the sewing needle. If you find it difficult to pierce through, try rolling the needle in your fingers while pushing into yout taut frenulum. The worst part was when it just poked through the skin that kind of scared me but I was cool.:)

Oh, lubricate the needle with some of your bacitrin disinfectant or petrol jelly before your pierce. I pierced though without any lubricating material and the needle was basically pulling on the skin which was rather uncomfortable. It'll hopefully add to the disinfecting process too. After I pulled through, I went ahead made a really tight square knot on the membrane. This is actually the part I'm not sure of. I don't know exactly how 'tight' really tight is for tying the frenulum. I just made sure it really pinched using the tweezers to pull the cord.(my fingers were greasy from the disinfectants). I made a couple more square knots and left a decent amount of cord just in case I needed to go back and retighten. Hopefully that wont be necessary.:O

So its day 1. Gotta keep soaking and adding bacitracin. Man I can't WAIT to see what this baby's gonna look like in a week! I've had this shit for the 20 years of my virgin life thinking it was normal! Bought condoms, lube and brazilian wax and then I'm hitting up the ladies!! Hooo Boy (b^O^)b

Good Luck and Godspeed guys.

Hi TacticalPenis! This is great news and was helpful reading through your post. I'll be doing mine very soon and will try to do before and after pics or a video of everything.

My only question is, in your experience so far, would some normal sewing thread do the trick instead of a nylon type?

I've been trying to get hold of some 0.5mm elastic nylon beading thread but all i've found here is elastic sewing thread. It's a mix of cotton and elastic I guess. I suppose it would work fine?

Hope everything is going well with you! :)
PhallusOfOsiris;472379 said:
Hi TacticalPenis! This is great news and was helpful reading through your post. I'll be doing mine very soon and will try to do before and after pics or a video of everything.

My only question is, in your experience so far, would some normal sewing thread do the trick instead of a nylon type?

I've been trying to get hold of some 0.5mm elastic nylon beading thread but all i've found here is elastic sewing thread. It's a mix of cotton and elastic I guess. I suppose it would work fine?

Hope everything is going well with you! :)

Hey nice to hear from you.

From my experience, I think as long as you avoid pinching or sawing on the cord it should be alright. Try and cover it in some of your creams or jellies so the cotton in the cord doesn't pick up any dirt or fray. I tend to really wanted to tighten and fumble with my cord so I'm glad I chose the fishing line since it can withstand high amounts of tension. Probably isn't necessary just glad I had the option.

Its actually day 3 here. Interestingly enough, I don't really feel the presence of the stitch. The first night I felt a sharp pinching, just barely there. Now, I can't even feel if the cord is there unless I pull it or something. I'm wondering if its the nerves dying (no duh, Tacticalpenis).

I was thinking "oh no, what if the skin is healing around the stitch?!" Well I checked and it looks like the cord is doing its job, there is a definite "cutting and squeezing" on the frenulum from what I can tell for the 3rd day. I actually untied the stitch to check and then I retied. Everything is going swell.

I'm not soaking 3-4 times a day for 15 minutes because that is annoying. I'm soaking the area in warm water for about 12 mins when I wake up and before I go to bed. Its pleasantly refreshing- I will say that :). I'm very clean down there LOL. I do feel more pliable.

I was actually planning on doing some in depth photos and stuff but by the time I had it done I was like "wow, it really is that simple". It would have been really difficult to photograph anyway. No where near as scary as the photos on http://www.picazen.com/FRENULUM/fren_pics.htm

Yes, good luck on yours PhallusofOsiris. I'll be keeping a running log. TP out.;)
TacticalPenis;472503 said:
Hey nice to hear from you.

From my experience, I think as long as you avoid pinching or sawing on the cord it should be alright. Try and cover it in some of your creams or jellies so the cotton in the cord doesn't pick up any dirt or fray. I tend to really wanted to tighten and fumble with my cord so I'm glad I chose the fishing line since it can withstand high amounts of tension. Probably isn't necessary just glad I had the option.

Its actually day 3 here. Interestingly enough, I don't really feel the presence of the stitch. The first night I felt a sharp pinching, just barely there. Now, I can't even feel if the cord is there unless I pull it or something. I'm wondering if its the nerves dying (no duh, Tacticalpenis).

I was thinking "oh no, what if the skin is healing around the stitch?!" Well I checked and it looks like the cord is doing its job, there is a definite "cutting and squeezing" on the frenulum from what I can tell for the 3rd day. I actually untied the stitch to check and then I retied. Everything is going swell.

I'm not soaking 3-4 times a day for 15 minutes because that is annoying. I'm soaking the area in warm water for about 12 mins when I wake up and before I go to bed. Its pleasantly refreshing- I will say that :). I'm very clean down there LOL. I do feel more pliable.

I was actually planning on doing some in depth photos and stuff but by the time I had it done I was like "wow, it really is that simple". It would have been really difficult to photograph anyway. No where near as scary as the photos on http://www.picazen.com/FRENULUM/fren_pics.htm

Yes, good luck on yours PhallusofOsiris. I'll be keeping a running log. TP out.;)

Thanks for the reply! It's very reassuring. I'll probably go for the elastic cotton thread stuff then unless I can find a nylon thread. If all goes well I'll start mine this week, hopefully without any hassle.

When I do it I'll aim to cut it more off the foreskin so that the majority of the frenulum will be on the head allowing it to heal into itself...if that fails then I can do a series of mini-ties on the excess should there be any left over.

Will post back soon. Good luck! :)
Ok I am going to be frank: it is day 6 and I just cut through my frenulum.

Long story short, My stitch was loosened because the frenulum was being squished but I had an awkward square not that made re-tying some funny business.

To be honest I was getting tired of waiting too. Results were coming along fine though, the frenulum was largely impoverished of blood supply. I went to Home Depot, got a hobby knife, sterilized it and cut through "the path" formed by the stitch. I regret that my attempt is no longer standard and I nullified my chances at vouching for the tying method in its totality.

I will say I have a 2cm/ 1 inch gap from where my frenulum was initially joined to its completely severed state as of right now. I'd like to reference Wang Chung's image post.


It is magnificent. It hurt. But I am completely frenulum-less. I iced the frenulum only for about 3 minutes so that's probably why it hurt. I was taking gingerly cautious -slices- too so that probably had something to do with the pain as well!! :P. Anyway I completely covered the area in bacitracin and vaseline. It doesn't hurt anymore and I'm counting the seconds to the big day.

Now I realized something in all this something unique to my anatomy. I don't have a generous amount of foreskin on the bottom side of my glands penis so it doesn't have the crazy amount of slack I was expecting. However, I did achieve an erection and I can say that now my Frenulum Breve is gone, the tightness and pulling of the foreskin back over the glans penis is no longer a problem. However I have one thing I will be keeping an eye and that is scar tissue. I am praying that I don't form an uncooperate amount of scar tissue as a result of this cutting. I am going to jelly up as much as possible and keep my NuNu one happy camper and hopefully this will be the happy ending I am looking for in a couple weeks.

Alright so thats all I have to report for now. TP out.
It's good to hear back from you TP!

It's perfectly understandable that a blade was brought into it in the end. I imagine the tying made the final cut a lot less troublesome though.

Is it too early to report on the change of sensitivity of the new frenulum if any?

After checking I think i'm the same with not having as much foreskin slack on the underneath but I reckon, in time and after all this is done, some stretching exercises should encourage the skin to stretch for better amounts of slackness.

Keep us posted on the healing! rofl
Yes the tying certainly made the cutting process easier. I guess I get to have the best of both worlds? (lol)

By change of sensitivity on the new frenulum, I'm not actually sure what you mean. Its not there! As far as the incision site, it is healing and somewhat tender. There is no new frenulum as of the moment.

And I definitely agree with the frenulum out of the way, stretching the foreskin will be very plausible. The healing is coming along nicely. Its not painful and there are no signs of infection. I clean the area with some alcohol and bacitracin daily. I will keep up to date.

BTW, there is something I think I should say now rather than later. When you decide to tie your frenulum, really pull back the foreskin so it bows the head of the penis down. It should stretch the frenulum so much so that you can really identify the closest place to pierce by the glans penis for maximum slackening. You should do this in a flaccid state just FYI. From my experience, I could've probably tied the stitch closer if I had really pulled back the foreskin and collected more of the frenulum in a single stitch. If you don't you might end up going back to do another stitch again, but then again the amount of slack or stitches is entirely up to you.:)
Ok so I’ve finally tied mine. This is the 2nd day and there are no problems, so far so good. Getting an erection is no trouble at all - no pain or discomfort - infact I welcome erections as I believe it will accelerate the cutting process with the more tension.

In preparation for this I practiced keeping the foreskin retracted for 2-3 days leading up to tying the frenulum whilst keeping everything moisturized and disinfected with anti-septic healing cream. This helped a lot to slacken the frenulum in my case. On the night of the tying I had a hot bath to soften and clean everything and cleansed the area. I then applied the EMLA anaesthetic cream which was VERY effective I couldn't feel a thing.

Everything was done and ready for me to thread the needle through. This took me approximately an hour to finally do as I didn't have 3 hands and it was rather awkward to keep the head tilted forward/downward and the foreskin held down to prevent it from bunching up. I was of course slightly nervous and wanted to take the time to make sure I did it correctly and keep the entry and exit points of the needle equal.

Anyway, after a lot of cautioning I began threading the needle through and to my surprise the skin was quite tough! It took more force than I expected for it to puncture through. As soon as it came through I began tying the knot. I used a surgeon's knot twice (it's like a regular knot except you do a third throw). I pulled as tightly as I could (and dared) to begin the cutting process. I thought at the time if I tied it tighter it may have sliced straight through like cheese wire. For the thread I used an elastic cotton/polyester sewing thread which is surprisingly resilient. I will need to wait for results to see how effective it is.

Originally I wanted to go as deep as possible with the tying but I ended up going only half as deep (approx. 0.5cm) for my first tying. Instead of going as close to the head/shaft as possible (approx. 1.5cm) I settled for roughly half the depth. I will be doing another tying, going deeper if necessary, after I have the results from this one. I'm looking forward to it already!

I'm doing my best to bathe it in hot water 3 times daily but privacy and my schedule don't always allow for this. I give it a good long soak every night though in a hot bath. I apply fresh anti-septic disinfecting cream 2-3 times daily.

My only concerns at the moment is if the thread is actually doing its job. It's elastic and tied tightly and so it should reduce in size to keep the tension as it cuts through...we shall see. This is day 2 :)
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Well I'm glad to finally hear you started! This is good. My "session" was a bit nerve wracking too, but now we have bragging rights!

Try not to worry to much about the tie. If you pulled it as tight as it could go, it's cutting off circulation. Just a matter of time and diligence.

As long as you can give the skin a little bit of stretching and soaking once a day, I think you'll be alright. Looking back on my experience, you just really need to keep the area active, supple and clean. Applying Vaseline and stretching can help a bit too if you cannot soak. Your regular bathing should do the trick.


I know I haven't been updating my healing status but in case your wondering everything is doing well. My healing is actually taking a bit longer than expected. The area where I cut the frenulum deepest is still healing. To give you a perspective, it is day 19 from the day I started my frenulum stitch BUT, to be fair, I performed the surgical cutting on day 7 (I know I said day 6 but it was a typo). That's about 12 days of healing for my particular frenular cut. A couple guys said it took about a couple weeks on average so I'm doing about right. There is about a 1-2mm left of skin to heal.

So with random boners and stretching in-between, there was more pulling on the incision site and more healing required. I also got distracted and I wasn't jellying up like I was before during the first 6 days. It won't be long though.

God speed, PhallusofOsiris!
Okay time for a report!

It is Day 9

Just over a week ago, on Friday 24th Feb, I had put my first stitch in. Since then I've bathed in hot water every night as best I could and applied fresh cream afterwards. Every time I went to the bathroom I retracted the foreskin and kept the area clean throughout urination. When done I applied new cream on and went about by day. On a couple days I would practice leaving it retracted for most of the day to help keep the tension on the frenulum, encouraging the stitch to cut through more.

Last Tuesday evening I was inspecting the stitch and felt that it wasn't tight enough to cut through the last couple millimetres. So I decided to replace the thread with a fresh one. I rubbed my EMLA anaesthetic cream into the area and removed the thread. As I tilted the head forward/downward blood began to return to the area and so it bled a little bit but nothing bad. I quickly dabbed some tissue, squeezing the frenulum to apply pressure to the thread's hole and that allowed me enough time to thread the new stitch through before it started to bleed again. Like I say though, the bleeding wasn't anything bad or serious, just a few drops that filled the crevices. With the new stitch threaded through, I stretched the elastic thread to its absolute maximum before tying the knot. I made the knot tighter than last time and felt a gentle gripping feeling this time as the thread dug in and gripped more securely around the frenulum band. When I was finished I rubbed some anti-septic healing cream into the area again and went to bed.

Two days later (on Thursday night) I was using the bathroom, retracted the foreskin as usual and felt a very slight and sharp pricking feeling. I looked down and saw that the new stitch had finally cut through the frenulum. I carefully finished what I was doing, dabbed and cleaned the area and removed the stitch like I did with the original one. Since then I have kept the area clean and as soft as I can with nightly baths.

From what I can see so far there isn't any scarring apart from a knobbly bit of the frenulum that remain on the tip of the penis head and a smaller knobbly bit of skin on the lower shaft/foreskin skin. The bit on the tip of the head has pretty much always been white due to the tightness when the foreskin was retracted in the past...i'm not sure how to remove it. Perhaps very small cuts or stitches? Maybe a new, clean nail file would do the trick to file it down to size? Hmm.

Anyway what I'm doing is giving everything a good week for healing (or longer if needed). I've noticed when I have the foreskin retracted it feel fine - no pain or tension (apart from the phimatic ring on the foreskin of course). But if I gently twist the shaft and foreskin there is a sharp pain. I'm guessing it hasn't full healed. As you can imagine, the area where the thread sliced through is sensitive and not in a good way! It will be a while before it heals enough for proper use I think. My only concern there is that there will be a pain feeling rather than a pleasure feeling from now on but i'm worrying about nothing I think. It needs to heal!

If the healing is finished by next Friday (8th) I'll be thinking about starting my 2nd frenulum tie slightly deeper for added slackness. So far it is still tight when the foreskin goes behind the head but at least I don't have to worry about my frenulum being too tight and snapping! That was my first objective - to eliminate the problem of my tight frenulum. Objective complete!:)

More updates coming soon as I monitor the healing and decide what to do next!

Any advice and questions are most welcome!

Thanks :P
That's great news. I'm glad your first tie was successful. The whiteness is probably just the way your skin is. My left over frenulum skin has basically healed into my skin, there is a small, small flap but its nothing.

I'm pretty sure it will hurt if you twist the foreskin before its ready for any stretching action :s. Don't worry too much, just let it heal it it will feel a lot better. Mine felt " a pleasant freedom" straight after the cut because of the depth of the incision but since you want additional slack, it may or may not be as noticeable given your first stitch may have not been as deep (Just my speculation between my procedure and yours).

Keep applying gel. Help soften the new tissue and retract your skin often to instill some flexibility.

Keep us posted on the healing. Congrats, PhallusOfOsiris.;)
Good news!

My healing process has completed and the results are great. There's no pain at all now and the only thing to mention is that the tiny bit of excess skin on the tip of the head is slightly sensitive but it's getting better each day. From what I can tell so far there is no scarring apart from a hairline mark slightly whiter colour than the rest of the glans, but it's hardly noticeable and i'm sure in time it will fade and blend into the glans more. I'm using cocoa butter cream to reduce any potential scarring. So far so good!

One thing I will say is that I expected the frenulum area to be more sensitive on the glans but It seems the way I tied it caused most of the frenulum to heal into the foreskin rather than the glans...but it's no problem i'm just happy I can retract comfortably with ease again like I used to be able to before the phimotic ring took a turn for the worse.

Tonight I will be doing my 2nd frenulum tie. It's pretty much in the same location except deeper although I will probably go about 1-2mm lower down the shaft to get the most slackness by distributing the knot point further down. There isn't really much more to say apart from this 2nd frenulum tie should cut through much quicker than the first as there's about 2mm depth of skin to cut through. It sounds like such a little thing and could be done with a razor but i'll stick to the tying process. It's given great results thus far! I expect the 2nd tie to cut through within 2-3 days and the healing should be faster too.

Just a comment about my current slackness: Now that the frenulum is out of the way I have no trouble retracting. It's just the phimotic ring still grips and digs into underneath the glans so the top end of the shaft doesn't really have any slackness because there's a sort've choke point. It's like having an elastic band preventing the skin from running along the shaft...

Alright that's my report for now! Next report will be when it's cut through rofl

How is yours looking now, TacticalPenis? Hope all is well!
*Opens pants*


Mine's looking very natural, very healthy. Normal colors on the skin even. Thanks for asking, Phallus.

lol cocoa butter. Good stuff though. Your going to make another stitch farther down the frenulum? Let me know how that works out for you. I cut in the same spot as my tie. Best of luck on that and a speedy recover.

I'm really glad your having a "pleasant", if not, -pleasing- experience with this. It really isn't that painful.

No bad experiences thus far, PhallusofOsiris? I haven't had any. Its actually been a bit adventurous if you could call something so medieval! ;););)
That's fantastic news, TP! It's good to know everything is going well...for both of us! I would say so far it is definitely pleasing especially not having to worry about something snapping...

Okay so I thought I'd do a quick update on my 2nd tying. It's now been 1 week since my 2nd tie and it hasn't cut through which surprised me. Again, I will have to remove the knot and put a fresh one in which should hopefully cut through the last bit as was the procedure on the 1st stitch. I think it has to cut through a bit more skin this time as it is further down where the skin widens to the shaft. Oh well no problem!

I've a feeling that the elastic cotton/polyester sewing thread I used probably isn't the best thing and a nylon thread might cut through faster. At least it is doing the job even if it does take a few days longer for results!

Tonight I'm putting in a new stitch to hopefully get this 2nd tying complete!

Okay I'll be back when I have results!

Godspeed ;)

(and yes this is adventurous! lol. Almost fun! It's like slowly sculpting your masterpiece rofl)

Just thought I would let you know that I tied my frenulum yesterday.
Used a thick form of 3 stranded cotton thread becasue I wasn't sure I would be able to get a tight enough knot in nylon.
To get the needle through, it was much easier to hold two fingers on the exit side and aim in between them, and go slowly.
The needle head and thread were more tricky - should have used lube, but didn't want slippery hands.
Brilliant Jan, Good technique too. I wish thought of aiming between the fingers when I was doing it.

Well Its a good thing you guys are trying different types of thread to perform your ties. We can really find out what's viable or not. I know this isn't rocket science but at least we can see what we can get away with.:P

Good luck. Keep us posted with your results:)
Thanks TP,

I'll probably have to do a second one, so I am more than prepared to experiment.
I'm also prepared to split the last one into a two tie process.

Some extra comments:
I used a double surgeon's knot, in the hope that the upper part of the knot will tighten the loop around the frenulum even more.
I used a 0.9mm need (No.4, embroidery, I think) - what was good, is it has slots cut into the back, so the yarn lies in these slots as it pulls through.
No bleeding at all, and only slight pain - probably about the same as popping a pimple. Currently I don't even know its there, unless I move the knot with a finger.
The tie shortened the frenulum, pulling back the foreskin, and exposing the tip of the glans, which has become slightly red and slightly puffy from rubbing against my underclothes.

I did consider doing two ties, to try and remove a triangle of skin, but the pictures on http://www.picazen.com/FRENULUM/fren_pics.htm convinced me that this was not necessary.

I have some photos taken over the last two days (unfortunately none during the tying). What is the best way to put them on the web ?

I also found a picture on the web of sensitivity of the penis. (http://www.nocirc.org/touch-test/bju_6685.pdf Figure 3).
I was worried before I started that I might reduce the sensitivity, but I'll just see how it goes - no one else seemed to report any problems in this area.

I must say, its great to be able to chat with people who are currently in the same situation ! - Thanks. :cool:
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Thanks for sharing those details, Jan. Did you have any trouble finding veins?

From my experience, the sensitivity will get slightly better. I had the foreskin and frenulum pulling tightly around those areas so there was a rather uncomfortable stretching pain. Once the frenulum was gone, stimulation as a whole felt much better because there wasn't any tightening around the head or shaft. As far as desensitizing around the specific frenular area goes, I didn't notice any. I looked at the graph, yea I seriously think you'll be fine. It is a sensitive area but the frenulum itself is not very sensitive and as long as you stay on that piece of skin, I see no dissatisfaction occuring:).

I know that right after I did mine because of all the probing and prodding, the area gets over stimulated and has to recuperate before feeling at its max sensitivity again. Make sure you give it some time to heal and don't go at it too soon or you'll risk building extra scar tissue which may decrease sensitivity.

As far as photos goes, I don't know exactly where you might be able to post 'em. That's a great that you captured your procedure, my hat's off.
I might have to try this technique out, originally i had puled my foreskin down so hard that it tore and created a 1/2 inch scar as if i had done this tying technique. There is another part that i would definately like to eliminate closer to the glans.
Good to hear that the sensitivity will not be affected - that graph was about the only thing holding me back for about a month.
No problems with finding the vein at all, even without a [words=http://fleshlight.sjv.io/c/348327/302851/4702]FleshLight[/words]. Got some excellent very closeup photos today which show the vein very clearly.

Just gone onto day 4, and the knot is still very tight.
I think the extra thickness of the string made the knot bigger, and that is also inflaming the area very slightly.

I must say, I feel as if I'm in some time warp - time passes soooo slowly with the stitch in, but I'm bent on leaving it as long as possible.
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