Hello Fellas, I want to share my success with the Frenulum tying method. A couple of months ago I was well into the
5x5x3 SSL program and was growing pretty fast, so much so that my frenulum started to tear from the workouts. So I decided to stop my workouts and do a Frenulum tie, I'm not gonna lie it took me about a month to build up the courage to actually do it. What convinced me was the vast information and experiences shared by the brotherhood, so here I am adding to the vast knowledge this forum offers, once again thank you to those who did it before me and to the whole MOS Forum.
1) I read as much as I could through the Frenulum tying Forum.
2) I invested in a Suture Practice Kit, this was about $40 on Amazon. This Practice kit brings proper suture needles tied to a variety of suture threads, I used the "Nylon monofilament 19mm thread" as this was the material most mentioned on the forum. The size of the threads did vary from person to person, to my understanding you don't want a thread too thick as this will make the cutting process slower, not to thin or the thread may snap as you tighten it, so you want a happy medium, 19mm thread worked perfect for me. What I mean by proper suture needles is that a surgical needle does reverse cutting meaning that each side of the needle is sharpen and the shape of the needle is designed to penetrate through the skin like butter. This kit provides you with a needle holder so you don't cut yourself. This kit also comes with video guides where actual doctors teach you how to properly make a proper insertion of the needle into the skin and make surgeons knot among other types of knots, I did three surgeons knot to secure my tie. In addition the kit comes with a silicon pad that assimilates real human skin where you can practice your knots before actually messing with your dick. Please PRACTICE your knots before actually doing it to your penis, to each it's own, me personally I like to be on the safe side and take every precaution when it comes to my one and only penis.
3) When it comes to Sanitation I sterilized the needle holder in 70% isopropyl alcohol for 2hrs. The Suture needle already comes sterilized and the thread as well. Before I did anything I took a shower and made sure that my surroundings was wiped down with a Clorox wipe, I did my tie in the bathroom on my toilet seat. I didn't use gloves but before touching anything I washed my hands and dunk them in isopropyl alcohol. I then lathered my frenulum with
Bacitracin Zinc
ointment as well as the suture needle and thread despite they were already sterilized.
4) On many threads of the Forum a lot of guys used some sort of numbing cream specifically EMLA cream this is a mix of lidocaine and prilocaine. According to my research the mixture of the two is what allows it to be an effective topical anesthetic, I couldn't find this cream anywhere without a prescription of a doctor and no doctor would give me prescription either, so I opted to not using any numbing cream. Pros and Cons of using a numbing cream, Pros: you supposedly don't feel any pain. Cons: Using any type of numbing cream with Lidocaine you risk having the lidocaine entering your blood stream and this can seriously fuck with your Heart and cause permanent damage. I'm not trying to scare anyone but this is what I found when researching. I didn't use any numbing cream and when I inserted the needle it did not hurt what so ever, you will feel a discomforting pinch, there is no serious pain nor mild pain if you are inserting the needle a correct way in the right place. I don't recommend using a numbing cream, I don't think its necessary, this is my opinion.
5) Before I did anything I took tons of pictures of where I was planning to do the tie on my frenulum and the depth of the tie. As you read through the forum you'll find that many guys decided to go as close as possible to the head of the penis and insert the needle halfway of the full depth of the frenulum. To better picture what I just explained, think about when you retract your penis and the frenulum forms a triangular type of web, now think of inserting a needle at only half of the width of the triangle as oppose to the full width, this is what most guys have done. In turn by only going halfway of the depth these men have had to do a second tie in order to completely cut the frenulum, I said fuck that it takes too much time to do one tie let alone two or three. When it comes to how deep you want to make your tie all any method you find most comfortable is correct, if you want to spend the time on two to three different ties because you feel it's safest to do so Please do it that way, just be safe and confident about it. Also PLAN and VISUALIZE where exactly you want to insert the needle, try to not hit any dark thick little veins, red thin veins are okay those are capillaries veins and practically unavoidable.
6) Now this is the part where shit gets serious, you can prep and plan all you want but when it comes to it will you actually stick the needle through, I did and my heart was racing and my hand was shaking, so it took me about 20 mins or so just staring at my frenulum before actually inserting the needle, I had to calm down or risk me fucking up, this is really the hardest part of the whole ordeal, sticking the needle through. Have good lighting and watch out for thick dark little veins, going through them may or may not cause nerve damage, Idk I'm no expert by any means but I like to take as many precautions as I can. You will find that you'll have to apply more pressure than what you initially thought you would and the skin will actually stretch a little before the needle actually going through, skin is pretty tough so don't be afraid and apply some force but keep a steady hand. Inserting the needle through should take no more than 15 seconds BUT if you find yourself not being able to get it through it is okay, take a step back, breath and try it again, I know I did.
7) Once the needle is through make your surgeon's Knot and you are DONE. Then take a shower add
Bacitracin on the whole area.
8) After making the knot and days pass you may find that you'll have to re-tighten the knot, DO IT, the more consistent pressure you have against the Frenulum the faster the thread will cut through. Also if you're using the kit I mentioned you'll be able to use the needle holder and a curved forceps to tighten the knot, both of these come in the kit. Using these tool is the best way to 1) make your knot and 2) tighten the knot when needed as oppose to just using your hands, this is because these tools allows you to best grip the thread.
9) If you do this correctly there should be no bleeding, no pain and no infection! I applied
Bacitracin on the whole Frenulum and the knot every day twice a day. I also dipped my penis in warm saline water at least once a day for 15 minutes everyday (Recommended is 3 times a day for 15 min) , the guys before me recommend it, it's suppose to help soften the tissue of the frenulum and allow the tie to cut through faster, It for sure helped the cutting process, it does sting though so do what you will with this.
10) All in all it was well worth it. The whole cutting process for me took 21 days exact. You will find that for most it only took 7 to 10 days for the cutting process to be completed, again keep in mind that these men only went half way down of the depth of the frenulum an not the full depth, also these men who's cutting process only took 7 to 10 days a lot of them had to do a second tie taking them another 7 to 10 days and others it only took them 4 days for the knot to fully cut through. It really depends on how thick your frenulum is and how deep your willing to go, my frenulum was pretty thick in comparison to what I've seen on the forum and I also went deep as I could possibly go, I like to maximize my time.
Well fellas I hope this has been insightful and gives confidence to all of you, I will post pictures and a list of all the things that I used below.
Thing that I used:
1) A+ Medics Suture Practice Kit this will include:
19 mm Nylon Monofilament suture thread tied to suture needle (This comes sterilized)
Needle Holder
Curved Forceps
Silicon Pad ( For practicing insertion of needle and Knots)
Bacitracin Zinc
Ointment (To prevent Infection)
3) 70% Isopropyl Alcohol ( For Sterilization of tools and hand)
4) Clorox Wipes (clean the area where you'll being setting up shop, NOT YOUR DICK, don't get confused.)
5) And Grow a pair and Do it!