goldmember said:
It would never cause the testes to grow. If anything, it would make them shrink (by atrophy). I doubt the low dosage of DHT would have any noticeable effect on testes size.

yeah, that is something I am also concerned about. How many stories to we hear about weight lifters?
gimmegirth said:
From Heather Brannon, MD,
Your Guide to Skin & Beauty.
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Definition: Tachyphylaxis is the tolerance the skin develops to the vasoconstrictive action of topical steroids. After repeated use of topical steroids, the capillaries in the skin do not constrict as well, requiring higher doses or more frequent application of the steroid. With high-potency steroids this effect has been documented after 4 days of applying a topical steroid three times a day. The ability of the blood vessels to constrict returns 4 days after stopping therapy.

I figured. Generally there is a tolerance to things or the similar effect.

This thread is very interesting. I'm very interested in seeing more experience from the users and especially curious of any updates from Frontier since he appears to be the longest and most comprehensive user and reviewer.

This thread from the alternative methods subforum on this forum on "Chemical Penis Enlargement" is very interesting as well:

DEFINITELY MAJORLY concerned with the hair loss, acne and especially cancer concerns. Goldmember seems to have a handle on things and maybe others do. What is the theory of the best one could do to combat those specific problems while still reaping the best benefits of DHT, IGF etc?
Last edited:
Tachyphylaxis seems a problem when applying topical steriods for skin conditions. But I don't see how the skin's capillaries' vasoconstrictive action would effect the gel's effectiveness to reaching the DHT receptors.

Update: a week in now. My routine hasn't had any intensity really due to college work. However I have been clamped everytime I have an erection and been under an infra-red light, I've done some short girth sessions at low intensity. Next week the work load is down and my pump should finally arrive, I'll hit a much higher intensity.
My mood is still good, but when ever i'm edging alot im in this mood, so probably not the gel.
My erections do seem abit thicker, but not by much.

I'm considering doing a modified length cycle in the P-phase, I've got an [words=]extender[/words] on the way and I believe this may optimise growth in length and girth... espiecially judging from frontiers experience.
gimmegirth said:
Tachyphylaxis seems a problem when applying topical steriods for skin conditions. But I don't see how the skin's capillaries' vasoconstrictive action would effect the gel's effectiveness to reaching the DHT receptors.

Update: a week in now. My routine hasn't had any intensity really due to college work. However I have been clamped everytime I have an erection and been under an infra-red light, I've done some short girth sessions at low intensity. Next week the work load is down and my pump should finally arrive, I'll hit a much higher intensity.
My mood is still good, but when ever i'm edging alot im in this mood, so probably not the gel.
My erections do seem abit thicker, but not by much.

I'm considering doing a modified length cycle in the P-phase, I've got an [words=]extender[/words] on the way and I believe this may optimise growth in length and girth... espiecially judging from frontiers experience.

I really want to see back from Frontier. Thanks for your update though. I wonder if Frontier's gains from the first month would stay more consistant if he upped the dosage and or took the necessary break due to Tachyphylaxis.
His growth was really impressive.

STILL, DEFINITELY MAJORLY concerned with the hair loss, acne and especially cancer concerns. Goldmember seems to have a handle on things and maybe others do. What is the theory of the best one could do to combat those specific problems while still reaping the best benefits of DHT, IGF etc?
wannaBbig said:
Did your hands get bigger also from useing this stuff?????

I would suggest using gloves if you could, just to make sure you get it where you want it..but it would suck to always have gloves on hand.
Sorry for the long time gab between posts... Traveling for work sucks.

I am no longer on the DHT gel, the akne and the oily hair got to be to much for the line of work I am in.

I am glad others are trying it. I wish everyone the best in their Penis Enlargement efforts. I will continue with the manual steps till I get to my overall growth.
Hows it felt coming off it frontiere? no downers, lack of energy, loss of labido, aggression? Did you notice any effect on the testicles while on it?
Coming off of it has been ok, my happy-happy feeling is slowing and my hair and akne issues are going away.

I am in sales so appearances do matter. I can tell you that the wife has definitely benefited from DHT. No question there. Was it worth it, based on my gains that HAVE stayed, YES. Would I have done something different, NO.

That is the benefit of these forums, others can do it and we can all share from our experiences. I love this place...
Im real interested in giving DHT a shot, I got a few questions for you though:

1.) What were your maximum gains; length and girth?
2.) How much of the gains did you keep afterwards?
3.) How much DHT did you apply and how often?
4.) What was the total length of your cycle of DHT?

Thanks! I appreciate it. I'm hoping it will do some good for my gains.
OK, stopped after 2weeks because I think I could get better gains in conjunction with other products, DSMO.
I may have had a very small girth gain, but its so small its hard to tell weather i've gained or it's just erection quality etc etc.

Aiming for another cycle with the help of DSMO and more free time. Probs end many start June time...

Till then, good luck my fellow Penis Enlargement'rs.
Frontierxe and or others.

Great thread. IM learning a great deal.

With respect to the acne issue frontierxe experienced. On much larger doeses of test for bodybuilding I have found that regular trips to a tanning salon while "on" was more than sufficient to deal with acne problems. Others have used acne medicines to good effect as well. My point being that the issues can be dealt with effectively allowing for more prolonged use with minimal inconvenience.
Essex said:
Frontierxe and or others.

Great thread. IM learning a great deal.

With respect to the acne issue frontierxe experienced. On much larger doeses of test for bodybuilding I have found that regular trips to a tanning salon while "on" was more than sufficient to deal with acne problems. Others have used acne medicines to good effect as well. My point being that the issues can be dealt with effectively allowing for more prolonged use with minimal inconvenience.
A combination of witch hazel extract and salicylic acid are the most effective treatments I've found for acne on the face. Acne on the body is a different issue. UV light seems to be the most effective treatment for body acne in my opinion. I also had some success with retin-A micro, clindamycin, and 10% benzoyl peroxide. The last three really make the skin dry (especially on the face) and must be used regularly. It also is a pain to apply in hard to reach areas, which is one reason I agree with you on UV being the most effective treatment.
I'm giving this DHT Gel a go. I apply 3 dots of gel 2x a day and have used for about 2 weeks. I didit recieve dosage instructions with my shipment. Anyone know if I'm taking correctly? I'll update any progress.
I hope everything goes well with you and your using dht gel. I have been using it but I will start begin to use dmso mixed with aloe vera to see if it does a better job than the dht alone. I don't mean to rob anybody's thread but I'm sure alot of guy's know that you can purchase caverject where you can get the dht gel, but would you purchase it at least if you knew how to inject it.
Jeez, I should've given you an answer to your question first. You were supposed to have a spatula in your tube of dht gel. It would have given you a measurement of a two sides of 1.25grams or 2.50grams total. On a ruler about an inch and one half.
Cartman54 said:
Jeez, I should've given you an answer to your question first. You were supposed to have a spatula in your tube of dht gel. It would have given you a measurement of a two sides of 1.25grams or 2.50grams total. On a ruler about an inch and one half.

Thanks Cartman. I actually did find that spatula hiding in the package. The dosage is alot bigger than I was using. I'm doing multiple things with Penis Enlargement. Something is working ..I dont know exactly what.

On this DHT gel..I've been using for about a month. I cant report any side affects. I'm not a big measuring guy so it's hard to tell on growth..all I know is I'm getting bigger in general either from this or pulling and dry jelqing.
sterling9000 said:
Thanks Cartman. I actually did find that spatula hiding in the package. The dosage is alot bigger than I was using. I'm doing multiple things with Penis Enlargement. Something is working ..I dont know exactly what.

On this DHT gel..I've been using for about a month. I cant report any side affects. I'm not a big measuring guy so it's hard to tell on growth..all I know is I'm getting bigger in general either from this or pulling and dry jelqing.
Have you done any Penis Enlargement before, or are you new?
goldmember said:
Have you done any Penis Enlargement before, or are you new?

I've been at it off and on for about 1 year and 2 months. In that time I've used the Fast Size [words=]Extender[/words], Auto [words=]ADS[/words], a bib hanger and now the Static stretcher and this DHT Gel. I've gained roughly about and inch all together as far as I can tell.

DHT gel is still a question mark at this point. Hopefully it cant hurt so I'll continue to use it.

I may even be interested in the chemical pe process you described in another thread Goldmember. I'm interested to hear how that works out.
sterling9000 said:
I've been at it off and on for about 1 year and 2 months. In that time I've used the Fast Size [words=]Extender[/words], Auto [words=]ADS[/words], a bib hanger and now the Static stretcher and this DHT Gel. I've gained roughly about and inch all together as far as I can tell.

DHT gel is still a question mark at this point. Hopefully it cant hurt so I'll continue to use it.

I may even be interested in the chemical pe process you described in another thread Goldmember. I'm interested to hear how that works out.
How much have you gained since adding the DHT?
I've been on the DHT gel for a relatively short time. I'm not sure if I've got any gains from it. Did you feel it's working? I know you've attributed growth to the static stretcher. Have you been consistently using DHT gel as well?
sterling9000 said:
I've been on the DHT gel for a relatively short time. I'm not sure if I've got any gains from it. Did you feel it's working? I know you've attributed growth to the static stretcher. Have you been consistently using DHT gel as well?
I have never used DHT.
i stopped using mine for a bit as im on decon now. i think the dht contributed to my 0.8 cm gain in fsl. but not much in bpel (maybe 0.1-2) but ill be starting it back on monday with a girth based routine, so will keep you informed.

I'm new to this forum and just ordered the DHT gel, if anyone is still interested in this, I will be happy to let you know my progress with this as I use it. I have thin hair so I am a little concerned about the hair loss aspect of using this. SHould be in 5-10 days. BTW great forum a lot of good information.
Wow guys, I logged into this forum doing a search on DHT gel...I can't believe there's a whole forum dedicated to penis enlargement! I'm a female bodybuilder so I've never had this problem! Actually though, female bodybuilders' clitorises get bigger on steroids...theoretically there is a case for Penis Enlargement in males, I suppose, I've just not heard of it.

One thing I wanted to ask re. DHT gel is if I applied it to my hips, would it reduce estrogen at the site & make my saddlebags smaller or would I just go bald??? I am not overly fat but I can't stay contest lean year round when I'm trying to grow, I'd like a reduction in estrogen so I store fat more like a guy (stomach, back) than on my hips & ass - I really hate it there! The gear I take doesn't aromatize so anastrazole / letrozole would be useless.
EVO;244043 said:
well i did a search and the only english place i could find to sell it is this place
£100 for 2 tubes, youve gotta be joking. almost the same as chaging £50 for 4 viagra tablets!! the price is as if they have thrown down random numbers onto the page. anyone know a better site?
p.s. i searched for andractim

The price is very expensive but I was satisfied with their product and I used It several times. My gains was not impressive, though I did not used an [words=]extender[/words] together with the andractim.
Supra and other guinea pigs, I am very interested in chemical Penis Enlargement. I've been doing Penis Enlargement for a year and have seen some modest gains. I was just prescribed alprostadil in MUSE form, but I only get six doses per month. I remember reading here that 90% of it hydrolizes in the urethra. I have only tried it twice so far but I get raging CC pain and it looks to me like this stuff is going to work well. I want to add DHT cream which I would like to make myself from DHT powder and DMSO. I get a good price offshore and I can make a longer supply at much more potency than Andractim. Anyone ever tried this? I love this thread. Any notable results from you fellow guinea pigs?
I used it for about a 2 week cycle. I would rub in the dosage in the morning and do my routine later in the day. I definitely noticed harder erections, higher libido etc... HOWEVER i stopped my use because i believe that my testosterone levels skyrocketed which led to aggression and i found myself getting in real fist fights. This stuff definitely does something to your mind, my hormones were running INSANE, and its not really a good thing. I have a RoP now, so I'm hoping to increase my testosterone in a more natural way. Im not too keen on chemicals and synthetic rubbish, and besides the stuff can cause male pattern baldness so id stay away from this stuff. Let your body take care of itself the natural way without help from a fake source of hormones.

The few good points about this stuff is that unlike regular testosterone cream, DHT gel doesn't convert to estrogen, which is why you get really nice erections and sex drive. I still wont do another cycle for awhile because of the aggression and the fact that my hormones are in good shape at the moment. if i did, id probably only do 1 week at a time.

Hope this helps you guys
Hi im Ayveen 28 yo male in canada... i was on homonotherapy to become a woman for several years and i changed my mind now im hairless and lets say it my dick had better and longer days... anyone know where i can find testosterone for groth of facial hairs and as well grow back my balls and dick ? im sorry if im to direct but judging by the matter of the blog saying dick balls etc didnt seem to choking... help me please
can anyone explain what and how dht gel is worth buying. also do you just rub it in and do workout right after? can someone help me with this because i am interested in this too. i have ourchased the rop and awaiting its arrival, but dht gel people are reporting gains.
ChowderPowder;479130 said:
I used it for about a 2 week cycle. I would rub in the dosage in the morning and do my routine later in the day. I definitely noticed harder erections, higher libido etc... HOWEVER i stopped my use because i believe that my testosterone levels skyrocketed which led to aggression and i found myself getting in real fist fights.

Wow, this is something I really would hate to have happen to me. I am aggressive enough as it is.
karmi;482280 said:
can anyone explain what and how dht gel is worth buying. also do you just rub it in and do workout right after? can someone help me with this because i am interested in this too. i have ourchased the rop and awaiting its arrival, but dht gel people are reporting gains.

I am on testogel, but not because of Penis Enlargement, just to recover faster from illness. If you want it cause of muscle-building reasons, you would be much better of with other compounds. I am a little doubtfull as to whether it works in regards to Penis Enlargement. It sure won't hurt Penis Enlargement, probably help, but not by very much I think. Growth Hormone on the other hand.. Growth hormone helps all tissue grow, not just your muscles (in regards to the anabolic effects of the testogel, there are of course androgenic effects too). BUT I am no expert, just my take..
Supra and other guinea pigs, I am very interested in chemical Penis Enlargement. I've been doing Penis Enlargement for a year and have seen some modest gains. I was just prescribed alprostadil in MUSE form, but I only get six doses per month. I remember reading here that 90% of it hydrolizes in the urethra. I have only tried it twice so far but I get raging CC pain and it looks to me like this stuff is going to work well. I want to add DHT cream which I would like to make myself from DHT powder and DMSO. I get a good price offshore and I can make a longer supply at much more potency than Andractim. Anyone ever tried this? I love this thread. Any notable results from you fellow guinea pigs? can get yourself a length master device, I assure you a 100% that you will make gains. You don't need any chemical to grow the penis. So many brothers here are gaining with the length master, the SiliStretcher and the Mityvac.
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Testosterone application from the outside unfortunately waste 90% of its intended purposes. This is why most TRT type is focused internal via direct injections, pills, liquids, or time releases through skin barrier penetration devices. I wish gel formulation can deliver past 60% effectiveness.
So, does DHT Gel helps with PE or not?
You literally cannot find this anywhere in the world I don’t believe. There was a place in Greece that had this some time ago. But DHT did seem to clinically help with prepubescent size increases for micro penis issues.
You literally cannot find this anywhere in the world I don’t believe. There was a place in Greece that had this some time ago. But DHT did seem to clinically help with prepubescent size increases for micro penis issues.
The formulation took on a whole different type of twist and turn throughout the world. Some back alley type labs will create a high concentration while most will reduce down to a "safe level" based on the medical aggregation definition, blurring the lines.

For the sake of liability to the forum, I won't mention the names of manufacturers. But there are many key phrases the gel is classified under throughout the world, mainly outside of the States. Some are listed as, andro-gel, while other straight up called it androstanolone or dihydrotestosterone with specific concentration. Others in the less regulated countries use the coined name transdermal DHT, while the more restrictive countries use the prescriptive medication with the terms hypogonadal medication under the modified compounds called andractim. In reality, DHT is still thriving out there, but it's nested under many categorical medication that cause confusion.

But, do be careful when you're testing on it. DHT long term use can cause irregular unprohibited growth of cancer cells as well. This is why it was taken off most of the legal markets.
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    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
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    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
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    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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