spinner2 said:
With topical DHT the effects would be concentrated more locally. I've read that saw palmetto tends to work more locally on the prostate as well. Combining these, you can hope to avoid prostate problems, and still benefit from the DHT.

Yes, you are losing some potency, but preventing prostate cancer is far more important than Penis Enlargement benefits.
Or you could use the PSA test that is included with the kit to determine whether or not any meds are needed at all. You are right saying that health is #1, but completely leaving DHT out altogether is the only way to really make health #1. If you're gonna take DHT, I say leave the preventative meds out until you have finished the protocol.
GashKing said:

Wow, thats really upsetting. I read the whole thread and I was counting on seeing your great (gains) pics - I am just that way though. I love to see things in real life (pics) - guess its just me - like magic tricks or ghosts - I have to see them to believe them . . . . . LOL.

I read all your posts and didnt see your measurements. You've been a member since 2004 (almost 3 years of Penis Enlargement?) - you must have made some gains (what did you start with) since then?

I know what ya mean about the computer. I posted alot of pics to show my progress and I also have kids - so I know what ya mean about sharing the computer.

  • what size did you start with in 2004,
  • approximately what did you start with before the DHT, Andractim ?

Thanks for sharing your research and advice with us.


Sorry for the delay in responding... Work has been a nightmare.

Consult Post #8, 31, and 47 in this thread.

I only really Penis Enlargement'd for a year or so before I have started down this path. I gained about 1/2in in length and 1/2in in girth in that time frame. I watched and read for a long time before I started and I really didn't focus on it the previous year nor did I really measure properly nor had any hopes in gaining.

My previous size was 7bp lengthx5.75base girth before I went down this path.

I have not measured this week but at the time of post #47 I was close to 7.25bp lengthx6.125basegirth.

February 2nd is my next measuring marker. My target is still 8x6.75.

Status Update:

The aggressive behavior has subsided. My mood is still great. Growth this month hasn't been at the same rate as the previous one, however my stretching time has been cut in half. Also, I am experiencing acne and attempting to counter that by using a nightly facial wash. My hair on my head has begun to be a bit more oily - head and shoulders works for that.

The wife is still loving it minus giving BJs. Morning wood hasn't been painful for a while but I believe that is due to the limited exercise time and this backs up my previous months report.

Keep the questions coming...


How is your progress going on this stuff? Are you seeing similar results/conditions/etc?
I'm fairly new here but my experience with DHT (EVIL androgen) and 5ar is pretty large.

I take propecia for hairloss, which is finasteride. It cuts DHT production in the body by about 80% and -doesn't- shrink your penis. The idea of applying DHT topically to your penis is a little flawed considering the tiny amounts that'd be absorbed.

If you don't have prostate problems or male pattern baldness wouldn't the use of propecia for six or so months then coming off of it (raising your dht levels by 80%) possibly spur more growth?
rhgunner said:
I took the PSA test last night. It was positive! Now I'm scared! I have to drag my ass to the doctors and get checked out.

I would take some saw palmetto, selenium, and lycopene for a few months to see if it brings the PSA down. If it does, go ahead with the Andractim, and follow-up with the saw palmetto/selenium/lycopene combo if needed...that's my suggestion at least.
Goldmember thanks fotr the info. I went to the doctors and everything is cool. I think I contaminated the test when I did it at home. I added blood first and then the special drops. Then you are to wait exactly 10mins. Well, I realized I was suppose to use more blood than I did, so I added more. This was after about 2 mins. into the test. Thats how I mess it up. I bought some selenium and lycopene. I will start with the DHT gel tomorrow. I will apply some in the mourning and put on my [words=https://www.internetzahlung.de/cc-aktuell/bestellung.php3?PID=PM0440A&Sprache=en]penimaster[/words]. I will then apply some after my jelqing and stretching routine at night. I will split the amount of gel between mourning and night.
rhgunner said:
Goldmember thanks fotr the info. I went to the doctors and everything is cool. I think I contaminated the test when I did it at home. I added blood first and then the special drops. Then you are to wait exactly 10mins. Well, I realized I was suppose to use more blood than I did, so I added more. This was after about 2 mins. into the test. Thats how I mess it up. I bought some selenium and lycopene. I will start with the DHT gel tomorrow. I will apply some in the mourning and put on my [words=https://www.internetzahlung.de/cc-aktuell/bestellung.php3?PID=PM0440A&Sprache=en]penimaster[/words]. I will then apply some after my jelqing and stretching routine at night. I will split the amount of gel between mourning and night.
Very good. I would take 200mcg of selenium and 3mg of lycopene even while on the DHT. It won't hurt results like finasteride or saw palmetto, and especially not like avodart.
Goldmember, thanks for your help. I started to take them today. I will keep everyone posted. Also, I will measure today and post my stats.
frontierxe said:
My end of the month is this Friday. I'll provide a status then.

Todays Date: Monday February 05, 2007

Update Please ?


Sorry for the delay in responding... Work has been a nightmare.

Consult Post #8, 31, and 47 in this thread.

I only really Penis Enlargement'd for a year or so before I have started down this path. I gained about 1/2in in length and 1/2in in girth in that time frame. I watched and read for a long time before I started and I really didn't focus on it the previous year nor did I really measure properly nor had any hopes in gaining.

My previous size was 7bp lengthx5.75base girth before I went down this path.

I have not measured this week but at the time of post #47 I was close to 7.25bp lengthx6.125basegirth.

February 2nd is my next measuring marker. My target is still 8x6.75.

Status Update:

The aggressive behavior has subsided. My mood is still great. Growth this month hasn't been at the same rate as the previous one, however my stretching time has been cut in half. Also, I am experiencing acne and attempting to counter that by using a nightly facial wash. My hair on my head has begun to be a bit more oily - head and shoulders works for that.

The wife is still loving it minus giving BJs. Morning wood hasn't been painful for a while but I believe that is due to the limited exercise time and this backs up my previous months report.

Keep the questions coming...

Well how did I get off on my schedule by a week, my brain is mush from to much work not enough Penis Enlargement I guess. I got a window of opportunity this afternoon to work on proper measuring effort and will update today.
Length Gain:
First is length, I have gained just short of a 1/4 of an inch. This explains the deep throat issues my wife was experiencing and her comments during sex. Visually my stretch marks are much wider and overall length is hard for me to judge, but it is very clear on the tape. Now if this rate stays, my goal of 1 inch in 6 months would be overshot by 1/2 of an inch.

My conclusion though is that I do not believe these results will stay month after month but this is a good sign.

Girth Gain:
Now this is where it get's interesting and where I visually see the gain but can't explain the uneven growth.

I measure the following: circumference, diameter, and radius. First is the radius, no uneven growth between the two radius sides. This I was worried about since I have to slant the stretcher sometimes when I wear my sweats. The diameter increased by 1/8 of an inch for the length of the shaft and head but minus the base. The base diameter grew 1/4 of an inch. This explains also the deep throat issues my wife was experiencing. Circumference grew 3/8 of an inch for the base, 1/4 for the head and 1/8 for the shaft.


Thankfully, corrections have been made to my mid-girth and my rate of growth falls within last month's assumptions that it would not be at the same rate as the previous month.

As before, I am measuring the following: length, circumference, diameter, and radius.

Length Gain:
I have gained a solid 1/8 in length. Not the 1/4 I experienced the previous month, but I will take all that I can. Now, what is interesting is that I don't seem to be getting new stretch marks, just expanding the existing one. Makes the coloration difference between non stretch marks and stretch marks much more visible. The wife is very much enjoying this new found length and what I have built the month before.

Girth Gain:
The diameter of the main shaft has not increased (Growth Rate Down). Now this is very perplexing since last month I gained 1/8. I gained 1/8 of an inch in base diameter (Growth Rate Down). Now the circumference of the main shaft and base both have increased by 1/8 of an inch.

I still feel DHT helps with growth gains. Is it a one stop solution, NO. Have I regreted it yet, NOPenis Enlargement. Still only greasy hair and some acne issues. Other than that, all is good. My mood is well within reasons, and my morning wood is still there, however not as pronounced as what I was experiencing last month.

How is everyone else doing on DHT?
As far as I know, Bluenun is the only other DHT'er Penis Enlargement'er here (say that five times fast). Bluenun is not a frequent [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MOS[/words] visiter, so hearing from him might take some time. Keep us posted, I'm all ears...er, eyes.
frontierxe said:
... As before, I am measuring the following: length, circumference, diameter, and radius...
Just curious... What value does measuring diameter and radius add?? The only measurements that i would take are Length, circumference, and volume. Of the three, volumes gives the most accurate indication of size and gains...
Sorry guys I was sick for 4 days. So, I decided to delay the DHT. I did begin on Friday Feb. 2. So far no problems. I will post my stats later today. I'm also been taking selenium and lycopene for about two weeks or so.
Here is the starting stats before DHT.

BPenis EnlargementL-6"
NPenis EnlargementL-5.5"
EG-6.125 midshaft
EG-6.5 base

I call my unit "the stump-master". I need more length.
Hey guys, I'd like to know exactly what you said when you ordered this stuff, what the problem was, how you filled in the questionnaire... some people have had their orders cancelled because their excuse/questionnaire answers didn't stack up.
Thanks in advance, GG
Im 24m, from india, i am 5.6" , I like having sex very often, but the problem i face is no proper erection, no thickness, so can any body suggest me the way i can help myself from this problem.

Last time when i was having sex my partner is tempting me, n later wanted to give a blowjob till then i had the erection but later when she started the erectiong is down , n i wanted to increase the length more n want to make it thicker more.

So Plz help me any one if you have and idea HOW to improve.
im also interested please pm me...
Meanwhile what excuse did you use when ordering it?
Guys who have ordered it what did you say.
A friend said he had 1cm lumps under his nipples... they refused the order.
they gave you this spatula thing to measure dose with. You sqeeze the tube into it. I use 1.25g per dose/day. That is a half of a spatula.
It's been a long time since I've visited here... In the past I used dhea gel, plus a muscle growth gel that is no longer buyable due to changes in the law.

Combined with pe pills (for help with bloodflow), workouts and pumping.

It was a long time ago, my gains seem to have remained.

Keep in mind, using gels of this nature is messing with hormon levels. Remember possible side effects for some people.

Did gels help me, I think so... Will I do it again? Probably when able to afford it.
I was thinking the other day that all of you should try using drugs which upregulate androgen receptors in the penis in addition to this. PGE-1 actually does this, which is another little fact in support of the chemical Penis Enlargement floating around. I know IGF does this, as well.
spinner2 said:
I was thinking the other day that all of you should try using drugs which upregulate androgen receptors in the penis in addition to this. PGE-1 actually does this, which is another little fact in support of the chemical Penis Enlargement floating around. I know IGF does this, as well.
So does thyroid hormone (T3). BTW, where is frontierXE???
Started using my gel yesterday. Using about 1.25g daily, in two applications morning and night. I apply it clamped and use ADC/ANC.
I'll do this for one girth IPR cycle of 1month.
2weeks on I- 3day cycles of I, P, R.
In the opening post of this thread the study says that 0.2-0.3mg per Kg was efficient. So for a 76kg individual, 22.8mg should be used daily... this is a tiny amount and it sound as if the people using it here are using alot more.

Keep the updates coming guys... EVO? Frontier? Gunner?
2.5 % gel so every gram (1000mg) = 25 mg of androstanolone
at 80 kg = 0.31mg/kg of body weight

not noticing much to be honest, feels good going on though! lol.
think my flaccid is getting bigger, and looking more vascular.
havent gained anything yet, but im stretching further whilst hanging, so that could be a good sign...
Interesting read about androgen application's effectiveness in early childhood or later... could boad well for our adult use of DHT gel.

Still applying 1.25g in 2 sittings, 12 hours apart. Girth routine has been light up untill now, should be recieving the [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98 ]Bathmate[/words] watepump over next few days so ill throw a few pump sets in to.
My moods been real good, all i seem to think and dream about is fucking and fighting :D. But this could jus be due to the amount of edging im doing. No painful erections yet...
Lil' confused with the measurement ruler on the side of the tube... Number 1 is smaller than number 15, they all get a bit bigger as they go up. So so pushing out half a turn at number 3 will give you less gel than at 14??
Intermittent Dosing of Topical Steroids
Because a common side effect of topical steroid therapy is tachyphylaxis, or tolerance to the vasoconstrictive action of the steroid, it is sometimes more useful to apply topical steroids in pulse doses. If a topical steroid looses its effectiveness, it should be discontinued for 4-7 days, and then restarted.

found this on a site somewhere... interesting
From Heather Brannon, MD,
Your Guide to Skin & Beauty.
FREE Newsletter. Sign Up Now!
Definition: Tachyphylaxis is the tolerance the skin develops to the vasoconstrictive action of topical steroids. After repeated use of topical steroids, the capillaries in the skin do not constrict as well, requiring higher doses or more frequent application of the steroid. With high-potency steroids this effect has been documented after 4 days of applying a topical steroid three times a day. The ability of the blood vessels to constrict returns 4 days after stopping therapy.
What are you thinking of seeing? growth or shrinkage?
I'm very paranoid about testicle shrinkage... but it shouldn't happen with these doses and topical application. Can anyone varify this? Gmember?
gimmegirth said:
What are you thinking of seeing? growth or shrinkage?
I'm very paranoid about testicle shrinkage... but it shouldn't happen with these doses and topical application. Can anyone varify this? Gmember?
I wouldn't expect this dosage to have much effect, if any. Especially DHT, which is quite gentle on the HPTA.
RocketX said:
I was actually wondering if it would possibly promote growth the same way it looks like it works for the penis.
It would never cause the testes to grow. If anything, it would make them shrink (by atrophy). I doubt the low dosage of DHT would have any noticeable effect on testes size.
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    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
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    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
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    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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