That's great, DH! Now we can eleminate the absorption issue from this experiment. I mixed up some saline solution, emu oil, and arginine and applied it yesterday. I think I could feel something going on down there, but too early for me to tell. The saline creates that "biohazardous" environment and emu oil is supposed to have excellent penetrating ability, so I'm hoping it'll deliver the arginine. I also mixed some arginine directly with my Andractim last night, but couldn't tell if it made any difference.

How are you guys going for gains, libido? Also, how long was it before your order for andractim was processed? It's been 2 days for me, I haven't heard anything from them.
J, I think I speak for both DH and I when I say the verdict is still out about the gains from Andractim. I can't tell much about my libido, I'm always a horny bastard! They don't send shipment notification so your order may be ok. Be sure that you use the same address for shipping as the one from your credit card though, that held up my order and I had to re-order because of it. It'll be good to have another mind on this Andractim thing though, so chime in with your input.

All my research seems to lead to the burning of DHT in the penis that throws the growth on over drive. I plan on applying it 15 minutes before doing an edging session. Will try to work my edging session upto about an hour each time. Read somewhere that edging for greater than 30 minutes will really get the juices flowing. This is when the body starts to burn Test in your penis to DHT. That's when the Androgen receptors will become most active. So, the dht from the cream plus the body production, should equal some great gains. This ballooning is what I believe will give the greatest gains. I'm backing that up with some leech oil, that will hopefully help boost test production in the body.

All the best guys! I'll let you know when mine arrives.
Day 15 of Phase 3 (05.29):

Did 10 minute [words= ]Bathmate[/words] workout at 130 mm pressure followed by 10 minute jelq at 50-70%. First day experimenting with 5 grams DHT + DMSO.

Day 16 of Phase 3:

Day off. Applied 5 grams DHT + DMSO.

Day 17 of Phase 3:

Unscheduled day off. Applied 5 grams of DHT + DMSO.

Day 18 of Phase 3 (today):

10 minute [words= ]Bathmate[/words] (always do a 4 minute warm-up now and it soooo helps!), 10 minute 50-70% jelq, 5-7 grams DHT (finished off my first tube) + DMSO.

DMSO impression:

Possibly helps, still too early to tell. Immediately upon application, the flakes that usually precipitate from the DHT drying are immediately produced... which indicates that there is some kind of chemical that is not soluble, even with DMSO... don't know what this means exactly.

Ordered a Silver ROP to see if it can help me get killer morning wood back and general assistance with Penis Enlargement/testosterone improvements. Perhaps the additional testosterone will synergistically enhance the DHT....?
Have you tried applying the DHT cream, then applying some heat to the penis? The flakes might absorb with an increase in temp, plus the pores will be open to take anything in. I get the feeling that this dht cream works better, when there is an abundance of test in the body already.
jseses;383531 said:
Have you tried applying the DHT cream, then applying some heat to the penis? The flakes might absorb with an increase in temp, plus the pores will be open to take anything in. I get the feeling that this dht cream works better, when there is an abundance of test in the body already.

Gettimg the pores open to absorb the cream sounds like the way to go. Maybe even have a heat lamp on you while training to help with absorption.
Day 19 of Phase 3 (06.02):

Scheduled day off. Applied 5 grams of DHT + DMSO prior to bed.

Day 20 of Phase 3:

10 minute [words= ]Bathmate[/words] session at 130 mm. Felt really horny so I did a 25 minute edge session. Applied 5 grams DHT + DMSO after and then went to sleep.

Day 21 of Phase 3:

Day off. Missed DHT application.

Day 22: of Phase 3 (06.05):

My ROP arrived today! Also, I received my order of 100% silicone gel, which was recommended for scar tissue.

Did a 10 minute [words= ]Bathmate[/words] session at 130 mm. 10 minute light jelq, plan on applying DHT + DMSO prior to bed.

The tingling sensation from the ROP is very subtle. I plan on wearing it all day except during showers/baths. I'll keep you guys posted on my impressions. A positive sign would be morning would frequency and intensity improvements. Right now, my morning wood isn't that great.
Douglas Hamlin;384080 said:
The tingling sensation from the ROP is very subtle. I plan on wearing it all day except during showers/baths. I'll keep you guys posted on my impressions. A positive sign would be morning would frequency and intensity improvements. Right now, my morning wood isn't that great.

I was just thinking about the ROP and your descriptions is right on target. Lately I have been waking with morning erections, I am attributing it to kegels and BathMating.
I have decided to take a decon break from DHT as I have obviously plateaued - absolutely no PIs what so ever in the last week or so.

On a positive side, I think the Scaraway gel is working. Should know for certain in another 2 weeks.

Starting tomorrow, I will do 2 days on 1 day off workout routines consisting of 10 minute batHydromaxat workouts at 130-140 mm pressure, followed by 10 minutes of light jelqing. Will wear the ROP as much as I can (10 hours +).

Still have yet to gain anything from the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] + DHT + manual workout experiment.... *shakes head* and the future doesn't look very promising... looking back on it, low intensity workouts don't really help much, and high intensity workouts pose too big of a risk to continue long term (due to foreskin damage). I'm not giving up, but I sure am frustrated as all hell... am I just genetically predisposed to NOT gain from Penis Enlargement? Is there anyone here that would like to shed some light on my predicament?
I think if you could see your penis from before you started Penis Enlargement and then see it now you may feel different. Tonight I was looking at my dick and I was thinking gosh why am I even doing this I am not even growing. And then i remembered how my dick really used to look and then I realized it really has grown even though it doest feel like it. So then I thought Ive only been doing this for 2.5 months. If I were stop now or slow down I will never get results. Its all about consistency D.H. We started around the same time with our routines. Give it a SOLID 6 Months before you decide it aint workin fa sho for ya. I think if you took some pics, not posting them but on your comp for you, You may be surprised by the end of the year at your results. Remember its all about consistency and if you dont see a difference in 2 or 3 months it isn't fair with all that hard work you put in to give up right on the beginning of seeing what could have been. It works, it takes some belief. Maybe slow your routine down to a simpler version. Dont give up.
Not going to give up, not yet anyway... but just FYI, I've been doing this on and off for YEARS. As of the past 2 years, I have been very consistent.

Specifically, I need some advice from a REALLY HARD GAINER - someone like me that has come out the other side with some gains....
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Day 2 of Decon 3:

Did a 10 minute [words= ]Bathmate[/words] session at 130-140 mm. Lately, I have been using my jelq device for my 10 minute jelq routine. I am using a new technique that feels pretty good: 70-90% erection, Jelqing up (toward the ceiling) with the Jelq device while pulling down on my testicles. This technique enables greater expansion as I can pull the scrotum away from the base of my penis.

Total ROP time = 10+ hours.

Day 3 of Decon 3:

Felt a little horny today so I did a edge session + Jelq Device Advanced Technique (see above) for 15 minutes. Later in the day, I did a 10 minute [words= ]Bathmate[/words] session at 140-150 mm. I divided the workout into 2 sets of 5 minutes, separated by a 2 minute Jelq Device Advanced Technique (henceforth known as JDAT - for simplicity purposes). This combo enabled a great pump session with no fluid build up. Followed up with a 10 minute JDAT.

Total ROP time = 10+ hours.
Day 4 of Decon 3:

Something happened last night... For the longest time, I had NOT been experiencing significant morning wood, but last night and this morning I experienced multiple erections, ranging between 7-9 on a scale of 10. I have a feeling that the ROP played a major part, and perhaps my workout yesterday added a nice synergistic effect.

Today is my scheduled day off. I plan on wearing my ROP for at least 10 hours.
doublelongdaddy;384784 said:
How is the ROP working for you?

Too early to tell, DLD. Last night was the first night I noticed a significant difference in midnight/morning wood. Another possibly positive effect is that my testicles seem to be hanging a little lower and possibly a little bigger periodically... the lower hang would be the consequence of increased heat which may be associated with increased metabolic activity (hormone production). I remain optimistic. Perhaps another week or 2 I will know whether it is doing something or not.

Curious to know if there is a stronger model that produces more than 1 volt?
Day 5 of Decon 3:

Did a 10 minute [words= ]Bathmate[/words] workout at 140-150 mm pressure divided into 2 - 5 minute sets, separated by 2 minutes of JDAT. Followed up by 10 minutes of JDAT. Experienced a BUNCH of mid-night/morning erections which I believe are resultant from my ROP.

Found an interesting article about acetyl-l-carnitine and its possible effects on Androgen Receptor Activity:

I know there has been some threads floating around about L-carnitine on [words=]MOS[/words]... anyone have any definitive success with it and Penis Enlargement?
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Hey Doug,

How are you going with the workouts? I see you haven't posted for about a month and a half. I'll be getting started with DHT cream in the next couple of weeks as well. I just started on Andro-D gel. Put it straight onto the penis, without much reaction. I started applying it on my under arms today. As long it gets absorbed.

Did you try evening primrose oil at all? I have been taking between 5grams - 8grams daily. I wake up with morning wood every day now.
Douglas Hamlin;375876 said:
Hey Everyone,

After doing some research online and checking the usual forums, I decided to give Adractim (DHT cream) a shot. This will probably be my last shot at Penis Enlargement - I've been very consistent for 2 years + without much improvement. Actually, the only significant signs of change are new stretch marks and some damaged foreskin from intense Penis Enlargement sessions.

I've tried it all: jelqing, stretching, [words=]traction[/words] devices, static pumping, dynamic pumping, clamping, clamped jelqing, edging, and a bunch of combinations of the aforementioned. All in all, I think I may have gained a total of 1/8" in both length and girth... Needless to say, I think I am a hard gainer. Anytime I try a new program, it seems to produce PI's for 1-4 weeks, but then it stops. I have never made progress from one routine to the next; it's always a restart button for me.

With all of the research that I have done on the various forums, Penis Enlargement is certainly possible. And from a biochemical perspective, perhaps my tribulations are attributed to a hormonal problem? There is only one way to find out...

So, today I purchased 2 tubes of Andractim from All Saints Clinic. Hopefully my order will arrive soon and I can begin the experiment.

Considering that there are a lot of gaps in user feedback regarding topical DHT experiments, I will post in this thread daily. I plan on cycling andractim (2-4 weeks on, 1-2 weeks off - depending on reactions). In addition to the treatment, I plan to do a 1 on/1 off workout that includes:

5 minute warm-up
3 minute jelq
2 minute clamp

(Workout - repeat 4 times)
10 minute pump at 3" with heat (non-erect)
3 minute jelq
2 minute clamp

Finish with 5 minute edging

The workout above is the most recent con-"cock"-tion that I have created. I just finished a 3 week period and am currently recovering until the andractim arrives. Once it does, I'll post starting stats.

If anyone has tips for this experiment, please feel free to chime in. I could use all the help I can get. :)

-Douglas Hamlin

How sure are you of how much work you're actually doing? You keep a log? Do/have you always done 1 on 1 off? Do you take weekends off as well? If so, that's 3 days of Penis Enlargement per week with....8 minutes of clamping per day according to you. Well, 10 minutes total counting the warm up. I'd personally switch (going by what you posted) from doing so much pumping (40 minutes) to more actual work. Pumping is something you do after all your work to further expand things. I think the 10 minute break (pumping) after every 2 minutes of clamping is hurting you more than helping. Not to mention, I think jelqs are pretty much nothing better than a warm up exercise for someone with experience. Newbies sometimes see improvement from jelqs, but I RARELY see advanced guys make gains from them.

HOW do you clamp? Have you seen my ''guide'' post with videos in the Clamping forum? Do you do like some of these guys and start erect, then clamp down? Details bro. One clamp? Two? I've been around this game for over a decade, and 9 times outta 10 when I've had a guy come to me saying ''Still I've tried ''EVERYTHING'' and can't gain....'' I'm usually able to show him how to gain. It's almost always something he IS NOT doing....or something he's doing too much of (''warming up'' or pumping for example) that is holding him back. ALSO, more guys actually benefit from very little off time. PM me if need be. I do not always get back to the posts I read. All rubbing DHT on your dick will do for you is raise your testosterone which has nothin to do (except in puberty...and along with MULTIPLE OTHER hormones not just test) with penis growth.

If you have not yet done so, get your blood testosterone and other hormones checked by a qualified endocrinologist. Did you actually consult one before ordering the DHT? You will want to make sure your hormone levels do not get messed up by taking this can happen. You're basically taking a very mild steroid cycle by using that stuff. Some men are more sensitive than others to changes in the testosterone levels. Last thing you want is to come off this stuff however many weeks later and have your testosterone in the toilet. Mood swings, (yep, men get em too) erection problems, depression, acne, gyno (bitch tits) and other steroid related sides can occur even on ''low dose'' hormones. That is, if you just ''wing it'' and don't actually know what you are doing. That's where most men mess up when they mess around with hormones. They do not know what they are doing, just heard they should try XYZ because so and so said so and then 8-12 weeks later they have steroid related sides and blame the steroids. Sorry for the rant, but it's the truth.
I think this thread should be sticky'd. The only reason I dont is because it was a total of approx 2 months long. If he were to come back and update every now and then with his current routines it will be sticky. There is much info in this journal and I believe if he stuck with it after a year (even less time) of this specific routine he will see great results. Douglas Hamlin where have you gone?
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Hey guys!

Thanks for the feedback. Been super busy with school and work, etc. My routines are all over the map, still trying to find the golden program that provide progressive and continuous gains.

I haven't used my DHT cream since my last post. It's hard to say whether it was working or not... still got most of my 2nd tube left over.

Waiting for my [words= ]Bathmate[/words] replacement (comfort seal disconnection) and will go back to a manual + pump session that will look something like this:

4 sessions/week: 2 on 1 off, 2 on 2 off.

1. 10-15 minute warm up.
2. 5 minutes: Semi-Flaccid bends
3. 5 minutes: Clamped + Jelq Device @ 70-80% erection
4. 8 minutes: [words= ]Bathmate[/words] @ 140-150 mm pressure.
5. 5 minutes: Clamped + Jelq Device @ 70-80% erection

Hey Doug, I keep so much my fingers crossed for you.:) I´m also the one who hasn´t made gains, but only I´ve been excercising for 5 full months, most probably wrong, and have not tried all the options. Everytime I read about the guy making little to no gains I would be happy if he makes a breakthrough. If there was invented a cream breaking down collagen in connective tissues we all hardgainers would be become fortunate.
Just tried p-boost after reading some reviews about it. Worked good but pretty pricey. The trial was free but you have to pay for the shipping which was quick. Anyone know any coupon codes for
MikeMo;459868 said:
Just tried p-boost after reading some reviews about it. Worked good but pretty pricey. The trial was free but you have to pay for the shipping which was quick. Anyone know any coupon codes for

Is p-boost a prohormone?

Dht gel can cause some minor penis growth if you have micropenis..however the amount you have to use is extreme to get minimal that study..

Only reason why I believe it worked a bit was because it was a dht study and the group treated did not have to pay for treatment and they used a much higher concentrated dosage of the cream 25mg....
Douglas Hamlin;375876 said:
Hey Everyone,

After doing some research online and checking the usual forums, I decided to give Adractim (DHT cream) a shot. This will probably be my last shot at Penis Enlargement - I've been very consistent for 2 years + without much improvement
. Actually, the only significant signs of change are new stretch marks and some damaged foreskin from intense Penis Enlargement sessions.

I've tried it all: jelqing, stretching, [words=]traction[/words] devices, static pumping, dynamic pumping, clamping, clamped jelqing, edging, and a bunch of combinations of the aforementioned. All in all, I think I may have gained a total of 1/8" in both length and girth... Needless to say, I think I am a hard gainer. Anytime I try a new program, it seems to produce PI's for 1-4 weeks, but then it stops. I have never made progress from one routine to the next; it's always a restart button for me.

With all of the research that I have done on the various forums, Penis Enlargement is certainly possible. And from a biochemical perspective, perhaps my tribulations are attributed to a hormonal problem? There is only one way to find out...

So, today I purchased 2 tubes of Andractim from Hopefully my order will arrive soon and I can begin the experiment.

Considering that there are a lot of gaps in user feedback regarding topical DHT experiments, I will post in this thread daily. I plan on cycling andractim (2-4 weeks on, 1-2 weeks off - depending on reactions). In addition to the treatment, I plan to do a 1 on/1 off workout that includes:

5 minute warm-up
3 minute jelq
2 minute clamp

(Workout - repeat 4 times)
10 minute pump at 3" with heat (non-erect)
3 minute jelq
2 minute clamp

Finish with 5 minute edging

The workout above is the most recent con-"cock"-tion that I have created. I just finished a 3 week period and am currently recovering until the andractim arrives. Once it does, I'll post starting stats.

If anyone has tips for this experiment, please feel free to chime in. I could use all the help I can get.

-Douglas Hamlin

Your routine looks right. Adding Andractim will bring some gain for sure.
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jizvicka;510926 said:
Is andractim save to use for Penis Enlargement? Does someone any gain or another good/bad experience?

Lots of info on google, but the bottom line is you need to be careful with Andractim (or any hormone supplement), it can have nasty side-effects. Not everyone sees gains, but some appear to experience some.
So is the Andractim still safe to order from Allsaintsclinic & have shipped to the US without worrying about authorities showing up at your door?
<a href="
</a> That is why we need the gov't to ration care, expensive meds and to provide other sensible constraints. When the insurance company does it, you can fire them, but are left with a pre-existing condition. You can't change the CEO. But, if socialized, there's no pre-existing condition clause, there's no medical malpractice, there's a way to fire the CEO if they don't offer policies that work for people, rather than Caveat Emptor--a dangerous game to play with one's health.
Over the second half of the twentieth century, argue Greasley and Oxley (1999), New Zealand seemed in some respects to have more in common with Latin American countries than with other advanced western nations. As well as a snail-like growth rate, New Zealand followed highly protectionist economic policies between 1938 and the 1980s. (In absolute terms, however, New Zealanders continued to be much better off than their Latin American counterparts.) Maddison (1991) put New Zealand in a middle-income group of countries, including the former Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Portugal, and Spain.
The worse is at it's best.
<a href="
</a> More than 250,000 diplomatic cables and directives from the U.S. State Department were leaked by the document-dumping website WikiLeaks on Nov. 28, 2010. Dig deeper into some of the information that captured much of the attention of media outlets.
<a href="
</a> Try zooming out for a broader look.
<a href="
</a> Ski accommodation, holidays and packages
<a href="
</a> Read your local news
<a href="
</a> The article descusses the possibility and abostacles of secularization of the Muslim and Arab world.
<a href="
</a> Tarin Earnest-Smith worked for more than a decade as an X-ray technician before taking a higher paying job three years ago with a land company that researches and negotiates for mineral rights. She more than doubled her salary.
<a href="
</a> My guess is that they will own one of the big U.S. banks within a year for pennies on the dollar.
interesting story about Andractim. I got an advice from the doctor that guys who have a wish to enlarge the glans can apply this gel on a glans and start pumping. This gel works only if you have high blood flow there which can be done by pumping. In 1-2 months of this treatment you will have your glans enlarged. It may also works for girth of the penis and for length in combination with [words=]penis [words=]extender[/words][/words]. If simply to apply the gel and wait for growing it will not work this way. this gel in general only works if the patient has micropenis or with normal penis in combination with pumping or stretcher.
I tried jelqing and followed a certain routine for the first time out of curiosity because who would turn down a chance for a bigger dick? So i tried it for two days with a warm up and stuff,but later i noticed a pain on the underside of my shaft whenever i pressed down on it. I then looked up possible injuries and erectile disfunction was one that got me really scared. I couldnt achieve a full erection and my morning wood was semi erect. Later the next night i tried getting a full erection by relaxing and it worked which made me think i had no injury. So i didnt worry about it for a few days and then attempted to masturbate but couldnt maintain an erection. Im really scared now. Part of my problem could be anxiety but i do get good morning wood, although my penis is kinda hard when flaccid and ive lost a bit of feeling. Im not sure what to do. Im only 15 and just wanted to try a penis excersise because i thought it was healthy but im already experiencing ED. Please tell me what i should do!
Teddybuddy;531508 said:
I tried jelqing and followed a certain routine for the first time out of curiosity because who would turn down a chance for a bigger dick? So i tried it for two days with a warm up and stuff,but later i noticed a pain on the underside of my shaft whenever i pressed down on it. I then looked up possible injuries and erectile disfunction was one that got me really scared. I couldnt achieve a full erection and my morning wood was semi erect. Later the next night i tried getting a full erection by relaxing and it worked which made me think i had no injury. So i didnt worry about it for a few days and then attempted to masturbate but couldnt maintain an erection. Im really scared now. Part of my problem could be anxiety but i do get good morning wood, although my penis is kinda hard when flaccid and ive lost a bit of feeling. Im not sure what to do. Im only 15 and just wanted to try a penis excersise because i thought it was healthy but im already experiencing ED. Please tell me what i should do!

Hi buddy,
how your post connected to Andractim discussion here? In case you are just 15 year old you should not have any worries about your erection as It will come later maybe your just overstretched there. For you its a good time to practice enlargement as you still in good period and can get much better results than older guys. Go to warm bathtub and try to relax your stuff there.
BraHydromaxanion;531423 said:
interesting story about Andractim. I got an advice from the doctor that guys who have a wish to enlarge the glans can apply this gel on a glans and start pumping. This gel works only if you have high blood flow there which can be done by pumping. In 1-2 months of this treatment you will have your glans enlarged. It may also works for girth of the penis and for length in combination with [words=]penis [words=]extender[/words][/words]. If simply to apply the gel and wait for growing it will not work this way. this gel in general only works if the patient has micropenis or with normal penis in combination with pumping or stretcher.

Hey BraHydromaxanion, thanks for the feedback. I still have ~ 1 tube left over, and I may experiment with the pumping method (IE: 2 inches of pressure for 20-30 mins).

If anyone has tried this in the past with success, please chyme in.
As your last hope have you found the belief needed to make it all a reality? Just had to ask with the thread name being active so much.
doublelongdaddy;539399 said:
As your last hope have you found the belief needed to make it all a reality? Just had to ask with the thread name being active so much.

Hey DLD!

Thanks for the inquiry/concern. To answer your question... my penis is a constant work in progress. :)

I am likely the epitome of a hard gainer. Although my Andractim experiment failed to produce any viable results, I continue to experiment with new techniques/combinations.

As of right now, I am experimenting with some high intensity stretching techniques (both flaccid and erect) combined with edging, clamping, horse squeezes, etc., and of course, a little jelqing (typically reserved for the end of my workout). I always ice afterward, which seems to help recovery/c-scar aggravation. I have been experimenting with DMSO + PABA 2x/day to facilitate collagen breakdown (the likely cause of my Penis Enlargement frustrations - my dick is tough). I am also taking 1500 mgs of concentrated Maca extract (from Now Foods), which I think has helped me with erection quality, horniness, and semen volume - a bit.

Overall, I have been monitoring solid progress (improved flaccid, horniness, morning wood, random erections, +1/8" base and mid-shaft girth) for a little over a month with this workout program (only 2 weeks on the Maca). DMSO + PABA seems to significantly improve the results of my workouts - which is great! However, the real challenge will be continuing this trend for 3-4 months without fail. Breaking the 1-2 month barrier of positive PIs and small gains has proved nearly impossible in the past.

Time, patience, and dedication will tell.

PS I also find that using a Penis Enlargement journal (as a google spreadsheet) is extremely helpful. This helps me learn from my mistakes, and properly gauge the implementation of high intensity days, low/medium intensity days, and rest days.
Douglas Hamlin;544580 said:
Hey DLD!

Thanks for the inquiry/concern. To answer your question... my penis is a constant work in progress.

I am likely the epitome of a hard gainer. Although my Andractim experiment failed to produce any viable results, I continue to experiment with new techniques/combinations.

As of right now, I am experimenting with some high intensity stretching techniques (both flaccid and erect) combined with edging, clamping, horse squeezes, etc., and of course, a little jelqing (typically reserved for the end of my workout). I always ice afterward, which seems to help recovery/c-scar aggravation. I have been experimenting with DMSO + PABA 2x/day to facilitate collagen breakdown (the likely cause of my Penis Enlargement frustrations - my dick is tough). I am also taking 1500 mgs of concentrated Maca extract (from Now Foods), which I think has helped me with erection quality, horniness, and semen volume - a bit.

Overall, I have been monitoring solid progress (improved flaccid, horniness, morning wood, random erections, +1/8" base and mid-shaft girth) for a little over a month with this workout program (only 2 weeks on the Maca). DMSO + PABA seems to significantly improve the results of my workouts - which is great! However, the real challenge will be continuing this trend for 3-4 months without fail. Breaking the 1-2 month barrier of positive PIs and small gains has proved nearly impossible in the past.

Time, patience, and dedication will tell.

PS I also find that using a Penis Enlargement journal (as a google spreadsheet) is extremely helpful. This helps me learn from my mistakes, and properly gauge the implementation of high intensity days, low/medium intensity days, and rest days.

If You are 15-18yr dht gel by itself should produce some results but It takes many months of daily applications.
hsarge;375930 said:
Andractim contains DHT which is testosterone precursor. It is like a steroid, providing extra testosterone.
i know this post is old and someone probably already corrected him but this is completely wrong. DHT is NOT a precursor to testosterone and it does not provide extra testosterone. DHT is produced by converting it from testosterone via the 5 alpha reductase enzyme. This is the reason why we give finasteride to patients with enlarged prostates.
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    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
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    500MattersofSize is our newest member. Welcome!
  • oldandlively @ oldandlively:
    @Hey_There, howdy. Come join us in the forum.
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    JKKJ is our newest member. Welcome!
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    jammmer is our newest member. Welcome!
      MoS Notifier MoS Notifier: jammmer is our newest member. Welcome!