Well I finally have a modded dick...

I was right about the tie, it wasn't tight enough at all, I think stretch magic is no good for this as it worked loose - however what it did do is wear down the skin on the frenulum and completely expose the internal 'cord' (pics below).

Basically the tie was no longer doing anything and was slipping loosely on the internal cord (can be seen in pic below), so I took action.

I grabbed my nail cutters and cut the internal frenulum cord, this opened up the gap nicely with both ends retracting away. I didn't feel anything at all however after the cut I could see a smaller thinner cord which was also exposed, so I cut this as well, and down to the bottom of thr hole the stretch magic made. I think I cut the one that runs the ring foreskin as it's nice and supple now, also my skin is no longer trying to roll back!

Now the frenulum is opened up I can see where further ties are needed and I can access easier, time to heal for now though.

You can see where the 2 points have split a considerable distance.

Hey guys, just an update. Here's some pics fully healed, you can see the huge gap between the two points that have separated, the tip of the little triangular bit of skin was the point of where it used to be attached to just below the pee hole, that bit has gone soft now.

The outcome of this has been great for me, it's significantly relieved a lot of the tightness and I don't get a pulling on the glans now. The skin itself sits lower when hard too. One unexpected thing with the sensitivity, it seems to have improved! The extra sensitive bit seems to be a bit lower down now rather than right behind the glans, which means it's now getting more stimulated when "active". The first time I come after this had healed, it was like I had a new dick - I've not had such a strong sensation for years. I think where it was so tight, it was stopping the area get attention I suppose.

I still plan to do another tie/snip to detach it further.
Hi, I'm new here. But i'm still reading this topic for a few years now. I'm circumcised when I was 5 years old. But they keep the frenelum. I think my frenulum is a bit short but it's nicer if I removed the frenulum. Do you think it's posible to cut the fren with the same procedure as tying up? I look forward to your reply's.

Done two ties so it’s abit red but now it looks like this and my foreskin still won’t fully retract when erect , What do I do now ?
should I still masturbate or should I leave it for a week or two and should I still apply antiseptic cream ? thanks for the response :)
According to my experience with my tie in the past, you can masturbate, but slowly, don't try to stretch the frenulum part much, it might damage the new tissues formed. It's good to apply antiseptic for around 15 days more.
I would wait. I took 2 weeks to completely heal before any sex or pe.
has anyone here tried tying and been unsuccessful then went on to get a frenuplasty ?
just wondering because my foreskin still doesnt retract when erect so ill propbally go for a frenuplasty or frenulectomy if it isnt fixed
let me know guys :) thanks
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Hi guys! A little update on my tie.

So, it's been 12 days since the tie, and the thread has fallen naturally 2 days ago, when i was bathing my junk in salty water . Not really painful, but it was pinching a little towards the end, and since the thread has come off, it's much more comfortable!

I think it took a little longer than for many guys here, but i believe it's due to the fact that i pierced rather deep, so there was quite a lot to remove!
During those 12 days, i managed to masturbate even though i should have avoided to do it, but i was becoming crazy! Almost each time there was a little bleeding afterwards, but nothing dramatic. I cleaned the tie nicely with either salty warm water soaks or some spray. Masturbation very probably prevented the tie to heal faster so that's also a reason why it's still not fully recovered yet.

As you will notice on the pictures, everything i wanted to get rid of has actually disappeared, so i can say i'm very very pleased with the outcome!
In fact, it has exceeded my expectations, i didn't believe i could get such a nice result, let alone on the first attempt! I don't think i will do another tie, since there's almost nothing left to remove. Plus, the little bit of flesh remaining is where the vein lies, so there's no way i'll risk to damage it.

As I said, it's not completely healed, i continue the soaks several times a day.

I'll do another update when it's completely back to normal!

Feel free to ask me questions for those of you unsure about the whole process. For me it has been a blast, it has gone out so well!
Very clean I don’t think a surgeon to do a better job.
has anyone here tried tying and been unsuccessful then went on to get a frenuplasty ?
just wondering because my foreskin still doesnt retract when erect so ill propbally go for a frenuplasty or frenulectomy if it isnt fixed
let me know guys :) thanks
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I’ve tied my frenulum twice but when I retract my foreskin one side retracts further then the other as you can see and I’m not sure if I should do another tie incase I stuff it up , Any feedback or replies about the photos I’m posting would be great :) Thanks guys
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I’ve tied my frenulum twice but when I retract my foreskin one side retracts further then the other as you can see and I’m not sure if I should do another tie incase I stuff it up , Any feedback or replies about the photos I’m posting would be great :) Thanks guys

very clean! Great work!
Have done 2 ties before and have lengthened the frenulum a lot but when fully erect it still doesn’t retract 100% and I don’t know if there is much frenulum to tie anymore ☺️ Using photos and videos you see any advice would be great ?? Thanks everyone
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hey Guys ? I’ve tied my frenulumn 3 times now and now it’s basically a straight line down my shaft where my frenulumn used to be ? I’m pretty sure it’s given me more space but still don’t think it’s done enough because I still can’t retract it ? when I’m erect ?? Any advice would be much appreciated ❤️
hey Guys ? I’ve tied my frenulumn 3 times now and now it’s basically a straight line down my shaft where my frenulumn used to be ? I’m pretty sure it’s given me more space but still don’t think it’s done enough because I still can’t retract it ? when I’m erect ?? Any advice would be much appreciated ❤

Beautiful work my brother! Basic stretching will alleviate this tightness. The testicle Health massage and stretch may be exactly what you need.
hey Guys ? I’ve tied my frenulumn 3 times now and now it’s basically a straight line down my shaft where my frenulumn used to be ? I’m pretty sure it’s given me more space but still don’t think it’s done enough because I still can’t retract it ? when I’m erect ?? Any advice would be much appreciated ❤
Once the frenulum is gone, you work with normal skin only - you can stretch it. Give it some time - like 12 weeks of stretching and you should be happy with the results.
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Ok guys. First tie is behind me. Long story short - I've put sewing thread with sewing needle in my dong's frenulum last saturday. After two days with no visible effects I thought it's too loose - Fortunately I got surgical stitches with 0.25mm single nylon thread, then I cut old stitch, and put new one in place. I've tied is as hard as I could - for few hours it was a little bit sore, but then it stopped. On thursday evening it started to pinch a little bit from time to time. Few hours ago it started to be pretty painfull when I pulled foreskin back to put my dong in a hot water. When I checked it closer(after 15minutes in hot saline) I could see frenulum clearly cut, but the stitch was still hanging on some "meat". I've grabbed an icecube, cooled down the area("great" anaestethic), and with gentle, but firm pull, I could rip stitch loop from flesh - pinched a bit (biggest pain of whole procedure, but still within reasonable level, like 4 or 5/10). The tie loop is 0.5mm in inner diameter.

Any tips for you?

1. Sterilise your equipment :
-I used 95% ethanol, 20minutes bath, dried it, and then used octenisept spray; isopropyl alcohol is good too (buy yourself good IPA , something like 99% pure). If you can't get yourself surgical sutures - use nylon fishing line - something close to 0.25mm (12kg stuff) will be good - smaller could rip during tying, bigger won't cut as fast;

2. Buy two surgical needle holders - it will help you to tie your stitches really tight - you won't get even close to that force and precision with bare hands (or with gloves); practice tying with your "new" toys before trying it on your "meat";

3. Clean area of surgery - use octenisept, or even better iodine based stuff;

4. Keep your dong clean - not only while tie works its way through(especially then), but always!

5. 4-5 times a day - hot saline bath - use medical saline, or make your own - big glass of hot water, 2 pinches of salt (or for folks with scales - make 0.9% NaCl solution), 10 - 15 minutes is good, after that go to point six:

6. Disinfect 4-5 times a day your dong while it has stitches, after disinfection - put some betadine ointment;
/saline bath, then disinfection, then put betadine ointment, and let it rest till next "bath"/

7. If you need to fap with the stitch on your dong - go ahead, but for biggus dickus sake, clean, and I mean CLEAN it afterwards, and disinfect for a good measure - why cleaning is so important after jerking off? Your cum contains a lot of proteins, and "rotting" proteins close to open/barely closed wound is the last thing you want do deal with!

8. Numb yourself - no pain mean better precision/accuracy, less stress, less shaking hands, and tighter stitch. If you are lucky, you can get EMLA, if you are less lucky, use some "joint pain relief" gel - aim for highest diclofenac content, and no additional cooling/heating ingredient, apply for two hours before procedure, then right before stitching put icecube for 30seconds, push needle through, and before finally tightening the suture, put that icecube again for 30 seconds. You can numb yourself (and your stress level) with some "soft" oral opioids like tramadol, codeine, etc. but forget about oral NSAIDs - it wont help much during procedure.

My first tie was finished after 6,5 days (two days into procedure, I had to replace first tie). I might post some photos tommorow.

Sorry for my bad english - I'm not native speaker.

Hope this will help someone.
Is it only me that squirms when I think of this subject, hats off to those who have done anything of the kind lol
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Ok here are the photos of threadView attachment 1826990View attachment 1826991View attachment 1826992

The loop inner diameter is 0.5mm , material - nylon 6.6. Surgical suture - so no need to sterilize it prior insertion. Tool - one of my needle holders. View attachment 1826993

frenulum was connected where the yellow marks are - So I gained about 8mm-1cm of freedom. Now is time to wait for it to completely heal (still hot saline baths and betadine ointment - only three times a day), and in few days I'll be able to show you complete results. Right now pain is only while I'm pulling foresking back - it's something that can happen, because pulling skin back basically rips apart new and soft skin cells of fresh wound.
Once the frenulum is gone, you work with normal skin only - you can stretch it. Give it some time - like 12 weeks of stretching and you should be happy with the results.

the only thing is I got like a line down the frenulum so should I just tie up as high as I can deep enough and also it’s quite hard to work with considering there’s not much frenulum and I’ve tried to find the whole twice to put the fishing line through but have given up ☺ Any advice for that would be appreciated
Ok here are the photos of threadView attachment 1826990View attachment 1826991View attachment 1826992

The loop inner diameter is 0.5mm , material - nylon 6.6. Surgical suture - so no need to sterilize it prior insertion. Tool - one of my needle holders. View attachment 1826993

frenulum was connected where the yellow marks are - So I gained about 8mm-1cm of freedom. Now is time to wait for it to completely heal (still hot saline baths and betadine ointment - only three times a day), and in few days I'll be able to show you complete results. Right now pain is only while I'm pulling foresking back - it's something that can happen, because pulling skin back basically rips apart new and soft skin cells of fresh wound.

looks great but do you have pictures of yourpenis erect and did it not retract all the way ? Just wondering because my first tie looked similar to yours? cheers
looks great but do you have pictures of yourpenis erect and did it not retract all the way ? Just wondering because my first tie looked similar to yours? cheers

I don't have pictures while erected yet - it's still healing, so I don't want to "overstress" fresh cut. I may post something in a few days.

As for your another question - looking by the pictures, I wouldn't touch that with a needle anymore - your frenulum is basically gone, just try hot water + stretching for a few(6-8) weeks to check if it's loosening up, and then decide what to do next.
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I don't have pictures while erected yet - it's still healing, so I don't want to "overstress" fresh cut. I may post something in a few days.

As for your another question - looking by the pictures, I wouldn't touch that with a needle anymore - your frenulum is basically gone, just try hot water + stretching for a few(6-8) weeks to check if it's loosening up, and then decide what to do next.

but you can also see In the picture that there is abit of frenulum that is stopping it from retracting and idk if I can stretch that or if I got to tie that’s the only thing
I see what you're talking about, but that piece of skin is just so close to the shaft, that I wouldn't hesitate to leave it to be. I opt for stetching.
Don't be like celebrities addicted to cosmetic surgeries - you don't want to end up with botched dick.
After all it's your dong and your choice, but remember - nobody's perfect.
Hey guys, does anyone here have experience with short and curved frenulum? Mine is not only short but also one sided due to which my penis is curved to the left and in a little downwards directions. I'm afraid that tying will make the situation worst and make it permanent. I have visited a surgeon who suggested me to go for frenuloplasty but due to financial restraints I can't afford it.
A gentleman above has similar penis to mine and it does not seem like tying has helped him.
If anyone can input their two cents of knowledge it would help.
Just to clarify I am not here to increase my size but for clearing my complications.
Hey guys, does anyone here have experience with short and curved frenulum? Mine is not only short but also one sided due to which my penis is curved to the left and in a little downwards directions. I'm afraid that tying will make the situation worst and make it permanent. I have visited a surgeon who suggested me to go for frenuloplasty but due to financial restraints I can't afford it.
A gentleman above has similar penis to mine and it does not seem like tying has helped him.
If anyone can input their two cents of knowledge it would help.
Just to clarify I am not here to increase my size but for clearing my complications.

I’m guessing your talking about me because my penis bends to the left which I wouldn’t worry about because most penises bend to the side either way but also my frenulum is more to the left also which stops the retraction. When your fully erect just check what part is tight and what is stopping you from pulling your foreskin down all the way when erect, After that tie them parts to extend and when your frenulum is either long enough or completely gone I’d start stretching like the guy above said it’s basically skin which can be stretched ?? If all that doesn’t work and you want to get a frenuplasty when you can afford it go for it ? hope I helped
I’m guessing your talking about me because my penis bends to the left which I wouldn’t worry about because most penises bend to the side either way but also my frenulum is more to the left also which stops the retraction. When your fully erect just check what part is tight and what is stopping you from pulling your foreskin down all the way when erect, After that tie them parts to extend and when your frenulum is either long enough or completely gone I’d start stretching like the guy above said it’s basically skin which can be stretched ?? If all that doesn’t work and you want to get a frenuplasty when you can afford it go for it ? hope I helped

Even my frenulum is curved to the right that is issue. So did frenulum tying helped you? Can you pull back your foreskin when erect? That's the important part or else tying is all vain.
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Hey folks,

I'm new here and starting to read all the posts before tying and getting rid of my very short frenulum breve.

Where would be the best spot to tie in my case?

Many thanks
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Hey folks,

I'm new here and starting to read all the posts before tying and getting rid of my very short frenulum breve.

Where would be the best spot to tie in my case?

Many thanks

Take your time and do it right. Wait for feedback from men who have done this before you do anything. I’m glad you’ve come for help and I can see exactly why you want to do this. Just wait for somebody with more experience to guide you.
Hi guys ? I hope you're all fine during these challenging times.

A little follow up from me, as it's been over 3 months since my tie. As I said previously, it has evolved very positively, and I'm delighted with the result.
I'm so glad I found this community in the first place, because i wouldn't have been able to tie my junk without your precious help.
Once again, thank you all for the pictures, detailed explanations and wise words.

Now, as you can see in the pics below, I still have some frenulum left on my shaft.
I come to ask you if you think it's safe to do another tie in order to get rid of the little piece remaining, which would basically free my frenulum completely.
I should mention that with the first tie, I managed to avoid cutting through the vein, whereas this time i might be able to avoid it but probably will prevent the vein from carrying the blood where it should.

Also, I reckon the next tie will be as close as possible to the glans, maybe even cutting some glans skin connected to the fren.

I would love to get rid of the remaining frenulum as it would look even better and seamless, but I'm still unsure if it's safe to proceed.

Please feel free to comment, ask me anything you want for those who need more details.
Stay home, stay safe! ?
I'd be glad to help if possible.

PS: there's also a pic in which you can see my peehole, just because since my tie, I have the strong impression it has become wider, and it opens up very easily compared to before, which i find cool and sexy especially during sex or masturbation ?
Thanks mate ?

Any more advice regarding another tie that would completely free up my fren?

I think it’s looking really good in my opinion but I would ask other people to give you more advice.
Thanks mate ?

Any more advice regarding another tie that would completely free up my fren?

If your foreskin retracts completely and comfortably when erect I wouldn’t tie it again because leaving that little bit might keep some sensitivity instead of tying it for no reason and possibly losing some ☺️ Hope this helped
Even my frenulum is curved to the right that is issue. So did frenulum tying helped you? Can you pull back your foreskin when erect? That's the important part or else tying is all vain.

Mine is aswell and even when you tie it’s difficult to retracts because when erect my penis retracts on one side then gets stopped by the other side because the frenulum is more to one side basically.go to a urologist if your not comfortable with doing anything but I had nothing to lose I’m trying it because I can allways still go to a urologist and get a frenuplasty done for them to fix it
Take your time and do it right. Wait for feedback from men who have done this before you do anything. I’m glad you’ve come for help and I can see exactly why you want to do this. Just wait for somebody with more experience to guide you.

Thanks doublelongdaddy for your reply and recommendation!

So I went to a urologist which I showed the problem and he ordered me to get a frenuloplasty, as most people with this problem have experienced I guess.

Since I prefer the less invasive method of tying, I ordered all the stuff needed (at least hope so).

Now what I have organized so far and some important questions I am still very unsure about:

- Sterile Nylon Monofilamt suture with 3/0 thread = 2 metric = 0,200 - 0,249 mm diameter - is this too thin or will work?

- a variety of (antiseptic) creams / wound ointments, also Iodine (Betaisodona/betadine) liquid and sterile alcohol wipes. Whats your cream of choice and whats is the best way to prepare and disinfect the area before tying?

- I will not go for numbing the area since its only one small stitch through the skin.

- After reading lots of information in this great forum, my idea is to tie right underneath the "tendon like frenulum band" to sever it. Is there any need to puncture "any lower/further in" (regarding the picture) in order to get a better result / more retraction of the skin later on? With a fleshlight I a saw some blood vessel not that much further in...

So to summarise, this keeps me from doing it right now:

1. Is the suture suitable or too thin? Need I be careful not to tighten the knot too extreme, so that the thin thread does not cut through and sever the skin in the moment I make the surgeons knot too tight? I know from fishing that thin monofilamemt can be very very sharp on skin...

2. Is the placement of the puncture correct?

3. My biggest concern is infection. Whats the best way to disinfect for the procedure, and which cream for aftercare until it is healed?

Best Regards and many thanks in advance!
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Thanks doublelongdaddy for your reply and recommendation!

So I went to a urologist which I showed the problem and he ordered me to get a frenuloplasty, as most people with this problem have experienced I guess.

Since I prefer the less invasive method of tying, I ordered all the stuff needed (at least hope so).

Now what I have organized so far and some important questions I am still very unsure about:

- Sterile Nylon Monofilamt suture with 3/0 thread = 2 metric = 0,200 - 0,249 mm diameter - is this too thin or will work?

- a variety of (antiseptic) creams / wound ointments, also Iodine (Betaisodona/betadine) liquid and sterile alcohol wipes. Whats your cream of choice and whats is the best way to prepare and disinfect the area before tying?

- I will not go for numbing the area since its only one small stitch through the skin.

- After reading lots of information in this great forum, my idea is to tie right underneath the "tendon like frenulum band" to sever it. Is there any need to puncture "any lower/further in" (regarding the picture) in order to get a better result / more retraction of the skin later on? With a fleshlight I a saw some blood vessel not that much further in...

So to summarise, this keeps me from doing it right now:

1. Is the suture suitable or too thin? Need I be careful not to tighten the knot too extreme, so that the thin thread does not cut through and sever the skin in the moment I make the surgeons knot too tight? I know from fishing that thin monofilamemt can be very very sharp on skin...

2. Is the placement of the puncture correct?

3. My biggest concern is infection. Whats the best way to disinfect for the procedure, and which cream for aftercare until it is healed?

Best Regards and many thanks in advance!

0.25mm is right on the spot - I've used the same suture size - 3 0.
Numb the area - it's really painfull spot to stitch, and without any numbing at all you may not be able to tie it hard enough - in that case, after few days u will need to put second stitch in the same place to finish the job.

Your suture is sterile itself, so betadine ointment would be enough - using alcohol on your dong may cause irritation.

One thing I did not see on your photos are needle holders - it may be difficult to grab firmly on a needle w/o them, also tying with ur hands/fingers instead of using proper equipment is just hard.

Anyway - You may find my post on page 74 of this thread helpfull.
Many thanks necrojb173,

Your answer and post on the previous site is very helpful! Also I have the impression that you got a very good result for yourself and you are very happy with it!

This Monday I will go to a second urologist for a second opinion, and I maybe he knows about tying and can do it instead of frenuplasty or support me in any kind (you recommend numbing, so maybe the least he can give me is some EMLA cream, otherwise nothing keeps me from doing it without it .

So in any case, Tuesday will be the day I hope to report that the procedure was done (most possible by myself) ;)

I will use a betadine bath the sterilize the area and also the single use rubber gloves. Stitching through the suture needle and tying the knot with the fingers should work equally good, as a fisherman I am used to hold fishing hooks and tie knots by hand - the procedure looks pretty similar to that LOL
And after that applying iodine ointment several times per day should keep it clean as you suggest.

In case the knot is not tight enough in the first place (not sure if the surgeons knot keeps the tension after the first winding before applying the second knot above?) I could leave some centimeters of filament on both ends to open and retighten the knot some days later in case it did not cut through?
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So i have following this thread quite long and finally decided to proceed with frenelum tying as i never had any problem with frenelum just wanna get rid of it now but i have a problem can anyone suggest me a thread other than .5mm stretch magic.....a thread which is easily available in the market as stretch magic is not available neither in market nor online for my place please suggest me another thread i have all the other things like syringe needle and numb master alcohol bitadine for fast recovery and avoid infection
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Hi guys!
I'm happy to report that I've finally. proceeded with my 2nd tie!
As I explained in my previous posts, I've tried to place the knot exactly where the glans meets the frenulum, as you can see in the pics below.

I have the impression this time I bleed a little more than the 1rst time, maybe because I pierced through the vein, even though I tried to avoid that.
It's been 72 hours since the procedure, and everything seems perfect, I keep the wound as clean as possible with oxygenated water (peroxide) and alcool.
So far so good, but I have to admit getting the placement right was more tricky this time around because i had much less choice after i already reduced the size of my frenulum by a big amount.
My wife agreed to help me out this time, 4 hands are better than 2!

I'll keep you posted when the thread comes through ( here's hoping it goes quick!)
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Hi guys!
I'm happy to report that I've finally. proceeded with my 2nd tie!
As I explained in my previous posts, I've tried to place the knot exactly where the glans meets the frenulum, as you can see in the pics below.

I have the impression this time I bleed a little more than the 1rst time, maybe because I pierced through the vein, even though I tried to avoid that.
It's been 72 hours since the procedure, and everything seems perfect, I keep the wound as clean as possible with oxygenated water (peroxide) and alcool.
So far so good, but I have to admit getting the placement right was more tricky this time around because i had much less choice after i already reduced the size of my frenulum by a big amount.
My wife agreed to help me out this time, 4 hands are better than 2!

I'll keep you posted when the thread comes through ( here's hoping it goes quick!)
Looking at your pictures, you have already achieved a lot with your first tie - a good deal of extra freedom going by where the original frenulum would have been attached to the glans. It took me two ties to get to where you are now. A third tie gave me exactly the result I wanted and I think the tie you have just made will give you a great result too. Obviously anyone reading this makes their own mind up about the wisdom of going ahead with tying!
Hey guys, I posted a number of times a while back, I took it a step further a few days ago and have now fully detached my frenulum!

The final tie after letting the other ties heal was the most difficult due to how close and tight it was to the shaft and glans.

I will point out none of my ties after "snapped" away themselves. What they did do was breakdown the skin and expose a hole around the cord inside the skin, allowing me to manually cut it (painless).

I done a partial meato too, this combined with the frenulum tie has completely changed "pleasure" down there in a positive way

It's still healing but here's how it looks as of 2 days ago. I will post another pic once fully healed.

Yes, there is a skin bump, but this is where it used to be attached to the "hole" to give an idea of the changes, it's also where the "behind the head" sensitive bit now lies. It get tons more stimulation now and it's honestly mind blowing :D.
Looking at your pictures, you have already achieved a lot with your first tie - a good deal of extra freedom going by where the original frenulum would have been attached to the glans. It took me two ties to get to where you are now. A third tie gave me exactly the result I wanted and I think the tie you have just made will give you a great result too. Obviously anyone reading this makes their own mind up about the wisdom of going ahead with tying!
Thanks for your encouragement ?
I do hope this tie will be enough to give me the look i'm hoping !
However, I wouldn't mind doing one more, as i feel (as awkward as it sounds) some kind of pleasure with the whole process, having to precisely find the perfect spot to tie, feeling your heart rush just before the needle goes through, feeling the acute pain for a second, the relief that comes right after, and the following days, knowing you're kinda "special" compared to other dudes, because you know your dick is in the process of getting so much better looking...
I know I'm a weirdo btw ?
Hey guys, I posted a number of times a while back, I took it a step further a few days ago and have now fully detached my frenulum!

The final tie after letting the other ties heal was the most difficult due to how close and tight it was to the shaft and glans.

I will point out none of my ties after "snapped" away themselves. What they did do was breakdown the skin and expose a hole around the cord inside the skin, allowing me to manually cut it (painless).

I done a partial meato too, this combined with the frenulum tie has completely changed "pleasure" down there in a positive way

It's still healing but here's how it looks as of 2 days ago. I will post another pic once fully healed.

Yes, there is a skin bump, but this is where it used to be attached to the "hole" to give an idea of the changes, it's also where the "behind the head" sensitive bit now lies. It get tons more stimulation now and it's honestly mind blowing LOL.
Hey ? great job! The result looks amazing!
In fact that's exactly how I would like my dick to look like!
A nice mushroom, nice and flat, clean smooth ?
Very well done!
Hi guys, first thanks for the thread.
So this looked so easy that I gave it a chance, but ... has anyone experienced vein dilatation on glans ?
I mean I tried to tie my frenulum like this picture, and had to cut the knot 48h later because of this.
(I actually wanted to do it earlier but my friend, who helped me through the process, told me to wait, that I was too impatient and I just should wait for the blood to reroot)

I am wondering if it's because my glans seems to "dive" into the top of frenulum this issue happened.. It's like I've tied a very small part of glans that's now scar tissue.
So it's been 2 weeks now i'm waiting for it to heal but the veins are still inflated (and even more when I wank).

Anyway, I'm booked for an urologist tomorrow, I'm hoping he'll be able to do anything to fix it.
It's very stressful though.

I came across this image (source unknown) which is a great diagram of how to tie the fren. Sharing here as a helpful resource for anyone wanting to tie their fren.
View attachment 1827202
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Hi guys, first thanks for the thread.
So this looked so easy that I gave it a chance, but ... has anyone experienced vein dilatation on glans ?
I mean I tried to tie my frenulum like this picture, and had to cut the knot 48h later because of this.
(I actually wanted to do it earlier but my friend, who helped me through the process, told me to wait, that I was too impatient and I just should wait for the blood to reroot)

I am wondering if it's because my glans seems to "dive" into the top of frenulum this issue happened.. It's like I've tied a very small part of glans that's now scar tissue.
So it's been 2 weeks now i'm waiting for it to heal but the veins are still inflated (and even more when I wank).

Anyway, I'm booked for an urologist tomorrow, I'm hoping he'll be able to do anything to fix it.
It's very stressful though.

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