Yeah warm ups and cool downs are very important...

helps get rid of the petechiae (little red spots), and generally very helpful for recovery...

You know there was a thread on the main forum saying that whatever routine you've started you should see it until you don't see any more gains...

Resler, we might be getting a bit ahead of ourselves doing DLD blasters, and different types of squeezes...

Worth a thought, but I'm not stopping these few advanced exercises that I've started now.
Hey Resler...

How long are your workouts...break it down for me...

how long does it take for stretches

how long does it take for jelqing

how long for the advanced stuff

how long for edging

What does your routine consist of

How many days a week do you do it
My routine is pretty simple:
basic stretches except the BTC stretches (haven't really mastered those yet)
30 sec squeezes x 5 or 6
then maybe about 150-200 jelqs
The whole routine takes about 15-20 min. I don't have a lot of time to do this right now.
My wife and I had a talk about my "workouts" tonight. Lol. She of course thinks my cock is perfect. I'm the only guy she's ever been with though. We all know it wouldn't hurt to make it a little bigger right?

Anyway, I see the most girth gain from the squeezes. The reason I don't do like 300 jelqs is simple. I don't see much, if any, temporary gain from them. Maybe I'm doing them wrong. I keep throwing them in every now and then anyway though.
haga;356981 said:
Hey Resler...

How long are your workouts...break it down for me...

how long does it take for stretches

how long does it take for jelqing

how long for the advanced stuff

how long for edging

What does your routine consist of

How many days a week do you do it

I was until recently doing my workouts every single day because I was scared I would suddenly lose what I had gained but I was wrong. It seems perfectly fine to take a few days off per week as long as I am going intense when I do it. I warm up for like 5 to 10 minutes with my rice sock usually checking email or something. I just wrap it around my dick and keep it in my underwear. Then I go into the bathroom if people are home and start with stretches. I do the beginning stretches first, pull down, to side, other side, then pull up towards belly button. I do each of these stretches for a 1 minute hold and it pull pretty hard so that my shaft skin is stretching and I also pull my sack in the opposite direction to avoid turkey neck. After those 4 stretches I do rotary stretches of about 30 rotations. I do this sequence three times. Then I do behind the cheek stretches, but usually do them from a catcher squat position. It felt kind of awkward at first but it seems I get a much better stretch like this than standing. I pull to one side for one minute then to the other for a minute and repeat this sequence three times. Now I do some form of dld blasters that are modified with either fingers or a sock as a fulcrum because I still cant just use my wrist. I do like 3 to 5 sets of blasters for however many I do in a minute per set, (don't count reps with these). Finally I try to do the "__________ secret" /"blue whale ultimate stretch" 3 to 5 times for 30 seconds a piece. I am not even sure if I am doing the blue whale right but it does stretch me. The dld blasters and blue whale I think do a great job on the inner penis tendon while the beginner stretches seem to work my shaft more. Finally I am done length/ stretching work. Now I bust out the vaseline and get a semi erection and start jelqing. I use to count these but now I just do them nice and slow with a tight grip for about 10 to 15 minutes. I feel a little sting with every rep I do when I jelq so I know they are intense. I do them with a reverse grip because I feel I start the jelq closer to the base of my penis and it is tighter. By this time I am usually sweating, LOL. I now do horse squeezes for as long as I can hold it about 5 times. I don't do uli's because I don't feel it does as much as horse squeezes. I end my workout with about 10 to 15 isolated compression squeezes, these burn the most and make my dick crawl with veins. I almost get scared that my dick is going to burst when I do these like I'm squeezing a balloon. By this time I am usually worked up and I edge for a couple of minutes but don't usually cum. Then I jump in the shower and wash the Vaseline off and do my testicle massage for however long I feel like, don't keep track. I do my kegels sometime during the day whenever I think about it. Some days I do way more kegels than others.

It seems the entire workout for me takes 45 minutes to an hour. I could probably get an intense workout in less time, but since I have a lot of time on my hands right now I can afford long Penis Enlargement workouts. I will do this workout 4 to 5 days a week.
yeah sounds about right...

I go about an hour as well...

I was talking to Big Al, he's a Penis Enlargement vet and he's a mod on this site and he has his own pay site.

He said that you shouldn't go over 20-30 minutes total. He said some of his best workouts have been 20 minutes.

So I don't know, after I talked to him I'm really confused...

I guess he focuses more on intensity..
hey yall , day 1 on step 1 for me heh. This isnt my first time attempting so with step 1 ive decided to just do the 600 jelqs and i have a really crappy pump i decided to use for 16 minutes before jelqing , only because its a crappy pump so i think the injury chance is lower than if i was using a high quality pump. Do you guys think the pump is a no no or what ?
Don't know about the rest of these guys, but I will never use a pump...

It's too dangerous, and its results are nothing compared to manual work.
Well I wouldn't say that I would never use a pump, because that Bathmate looks kinda cool. The problem with a pump is obviously the danger, but it can make your dick look weird. Like soft and puffy without veins and I don't really want my dick to look like that, but I won't say that I'll never experiment with one. One thing though, I think you are suppose to use a pump after jelqing and girth work. The reason being is because it draws other fluid besides blood into the penis. So if you are going to pump do it after the manual stuff and be careful. I think I read no more than 10 minutes at a time when starting. Good luck with Penis Enlargement and stick with it this time.
well i was reading on the pumping forum and i recall reading that i have to pump before jelqing so the jelqing can help prevent fluid build up. I am also interested in clamping but thats not recommended until about 4 months in minimum. i will probably get more in-depth opinions and learn a few more facts about pumping/clamping before i dive in with any kind of dedication. what are the outcome of both as far as your penises appearance is concerned ? I wouldnt mind knowing the risks of them either.
Don't get too ahead of yourself.

Start clamping once your unit is conditioned. Most people recommend to stay on the newbie routine for 6 months before starting anything advanced. The penis is a very resilient yet delicate organ. Remember you only have one, so if you fuck it up you're fucked. Take it nice and easy. The gains will come as long as you're doing some sort of Penis Enlargement.

Pumping causes your unit to swell up and get deformed. Also it causes fluid build up (called edema). There are different kinds of vessels in your body. There are regular blood vessels (arteries and veins) and lymphatic vessels (containing lymphatic fluid). The pump doesn't discriminate and engorges your lymphatic vessels as well. This is not the type of growth you want. If you look around the various forums around the web, most people have not reported significant results pumping. I suggest you look around and read as much from other users who have already pumped.
Hey Resler,

I wrote a post for you but I guess you must have missed it, so I'll just cut and paste it again...

yeah the time sounds about right...

I go about an hour as well...

I was talking to Big Al, he's a Penis Enlargement vet and he's a mod on this site and he has his own pay site as well.

He said that you shouldn't go over 20-30 minutes total. He said some of his best workouts have been 20 minutes.

So I don't know, after I talked to him I'm really confused...

I guess he focuses more on intensity..
I guess it would make sense to wait until im at the last step before trying anything else. Am i doing my kegels wrong? Arent you suppose to eventually feel some kind of muscle getting tired after doing so many kegels? i can do them forever it seems like.
demonz;357070 said:
I guess it would make sense to wait until im at the last step before trying anything else. Am i doing my kegels wrong? Arent you suppose to eventually feel some kind of muscle getting tired after doing so many kegels? i can do them forever it seems like.

well it all depends on how developed your muscle is. If its not developed at all then you will get sore, and if its developed then you won't.

I can do kegels forever as well. No matter how many times I do them I don't get sore, cuz my muscle is already developed just like yours.

So don't worry, just keep doing what you're doing.
alright just did my second work out , i had to cut back to 2 jelqing sessions of 300 in one day , after the first 300 today my head was kind of sensitive to the touch , good or bad ? not agonizing just a bit sensitive.
Once it gets like that stop...

That's your body telling you its the limit..anymore and you could risk injury..

Listen to your body, any weird feelings mean that you're maxed out
It seems like Big Al really knows his stuff, but maybe he splits his work between length and girth. If I did just length or just girth I could do it in 20 to 30 minutes. I do both back to back, also I think the better I get at it the faster I will be able to complete workouts. I think if my dick was screaming after 30 minutes I would stop, but it seems 1 hour really gives my dong a great workout. I think if we are both seeing results and it doesn't feel like over training lets stick with it. If our results completely stall then we should re-evaluate.

I do very similar stretches to you I just add a few advanced ones at the end. I also like to put my other hand at the base right before I complete the jelq and I really see my veins pop out. My top vein is tick and always visible now as well. Keep up the good work.

I agree with Haga, the sensitivity is a sure sign your dick has been worked hard and there is a ton of blood in there. No need to risk hurting yourself, because Penis Enlargement is a marathon not a sprint. Also, I never get sore from kegels and feel like I could do them forever. I still do them even though I feel mine is pretty strong. I mix in long kegel holds, like squeeze for 60 seconds, along with short hard squeezes and it seems to work it pretty good, but never any muscle soreness.

This is turning into a great thread for beginners just starting to share experiences and concerns. Anyone else reading this but who hasn't registered yet I encourage you to sign up and post.
One thing that takes up more time than I would like is during girth work. When I do my horse squeezes it seems by the time I release I lose most of my erection. I then have to work to get my erection back before I start the next horse squeeze. Anyone else completely lose their erection after a long horse squeeze?
yeah girth work is really annoying...

I have to switch over to �naked people movies� every 5 minutes..

and you're right the horse's really get me flat again...

Stretches I get done fast...but girth takes a lot longer
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