doublelongdaddy said:
Wow, this thread blew the fuck up:D Lots of incredible information here, I appreciate the feedback.
I think we all might be on the trail to discovering why the penis grows so damn much during puberty without deliberate exercise. I wish D0zer would come back to input some ideas, but oh well. I think we should try to keep this thread alive.

Sik, I wanna say the most important part of this chemical Penis Enlargement routine is the prostaglandins. I think everyone should read a little bit about prostaglandins, but to sum it up, they upregulate androgen receptors and directly stimulate protein synthesis. Without the prostaglandin, DHT may have little effect, but with the prostaglandin, the DHT is likely made much more effective. I think it would be wise to avoid taking/eating anything anti-inflammatory while trying this chemical Penis Enlargement routine because of this. Olive oil, peanut oil, sesame oil, CLA, N-acetyl cysteine, green tea, bromelain, and many other herbs share anti-inflammatory qualities with NSAIDS (aspirin, ibuprofen, aleve, etc.)
goldmember said:
I think we all might be on the trail to discovering why the penis grows so damn much during puberty without deliberate exercise.

So very true. When I was in my teens I had a friend that told me about penis enlargement. His methods were very different from ours, but they are right up the alley of this thread.

In an essence, he tried to have as many erections as possible throughout the day (he also tried to keep his ejaculation down to a minimum -- sex & blowjobs only).

He claimed he gained 2"X1" in a year with this ballooning/frequent erection method.

I tried it but it didn't work for me. I coughed it up to him still being in puberty when he did this "method" (which he learned from a friend, who passed it on from another friend, etc.), but who knows now. I know obtaining an erection exercises the penis, and there is some very interesting feedback here. Sik, I want to wish you good luck with your injections. Keep everyone updated :)
goldmember said:
... Sik, I wanna say the most important part of this chemical Penis Enlargement routine is the prostaglandins. I think everyone should read a little bit about prostaglandins, but to sum it up, they upregulate androgen receptors and directly stimulate protein synthesis. Without the prostaglandin, DHT may have little effect, but with the prostaglandin, the DHT is likely made much more effective...
This is actually great news... i was thinking about dropping the DHT gel from my protocol but if what you say is correct then it would make more sense to keep it in...
remek said:
... Sik, I want to wish you good luck with your injections. Keep everyone updated :)
Thanks... it will make sure to take plenty of before and after pics with measurements.
Sweeeet... but can you imagine if you used PGE1 or trimix to maintain an erection for 4 hours and doing SSJ's and toilet compression for the whole time?? I think your dick would double in size in no time...;)
sikdogg said:
Sweeeet... but can you imagine if you used PGE1 or trimix to maintain an erection for 4 hours and doing SSJ's and toilet compression for the whole time?? I think your dick would double in size in no time...;)

Damn, I wish I could just smoke some Blueberry and be good...Oh I can:D

I may look into trying this and I know just who to talk to:)

Thanks Sik
sikdogg said:
This is actually great news... i was thinking about dropping the DHT gel from my protocol but if what you say is correct then it would make more sense to keep it in...

Agree with sikdogg on that, well spotted Goldmember.

I have been reading some stuff on Sickle cell anemia and apparently Priapism effects between 10% and 40% of the sufferers.

Apparently the erections can be extremely painful. Maybe because their erections last longer than the 4 hours duration that was common in the patent application?

I guess if you are injecting Prostaglandin or Trimix directly into the CC there is little danger of an erection that will not subside unless you use a huge dose. Do you know what dose you will inject? I suspect this will vary from person to person.

I wonder what % of Priapism victims caused by sickle cell anemia do get permanent size gains and also wonder if there is something else in their make up that allows for the penis growth that is not present in unaffected men.

Good luck to everyone who is giving this a trial run.
Another thought to consider is a drug that inhibits prolactin secretion. Not only does high prolactin levels kill erections (it is also secreted after ejaculation) but it has been found that men with high prolactin levels often have smaller penises. I know the name of the drug that inhibits prolactin but I can't think of it off the top of my head. I wanna say it's called alprostadil or caverject, but I know it is injectable.
I could be mistaken... but isn't Caverject just PGE1.

I'm not aware of any injectable Prolactin blocker but a common oral is Cabergoline.
holy crap sounds like we have some penis chemists here as well. We have penis mad scientist like DLD, RED, and a few others, and now penis chemists. You guys Rock!! keep up the good work and keep us posted. thanks fellas.
Perhaps these prolactin levels being higher in some men is an explanation for hard-gainers.
bIgjOe said:
Perhaps these prolactin levels being higher in some men is an explanation for hard-gainers.
Or maybe even an explanation for the common belief that masturbation/ejaculation (but we all need a LITTLE action :D) kills gains...


I did a simple Google search for Caverject and it is the trade name for alprostadil. You are correct, alprostadil is simply the drug name for prostaglandin E1. However, I do remember reading somewhere that alprostadil inhibits prolactin secretion. Add that to the list of functions prostaglandin E1 can do for ya.
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Wow, I really wanna try this stuff, I just don't want to be the guinea pig. Sounds like it could really benefit every aspect of ones cock. Sex, Penis Enlargement, confidence, etc.
hoffy200 said:
btw, this prostaglandin E1 stuff is insanely expensive from what I see.
Ask sikdogg where he is getting his stuff. I think he found the best deals out there.
Hey sik' or large1,
what are your sources for caverject...can you help me out?

many thanks---dj'
djpatman said:
Hey sik' or large1,
what are your sources for caverject...can you help me out?

many thanks---dj'
I don't have Caverject but a Quadmix which is a mix of Penis Enlargement1, Papavarine, Atropine, and Phentolamine. Trimix and Quadmix are an altermative to plain PGE1 like Caverject as PGE1 is known for very hard and painfull erections. Tri/Quadmix adds the other chems to help take the edge off PGE1. They are all very common treatments for ED and can be had from any doctor. I got a prescription for mine from Boston Medical Group which is a chain of clinics that exclusively treat ED. They claim to offer many different ED treatment options but only really offer an innjectable. It is not cheap so expect to spend over $1500 for a 6-month supply.

Once i complete my protocol, i plan on going to my regular doctor and tell him about my supposed "ED problem" and prescription from BathmateG and ask for a similar prescription. If i can convince him, then my future prescriptions will be covered by my insurance. This is my master plan for a chemically enhanced big dick...

I was also able to find a Chinese source that will sell PGE1 directly to me but i'm not sure if i wnat to go that route. I still may if my doc won't play ball.
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what if one used viagra watched �naked people movies� for 3 hours? or even without- i can maintain at least 70% erect for that long watching some high class �naked people movies�
skandia said:
what if one used viagra watched �naked people movies� for 3 hours? or even without- i can maintain at least 70% erect for that long watching some high class �naked people movies�

Whatever it takes to make it hardcore:D
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