Hey guys,

Anybody still with access on the flikr group to add me? id: gigel_viteza

I'm also planning to do it for some time now, I just need some inspiration.

Good luck Pulica, my first post was over a month ago and nobody's gotten back to me. But, since then, I've made 5 ties, all successful except one. The second one I did, I got impatient that the progress was so slow, so I took the tie out, numbed up with Dr. Numb cream, and cut what was remaining with a (sterilized) razor blade. Big mistake. Now there's a little skin tag where that cut was made, which I'm going to tie off here in just a little bit actually. Tying leaves barely any remaining scar tissue, so the skin stays soft and flexible. If you cut, be wary that it may heal as scar tissue because it's a rapid change of state for the skin. Tying is slower, but it seals everything off nicely, so the skin has time to adapt to being separated.

Speaking of that point, I actually learned a lot more from reading Paul B.'s posts on
network54 [dot] com /Forum/244184/thread/1240683834/last-1241304414/For+the+attention+of+paul+B+and+Jim+++re-+++frenulum+tying,+ligation+etc+opinions+please
I've used the .5mm Stretch Magic for all of my ties. But when an experienced surgeon (who btw advises against the tying method) offers his professional opinion that the stuff is too thick for this particular aplication, and that 3/0 monofilament nylon (standard surgical thread) would be the best choice, you listen. So, I bought a roll of it online and intend to use it from here on out.

As for a status update: As I mentioned, I've made a total of 4 successful ties. I no longer have ANY frenulum attached to my glans, and the difference is HUGE. Everything the guys were saying about erections feeling fuller held true for me. I seriously feel like my glans is gunna explode every time I get hard, it's crazy! I have noticed a bit of phimosis since I stopped tying a couple weeks ago to allow for some overall healing, but I think that with continual use (lol) and once the foreskin gets used to the fact that it's not strung up to the glans anymore, that will go away.

I'm now at a weird point in this journey. I've done multiple ties, so I know what to expect procedurally and for results. But I've totally detached my frenulum from my glans, and I'm still getting a tugging at the ventral (under) side when I pull the foreskin all the way back. As I retract, the folds of skin stretch out fully on the ventral side before the folds on the dorsal (upper) side do. I feel like there is more skin there that could be "let out" (sailing reference) if I could just find a way to do that without cutting. I'm not sure if I can tie anymore or not, because that skin is continuously connected at the crown around the ventral side, not conecntrated into one area like the frenulum. I'm worried that if I try to tie too deep into that, my hunch could be wrong and it might expose skin that was never meant to be exposed. Then again, I'm also pretty sure that if I succeed in separating that skin from the glans, I'll have a HUGE improvement in how far back I can retract my foreskin, and as I do the skin folds will be even all the way around, which is exactly what I'm going for. I'm going to continue digging for more info on this "direct foreskin-to-glans attachment" and see if there's a way I can mitigate that myself. I'll let you guys know what I find!

So after TONS of searching, I've come to a conclusion on thread selection. The .5mm Stretch Magic did a pretty good job for my first few ties, but it's quite apparent that Paul B over at network 54 is right that it's too blunt for our application. However, acquiring actual 3-0 surgical suture thread is a bitch. It's much easier to find .2mm (USP 3-0) or .3mm (USP 2-0) monofilament nylon fishing line. You can find a 100m spool on Amazon for about $7. You can even find colored threads, which after dealing with the clear stretch magic seems like a REALLY good idea. That shit is SO freakin hard to see, especially when you go to snip it out after a few days when the tie loosens. Just a few thoughts!

Hi TruthSeeker,

Thanks for your reply. As to your case, I would recommend to give it more time now, and use other traditional methods like stretching, since the skin is a very flexible tissue. Taking any risks here makes no sense for me..

Back to me, I did it 3 days ago, and I'm in the waiting period now. Hopefully all will be good, except that today I got some concerns regarding the vein, it seems that the upper part of it grew a little bit more than normal, even tho I don't think I struggled it with the knot, there was not even a single drop of blood! It's not yet changing color or anything, but the bastard splits in 2 and seem to go both directly into the frenulum.

Since the flikr account seems to be abandoned, I will post some photos here, hopefully they will help other brothers in the future.


PS: image thumbnails are not working here for some reason...

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thanks for the pictures, how did it goes? would be nice if you could update with new pictures, im about to start too :D

How'd you go Pulica? Would be great to hear from you again with some new pictures. Cheers.
Hi fellow short Frenulum sufferers,

I am so glad that i found this forum and this thread.


When i was younger my Frenulum was so tight that my foreskin was stuck. This resulted in the tip of my cock head always exposed. I could not pull the skin back or forward with out pain.
As I got older and did what all teens do growing up and rubbed and gently pulled on my cock to have fun and squirt I was able to eventually stretch the frenulum enough for my foreskin to fully retract.
My frenulum goes white when I pull on my cock and it still pulls the cock head down and makes my cock curve down. Makes my cum shoot out at a funny angle too.

I have thought of cutting it with a razor a number of times but have always wimped out.

I am seriously thinking of of trying the tying technique.

I like the idea of the fishing line.

When I build up enough courage I will post a pic of my frenulum restricted and cock and progress pics.
Commodore, I used .5mm Stretch Magic, which you can find at Micheal's (the craft store) for my first few ties. After doing more research, I found out that the process would be much faster with a smaller thread. So I found some black .3mm mono-filament fishing line on amazon, and it worked WAY better than the stretch magic. Plus, the S.M. was clear, and the .3mm line was black so it was much easier to see which made it easier to work with. Out of curiosity, I checked at Wal*Mart and the closest thing I could find was a .318mm 14lb test line in either red or green. I would assume those would be just as good as the black line I got on Amazon. Use some numbing cream and get a syringe, it's way easier than trying to use a sewing needle. After the first tie, subsequent ties get easier as you repeat the process again and again until you get your desired result. Good luck!
ok so i am understanding this right, do i tie ( do this frenulum tying ) until the fishing line falls off ? so i am basically waiting until i cut through ?
Im going to tye my frenulum soon. Truthseeker, whats the advantage of using a syringe? cheers.
Yes. Read the info on the site I mention in my post (#508, this page of the thread). It explains the mechanics of what exactly the tying process does. In short, it cuts off any circulation in/around/between the two sides of the tie, leaving you with two neatly closed/healed ends of skin joined with a bit of dead skin (the part that was directly under the pressure of the tie). In MOST instances, you'd have to wait a pretty long time for the tie to actually fall off. The important part is to wait until you're sure the skin directly under the tie has been fully sealed off and is dead. For me, that point was pretty easy to recognize. I could rotate the tie pretty easily, it appeared as though it was no longer putting pressure on the skin, and that was usually about 4-5 days. At that point, as Paul mentions in that network54 post, you can just snip through the dead skin where the tie was and it (should) separate with minimal/no bleeding.

I found there were two HUGE advantages to using a syringe instead of a sewing needle. 1st, the tip of a syringe is specifically designed to penetrate skin easily and with the least amount of damage/trauma possible, so it is MUCH easier to push through the *very* tough skin of the frenulum. 2nd, a syringe is hollow! With a sewing needle, you have to thread your tying thread (whatever you're using) through the eye of the needle, essentially forcing you to yank two threads through that hole at the same time. Yikes! With a nice hollow syringe, once you have the syringe through the frenulum, you can easily slide your tying thread through the opening with NO discomfort, and pull the syringe out when finished. SUPER EASY! I vape a lot (e-cigarettes, for those not familiar) and mixed my own e-juice for a while. You can order syringes from a lot of the DIY e-liquid places online rather than trying to hunt down a medical supply store or a pharmacy that sells hypodermics. Just soak them in isopropyl alcohol before you use them! I got my from myfreedomsmokes [dot] com.

Did you soak your head (not the one on your shoulders) in warm/hot water every day while your tie was in? I found that that not only helped minimize the hard separation points, but it also made the ties cut through WAY faster. Also, throughout the whole process, try to keep the area as moist as possible as much as possible. The more hydration the area has, whether it's from lotion or neosporin or soaking, the softer the skin will be and the less likely it will be that you'll get hard spots of scar tissue like that. The only bump I have from any of my ties is one where I got impatient and cut it with a razor. It started as a HUGE bump (this was back in December, tie #2 I think) but now, about 3 months later, there's barely anything noticeable. I can still feel it, but the girl I was hooking up the past few weeks said she didn't notice anything at all :P If it's really bothering you, you could try tying off the bump itself. I thought of doing that, but got lazy. Turned out fine though because like i said, mine just went away on its own as the skin healed!
Thanks for your input truthseeker, i'll report back here when i start the procedure.
So i just did my first tie and wow i was nervous. I ended up using a sewing needle as the syringe holes were to small for the fishing line i had. My aim was to go about 3-4mm deep, but i only ended up abput 1mm.

The worst part was pulling the needle head and fishing line through as it took a fair amount of force, though it barely hurt (did ice the area beforehand).

The knot tieing hurt thr most but it was bearable, i tied it as tightly as i could with my slightly sweaty hands. Right now its hurting a bit but not bad at all. Should hopefully break through in few days as i went so shallow and used .34 mm fishing line.
i had surgery instead. wound haven't healed completely yet. and it looks ugly. have this little "flag" that is a leftover from my frenulum. and some of the sensitivity is gone.

could i have done it again. i would have done tying 100%

but we have free healthcare and i thought a surgeon knows better than some guys on the internet....

i was wrong...
Looking good canev. Did you use any creams or stretching to help eliminate that lump/scare tissue?
Hi all,
I've read and re-read everyone's experience with this and I really want to do it myself but I am really really shit scared lol
I am a really big wuss when it comes to any form of pain.
I believe I have a short fren also which restricts my foreskin from going back any further past the back of the glans.
I know a lot of you have said that it is relatively painless etc, but yeah, i'm just scared that I may do something wrong and stuff it up!
Also, I'm sure unsure as to where on my fren if I were to do it, should start to pierce. Close to the head or lower down?
I've added pics of mine to show you all at its current state.
Hopefully you guys who are more experienced and those who have already done it, can provide me with some guidance.
Thanks guys! This forum has really been very very informative!!!
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Toby777;639659 said:
Hi all,
I've read and re-read everyone's experience with this and I really want to do it myself but I am really really shit scared lol
I am a really big wuss when it comes to any form of pain.
I believe I have a short fren also which restricts my foreskin from going back any further past the back of the glans.
I know a lot of you have said that it is relatively painless etc, but yeah, i'm just scared that I may do something wrong and stuff it up!
Also, I'm sure unsure as to where on my fren if I were to do it, should start to pierce. Close to the head or lower down?
I've added pics of mine to show you all at its current state.
Hopefully you guys who are more experienced and those who have already done it, can provide me with some guidance.
Thanks guys! This forum has really been very very informative!!!
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This is not 100% painless unless you use something to numb it like cream, i did not use numb cream.

Personaly i could not do it unless my wife hold the gland and i stretched the skin out and then i put the needle through. but everyone here are doin it by them self so you should be able to.

you should ty the knot as close to the gland as possible, ok.

I can't see those pictures.
Thanks for that. I've also edited my post above so the pics should be there now.

Yeah, I've got a list of items to get which also includes a numbing cream.

Ok so start from as close to the glans as possible. I'll probably start shallow (1 or 2 mm) rather than going in too deep.
Hi canev,

It looks good buddy. I may try your method.
Were you hard of flaccid when you punctured your fren?
Its been 5 days since i did my first tie and the skin has started to part and the knot was loose, so i retied. I definatly tied deeper than 1mm, more like 2-3mm as i got a good look at where the hole is after taking out the tie. Should be done within a few days at a guess.
seven days ago i tyid the frenulum and just now i took the fishing line off, and cutted the rest with scissors. And this just has to grow now. This was my second tying and i think i have to do it the third time to make it perfect b/c the skin is still pulling a little bit the gland.

first impression is that it will be much better penis :cool: fuck yeah
Its been seven days for me also and the tiny bit of skin left just came away without pain. I did have some discomfort on the final two days.

The foreskin/fren have lost a bit of stretch so i dont have any extra freedom right now but i shoukd get about 1cm of freedom. Will be doing another one or two ties to finish this off.

Feels refreshing to be rid of the tie and have the air on the newly exposed skin!
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Hello, I've do 2 tying and all is fine now, but there is a problem in the green circle in the picture. The vein I tied is "up" :( Must I tye it also ?
Sorry for my english I'm writing from Italy :)
i do not see that picture but i think that i know what u mean.

it is ok to ty this vein, just put the needle through and not think about it.
Hey toby,

you should add a picture where you stretch your fren away from your glans with a light throuh so you can see if there are any veins. Then we can see where you should pierce throuh!

This is how i tied my fren.

so its been about ten days since my original tie broke through and the results are nice since the skin has healed and is now stretchy.
Even though the frenulum is still attached, my glans are definitely bigger due to less restriction.
I just put in another tie in, this time there is barely any pain post tying; there was a bit of bleeding but only for a few minutes.
This may be my last tie as I'm close to many veins and this tie should give me enough freedom and fully detach the frenulum from the glans
(I will probably be left with a very shallow ridge left as the last remnants of the frenulum).
Hi guys, nice to see you all here. I'm waiting for my stretch magic to arrive and start tying with you :)
A few days ago, I decided to do my second tie. I did it about 6 years ago with a ear stretching kit, slowly going up in gauge size until it snapped. I was unaware of people doing it at that time. recently due to me having needles and syringes, I grabbed an unused 18G tip to do the poke and it was very fast and painless. 18G is quite big but I didnt want to use an unopened 25G or 23G syringe with needle. I sanitized some fishing line I had and pushed it through the open needle opening and tied it. Needles or a syringe is about .25 cents at any pharmacy. Its very fast, sharp and cheap. I would recommend doing it that way but a little smaller gauge. Iam quite impatient so I am stretching it and pulling quite a bit and in only 3 days I have almost cut thru the remaining fendulum. I decided to redo it to just get rid of that extra cord. Just experimenting heh as it wasnt necessary at all and was a spur of the moment 'screw it' feeling.
Hey guys,

i wanted to show you my first tie!

here we go!

hope it wont take too long :D what do you think?
if you want more info just let me know!^^
Today I did my first tie, used 3/0 nylon surgical suture, without EMLA or ice. Piercing the skin was quite uncomfortable, there was pain but mostly psychological and was worried I would pierce a vein. I tied a surgical know and a couple square ones on top to make sure it doesn't loosen, right now I'm experiencing some mild pain so I guess it's working and i'll start worrying when there is no pain. I was very nervous when starting, needle came through on 2nd attempt, will update on profgress. cheers
Teasle;640998 said:
Hey guys,

i wanted to show you my first tie!

here we go!

hope it wont take too long :D what do you think?
if you want more info just let me know!^^

my tie looks just like yours only I did it a bit lower. do you feel the knot in there? is it slightly uncomfortable? cos I stopped feeling anything about 12 hours after tying and don't know if it's tight enough?
well i have to say, i dont really feel it at all, just when i get hard or i touch the knot, i think its fine that way! its just a waiting game!
invalid attachment. what thread did you use? elastic? did it crush the frenulum or rather cut it? do you see the frenulum shrinking , is there some kind of a hole where the thread squeezes the frenulum?

On my tie I noticed that the suture cut through a part of the frenulum at night and now i have a small wound there, i'm tightening the knot daily, don't know if it helps tho.
think i would need a magnifying glass too inspect that tie. same with mine. will go and but one in a shop

Hello again.

After my first tie I had the little "flag" left over at the top of the tie near the glans. I used Palmer's cocoa butter lotion and the flag is gone. I guess it healed and just laid down.
My glans was able to be exposed with any pain but it was still tight. I had trouble finding the vein. I used a flashlight and even a magnifying glass but still could not locate it.

I did a second tie just this week. This time I went down the shaft about a quarter inch and I tied off almost 2x the amount of flesh as before. About the thickness of 2 nickels . Same method as before, more blood this time.

I think that I will have to do one more tie but will wait till this one heals. The ability to retract improved as time passed with the first tie so I will wait a few weeks in between this one and the next.
u need to upload them to imgur, the attachments doesnt work on this forum!

my tie came off yesterday, here the result!


i think i need to do the same as canev and do 1 or 2 more ties!
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My tie came off after exactly one week. However, I found that I probably didn't do it deep enough so went for another one in the same spot, this time deeper.
Would someone please give me access to the flickr account. I just did a tie and have some photos to share.
flickr name - tj_2_1953
Hi guys. This is a great thread. I am a long time lurker, tied my frenulum three times total with varied results.

First time, the tie was not as close to the glans as it should have been and it was too loose to begin with. I cut the string after about 10 days, in fear of infection. However, the frenulum seemed very weakened and lost its original width even near the top of the glans. I think I might have gained 2 or 3 milimiters from this, somehow.

Second tie was shallow, but most successful so far. No bleeding and about 0.5 cm of freedom gained after just 3 days.

Third tie (recently) was very close to my glans but it was bleeding a bit the first day and I feared I went too deep so I just chickened out and cut the tie.

As for my frenulum now, what was once a uninterupted line, looks very erratic now. The part on my glans got much thinner and finally dissapears while going down towards the shaft. The remains of frenular chord itself cannot be seen anymore (although I can still feel string-like formation under the skin with my fingers, when pulling my foreskin down). I am so relieved to have gained some retraction milimiters - for the very first time in my life, my foreskin doesn't necessarily roll back immediately by itself, after uncovering the glans. It is also easier to uncover the glans completely whereas before, it was a small struggle, and during sexy times over the years, girls would always just end up half-retracting the whole thing.

So much for the good news. However, I do not know how to proceed from here. It seems to me that my penis is a bit atypical. Besides my frenulum string (or what's left of it), a small patch of skin around it also seems to have be fused to my glans.

I am including a few photos just in case someone can help me with an idea.

I see two options: a)redo the unsuccessful third tying near the top of the glans (that would entail tying a small blood vessel, probably) or b) tying a wider area around the frenulum to get rid of the glans/foreskin fusion (highly unlikely I will do that unless I get very clear proof that it has been already done and that it is ok to do it).

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This is a great thread, looking forward to your replies!
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