Just got back from vacation and need to leave again so only have time for a quick update.
The following is my experience and not meant to be a guide…use it as a starting point to research and reach your own conclusions.
Since my last post I have tried a variety of ways to make my frenulum looser so all my foreskin will slide down my shaft more evenly. My foreskin bunches on the top side of my shaft when foreskin is retracted because my frenulum is too tight on the bottom side. Prior to tying I was stretching my frenulum/foreskin using a variety of techniques and that works up to a point. I could only go so far and then the frenulum would not stretch any further.
FRENULUM TYING DOES WORK IF PATIENCE AND GOOD TECHNIQUE IS USED. I am very impatient and like experimenting with stuff, so I tend to get a little sideways crazy
. The results have been good so far...I just want more!
So I started tying and have posted photos in this forum up through my 3rd tie. I did two more after that which were rather deep. My biggest problem was when the ties came out the large wounds took some time to heal and I felt that because I could not keep the wound stretched it wanted to shorten up. Part of this was caused by my impatience…I was making deep ties, with very thin (cuts faster) thread and pulling the tie super tight, which resulted in the ties cutting through in a few days. Then I tried cutting with a scalpel (not recommended
) with the same results of not being able to keep my frenulum stretched while healing to receive the maximum benefit. Part of my healing problem was I kept the wounds slathered in an anti-bacterial
ointment which prevented air circulation and slowed down the healing process.
My biggest “aha” came when I realized that tying is the same as piercing only using thread instead of steel. Somewhere on line I saw a frenulum “piercing” that had the steel barbell removed and it left a perfectly healed tunnel under the frenulum, it looked like a tie could be put on the top piece that was attached and a large gain could be made without a large wound. Looked like what I was trying to achieve with thread. So, I now have a 12g piercing with a simple, straight, steel, barbell frenulum piercing that once its healed I can experiment with putting a tie on my frenulum with the barbell still in. Piercing is nearly the same experience as pushing a large needle through your frenulum. I do like the look and feel of the piercing and plan two more in the near future. I found that if I use piercing aftercare to treat my tie it heals quicker with less scarring. This is a good source of what to do (and what not to do) -
Piercing Care | The Piercing Bible. This is a short excerpt from that page that is very interesting – “Avoid cleaning with Betadine®, Hibiciens®, alcohol, hyrdrogen peroxide, Dial® or other harsh soaps, as these can damage cells. Also avoid ointments as they prevent necessary air circulation.” Use the above solutions to prep your tying site and then use sea salt soaks for cleansing aftercare.
I have lots of photos to post once I return that might be helpful/informative/interesting to those that are tying or are about to tie.