Hi guys. This is a great thread. I am a long time lurker, tied my frenulum three times total with varied results.
First time, the tie was not as close to the glans as it should have been and it was too loose to begin with. I cut the string after about 10 days, in fear of infection. However, the frenulum seemed very weakened and lost its original width even near the top of the glans. I think I might have gained 2 or 3 milimiters from this, somehow.
Second tie was shallow, but most successful so far. No bleeding and about 0.5 cm of freedom gained after just 3 days.
Third tie (recently) was very close to my glans but it was bleeding a bit the first day and I feared I went too deep so I just chickened out and cut the tie.
As for my frenulum now, what was once a uninterupted line, looks very erratic now. The part on my glans got much thinner and finally dissapears while going down towards the shaft. The remains of frenular chord itself cannot be seen anymore (although I can still feel string-like formation under the skin with my fingers, when pulling my foreskin down). I am so relieved to have gained some retraction milimiters - for the very first time in my life, my foreskin doesn't necessarily roll back immediately by itself, after uncovering the glans. It is also easier to uncover the glans completely whereas before, it was a small struggle, and during sexy times over the years, girls would always just end up half-retracting the whole thing.
So much for the good news. However, I do not know how to proceed from here. It seems to me that my penis is a bit atypical. Besides my frenulum string (or what's left of it), a small patch of skin around it also seems to have be fused to my glans.
I am including a few photos just in case someone can help me with an idea.
I see two options: a)redo the unsuccessful third tying near the top of the glans (that would entail tying a small blood vessel, probably) or b) tying a wider area around the frenulum to get rid of the glans/foreskin fusion (highly unlikely I will do that unless I get very clear proof that it has been already done and that it is ok to do it).
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This is a great thread, looking forward to your replies!