@Gimmiethegirth this post, and this whole thread might be helpful to you.
I was thinking the exact same thing.
@Gimmiethegirth this post, and this whole thread might be helpful to you.
Please my brother wait for advice before you start doing this. Someone will come out and help you soon.Hello everyone,
I was wondering if someone can give me a recommendation on where to place my first tie? As you can see in the pics, I have an extremely short frenulum and also suffer from phimosis (I am doing stretching exercises to try and fix this). I am not sure where my glans end and where my frenulum starts. When I pull my foreskin back as much as I could or pull it forward, it looks like my frenulum is pulling a big chunk of my glans with it. I want to tie as close to my glans as possible but not sure where that point should be
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So here is my experience with this thing. I didn't have a needle, a fishing line or any cream or anything. I read almost every post here and was scared so I wanted for a day or so and when I got extremely horny, I manned up, took the SIM ejector pin, washed it with dettol liquid soap properly and was ready to make a hole in my frenulum. Then I turned on flash of my phone and looked through frenulum, it was all red except one place where ot was a bit yellowish, means there was little to no blood there so I took a few minutes to decide the position and just went for it slowly. I took caffeine tablet an hour ago so maybe it helped with pain a bit. I endured the little pain I felt. My heart was beating fast and as soon as the SIM ejector pin passed through, I felt a bit over relaxed and congratulated myself?. Sim ejector pin was dull and big so instead of a precise hole a needle makes, my hole was a bit like circular ripped. Nothing unique, it was just a bit bigger hole. Almost no bleeding. Maybe 1-2 drops. No pain. I left it like that for 1 day. It was a bit healed maybe but the hole was big enough for a needle to pass easily so then I tied, felt irritated so removed the thread. Used a common cotton polyester thread btw. Gave it 1 more day and tied again. This time it went all good. 5 days and thread cut through properly and fell. 3 more days to heal and the results were amazing. much better than before.
Now after 2 weeks of wait for it to fully heal which means it should not pain if stretched, I now made another hole. A bit deeper now. Last one was good but was not deep enough to free the head completely. You can probably see the second hole in the pic below. Hole healed much faster and bled a little bit more so I had to make the hole again at same place after 3 days. Doing it next day was too much pain. Now the hole is smaller but good enough. I inserted and tied the thread last night and now its all good. The only difference is that its paining a but today and cutting through the remaining frenulum feels slower this time. Anyways, I'll update my progress later.
Btw my dick is 8+ inch and girth is also very good. And when fully erect, size of its head gets big enough to hurt my frenulum so that's why I went through this operation in the first place. Any compliments of my dick will be very appreciated. And I am not the bragging type but can't resist now that I took all this trouble.
It was same with me. Just wash your penis properly before doing the procedure. Sterilize all the things you are gonna use.Hello everyone,
I was wondering if someone can give me a recommendation on where to place my first tie? As you can see in the pics, I have an extremely short frenulum and also suffer from phimosis (I am doing stretching exercises to try and fix this). I am not sure where my glans end and where my frenulum starts. When I pull my foreskin back as much as I could or pull it forward, it looks like my frenulum is pulling a big chunk of my glans with it. I want to tie as close to my glans as possible but not sure where that point should be
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Last Update : it took me 2 ties and 2 weeks to achieve this. The end result is amazing. It wouldn't have looked this good even if the best surgeon in the world did frenuloplasty on me. Frenulum tying is the holy grail.! And I heal faster as well so its all done for me. The freedom my dick gained is amazing and full. I couldn't have gained even 0.5 cm more. This is the max for me. The head is not bending anymore. Now I have the best of both worlds (circumcised and uncircumcised).
Just one thing. Even though I am already healed and can masturbate now, I am not gonna have sex for at least a month ! Its healed but its not fully healed. The stress on the operated area will be insane while having sex so I'll just wait and masturbate carefully for a month. After that when it becomes just as flexible and strong as the nearby skin, sex will start.
So here's my final suggestion : Don't go ripping your dick apart as soon as the outer skin heals, let it take its time to fully heal before you put stress on the operated area.
Final images below.
Necessary ? No.Is Frenulum Tying necessary for PE?
If by hardcore you mean operating on your one of the most important part of body by yourself just for PE, sure. Go for it. Just think really carefully because unlike PE exercises, frenulum tying can get bloody really fast.So i take it a full functioning foreskin can do without Frenulum Tying, but likely recommended for the Hardcore PE route
If by hardcore you mean operating on your one of the most important part of body by yourself just for PE, sure. Go for it. Just think really carefully because unlike PE exercises, frenulum tying can get bloody really fast.
Thank you DLD and Arkailija,
A couple of days ago I removed the 'dental floss' after just a week. The result is good. The cut is about 1/10th of an inch long and now I get more room when I pull the frenulum with my fingers. That allowed me to pierce it again, even closed to the shaft, where I couldn't go before.
I repeated the process and I went at least 3mm lower. I hope to extent the cut further.
See the tips of the two arrows. The one pointing up shows there i pierced the frenulum, and the other arrow where the triple knot is.
I'll repeat the process until i reach the bottom of the shaft if necessary.
See you again in a week or so.
Yes and it looks it will get better and better. This method is fantastic. No pain, no blood and results in a week.
Will keep you posted guys!
I did the same way 40 years ago ! With a great result. I post a picture of my penis now, 40 years later. Frenulum tying gave a really full foreskin retractation and there is no scar at all. When I did it, as Itntied said, there was no blood and no pain at all, and I encourage guys to do that if frenulum is too short or incomfortable. View attachment 1821997
Many thanks DLD ... It was an old work, but from my young days, short frenulum was already a topic of discussion between men. A long time before Internet ! And I think, it was so since the dawn of time. I know in the old days, tying up was performed with a needle and a horsehair to tie. My grand father did it almost a century ago. But he said me, often, guys performed it because in these days, it was common in countries to
consider the frenulum as male virginity, as the woman's hymen. And many cut him to not be taken for a virgin
inexperienced in front of their first girl friend or future wife.
first tie was successful (it was like magic) took 5 day.First of all THANK YOU all for sharing experience in this thread.
iam new here.. With the help of this thread i have done my first Tying on Frenulum.
its been 2 days and working well, cutting my Frenulum.
waiting for final result.
-my procedure-
* i used local anesthetic cream (emla cream) {lidocaine 2.5%}
keep the cream on the area for 15-20 minutes after that try to poke in the area using needle if you don't feel anything you are good to go.
* i used sewing needle.
* i don't have fishing thread so i used thread similar to it. (looks similar and strong)
* make strong knot.
* after that i dip you penis in warm watr once in a day.
ACCIDENT = after putting my first tying (no blood no pain) so i thought i should put two tying, it will save time and work fast.
so after tying the fist one, i put the needle for the second tying, just i was about to make a knot blood start to come from second tying (but no pain, EMLA cream), i was really nervous and i removed the thread and put the warm watr (i think i have punctured blood vein on second tying) now it healed.
I will do my second tying after i get successful result in my first tying.
Question Will removing Frenulum Resolve my Premature Ejaculating....????
i have short penis and short frenulum.
first tie was successful (it was like magic) took 5 day.
and now i have put the second tie.
I'm thinking I need to go to a doctor rather than try to fix this thing by tying? It's to the side, instead of underneath. Though the frenulum itself is unbalanced to the left as well...View attachment 1822337
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That's a skin bridge. The result usually of an infant circumcision.
I just wanted to say... I fricken love this website. I've gone all my life not knowing what the hell it was. Thank you!
Awesome! The biggest thing I can tell you here is take your time and every single precaution necessary to make it the best and cleanest cut.Did my first tie yesterday got a pre-threaded suture curved needle and clamp scissors and just pierced my frenulum after cleaning all my tools slight pain but completely bearable tied with surgeons knot covered site with ointment and pulled foreskin over uncovered this morning after slight twinges during the night and all seems fine have been taking pictures so will post as soon as I am approved am now leaving uncovered to help drying process no pain now
No swelling or redness so far have been doing salt water soaks will take more pictures tomorrow hopefully I can post these
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