JustAPinch;n1814976 said:
Lol if you keep the bottom part it can be your keel! Do you still have feeling in the severed parts of the frenulum?

Yes, I do. There is no major sensitivity change. But it feels quite strange and different. As far as I can see, I'm gonna last longer in bed :). The feelings nerves are in the glans not in the frenulum. A short frenulum will stretch the glans and will simulate more friction, that's all the secret.
frenectomy;n1815009 said:
Yes, I do. There is no major sensitivity change. But it feels quite strange and different. As far as I can see, I'm gonna last longer in bed :). The feelings nerves are in the glans not in the frenulum. A short frenulum will stretch the glans and will simulate more friction, that's all the secret.

Just wondering as we sure can feel the pinch! That's the idea. How much time did you let pass between your first and second tying?
I did a second tie to speed things up and it cut throughy this morning! It feels really nice to not have it tug anymore. There is a little bit of inflammation on the remaining frenulum. Not sure what to do with the part thats inflamed and on the glans. I'm thinking that'll go away in a couple days.
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JustAPinch;n1815031 said:
Just wondering as we sure can feel the pinch! That's the idea. How much time did you let pass between your first and second tying?
I did a second tie to speed things up and it cut throughy this morning! It feels really nice to not have it tug anymore. There is a little bit of inflammation on the remaining frenulum. Not sure what to do with the part thats inflamed and on the glans. I'm thinking that'll go away in a couple days.

This is how skin healed. About 6 days between ties. Current state: 95% healed. Big improvements. The penis starts to change it's curvature to straight and then to up (it was more likely down oriented ~ 35 degree). I would never rollback anything.
what is the needle an tie for?? Can you just slice/cut a little (1mm)at a time, let it heal, then slice/cut it again again and again until the frendulum is severed??

Maybe some one can post instructional pics, videos on the process as "a picture is worth a thousand words"!
For anyone curious, I cut the dead skin (pic above) with a new sterile scalpel blade and there was no blood or pain or anything. I intend to do it again in the future on the skin between the shaft and the glans because I only did the first tie very close to where the frenulum attached to the glans because it attached quite high up and I wanted it to come off as cleanly/aesthetically as possible from the glans. Because I didn't get rid of the whole frenulum on the first shot it still pulls down on the head a little but this small change has already made an awesome improvement:)
This thread one quiet for a few months it seems, it’s so strange how things are so popular for so long and then all of a sudden just stops. I’m glad to see the thread coming back help brother is the need.
Without me reading through all this thread, why do guys need this doing?

It releases the head from the shaft allowing for greater length gains. Many men have had a very tight circumcision and this limits their ability to gain so they have been doing this to correct that. What blows my mind with this is, I invented this by mistake! I sheared off my frenulum by mistake and it hurts so bad for weeks but after those weeks went by I gained, I can’t remember how much, but close to an inch. After this people started to cut the frenulum on purpose. At first I was against it but this thread shows just how professionally someone can do it from their home. Do you look for some of the pictures somebody’s guys tie is good as a surgeon
Another side effect of circumcision.

I was circumcised very tight and when I was able to release that frenulum is allowed my penis to gain much more length. When my Son was born I had the doctors do a loose circumcision and I did the same with my two Grandchildren. So they all have a bit of foreskin. I do not want them to have to suffer with a tight frenulum as I and many others have.
Sorry, but what should a fully retracted penis after a completed treatment for an uncut one look like? How far down should the skin be able to go down?

Not sure if this was mentioned in the thread, but can a phimotic ring (white tight ring around cock when pulling foreskin down) be treated the same way the frenulum treated?
So today was The day! After reading a lot of these pages I decide to do frenulum tying. After having problems for years, I decided to do something about it.

My frenulum is to short, it bend my glans when I pull back my foreskin when my penis is flaccid, and does not even fully retract when I have an erection. Due to short frenulum and a little phimosis. The phimosis is very mild, and cured that most of with phimocure. To stretchy the phimothic ring.

First of all I was very nervous. To put a needle in my frenulum. But I did it!

I tied a knot whit fishing line. I will see if I tie a second knot later after this one is healed.

Can you tell me if I did it right?

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Quick update. Wasn’t sure that I did it right, knot wasn’t tight enough. Thread a little to stiff to work with. Saw a white bump, little piece of frenulum got stuck between the 2 knots. So I untied the knot, and managed to get a new thinner and more flexible thread trough the hole.

Knots are at good thightnes right now.
Don’t have a piece of frenulum stuck between the 2 knots.

So I’m happy overal! So far so good. Tomorrow new update.
Quick update

Day 4: last few days i didn’t notice anything. Yes i felt it when i took a pee, or when I crossed my legs. Today I took a closer look, and part of my frenulum where I tied turns white finally, give it a couple more days to loosen.

Orderd online a suture kit, to make a next tie, when the first one is healed.

Tie 1: i don’t dare to go to close to the shaft. Next tie will be closer to the shaft. So excited to see the results.

Just wondering what works better, the fishing line that I currently used, ore the suture that I ordered. It’s a medical thread. Don’t know if it will cut or not, because normally it is used to keep 2 parts of flesh together.
Day 5: this morning the frenulum was a bit more sensitive. After pulling back my foresking the tie came loose! Yes!, Tied only 3 mm or so, but notice already a big difference.
I can’t even see where it was attached to the glans anymore, I think it was a very nice cut.

Can’t wait to receive my suture kit. Hope the “sticking needle to the frenulum part” will be more easy with medical needles. (Sharper)

Still don’t know which thread I will use, first tie I used fishing line wich works fine, only the leftovers one both sides of the tie were a little bit uncomfortable sometimes underneath the foreskin. I left them a little longer to re-tie if necessary.
Yesterday i did my second tie! I go way more deeper/closer to the shaft. I used a surgical needle and thread. I used a cream against hemorrhoids, because lidocaine is only available on doctors prescription. And this cream has some lidocaine in it. I did feel a little sting.. but there was no blood at all. Can’t wait to free my frenulum. I think I’m done after this second tie. It’s only the last piece where the frenulum is attached to the glans. Never made real “before” pictures. Because when I sent someone a dickpick i’ve never retracted my foreskin. Because I was ashamed of my short frenulum.

Day 2 so far.. the frenulum is much more swollen than the first tie. I think that is because I tied a much larger area and much more frenulum. Very curious how long it will take to cut trough the skin. First tie fell of on day 5.

I will definitely post some “after” pictures
Yesterday i did my second tie! I go way more deeper/closer to the shaft. I used a surgical needle and thread. I used a cream against hemorrhoids, because lidocaine is only available on doctors prescription. And this cream has some lidocaine in it. I did feel a little sting.. but there was no blood at all. Can’t wait to free my frenulum. I think I’m done after this second tie. It’s only the last piece where the frenulum is attached to the glans. Never made real “before” pictures. Because when I sent someone a dickpick i’ve never retracted my foreskin. Because I was ashamed of my short frenulum.

Day 2 so far.. the frenulum is much more swollen than the first tie. I think that is because I tied a much larger area and much more frenulum. Very curious how long it will take to cut trough the skin. First tie fell of on day 5.

I will definitely post some “after” pictures
I’m looking forward to see your after pictures. Don’t rush the process too much as you want the frenulum to be completely gone but without any scar tissue. You want it as smooth as possible. My Frenulum is completely gone and there is absolutely no scar tissue completely smooth.
Today my second tie came loose! Yes! Wow, I have so much more length. I don’t think it is necessary to make a 3th tie, but I let you guys decide later. When I post the after pictures

There is no scar tissue at all. Last Sunday I changed the thread. First I used a surgical suture thread, which really cuts trough the skin instead of tying off all the blood. Last Sunday the knot came really loose. So I switched back to fishing line, and today it cuts trough.

Wow! No more bending from the glans when pulling back my foreskin.

Can’t wait to use my phimocure rings again to stretch the last part of my foreskin.

I’m so happy.
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'Ello everybody,I would like to share my experience,with this procedure.I have already did this 5 times (3 of them were unsuccessful) and probably will have to do it atleast 2 times.My frenulum was less than 5 mm long, when I first started doing this and it is still not loose enough to be able to pull the foreskin fully.3 of my attempts were a complete failure,because I did not go deep enough and basically cut only the surface of frenulum,therefore it is very important to go as close to the shaft as possible or you won't be happy with the results.

Do not pull the needle out,before tying the knot or you won't be able to put the needle back again.Like an idiot,I did this on my 5th attempt in order to prevent pain from the streching,when the head of the needle went through it as it is much wider than the tip of the needle and stung pretty badly.I thought,I would be able to guide the thread throught the hole I made,but it was way too small,I could not do it and had to do it again.

I tyed the small frenulum vein and did not experience any major problems.The only think that I experienced is this wierd tinglish sensation from time to time,but it dissaperead after couple days and never returned.No sensitivity lost and my dick did not fall off,so that is good.

I highly recommend to use some kind of light source to locate the thinnest spot to penetrate and double check,before putting the needle or you might end-up like me,failing it 3 times..

On average,It took me from 3 to 5 days to finish the cut.Try to tye the knot as tight as possible,even if it starts to sting or you will have to re-tighen it later on.

Lubricant,such as coconut oil or even cooking oil, helps the needle to get through the frenulum easier.I recommend to use it once you get the tip of the needle throught the skin as applying it before,makes the needle hard to control.

The scarring is almost non-existing as it is a non-invasive method.

Equipment that I used:
  • Disinfectant for the needle and thread : a bottle of vodka.(3% hydrogen peroxide solution will work as well.No need for expensive disinfectants.)
  • Thread: 0.3 mm fishing line.Worked perfectly every time.
  • Antiseptic cream: did not use it as it slows the cutting process down,but kept it clean.
  • Soaking: did not use it,but it helps to relieve the pain.
  • Needle: just a regular,new,thin sewing needle.
  • Anesthetic: did not use it.The pain is comparable to a bee sting,maybe even less.
So far,I am happy with the results that this procedure gave me.Just do not make the same mistakes that I did and you will be happy with the results.It is very simple,not that painful,even without anesthetic.
I'm sorry for no photos.I just do not feel comfortable with sharing.
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Hi ppl, I have done one tie now which took 13 days. I probably did not tie good xd. Now I need more. So skin bridge Needs yo go, its no problem if i bind that ? I mean wherenormal skin fuses yo glans and Gets lose . I hope the pic is ok xd
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I would appreciate if someone could suggest good spot for tying so it will look nice after procedure. I would not want any skin dangling or something like that.

Also since I am uncut should I fold skin over glans once tied or try to keep it retracted?

i have the same problem and became hardened after using penimaster a lot of hours a day. I definitely would need to do the knotting but I fear the hardened frenulum may hinder the healing and elongation. Maybe in my case would be better to remove all the hardened frenulum?
@OlafO ! Come chime in! @JustAPinch as well. @jpeg5 ! Brothers to arms! :)

I unfortunately don't have experience about this whole frenulum tying. Mine did split a little bit years ago when I was doing BM sessions on a more hardcore basis. At the moment my frenulum doesn't cause me trouble.

However, I think if an uncut guy does this tying method, it would be possible best for to keep the foreskin retracted as much as possible, from my point of view. I could be wrong about this though, that's why I hope that guys who have done this operation will come and say a few words.
My concern is after the tie cuts the skin, probably would leave a... lets call it peduncle of skin, that may be ugly... know what i mean?
I think I'm gonna go one knot close to the glans and see how it goes.
Had urologist appointment 2 days from now, thought of doing frenectomy, but since I discovered this I cancelled it. Thinking I am going to take more care than some doctor and remove as little as needed and not the whole thing. Hope all goes well :)
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Is 6mm (1/4") too deep to go at once? I measured point where I think I should pierce and it is about 5-6 mm from top of frenulum.
Got Lidocaince creme 5%, already have syringe needle, only need to buy 0.3mm fishing nylon line. Though of doing this on Sunday.
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Is 6mm (1/4") too deep to go at once? I measured point where I think I should pierce and it is about 5-6 mm from top of frenulum.
Got Lidocaince creme 5%, already have syringe needle, only need to buy 0.3mm fishing nylon line. Though of doing this on Sunday.

Bump to bring you back ❤️
Ok :)

Tied last Thursday, still did not cut through. Cannot tighten as I've used double overhand know and then 3x single overhand to make sure it won't come loose. Could cut this knot and make another but I think this will do the job in a few more days.

It was strange to do this on yourself, really uncomfortable feeling :D but there's nothing to it really. Only felt very faint sting when used needle and a bit when tightened the knot. A bit difficult to do this with only two hands so I made small cut with needle on glans but it healed quickly.

Will let you know how it turned out.

Progress update. Snipped last remaining bit of skin on Saturday, still sensitive and hurting a bit to the touch. Gained ~8-9mm but need to detach from head completelly it seems. Does not look greatest, has a "ridge" with leftover skin. Would appreciate advice on how to cut next to get rid if that and to get it nicer looking.


Cut at line 1, 2 or 3 or maybe 1 and 3 at the same time? Any thoughts would be appreciated
I've cut at lines 1 and 3, just took knots off, but think I made a mistake.
Glans does not bend anymore but still cannot fully retract foreskin. It is much better but not as I would like it.
I think I should have done line 1 only and then use leftover frenulum to extend it further by cutting.
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Hey, after doing some google searches I found this site yesterday and decided to join because of this... So happy as to be honest it felt like I was deformed or something and never been able to talk about it!

Read every post and probably will do again... but wondered if I put a couple of photos up if anyone would be willing to help out with the placement of the tying etc?

FrenBreve - Do you have any photos so far - haha just picking on you as I know this subject has been going a while and you're the most recent to post! :)

Sorry, it has taken a while to get around to posting the photos, but here they are. The first showing my foreskin as it is when covering the glans (tying has not altered this):

Another showing where the frenulum was originally joined to the glans adjacent to the meatus:

Now one showing that I have gained 25mm of freedom with the foreskin rolled back and relaxed (this also shows a little nub of frenulum that I will probably remove altogether with a further tie):

This one shows that with the foreskin pulled back as far as it will go I have gained at least 40mm of freedom (not bad for two 6mm ties!):

And finally one which shows where my next tie will be, at the base of the glans, just to free things up completely:

My first tie was about two years ago; the second shortly after that. No regrets so far, but it's your own decision whether you do it or not.
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Follow up.
Since last cut was definitelly too big (over 10mm) wound was producing clear liquid for days and I was afraid it would not heal properly. Finally I started covering it with Petroleum jelly (Vaseline) and it healed. Scar is still visible but I think it will be Ok aesthetically. I am using Dermatix Ultra on scar to reduce it as I have good experience with it.


Fortunatelly still a bit frenulum left so I just did another small tie to get a bit more length as I still cannot roll over foreskin completelly behind glans, still have some wrinkling which I don't like.

I think cutting should not be done more than 5-6mm at a time, to get best results.
Follow up.
Since last cut was definitelly too big (over 10mm) wound was producing clear liquid for days and I was afraid it would not heal properly. Finally I started covering it with Petroleum jelly (Vaseline) and it healed. Scar is still visible but I think it will be Ok aesthetically. I am using Dermatix Ultra on scar to reduce it as I have good experience with it.


Fortunatelly still a bit frenulum left so I just did another small tie to get a bit more length as I still cannot roll over foreskin completelly behind glans, still have some wrinkling which I don't like.

I think cutting should not be done more than 5-6mm at a time, to get best results.

So far excellent, just a bit to go. Very clean!
@Gimmiethegirth this post, and this whole thread might be helpful to you.

ok- so I weighed the two options-

cutting the frenulum-

very fast
immediately begins the healing process.

takes a minimum of 2 weeks to heal (on average)
can be pretty painful (initially)
takes alot of courage to take scissors/scalpel to your frenulum.

frenulum tying-
there isnt ever any severe pain
scarring almost non existant once completely healed
doesn't hurt to pierce frenulum with a surgical needle (i used a sewing needle)
doesn't take that long to heal

takes 4-7 days to go thru the frenulum, slow progress.
have to soak/dip your cock in warm water 3x a day for 15 minutes to soften the tissue
sharp pain if you get hard. dont get hard while doing this. ice pack, pictures of ugly girls, whatever it takes, dont get hard.

so after going through and finding as much info as I could, I decided to go the tying route. The needle got me nervous, but it didn't hurt. I used fishing line and a square knot to cinch it tight, followed by a surgeon's knot. I knew the knots from boyscouts but they are easily learned on line. Practice the knots BEFORE you stick a needle in your dick.

I sterilized the needle and my hands in isopropyl alcohol. My dick bled very little. I used hot water to clean it, and then rubbed in some bacitracin zinc ointment to prevent infection.

here are some websites that really helped me out.

The circumcision taboos. Phimosis frenulum and foreskin conditions, phimosis and male initiation this site has loads of information on things many guys need info about, but the medical field is to stubborn, or stupid, to address. this includes phimosis, frenulum breve, tying, etc.

Questions on tying frenulum -- ARC Phimosis - Circumcision Forum this website is a general discussion about the tying process.

keep it tight, keep it clean, and sterile.

hope this helps. Ill keep updating this as things progress. I cant wait to pull a raging hard boner that isnt held back by the skin...just the thought makes it all worth it.
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