Big Al;327067 said:
Here are a couple I found right off the bat:

Use keywords in your searches like "before", "after" and "pics". You'll see plenty :)

I'm not interested in sharing pics, but for the record I added 2" in length and over 1" in girth. Since reaching my goals over 10 years ago, I've been in maintenance mode with regular stamina work.


The two links you provided are problematic. I'm not going to get into WHY(unless you really want me to and then I'll make a more specific post), but those are two links whose "proof" pictures are, well, odd. And that's all I'm going to say about that.

As far as you're concerned, what exactly did you do to gain 2" in, I'm assuming, BPenis EnlargementL? If you did this 10 years ago then DLD's help wasn't a factor. Any tips?

There will always be a way to cast doubt on a real claim. No matter how the record is made, there is always someone who will dispute it somehow. In elections there is always a doubt about how things were counted. In sports there is always a doubt about steroids or some other means of cheating, in Penis Enlargement there will always be some who will say that someone is dishonest. On line it is even worse because anyone could pretend to be someone else and lie about something they never did. There is probably a mental disorder for this type of person but many people get pleasure from acting like someone they are not, on line. I have enough time pretending to be DLD that I could never pretend to be something else:) Faith is the big word here. If you believe a liar and make gains despite his dishonesty, didn't you still gain?

Thanks for the response. I would appreciate it greatly if you this "Weightlifting Scenario" from my last large post. It has now become a retroactive response to your posting.

"Here's a comparison I'm about to make that will put this into perspective for EVERYBODY: Let's say I walk into a gym. There's a few people lifting weights, a few girls on the treadmill, but it's a Gold's Gym or a private gym, nothing overwhelmingly large and hyper-corporate. 20-30 people.

And let's say I walk up to a bench press bench. I, 175 pounds and overweight and weak, stand up on it and I shout: "Hey everybody! Listen up! I can bench press 400 pounds!". NO ONE, and I mean, NO ONE believes me. The laughter is strangling. And anyone who isn't there who would be there under different circumstances would not believe me either.

I lay down, a group of guys stacks the barbell with 400 pounds. The gym is silent and everyone is watching.

I grab it, heave and huff and...lo and behold, I bench press the mother fucker full on! I DO IT! I bench press 400 pounds.

I get up and walk away. Everyone, EVERYONE is stunned.

Now: there are some people who will say that I have super powers. There are some that will say I'm on steroids. There are some that will pretend they didn't see it. They are some that will think that the weights were not really 400 pounds. Some may think it's a Candid Camera prank, that the guys around the bench were in on it. And they will be a few who don't give a shit one way or another. Maybe one person will completely care and completely believe that it happened legitimately. But they too will move on.

Nevertheless, I didn't just TALK about being able to press 400 and not do it. I didn't say "I can do it, but if I do it will be a waste of time because no one will believe it really happened legitimately". See how ridiculous that sounds? I simply got down, no matter what anyone might think, and I pressed 400.

So, I ask again, respectfully and knowing personally that Penis Enlargement works (at least I know for sure jelqing does): Why does no one, having made gains and caring about giving confidence and proof for the Penis Enlargement forum family, have legitimate, BPenis EnlargementL-measured BEFORE and AFTER pics on these forums?"

Hope you've had a great holiday!

stevie7inch;327068 said:

The two links you provided are problematic. I'm not going to get into WHY(unless you really want me to and then I'll make a more specific post), but those are two links whose "proof" pictures are, well, odd. And that's all I'm going to say about that.

As far as you're concerned, what exactly did you do to gain 2" in, I'm assuming, BPenis EnlargementL? If you did this 10 years ago then DLD's help wasn't a factor. Any tips?


That's not necessary. I think DLD summed it up nicely above.

Did you do as I recommended with some of the other sites? I was able to find all kinds of pics within seconds by doing a keyword relevant search.

My gains are BPenis EnlargementL. The first month I did the typical jelq, stretching and kegels. I put quite a bit of intensity into my workouts once I became accustomed to the exercises. After the initial basic routine, I did lots of stretches and squeezes and ramped up my stamina work.
stevie7inch;327072 said:
...Now: there are some people who will say that I have super powers. There are some that will say I'm on steroids. There are some that will pretend they didn't see it. They are some that will think that the weights were not really 400 pounds. Some may think it's a Candid Camera prank, that the guys around the bench were in on it. And they will be a few who don't give a shit one way or another. Maybe one person will completely care and completely believe that it happened legitimately. But they too will move on.

Nevertheless, I didn't just TALK about being able to press 400 and not do it. I didn't say "I can do it, but if I do it will be a waste of time because no one will believe it really happened legitimately". See how ridiculous that sounds? I simply got down, no matter what anyone might think, and I pressed 400.

So, I ask again, respectfully and knowing personally that Penis Enlargement works (at least I know for sure jelqing does):

That's a very good analogy. Some men won't believe any pics or vids unless they're there to see the measuring and to examine the ruler themselves.

stevie7inch;327072 said:
Why does no one, having made gains and caring about giving confidence and proof for the Penis Enlargement forum family, have legitimate, BPenis EnlargementL-measured BEFORE and AFTER pics on these forums?"


I've directed you to links with many of these pics. Whether or not they fit your criteria is another matter altogether.
Big Al;327074 said:
That's not necessary. I think DLD summed it up nicely above.

Did you do as I recommended with some of the other sites? I was able to find all kinds of pics within seconds by doing a keyword relevant search.

My gains are BPenis EnlargementL. The first month I did the typical jelq, stretching and kegels. I put quite a bit of intensity into my workouts once I became accustomed to the exercises. After the initial basic routine, I did lots of stretches and squeezes and ramped up my stamina work.

Big Al,

I don't know what to say about everything you've uttered in the above quote before your BPenis EnlargementL gains details, which I appreciate.

MAYBE I should call out to anyone reading this TO PLEASE CLICK ON those TWO LINKS you provided (and this shout out is in particular to those who, like me, believe in Penis Enlargement) and they can share THEIR opinions about whether or not the posters on those two posts are completely full of shit or not. Pay attention in particular to those 18 and 19 pics and how the body end of the ruler is out of frame.

Do NOT make me out to be a hater, Al. I call it like I see it. My cock is ever so slightly larger because of the exercises I've been doing, and that's just for a few months. In your last two posts, it SEEMS you MIGHT be passive-aggressively suggesting I'm like the skeptics, and I don't appreciate it. Not interested in getting into a fight on here with you BUT also not interested in having the integrity and genuine curiosity and pre-investigation of my questions devalued publicly. Specifically, your "I've directed you to links with many of these pics. Whether or not they fit your criteria is another matter altogether" comment. Give me a break. You KNOW what I'm talking about with the possible inauthenticity of those two posts you provided, or maybe you just didn't actually look at all the photos.

And yeah, I DID do the pic search you directed me to do, and I found all types of pictures! But NONE which fit THESE ACCURATE CRITERIA!:
Before &/OR AFTER Bone Pressed Erect Pictures WHERE:
b. The Body End of the RULER IS ON TOP OF THE Penis EnlargementNIS AND BONE PRESSED
c. The Numbers on The Ruler or Tape Measure Are Clear
d. BOTH Penis EnlargementNISES ARE THE SAME Penis EnlargementNISES
Please, Al, tell me if I'm missing any other criteria (OBJECTIVE, COMMON SENSICAL CRITERIA) regarding how to tell a bogus gain pic from a real one!

Keeping it real,

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PS: And another thing: DLD isn't a problem here. No one disagrees with DLD's quote regarding how there will always be skeptics no matter what anyone does, and, AL, no one is disagreeing with you either regarding how some people will want to "be there" when the measuring goes down!

But when you have hundreds of people on the internet SAYING they've made gains, and then when prompted to post pics, post pics that even NON-SKEPTICS would question the authenticity of (and my above post's criteria of what legit proof pics must adhere to, yes?), you have to wonder why it is most people think that Penis Enlargement is a crock.

That's why I am going to do what I PROMISED to do with the Bib Hanger and fucking POST LEGIT PICS. That's why I'm going to be, hopefully, the post journal EVERYONE goes to when they have ANY doubt about whether or not Penis Enlargement works!

Can you feel me, MOS brothers? Take the challenge! All of you! ANYONE who has gained here, show others! Don't just TALK about it! Take some Viagra, take a digital photo following the criteria for legit pics laid out in this thread, and make us proud.

If you DON'T, then don't complain about how people think Penis Enlargement is a joke.
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A lot of people probably don't want the secret getting out. Less competition. Some people are greedy.
DLD, can you please address this issue of mine? Any of the moderators? ANYBODY? You guys have been at this forever. Why do people not post pics of their gains? The usual excuses don't cut it.

People DO post pictures of their gains, both regular members and MODS. They don't always have before pics, that's all. Why? Most don't think of taking before pics. I didn't. I didn't even have gains in mind when I started. And most people are probably cautiously skeptical, like you. Why would they take before pics if they felt that way? What motivated me to post pics? I was thrilled to see gains in length and girth that I hadn't really expected.

And besides, I would guess that most people have no desire for whatever reason to post pics and no need to prove their progress, whether newcomers could benefit from it or not. There are a lot of considerations here when people consider posting pics--professional, personal, whatever.

And there are also a few good examples of before and after pics here on this forum. You just have to look for them.
stevie7inch;327077 said:
Big Al,

I don't know what to say about everything you've uttered in the above quote before your BPenis EnlargementL gains details, which I appreciate.

MAYBE I should call out to anyone reading this TO PLEASE CLICK ON those TWO LINKS you provided (and this shout out is in particular to those who, like me, believe in Penis Enlargement) and they can share THEIR opinions about whether or not the posters on those two posts are completely full of shit or not. Pay attention in particular to those 18 and 19 pics and how the body end of the ruler is out of frame.

Do NOT make me out to be a hater, Al. I call it like I see it. My cock is ever so slightly larger because of the exercises I've been doing, and that's just for a few months. In your last two posts, it SEEMS you MIGHT be passive-aggressively suggesting I'm like the skeptics, and I don't appreciate it. Not interested in getting into a fight on here with you BUT also not interested in having the integrity and genuine curiosity and pre-investigation of my questions devalued publicly. Specifically, your "I've directed you to links with many of these pics. Whether or not they fit your criteria is another matter altogether" comment. Give me a break. You KNOW what I'm talking about with the possible inauthenticity of those two posts you provided, or maybe you just didn't actually look at all the photos.

And yeah, I DID do the pic search you directed me to do, and I found all types of pictures! But NONE which fit THESE ACCURATE CRITERIA!:
Before &/OR AFTER Bone Pressed Erect Pictures WHERE:
b. The Body End of the RULER IS ON TOP OF THE Penis EnlargementNIS AND BONE PRESSED
c. The Numbers on The Ruler or Tape Measure Are Clear
d. BOTH Penis EnlargementNISES ARE THE SAME Penis EnlargementNISES
Please, Al, tell me if I'm missing any other criteria (OBJECTIVE, COMMON SENSICAL CRITERIA) regarding how to tell a bogus gain pic from a real one!

Keeping it real,


First, please calm down! I'm not suggesting anything about you at all so please don't jump to conclusions. On the contrary- I think your motives are good- you just need to tweak your approach a bit. I've been involved in this profession for a long time and my longevity wouldn't have been possible if I didn't have a bit of a thick skin and a knack for dealing will all kinds of POVs :)

That being said...

Statements that suggests that ALL of the pics available on the multitude of Penis Enlargement forums are illegitimate, that the OPs are "completely full of shit", and encouraging others to criticize (unless you have irrefutable proof that the images in question are faked) is insulting to the OP and will do nothing but discourage future postings of pics. There's nothing constructive about that kind of approach. Criticizing the legitimacy of an image because they didn't fit your list of criteria doesn't help either.

One of the pic links I provided was from a very well respected member of several Penis Enlargement forums who has contributed quite a bit to the Penis Enlargement community over the past few years. That might not mean much to some but it does to me. I sincerely doubt that this gentleman faked his pics and he had nothing to gain by posting them. I saw them awhile back and they looked real to me then. There was even a criticism of his pictures on the thread that I provided you, along with his response.

It's easy to say that a pic is "fake" by claiming inconsistencies with shadows, lines, angles, smudges, etc. The fact is, you're usually not dealing with professional photographers here. There's bound to be some things that don't look "perfect".

Most men are already reluctant about putting pics of their most private parts on the net for everyone to see. Part of that reluctance is likely due to the almost inevitable certainty that someone, eventually, is going to come along and accuse them of fixing the image.

Examples- there are some threads posted in a very popular forum in which the before and after images were in extreme detail, some were in video format, and even a couple in which the participants were measured in front of members of the press. The subjects were criticized very harshly and statements like "even videos can be faked" and (regarding the press) "it must have been an inside job" were thrown around liberally. What do you think things like that do for the Penis Enlargement community, not to mention to the individual that posted his images? Remember, theres a human being behind those images.

I sincerely hope that when it comes time for you to post your pics that you aren't the target of accusations. If they get around, I almost guarantee that someone will eventually come along and find ways to "prove" that your pics were faked. Experience has shown me that that's just the way things usually happen.
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Big Al;327125 said:
First, please calm down! I'm not suggesting anything about you at all so please don't jump to conclusions. On the contrary- I think your motives are good- you just need to tweak your approach a bit. I've been involved in this profession for a long time and my longevity wouldn't have been possible if I didn't have a bit of a thick skin and a knack for dealing will all kinds of POVs :)

That being said...

Statements that suggests that ALL of the pics available on the multitude of Penis Enlargement forums are illegitimate, that the OPs are "completely full of shit", and encouraging others to criticize (unless you have irrefutable proof that the images in question are faked) is insulting to the OP and will do nothing but discourage future postings of pics. There's nothing constructive about that kind of approach. Criticizing the legitimacy of an image because they didn't fit your list of criteria doesn't help either.

One of the pic links I provided was from a very well respected member of several Penis Enlargement forums who has contributed quite a bit to the Penis Enlargement community over the past few years. That might not mean much to some but it does to me. I sincerely doubt that this gentleman faked his pics and he had nothing to gain by posting them. I saw them awhile back and they looked real to me then. There was even a criticism of his pictures on the thread that I provided you, along with his response.

It's easy to say that a pic is "fake" by claiming inconsistencies with shadows, lines, angles, smudges, etc. The fact is, you're usually not dealing with professional photographers here. There's bound to be some things that don't look "perfect".

Most men are already reluctant about putting pics of their most private parts on the net for everyone to see. Part of that reluctance is likely due to the almost inevitable certainty that someone, eventually, is going to come along and accuse them of fixing the image.

Examples- there are some threads posted in a very popular forum in which the before and after images were in extreme detail, some were in video format, and even a couple in which the participants were measured in front of members of the press. The subjects were criticized very harshly and statements like "even videos can be faked" and (regarding the press) "it must have been an inside job" were thrown around liberally. What do you think things like that do for the Penis Enlargement community, not to mention to the individual that posted his images? Remember, theres a human being behind those images.

I sincerely hope that when it comes time for you to post your pics that you aren't the target of accusations. If they get around, I almost guarantee that someone will eventually come along and find ways to "prove" that your pics were faked. Experience has shown me that that's just the way things usually happen.

1. Why you're telling me to PLEASE CALM DOWN boggles my mind a bit. Maybe it's because I called you out on your previous post (your links and their "authenticity", perhaps?), but I was calm and thoughtful then as I am now. If ANY intensity was to be picked up from the previous postings of mine, they were due to enthusiasm.
2. In response to: "Statements that suggests that ALL of the pics available on the multitude of Penis Enlargement forums are illegitimate, that the OPs are "completely full of shit", and encouraging others to criticize (unless you have irrefutable proof that the images in question are faked) is insulting to the OP and will do nothing but discourage future postings of pics."...
Um, Big Al, where do I specifically STATE that ALL OF THE PICS ARE ILLEGITIMATE? I don't. And where am I encouraging others to criticize fellow Penis Enlargementers? I don't. Find the quotes!
I, for one, state that Penis Enlargement works. I also state that the main reason why people don't believe in Penis Enlargement is because there isn't any APPROPRIATELY MEASURED (DLD) picture proof. AND THEN, BELIEVING IN Penis Enlargement AND Penis Enlargementers!, I THEN MAKE A CALL TO THEM TO SHOW THEIR GAINS WITH LEGITIMATE MEASUREMENTS! That's all I did. DLD started this thread because HE'S sick and tired of people not believing and questioned all of us (see that QUESTION MARK in the thread title?) why people don't believe.
3. "There's nothing constructive about that kind of approach. Criticizing the legitimacy of an image because they didn't fit your list of criteria doesn't help either."
Al, that WOULD be a non constructive approach if that WAS my approach, but it wasn't. I just disagreed with you in a public forum (check out your supportive words in your previous posts before I criticized you). And I believe, as DLD has stated, as the ONLY PROPenis EnlargementR WAY TO MEASURE A Penis EnlargementNIS, the "criteria" I supposedly am applying SO UNFAIRLY to measure the legitimacy of an image is: 1. Ruler 2. Both ends showing 3. Fully erect 4. Bone Pressed Erect Length measurements. IS THAT WHAT YOU'RE SAYING I'M BEING SO UNREASONABLE ABOUT?
4. "One of the pic links I provided was from a very well respected member of several Penis Enlargement forums who has contributed quite a bit to the Penis Enlargement community over the past few years. That might not mean much to some but it does to me. I sincerely doubt that this gentleman faked his pics and he had nothing to gain by posting them. I saw them awhile back and they looked real to me then. There was even a criticism of his pictures on the thread that I provided you, along with his response."
Irrelevant. It's nothing personal and, yes, I DID read the responses. Nevertheless, this person you defend did not follow DLD's rules for accurate measurements in those photos. Take it up with DLD to change the rules we are all abiding by.
5. "It's easy to say that a pic is "fake" by claiming inconsistencies with shadows, lines, angles, smudges, etc. The fact is, you're usually not dealing with professional photographers here. There's bound to be some things that don't look "perfect".
So what you're saying is this: It takes a "professional photographer" to: 1. get a full erection 2. With one hand hold a ruler BONE PRESSED and 3. With the other take a full picture? This is the only way DLD says you can accurately measure and prove someone's size. I'm confused if that's your argument.
6. "Most men are already reluctant about putting pics of their most private parts on the net for everyone to see. Part of that reluctance is likely due to the almost inevitable certainty that someone, eventually, is going to come along and accuse them of fixing the image."
ANSWER: So what? So what if someone thinks I've faked an image? I can tell you one thing for certain: The fewest amount of people will say I've faked it IF I take the appropriate measured picture. And that's all I'm asking anyone to do. It's the easiest thing in the world. All of these people whose photos up on this forum and elsewhere you defend I SUPPORT! I WANT them to prove it to the world that they have made gains. All I'M SAYING is that they go about it the wrong way and should heed DLD's words when it comes to measuring.
7. "Examples- there are some threads posted in a very popular forum in which the before and after images were in extreme detail, some were in video format, and even a couple in which the participants were measured in front of members of the press. The subjects were criticized very harshly and statements like "even videos can be faked" and (regarding the press) "it must have been an inside job" were thrown around liberally. What do you think things like that do for the Penis Enlargement community, not to mention to the individual that posted his images? Remember, theres a human being behind those images."
That sucks. I feel very bad for ALL of those individuals. But if, gosh darn, they had JUST TAKEN appropriate BPenis EnlargementL and Erect Girth measurements FULLY on camera, on video, etc: then I'm sure they would have endured MUCH LESS ridicule, if any at all.
8. And finally: "I sincerely hope that when it comes time for you to post your pics that you aren't the target of accusations. If they get around, I almost guarantee that someone will eventually come along and find ways to "prove" that your pics were faked. Experience has shown me that that's just the way things usually happen."
BIG AL, you know what, I won't give a shit. And you're the first one I am emailing when I start this BEFORE AND AFTER thread of mine. If I follow DLD's rules for accurate measurement and take pictures, most everyone will know that it's the best I can do, the best anyone can do (and on video even more convincingly).

Those are the facts. I'm not here to disparage ANYONE. I want DLD to become the most famous male-confidence-building guru in history; I'm a believer because I follow his advice! I want everyone in the world to never have to endure the ridicule of having a micro penis. I want nothing but the best for us. I read DLD's work and it's right on. HE is the one that tells us how to properly measure and yet no one I know of (and, like I've asked you, Al, who keeps telling me there are SO MANY photos out there of this) has posted these appropriate videos and pics. I will do so by the end of this week!

Sorry, Big Al, maybe you should have emailed me instead.
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goinfor11x7;327108 said:

People DO post pictures of their gains, both regular members and MODS. They don't always have before pics, that's all. Why? Most don't think of taking before pics. I didn't. I didn't even have gains in mind when I started. And most people are probably cautiously skeptical, like you. Why would they take before pics if they felt that way? What motivated me to post pics? I was thrilled to see gains in length and girth that I hadn't really expected.

And besides, I would guess that most people have no desire for whatever reason to post pics and no need to prove their progress, whether newcomers could benefit from it or not. There are a lot of considerations here when people consider posting pics--professional, personal, whatever.

And there are also a few good examples of before and after pics here on this forum. You just have to look for them.

I am still looking for pictures, Before & After or JUST After, that specifically follow DLD's criteria on BPenis EnlargementL and Girth measurements AND which show both ends of the ruler and clear ruler numbers. Do you remember VADERIC's photos? The were BPenis EnlargementL all the way, with both ends showing, but while the cock was close to the camera, the numbers on the ruler were, well, let's just say difficult to read. THAT is the closest I've ever seen to a true measured pic.

I REALLY want to find the ones you speak of. And thanks for fully reading my posts and for your lucid response: It's great when a Moderator leaves emotion out of the picture. It sets a great example. I appreciate it wholeheartedly.
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stevie7inch;327129 said:
1. Why you're telling me to PLEASE CALM DOWN boggles my mind a bit. Maybe it's because I called you out on your previous post (your links and their "authenticity", perhaps?), but I was calm and thoughtful then as I am now. If ANY intensity was to be picked up from the previous postings of mine, they were due to enthusiasm.

I'm asking you to calm down because your posts are becoming overdefensive. This subject would be better handled more objectively.

Before I proceed, please understand that you and I are not on opposite sides. You're not on my "list" and I'm not labeling you as a "hater". I'm kindly asking that you make less generalizations and that you be less abrasive. I assure you, this will do a lot more for what you're trying to accomplish. For the record, you haven't "called me out" on anything. I never guaranteed with 100% certainty that the pics that I referred to are authentic, only that I believe they are.

stevie7inch;327129 said:
2. In response to: "Statements that suggests that ALL of the pics available on the multitude of Penis Enlargement forums are illegitimate, that the OPs are "completely full of shit", and encouraging others to criticize (unless you have irrefutable proof that the images in question are faked) is insulting to the OP and will do nothing but discourage future postings of pics."...
Um, Big Al, where do I specifically STATE that ALL OF THE PICS ARE ILLEGITIMATE? I don't. And where am I encouraging others to criticize fellow Penis Enlargementers? I don't. Find the quotes!

"Why does no one, having made gains and caring about giving confidence and proof for the Penis Enlargement forum family, have legitimate, BPenis EnlargementL-measured BEFORE and AFTER pics on these forums?"

"It's very strange and, unfortunately, suspicious that NO ONE on here shares their gains with picture proof. Hell, I'll be fine with AFTER BPenis EnlargementL/Erect Girth pics and you don't even have to tell me where you started from!!! It's ridiculous."

"MAYBE I should call out to anyone reading this TO PLEASE CLICK ON those TWO LINKS you provided (and this shout out is in particular to those who, like me, believe in Penis Enlargement) and they can share THEIR opinions about whether or not the posters on those two posts are completely full of shit or not. Pay attention in particular to those 18 and 19 pics and how the body end of the ruler is out of frame."

(Emphasis mine)

As some of the other members and I previously pointed out, these images do exist on the various forums. If you have been through all of the forums and seen all of the pics, them your statements suggest that you don't believe them to be legitimate. I highly doubt that you've been through each and every forum, so your statements are premature.

stevie7inch;327129 said:
I, for one, state that Penis Enlargement works. I also state that the main reason why people don't believe in Penis Enlargement is because there isn't any APPROPRIATELY MEASURED (DLD) picture proof. AND THEN, BELIEVING IN Penis Enlargement AND Penis Enlargementers!, I THEN MAKE A CALL TO THEM TO SHOW THEIR GAINS WITH LEGITIMATE MEASUREMENTS! That's all I did. DLD started this thread because HE'S sick and tired of people not believing and questioned all of us (see that QUESTION MARK in the thread title?) why people don't believe.

(Emphasis mine)

There are pictures of DLD measuring himself throughout this site and on some of the other forums. That's part of what I'm referring to when I stated for you to calm down- you're jumping to conclusions and coming across as a bit abrasive. The all caps don't help.

stevie7inch;327129 said:
3. "There's nothing constructive about that kind of approach. Criticizing the legitimacy of an image because they didn't fit your list of criteria doesn't help either."
Al, that WOULD be a non constructive approach if that WAS my approach, but it wasn't. I just disagreed with you in a public forum (check out your supportive words in your previous posts before I criticized you). And I believe, as DLD has stated, as the ONLY PROPenis EnlargementR WAY TO MEASURE A Penis EnlargementNIS, the "criteria" I supposedly am applying SO UNFAIRLY to measure the legitimacy of an image is: 1. Ruler 2. Both ends showing 3. Fully erect 4. Bone Pressed Erect Length measurements. IS THAT WHAT YOU'RE SAYING I'M BEING SO UNREASONABLE ABOUT?


Stevie, I'm not disagreeing with what you're trying to do. I think a localized collection of before and after pics taken under strict conditions that aren't associated with a commercial endeavor and that are somehow verified would be a great thing for Penis Enlargement. The problem I have is with the tone of your posts and the offhanded comments you're making without your having fully reviewed all of the available data. Like the old saying goes- you'll attract more flies with honey than with vinegar.

stevie7inch;327129 said:
4. "One of the pic links I provided was from a very well respected member of several Penis Enlargement forums who has contributed quite a bit to the Penis Enlargement community over the past few years. That might not mean much to some but it does to me. I sincerely doubt that this gentleman faked his pics and he had nothing to gain by posting them. I saw them awhile back and they looked real to me then. There was even a criticism of his pictures on the thread that I provided you, along with his response."
Irrelevant. It's nothing personal and, yes, I DID read the responses. Nevertheless, this person you defend did not follow DLD's rules for accurate measurements in those photos. Take it up with DLD to change the rules we are all abiding by.

This site, while great and very popular, is but one relatively small and comparatively recent corner of the entire Penis Enlargement community. To assume that everyone measuring and posting pics across the net abides by one set of rules that may be particular to this site is arrogant. You'll have to keep that in mind when seeing Penis Enlargement pics- especially ones coming from outside of this forum. If you continue to search the net, you'll find many Penis Enlargement progress pics- some which may come close to what you're looking for.

I think it is relevant that the person in question posting their pics is a member of the Penis Enlargement community whose character is in very good standing. That person was involved in helping the Penis Enlargement community well before this site even came into existence. You have to base your judgment on something, and I'm inclined to believe someone like him.

stevie7inch;327129 said:
5. "It's easy to say that a pic is "fake" by claiming inconsistencies with shadows, lines, angles, smudges, etc. The fact is, you're usually not dealing with professional photographers here. There's bound to be some things that don't look "perfect".
So what you're saying is this: It takes a "professional photographer" to: 1. get a full erection 2. With one hand hold a ruler BONE PRESSED and 3. With the other take a full picture? This is the only way DLD says you can accurately measure and prove someone's size. I'm confused if that's your argument.

Before you respond again please do a thorough search on some of the other Penis Enlargement forums. Even when the pics fit most or all of the criteria you've outlined, you'll find claims of photoshopping, deceptive angles, faked rulers, etc. The most legitimate looking pics, the biggest gain claims, and the ones with extra large penises fall under the most intense scrutiny.

stevie7inch;327129 said:
6. "Most men are already reluctant about putting pics of their most private parts on the net for everyone to see. Part of that reluctance is likely due to the almost inevitable certainty that someone, eventually, is going to come along and accuse them of fixing the image."
ANSWER: So what? So what if someone thinks I've faked an image? I can tell you one thing for certain: The fewest amount of people will say I've faked it IF I take the appropriate measured picture. And that's all I'm asking anyone to do. It's the easiest thing in the world. All of these people whose photos up on this forum and elsewhere you defend I SUPPORT! I WANT them to prove it to the world that they have made gains. All I'M SAYING is that they go about it the wrong way and should heed DLD's words when it comes to measuring.

(Emphasis mine)

Depending on where your pics end up on (the high quality ones do get around), I think you'll be unpleasantly surprised. I'm not saying this to discourage you (on the contrary), just to prepare you.

stevie7inch;327129 said:
7. "Examples- there are some threads posted in a very popular forum in which the before and after images were in extreme detail, some were in video format, and even a couple in which the participants were measured in front of members of the press. The subjects were criticized very harshly and statements like "even videos can be faked" and (regarding the press) "it must have been an inside job" were thrown around liberally. What do you think things like that do for the Penis Enlargement community, not to mention to the individual that posted his images? Remember, theres a human being behind those images."
That sucks. I feel very bad for ALL of those individuals. But if, gosh darn, they had JUST TAKEN appropriate BPenis EnlargementL and Erect Girth measurements FULLY on camera, on video, etc: then I'm sure they would have endured MUCH LESS ridicule, if any at all.

See above.

stevie7inch;327129 said:
8. And finally: "I sincerely hope that when it comes time for you to post your pics that you aren't the target of accusations. If they get around, I almost guarantee that someone will eventually come along and find ways to "prove" that your pics were faked. Experience has shown me that that's just the way things usually happen."
BIG AL, you know what, I won't give a shit. And you're the first one I am emailing when I start this BEFORE AND AFTER thread of mine. If I follow DLD's rules for accurate measurement and take pictures, most everyone will know that it's the best I can do, the best anyone can do (and on video even more convincingly).

Rather than emailing them to me, why don't you set up a blog. Try to get a collection of pics taken under the same criteria. That will do more for your cause.

stevie7inch;327129 said:
Those are the facts. I'm not here to disparage ANYONE. I want DLD to become the most famous male-confidence-building guru in history; I'm a believer because I follow his advice! I want everyone in the world to never have to endure the ridicule of having a micro penis. I want nothing but the best for us. I read DLD's work and it's right on. HE is the one that tells us how to properly measure and yet no one I know of (and, like I've asked you, Al, who keeps telling me there are SO MANY photos out there of this) has posted these appropriate videos and pics. I will do so by the end of this week!

Sorry, Big Al, maybe you should have emailed me instead.

Not a problem :) Just do me a favor- next time you see a set of pics from another forum, please don't be so quick to pass judgment. They may not ascribe to the same set of rules as you do, but they're still valuable as evidence that Penis Enlargement worked for them.
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Big Al,

For the most part, excellent clarifications of your previous points. I appreciate it.

But, just for the record, in reponse to your previous post:

1. I'm sorry you think that CAPS INDICATE OVERDEFENSIVENESS AND AGGRESSION. I write lyrically, so in my mind when someone is reading and hearing a voice say the words, the voice raises slightly at CAPPenis EnlargementD words for emphasis.

2. I've been extremely objective and extremely OFFENSIVE (as opposed to defensive) about many things during this thread, and granted, there may have been a few points I could have been MORE objective of. Point taken. Then again, everyone can simply read for themselves whether or not they think this and make their own assumptions.

However, the one thing I have been immovable on is the criteria with which these pictures (and again, YOU say there's many of them, I say they're aren't, but I'll get to that in a second) are taken: DLD's Measuring Rules.

3. Don't get the "emphasis MINE" in your rebuttals.

4. Your quote: "If you have been through all of the forums and seen all of the pics, them your statements suggest that you don't believe them to be legitimate. I highly doubt that you've been through each and every forum, so your statements are premature."

You took the time, Al, to find quotes of mine and mark them in your last response to show that I: 1. state that NO ONE has these SPenis EnlargementCIFIC pics I'm looking for and 2. that I said that TWO OF YOUR LINKS of PICS YOU THINK ARE LEGIT were SO NOT LEGIT OBJECTIVELY that I used the phrase "completely full of shit.///There are pictures of DLD measuring himself throughout this site and on some of the other forums. That's part of what I'm referring to when I stated for you to calm down- you're jumping to conclusions and coming across as a bit abrasive. The all caps don't help. ".

REPSONSE TO ALL THAT?: 1. I have done numerous searches on BIB HANGER FORUM, here, Penis Enlargement GYM thingy and some searches on �other forum�. I have looked at at least 75 threads where the person purports to have the pics. I looked at them: lots of different kinds of pics (many of which could very well be legitimate!) but NONE OF THEM FIT MY CRITERIA (oops, AND DLD's) for TRUE BPenis EnlargementL/Erect Girth measurements. None. AND I DID THESE SEARCHES in the beginning of my posts. So you're completely and totally 100% wrong to say that I haven't been looking far and wide. 2. Where are these pics of DLD? Anyone? I've also searched them. I found a number 10 pic on the MOS website that is small, the ruler numbers are completely unreadable, etc. from years ago; I'm sure you know it. DLD is for real. Where are the others? And is he fully erect in them? Appropriately measured? I'm not being a dick here, but you're saying I haven't looked around and I have. Also, no one who is reading these posts is putting in their two cents either regarding where to find them.

Which begs the questions: You. Why haven't YOU, since you obviously know where these pics are, shown them to me? DLD said that he has BPenis EnlargementL measured pics of Ramone (Jaz?) and that he'll post them. Since you KNOW where they are, I am begging you (seriously) to show me them. You keep saying they are around.

5. This quote gets me: "To assume that everyone measuring and posting pics across the net abides by one set of rules that may be particular to this site is arrogant.": Arrogant, huh? Now YOU'RE being arrogant. That IS THE one rule on how to measure your true size! That's like saying there's more than one way to touch the tip of your index finger to the tip of your nose. Just because people don't do it DLD's way doesn't mean they shouldn't! What's another way to measure that is as completely and totally accurate as the criteria DLD breaks out? And even if someone didn't know DLD or MOS or any of this, the accurate way of measuring this way is ALL OVER THE NET. You accuse me of being aggressive? How else not to be when I'm being told something so absurd?

6. "Depending on where your pics end up on (the high quality ones do get around), I think you'll be unpleasantly surprised. I'm not saying this to discourage you (on the contrary), just to prepare you."


7. "Just do me a favor- next time you see a set of pics from another forum, please don't be so quick to pass judgment. They may not ascribe to the same set of rules as you do, but they're still valuable as evidence that Penis Enlargement worked for them.":
The biggest quote of yours of all time here.

This goes out NOT to Big Al, but for everyone else who is reading: I don't care WHAT forum you post pics on, if you are a Penis Enlargementer and you are doing it to HELP people, I support you, no matter HOW you take the pictures. I'm serious. But do yourselves a favor from here on out (emphasis: here on out): take them the right way. As Big Al says: "Stevie, I'm not disagreeing with what you're trying to do. I think a localized collection of before and after pics taken under strict conditions that aren't associated with a commercial endeavor and that are somehow verified would be a great thing for Penis Enlargement."

Everybody, whether I come off as abrasive (Big Al unfortunately thinks so; anybody else?), or constructive or whatever, LISTEN TO BIG AL'S RED MARKED QUOTE ABOVE! Here's a moderator, a successful Penis Enlargementer giving you the goods. And "strict conditions", at minimum, mean (and correct me if I'm wrong, Big Al), following simple rules: 1. Full erection, 2. Ruler with both ends and numbers clearly shown BONE PRESSED and 3. Clear photograph. THAT is all I'm asking for.

Big Al, you care, you're well-informed, and my apologies if I came across as anything other than concerned, informed (based on all my searches for these pics and genuine curiosity) and hopeful that someday this whole Penis Enlargement thing can come out from the underground and the minimum size of a male's dingaling will be, oh I don't know, 8"?

Penis EnlargementACE AND LOVE AND HAPPY NEW YEAR (in Caps)

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stevie7inch;327146 said:
Big Al,

For the most part, excellent clarifications of your previous points. I appreciate it.

But, just for the record, in reponse to your previous post:

1. I'm sorry you think that CAPS INDICATE OVERDEFENSIVENESS AND AGGRESSION. I write lyrically, so in my mind when someone is reading and hearing a voice say the words, the voice raises slightly at CAPPenis EnlargementD words for emphasis.

Thanks for clearing that up. It's almost universally understood that typing in all caps means "shouting", so I assumed you were upset.

stevie7inch;327146 said:
2. I've been extremely objective and extremely OFFENSIVE (as opposed to defensive) about many things during this thread, and granted, there may have been a few points I could have been MORE objective of. Point taken. Then again, everyone can simply read for themselves whether or not they think this and make their own assumptions.

My claim of your being defensive was about your statements about me making you out to be a "hater", etc. That wasn't my intention.

stevie7inch;327146 said:
However, the one thing I have been immovable on is the criteria with which these pictures (and again, YOU say there's many of them, I say they're aren't, but I'll get to that in a second) are taken: DLD's Measuring Rules.

3. Don't get the "emphasis MINE" in your rebuttals.

I bolded some parts of your quotes for emphasis.

stevie7inch;327146 said:
4. Your quote: "If you have been through all of the forums and seen all of the pics, them your statements suggest that you don't believe them to be legitimate. I highly doubt that you've been through each and every forum, so your statements are premature."

You took the time, Al, to find quotes of mine and mark them in your last response to show that I: 1. state that NO ONE has these SPenis EnlargementCIFIC pics I'm looking for and 2. that I said that TWO OF YOUR LINKS of PICS YOU THINK ARE LEGIT were SO NOT LEGIT OBJECTIVELY that I used the phrase "completely full of shit.///There are pictures of DLD measuring himself throughout this site and on some of the other forums. That's part of what I'm referring to when I stated for you to calm down- you're jumping to conclusions and coming across as a bit abrasive. The all caps don't help. ".

REPSONSE TO ALL THAT?: 1. I have done numerous searches on BIB HANGER FORUM, here, Penis Enlargement GYM thingy and some searches on �other forum�. I have looked at at least 75 threads where the person purports to have the pics. I looked at them: lots of different kinds of pics (many of which could very well be legitimate!) but NONE OF THEM FIT MY CRITERIA (oops, AND DLD's) for TRUE BPenis EnlargementL/Erect Girth measurements. None. AND I DID THESE SEARCHES in the beginning of my posts. So you're completely and totally 100% wrong to say that I haven't been looking far and wide.

I stated that there were a lot of credible before and after pics and that many of them should come close to your criteria. The fact that they don't fit all of your specific criteria shouldn't invalidate them or be met with such criticism. In my opinion, as long as the before and after pictures are measured consistently for each pic, it's a valid testimonial.

stevie7inch;327146 said:
2. Where are these pics of DLD? Anyone? I've also searched them. I found a number 10 pic on the MOS website that is small, the ruler numbers are completely unreadable, etc. from years ago; I'm sure you know it. DLD is for real. Where are the others? And is he fully erect in them? Appropriately measured? I'm not being a dick here, but you're saying I haven't looked around and I have. Also, no one who is reading these posts is putting in their two cents either regarding where to find them.

Which begs the questions: You. Why haven't YOU, since you obviously know where these pics are, shown them to me? DLD said that he has BPenis EnlargementL measured pics of Ramone (Jaz?) and that he'll post them. Since you KNOW where they are, I am begging you (seriously) to show me them. You keep saying they are around.

Well, I went to check a link where his pics used to be ( and they're not up anymore. There are pics of DLD measuring himself at another forum, but I'd rather not bring up the link since the post containing the link is filled with very offensive statements. If you know which forum I'm referring to, you'll certainly find it there without too much trouble. Perhaps DLD or one of his admins can post the pics that used to be up on that MOS link, or just PM it to you.

stevie7inch;327146 said:
5. This quote gets me: "To assume that everyone measuring and posting pics across the net abides by one set of rules that may be particular to this site is arrogant.": Arrogant, huh? Now YOU'RE being arrogant. That IS THE one rule on how to measure your true size! That's like saying there's more than one way to touch the tip of your index finger to the tip of your nose. Just because people don't do it DLD's way doesn't mean they shouldn't! What's another way to measure that is as completely and totally accurate as the criteria DLD breaks out? And even if someone didn't know DLD or MOS or any of this, the accurate way of measuring this way is ALL OVER THE NET. You accuse me of being aggressive? How else not to be when I'm being told something so absurd?

The arrogance is in your demand that everyone else do so and that it's the defacto standard just because it's the method that you've adopted. How about measuring from the side. Or NBPenis Enlargement (many, including some health professionals, consider that method to be the only way to measure). Or flaccid stretched. Some men even measure along the underside, although most of us consider that "cheating". I've even heard of guys measuring using water displacement, which would actually be the best method for showing total volumetric gains (if done correctly). They all have their place and each measures a different aspect of progress. If you're content if measuring in just one fashion, more power to you.

By alienating what other people have done in this community by claiming their pics aren't good enough creates schisms. That's really the last thing we need- the subject of Penis Enlargement is scrutinized enough by much of the world as it is. We'll accomplish a lot more by working together than by getting upset over what's essentially a trivial topic.

stevie7inch;327146 said:
6. "Depending on where your pics end up on (the high quality ones do get around), I think you'll be unpleasantly surprised. I'm not saying this to discourage you (on the contrary), just to prepare you."


More power to you then :) I just hope that you're as prepared to defend yourself there with the vigor you've done here. All the better if it doesn't bother you at all.

stevie7inch;327146 said:
7. "Just do me a favor- next time you see a set of pics from another forum, please don't be so quick to pass judgment. They may not ascribe to the same set of rules as you do, but they're still valuable as evidence that Penis Enlargement worked for them.":
The biggest quote of yours of all time here.

This goes out NOT to Big Al, but for everyone else who is reading: I don't care WHAT forum you post pics on, if you are a Penis Enlargementer and you are doing it to HELP people, I support you, no matter HOW you take the pictures. I'm serious. But do yourselves a favor from here on out (emphasis: here on out): take them the right way. As Big Al says: "Stevie, I'm not disagreeing with what you're trying to do. I think a localized collection of before and after pics taken under strict conditions that aren't associated with a commercial endeavor and that are somehow verified would be a great thing for Penis Enlargement."

Everybody, whether I come off as abrasive (Big Al unfortunately thinks so; anybody else?), or constructive or whatever, LISTEN TO BIG AL'S RED MARKED QUOTE ABOVE! Here's a moderator, a successful Penis Enlargementer giving you the goods. And "strict conditions", at minimum, mean (and correct me if I'm wrong, Big Al), following simple rules: 1. Full erection, 2. Ruler with both ends and numbers clearly shown BONE PRESSED and 3. Clear photograph. THAT is all I'm asking for.

That's a very good set of criteria. Not everyone may be able to comply with them though (for whatever reason). I definitely agree on most of your points. Erect bone pressed measurement pics are the best because they show the best proof of real gains. To show progress, they should be measured in all images at the same angle, from the same position, and using the same measuring device each time for maximum consistency. I've even seen some pics with coins or other common objects next to the ruler for references. That would further strengthen the evidence.

Clarity and good lighting should also be sought after, but that can be affected by the quality of the equipment, the photographic environment, and the computer program the images are saved to. You should make the image reasonably large to get the entire penis in one shot and to avoid having the image degrade too much from the upload. I also advise measuring with a cloth tape measure as opposed to a ruler so that you get a more accurate reading by measuring along the curve. Using Vaseline or similarly viscous lube should help the tape stick.

From dealing with numerous clients, I've learned from them that the best pics are taken with a programmable camera that allows you to use both your hands (for measuring and positioning) or by someone else to take the pic for you while you're setting up.

stevie7inch;327146 said:
Big Al, you care, you're well-informed, and my apologies if I came across as anything other than concerned, informed (based on all my searches for these pics and genuine curiosity) and hopeful that someday this whole Penis Enlargement thing came come out from the underground and the minimum size of a male's dingaling will be, oh I don't know, 8"?

Penis EnlargementACE AND LOVE AND HAPPY NEW YEAR (in Caps)


Thank you for your kind words. Like I said before, you and I are on the same side. We don't have to agree on everything as long as we agree that Penis Enlargement is something that should be globally accepted and appreciated.

It's not going to be easy to "legitimize" Penis Enlargement, but many of us here and on the other forums are doing the best we can. I've been at it for over 10 years and I've seen some progress. It'll happen soon enough- mark my words.

A sincere Happy Holidays and a New Year to you as well!
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All this back and forth, yet there is not a single honest, non-tampered, accurately measured picture to back up claims made by those who say they've gained 2"-4". Why are members so easily persuaded when there isn't any evidence for these claims?

I believe Penis Enlargement is a good thing and have been doing it many years. It has strengthen my cock, got it a little bigger and longer, but 2-4" is a far stretch. I am in agreement with Stevie. We are all appreciative of MoS, but let's see some proof.
For 2" growth before and after pictures go to �other PE site� and search for Bennet8.
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