Anthony78;588359 said:
Before No. I'm really going to put forth the effort. I've been using my sg extender for 3hours and my LM exercises at 9pm every night. Is it true that hanging increases base girth DLD ?!? I've heard so many rumors I figured I'd ask you.

Going from not being able to get into the A-Stretch to getting in the A-Stretch says it all Brother! I remember countless men who have had problems doing certain stretches but mainly the A-Stretch because they lacked length and/or grip...knowing that you have accomplished this has made me very happy for you and proud of what we have created. The A-Stretch was the first stretch I invented years ago and now the LengthMaster is the last thing I created, it is so cool to see these working like this!

One thing I can say about hanging for sure is that is does increase base girth and this comes from many Brothers here.

Ramrod360;588367 said:
Package was waiting for me when I got home from work yesterday. I knew exactly what it was, and a small tear of happiness came to my eye. Like a long lost brother re-united. I have been dreaming of this day. Time to get to work on this D.

DLD, Lightning and anyone else behind the scenes involved in seeing this project through: The utmost respect and love to you. I'm sure there were tough and frustrating times, but the goal has been achieved.

Love and respect to you my Brother! You really stepped up your commitment here and it will pay big time!

youknowme123321;588372 said:
Thank good I got this before my vaca!!! It is fucking AMAZING!!!!

You and your LengthMaster can use a nice vacation! Have fun and don't get too long!
You and your LengthMaster can use a nice vacation! Have fun and don't get too long!

Hahaha. It was a much nicer vaca with the LengthMasster to use at night. Manual stretching is awesome with it. Can't wait to try some new things with it when I get home monday.
youknowme123321;590581 said:
Hahaha. It was a much nicer vaca with the LengthMasster to use at night. Manual stretching is awesome with it. Can't wait to try some new things with it when I get home monday.

Glad you had a good vacation and I am extra happy how well the LengthMaster is working out for you and everyone else that has one!
How do you attach the rope to the power assist? I have only been doing regular manual stretches with the LM and would like to try PA exercises?

And the PA is what helps you do expressive stretching, right? Because I've never done them.
skarmclops;590774 said:
How do you attach the rope to the power assist? I have only been doing regular manual stretches with the LM and would like to try PA exercises?

And the PA is what helps you do expressive stretching, right? Because I've never done them.

Adjust the rope to your height and put rope through holes and make knots.
LIGHTNING;590786 said:
Adjust the rope to your height and put rope through holes and make knots.

The length should be from the feet to your waist.
Someone here from Germany who ordered one?

edit: and how long will it approximately take to arrive to me?

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horsepower69 said:
Someone here from Germany who ordered one?

edit: and how long will it approximately take to arrive to me?


Yes we had a few that went to germany. We send them out International Priority so it usually takes about 4- 5 business days.
bfel;591246 said:
Be so kind, I want to buy LengthMaster but I don't use paypal.
Please tell me what is my alternative ?
I live in Croatia (Europe)

There is a option to use any credit card, they make it kind of hard to see but it is there.
Just ordered my new LM and its in its way to me 😱👌 will give updates on how in ive I will be with it.
Hi All,

Just ordered my LengthMaster, and am very much looking forward to receiving and using. Looks like just what I need, as I want to go further with stretching, but feel limited by gripping difficulties. This should do the trick!
NEVERTIRED;593218 said:
How do you think the Lengthmaster is versus the BIB hanger?
I am curious and I am wanting to know what benefits I can expect more from the Lengthmaster as well as what type of gains?

I answered you in another post. Sometimes you have to wait for posts too be moderated.
youknowme123321;593353 said:
posting these same questions everywhere! interesting...hmmmm
It's a valid question ...impatience, %50% of his posts are the same question.
Morphosis;593374 said:
It's a valid question ...impatience, %50% of his posts are the same question.

yes but i am pretty sure he got answered and then kept asking lol. don't feel like checking times of answers and posts lol
Hey All,

I ordered the Lengthmaster this past week and am looking forward to opening it today! Also it's my first post on the forums. I look forward to sharing with y'all.

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