oe13it;587998 said:
houston, we have expansion.

I'm pretty stoked about this. The lm2 made frendos very easy to get into, and infinite 'crushing' precision control. This in turn increased my ability to properly do the exercise, and heal expanded after wards.

Just received my postal email. The lenghtmaster is shipped off tomorrow :) weee cant wait. I need 1.2 inches lenght then im at my ultimste goal for lenght (and only 0.2 inches for my first goal)

I have a hard time seeing any other tools with the potential for this to happen other than the LM
Aimingforthetop;588151 said:
I have a hard time seeing any other tools with the potential for this to happen other than the LM

It really is the best setup and the only setup to do what it does; giving the ability to stretch with unlimited power using both hands.
mine shipped out today.hoping to get it before i leave for vaca on wednesday so i can use it. has anyone posted a vid using it yet?
Received mine yesterday. Nicely packaged and looks very well constructed. Can't wait to begin using this! I think I can finally make solid gains with the correct tool, and the LM looks to be the best!

Sappy1;588187 said:
Received mine yesterday. Nicely packaged and looks very well constructed. Can't wait to begin using this! I think I can finally make solid gains with the correct tool, and the LM looks to be the best!


Nice! Get stretching everyone and let us know how it works for you!
Aimingforthetop;588151 said:
Just received my postal email. The lenghtmaster is shipped off tomorrow :) weee cant wait. I need 1.2 inches lenght then im at my ultimste goal for lenght (and only 0.2 inches for my first goal)

I have a hard time seeing any other tools with the potential for this to happen other than the LM

Let us know how your first workout went once you get it!
youknowme123321;588180 said:
mine shipped out today.hoping to get it before i leave for vaca on wednesday so i can use it. has anyone posted a vid using it yet?

Nice! You might be the first posting a video. ;)
DLD and I were just talking about a giveaway for LengthMaster users that post video testimonials and exercises. We have a bunch of Pumps that we were going to offer as prizes. Post your video testimonial to be eligible to win a prize!
Welcome. LengthMaster came to me today near hour 17 First training with LM conducted at 18:30 and only one word fits this device ....... AMAZING!! Just amazing! I was looking for this for a long time and I needed it. It was hard to get a good grip and stretch. Rubber gloves helped, baby powder even more, but LM is from today for me training base stretching! I did two sets of DLD Newbie Routine. Incredible traction and efficiency of stretching. This is what I wrote, it is not advertising LM. DLD writes a lot about this device. Advertises them and praises but only today I realized that it really extraordinary device. I made two sets, and it feels like the fifth must be careful not to damage the ligaments and the base is a good rozrzewka and wrap. If you have any doubts before buying it, believe it or not. You will not find another such device! It is a simple but fantastic! If you think that this is just far-fetched to spend money it simply buy for LM and you'll see what I wrote. Congratulations DLD. To understand what I write, you just have LM. I think that anyone who has to sign it under what I wrote. Yours. Minotauro
PS. Sorry. My English is poor.
Minotauro;588235 said:
Welcome. LengthMaster came to me today near hour 17 First training with LM conducted at 18:30 and only one word fits this device ....... AMAZING!! Just amazing! I was looking for this for a long time and I needed it. It was hard to get a good grip and stretch. Rubber gloves helped, baby powder even more, but LM is from today for me training base stretching! I did two sets of DLD Newbie Routine. Incredible traction and efficiency of stretching. This is what I wrote, it is not advertising LM. DLD writes a lot about this device. Advertises them and praises but only today I realized that it really extraordinary device. I made two sets, and it feels like the fifth must be careful not to damage the ligaments and the base is a good rozrzewka and wrap. If you have any doubts before buying it, believe it or not. You will not find another such device! It is a simple but fantastic! If you think that this is just far-fetched to spend money it simply buy for LM and you'll see what I wrote. Congratulations DLD. To understand what I write, you just have LM. I think that anyone who has to sign it under what I wrote. Yours. Minotauro
PS. Sorry. My English is poor.

Your English is great and your review is awesome...makes me proudest when I hear it from you guys!

If anyone has a issue with grip or intensity they have to get a LengthMaster....there is no better solution!
Minotauro;588235 said:
Welcome. LengthMaster came to me today near hour 17 First training with LM conducted at 18:30 and only one word fits this t.... AMAZING!! Just amazing! I was looking for this for a long time and I needed it. It was hard to get a good grip and stretch. Rubber gloves helped, baby powder even more, but LM is from today for me training base stretching! I did two sets of DLD Newbie Routine. Incredible traction and efficiency of stretching. This is what I wrote, it is not advertising LM. DLD writes a lot about this device. Advertises them and praises but only today I realized that it really extraordinary device. I made two sets, and it feels like the fifth must be careful not to damage the ligaments and the base is a good rozrzewka and wrap. If you have any doubts before buying it, believe it or not. You will not find another such device! It is a simple but fantastic! If you think that this is just far-fetched to spend money it simply buy for LM and you'll see what I wrote. Congratulations DLD. To understand what I write, you just have LM. I think that anyone who has to sign it under what I wrote. Yours. Minotauro
PS. Sorry. My English is poor.

Thank you for the amazing review. It warms our heart to see when others appreciate something we put our heart and soul into. DLD created an amazing tool to add to the P.E. arsenal.
Been using it everyday for over a week now. I was in the bathroom this morning and noticed a longer hang. I decided to try an A stretch with my just my hands and I was successful. Very happy with my routine and results.
Anthony78;588256 said:
Been using it everyday for over a week now. I was in the bathroom this morning and noticed a longer hang. I decided to try an A stretch with my just my hands and I was successful. Very happy with my routine and results.

Was the A-Stretch not possible before the LengthMaster?
Before No. I'm really going to put forth the effort. I've been using my sg extender for 3hours and my LM exercises at 9pm every night. Is it true that hanging increases base girth DLD ?!? I've heard so many rumors I figured I'd ask you.
Package was waiting for me when I got home from work yesterday. I knew exactly what it was, and a small tear of happiness came to my eye. Like a long lost brother re-united. I have been dreaming of this day. Time to get to work on this D.

DLD, Lightning and anyone else behind the scenes involved in seeing this project through: The utmost respect and love to you. I'm sure there were tough and frustrating times, but the goal has been achieved.
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