It is peeps like moregains that makes this forum so amazing. Thanks for your patience and help :)

What about straight up? Laying on the belly?

For the first time in a year of owning this HDSS I finally found out how to properly burp the air one and have my penis STAY touching the top of the dome for 2+ hours at a good amount of tension! THANKS MOREGAINS123
dibocarmona;370536 said:
It is peeps like moregains that makes this forum so amazing. Thanks for your patience and help :)

Word. I don't know if I would even be sticking with using the device if it wasn't for him.
Straight up bothers me because I have a vein that's right on the top and I fear the base of an ADS would mess with it.

I know what you mean about the nuances of the HDSS. I must've emailed them 50 times discussing things with them. I just figured their stuff looked well-designed and so different that there must've been some serious, experienced thought put in it: and I was going to figure it out. The combo of Bib and HDSS has been great for me. Of course I never forget routine jelqing and once a week clamping.

1. Will my balls move down appropriately when my exit point drops? I'm serious.
2. When I max out my SD gains, will my cock point straight down when I get a full hard on? Most of these very hung �naked people movies� stars have low exit points (and I know this because ALL of them don't reach past their belly button and weight hanging has been around forever) and they have to prop their dick up when hard.
3. You never once, in any of your posts (it seems), brought up clamping or jelqing. Can I make gains of 2" EL and close in on 1" of EG JUST using the HDSS, first SD and then, after maxing out my EL gains via ligs, SO?

I'm done asking questions for a while after this! You and I should be paid by Static Stretcher for our interactions!
PainsForGains;370603 said:
1. Will my balls move down appropriately when my exit point drops? I'm serious.
From what I've read and experienced, the whole package moves down.

PainsForGains;370603 said:
2. When I max out my SD gains, will my cock point straight down when I get a full hard on? Most of these very hung �naked people movies� stars have low exit points (and I know this because ALL of them don't reach past their belly button and weight hanging has been around forever) and they have to prop their dick up when hard.
To point straight down would require some serious lig stretching perhaps too much. I think a lot of those guys point down because they're "less than enthused". A good solid hard dick should point upward: as the penis extends the lig will reach its max length and as the penis continues to expand it will cause the lig to wrap the pubic bone. This is what causes the upward angle to begin with. I suppose if the tunica reached its maximum before the lig did you could have a downward erection but that's certainly not typical.

PainsForGains;370603 said:
3. You never once, in any of your posts (it seems), brought up clamping or jelqing. Can I make gains of 2" EL and close in on 1" of EG JUST using the HDSS, first SD and then, after maxing out my EL gains via ligs, SO?
That's funny because I talk about jelqing all the time. Clamping I only do once a week just to keep the pipes clean and degunked. One inch EG is a tough question to answer, but 2" in EL is certainly possible. You will gain some girth just from all the stretching, especially at the base. Do yourself a favor and don't become anxious with the HDSS and increase tension before being ready. It can pull hard and it's tempting to over-do it.
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I've been using the HDSS SD and, WOW, it hurts (in a good way)! I definitely see that it works on the ligs. Not that I measured, but I got an erection afterwards and I could swear that it was longer.

The guys at SS say you should pick "one angle and stick with it". Do you reccommend the following?

1st Hour: SD at 6lbs
2nd Hour: 6 lbs between SD and SO
3rd, 4th hour: 4 lbs between SD and SO

What say you? My instinct tells me this "works" for fast gains. Or do I just stay SD?
PS: One more thing! (Please answer the question above as well)

If, when wearing the device at a low weight (4lbs), I can cover the ends of the rods and put a towel over it, why can't I sleep in the device? I sleep on my side comfortably.
I think one angle is the ticket too. You don't want to strengthen an angle by allowing it rest. Work it for the gains.

Your routine sounds ok to me, very good actually. I only question 6 lbs for two hours: it would definetly give me at least a tiny blister. In terms of hanging: when you are hanging 6 lbs for an hour you are effectively hanging about 10 lbs for 20 minute sets with two minute breaks. (Thats how I look at it for comparison purposes only, nothing scientific about it.)

I nap with the HDSS all the time without any issues. However I nap in a lazy-boy type chair so I'm not moving around. I also wrap a heated rice sock around it before dozing off. I would recommend wrapping the threads of the rods in the tape such that it won't touch your skin. For me the lower portions of the rods' threads can pinch sometimes if I get into the wrong position. I wrapped the lower three inches of each rod in the tape to prevent this. (Cut a piece three inches long and apply it to the rod lengthwise and wrap the width of the tape around the rod.)
"I think one angle is the ticket too" and "Your routine sounds ok to me, very good actually": so the 6lbs SD for one hour, then the rest between SD and SO at 6lbs and 4lbs routine is good? That's two different angles. Don't worry about me and the 6lbs for 2 hours potential blister issue: I have fool-proofed my taping method.
Well it's two different angles but not that significant in my opinion. You're still pulling ligs between SD and SO so they aren't getting a break.
Hey moregains,

My schedule is killing me (work and obligatory): I need to do these stretches while sleeping. I can knock out one hour AWAKE at 6lbs and then do the rest at 4lbs, which doesn't hurt at all and is "light" for me.

Give me specific directions on what to do. I can do the one hour AWAKE SD for maximum lig damage and then either keep SD at 4lbs when sleeping or move it between SD and SO. Thanks!
Pains ofr gians can you share your fool proof taping method, im getting a stretcher soon and would love to not have to worry about blisters

I first want to say that your collection of posts alone has been the single most useful resource that I've found since I discovered this whole Penis Enlargement thing. I've definitely learned a lot from DLD and others of course, but your methodical, logical, and clearly explained approach really stands out and inspired me to get an HDSS after a number of failed attempts at Penis Enlargement. So thanks for that! I'm sure there are a lot of other lurkers who haven't expressed their appreciation (you don't allow PMs).

With that said, I've got a couple of questions: when you say you use SOL/SOR, what how far left/right do you angle it? ie if straight out would be 90* and directly left 0*, what angle do you use? Also, how important would you say the Bib is to your routine? I think you said that you like the feeling of hanging, but do you think it's worthwhile for the rest of us HDSS users to get a Bib as well?
PainsForGains;371539 said:
I can do the one hour AWAKE SD for maximum lig damage and then either keep SD at 4lbs when sleeping or move it between SD and SO.
If I slept on my side I would put the device at SO. If I slept on my back, I'd put it at SD.
edwds;371550 said:
when you say you use SOL/SOR, what how far left/right do you angle it? ie if straight out would be 90* and directly left 0*, what angle do you use? Also, how important would you say the Bib is to your routine? I think you said that you like the feeling of hanging, but do you think it's worthwhile for the rest of us HDSS users to get a Bib as well?
I'm glad my posts help just as I was glad to read other guys' posts when I started.

As I practice them, SOL and SOR need only be enough such that the attachment point you're targeting is taking the brunt (left or right side). So nearly anything off-center will do, but I'm usually at about 20 degrees. You can feel the difference when only one side is fully engaged.

The Bib is top-drawer but I do get tired of the discoloration. I like the HDSS after Bib hanging and alone. As I said before, I just like the feel of hanging and have been messing around with heavy hanging. But the HDSS can really pour on the soreness and I'm sure I could go without hanging at this point because I'm always fatigued.
Hey moregains123,

It's been two months and I wanted to update you on my progress and also ask a few questions:

Unfortunately, I have not been able to use it every day. I average 5 days a week using it for 2-3 hours a day at 6 pounds, then 4 pounds (6lbs SD, then 4lbs between SD/SO). I know you have the whole calculation of 1 HR = .0001th of an inch (1,000 equals 1 ERECT inch), and I don't know if having days off between sessions kills this calculation, but it is what it is.

I have significant turkey neck. I MAY have made a very slight erect gain. My erections are harder and my flaccid is permanently longer.

1. Would it make more sense, given the above, for me to just do the Newbie Routine daily (30 minutes) and then use the HDSS three to four days a week as a supplemental device?
2. I HAVE been able to sleep with the device on, but only at 4 pounds, and you say in this thread that IF I were to sleep on my side that I should use it SO. The guys at SS, who are not responding to my emails (I need light stretcher black rubber wraps; if you have any I'll pay handsomely for them!), say that I need to pick ONE angle and stick with it.
A. If I do long hours at 4 pounds, does that weight fit your "1,000 Hours Equals 1 Inch" theory, or do I have to have heavier weight?
B. Will using the HDSS between SD/SO when awake and SO when sleeping be a problem regarding erect gains?

PainsForGains;375479 said:
Unfortunately, I have not been able to use it every day. I average 5 days a week using it for 2-3 hours a day at 6 pounds, then 4 pounds (6lbs SD, then 4lbs between SD/SO). I know you have the whole calculation of 1 HR = .0001th of an inch (1,000 equals 1 ERECT inch), and I don't know if having days off between sessions kills this calculation, but it is what it is.
That sounds good. I recommend just keeping whatever routine you've got. Too many guys want to change something as soon as it starts to work. They fear it could be more effective. Body Builders suffer from this too. However: if it works don't fix it!

PainsForGains;375479 said:
I have significant turkey neck. I MAY have made a very slight erect gain. My erections are harder and my flaccid is permanently longer.
That's all good. For 8 weeks at 5 days per week, averaging 2.5 hours per day that's: 8 x 5 x 2.5 = 100 hours. My experience says that's about a 1/10" increase. That's a hard number to measure due to so many variants but you're showing other signs such as bigger flaccid and harder erections so I'd guess you've got another tenth.

PainsForGains;375479 said:
1. Would it make more sense, given the above, for me to just do the Newbie Routine daily (30 minutes) and then use the HDSS three to four days a week as a supplemental device?
As I said before it makes best sense to stick with something that is: 1) do-able schedule-wise 2) shows signs of working 3) isn't causing injury or pain

PainsForGains;375479 said:
2. I HAVE been able to sleep with the device on, but only at 4 pounds, and you say in this thread that IF I were to sleep on my side that I should use it SO. The guys at SS, who are not responding to my emails (I need light stretcher black rubber wraps; if you have any I'll pay handsomely for them!), say that I need to pick ONE angle and stick with it.
Picking an angle is a good idea, I'm not saying it isn't. I don't know everything there is to know. I suggested SO because the base wouldn't be pressed upward or downward on the base of your shaft.

PainsForGains;375479 said:
A. If I do long hours at 4 pounds, does that weight fit your "1,000 Hours Equals 1 Inch" theory, or do I have to have heavier weight?
Four pounds is enough to do the job.

PainsForGains;375479 said:
B. Will using the HDSS between SD/SO when awake and SO when sleeping be a problem regarding erect gains?
I don't see how, IMO this isn't enough of a variant to matter.

BTW, your questions are sometimes too specific for anyone to answer without just guessing.
jsut ordered mine finally today the all in one package, going to plan to use it for 3 hours everday m-f and hopefully the ADS part of it 5 hours a day.
ownd;375653 said:
jsut ordered mine finally today the all in one package, going to plan to use it for 3 hours everday m-f and hopefully the ADS part of it 5 hours a day.
The best thing you can do is take it easy and learn how to put it on and take off. Once you have that down you can make some progress with it. My experience with the Bib, HDSS and others was if I didn't learn it first I got too frustrated with it. Probably took me a couple of months to learn the Bib and a couple of weeks for the static stretcher.
Hey Moregains,

How do you prevent the skin from getting pinched between the plastic headpiece and the silicone, I've always struggled with that? It seems to get sucked in as soon as I pull on it. Thanks.

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