My theory is that if you cannot reverse kegel... to push new blood into the penis. So, I have been thinking isn't it better to use new blood (via normal circulatory system) then being clamped off. Like using a tourniquet, which one do you think is more productive and safer... Anyone chime in...

Where are you from? Do you mean 'Can I ejaculate immediately after exercise?'

That's apparently an ongoing debate.
Supra said:
I would not

I'm not trying to get personal, but you DO ejaculate sometimes, right?

Your cock is huge and a goal of mine is your girth stat, so I need to know if you ever followup a workout with ejaculation or if you hold back for a week or what.

As it is, I can't manage a day without at LEAST one cum, but if you advise against I'll (gulp) try to get over it.
erm1981 said:
I cum all the time while doing this but everybodies different.


Makes it sound like you're cumming through the whole session, which, if you're edging, would be close to the truth. Orgasm is distinct from ejaculation.
Amazing man, My length is really comming around and my head and girth!! This is a killer exercises, are you still doing them?
Supra said:
The edge combined with the Uli will give you the maximum blood engorgment that you need to preform a outstanding uil, which then leads to the dry jelq.

Can you please explain to me what exactly is an 'Uli'?
Supra said:
You will not get the cAMP in the penis if you use a cable clamp. You are defeting the purpose of this exercises if you use a cable clamp.

The reason is First if you put the cable clamp on after you do the edge while you are holding the uli you and then transfer to the jelq after the uli, you cannot get any additional cAMP in to the peis while you jelq to the head from kegeling.

Just a quick comment: The signal to release Nitric Oxide (NO activating GTP activating cGMP causing smooth muscle relaxation and increased blood flow to the penis=erection) is carried via pelvic and cavernous nerve transmission, so blood isn't involved in this process. A secondary and less important (yet still a part of the process) is prostaglandin E1 (PGE1) release, also from nerve terminals caused by sexual arousal. PGE1 activates cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP), part of a second messenger system. Second messengers are molecules that relay signals received at the cell surface, into the nucleus (core of the cell).

So none of this is really relevant to blood flow. Erection of itself will restrict blood flow out of the penis, and I believe a Cable Clamp enhances this effect and wouldn't have a negative effect on this exercise.

Other than that - great idea, and excellent exercise which really works wonders!
When exactly should we begin the uli?

When I orgasm, first there is the sensation, then the contractions begin, then I ejaculate.

Also, if I grip the head straight away, I will have a complete dry orgasm. Should I wait for the orgasm to subside before gripping the head, or am I just going too far in to the orgasm?

Lastly, what does kegeling do during the uli and jelq when the grip prevents any blood from getting passed my grip?

Thanks very much
btw - I was just pointing out that I think the Cable Clamp is a good addition to this exercise, but do it 50/50 - i.e. half of the reps without the cable clamp, which allows a better jelq.
You dont kegel while doing the ULI at all. You kegel while you jelq up to the head

You are doing the exercise backwards read again. You do the ULI right you do the edge, and you never grap the head
Doh! I was confusing the uli method with horses I think.

How do I know the exact time to stop masturbating and start the uli?
As soon as I feel the orgasm starting
Just before contractions start
After 1-3 contractions

Man, these exercises are unreal! How long will i have to do them before they become cemented? After only one workout my dick was huge. I haven't done any other exercise since starting the supra workout and my dick has gotten bigger than when i was doing exercises. Thank you supra!
I just bought me a new tub of Vasoline... Yeeaaahhhh!! This is the only exercise I do (around 2-3 times a day... mostly 2)... along with stretch's whenever I have a chance! I don't really think it's matter's what exercise you do... as long as you perform the "edging/ballooning" before hand (with the cAMP/NO increase), to "prime" your penis and "accelerate" the result's of the exercises you perform afterward's'... This exercise is truly universal... and revolutionary!

PS. Supra, my girl has been asking alot about my penis becoming bigger... I just act like it's all in her head... like I've alway's done. ;)

Good luck guy's!
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BiffyStiffy said:
Doh! I was confusing the uli method with horses I think.

How do I know the exact time to stop masturbating and start the uli?
As soon as I feel the orgasm starting
Just before contractions start
After 1-3 contractions

Right before you feel the sensation..

..You should feel the sensation coming and if you stop, you can almost feel something rush into your penis. In my experiences, you don't even have to kegel.

I can't get a clamp here in Holland so that means I have to pay for a expensive international shipment :/
I don't know if i'm that interested in that. For now I just use my hands.
I kegel as hard as I can and simultaniously clamp the base to trap huge amounts of blood. I then Jelq over and over again while clamping to keep the blood level extreme enough. Works good tho I already notice changes in girth :p
But girth isn't so important for me now. No.. I want LENGTH RIGHT NOW!!! ARGGGG :p
I've heard doing Penis Enlargement on any type of psychadelic drug gives you INSTANT gains! ;)
If you've been getting fast gains from Supra's Slammers do you also have stronger than average forearm strength?

Is there a way I can leverage my grip because I don't think it's strong enough. It's definitely below average.

Way to go supra...

I tried these out last night, they're simply awesome.
I couldn't get 10 reps though, I only got to about 5 before I wussed out and had to blow my load.

Regardless, after 5 reps I had a pretty decent pump that lasted me the rest of the day, well into th evening. I think I've found a way to get over my recent plateau!

Thanks supra.
I've been pumping combined with jelqs for months now, with limited success. I tried Supra's Slammers for 1/2 hour (really hard to control the edging!) then pumped for another 15 minutes at 6in hg. I actually gained an extra inch, in the tube! Could only get 3/8", after an hour before ,and no fluid build up.

I stayed engorged and pumped, for the rest of the day and had the best woody ever this morning. Wifey is REALLY happy now!

Supra rules!
cacavolante said:
Way to go supra...

I tried these out last night, they're simply awesome.
I couldn't get 10 reps though, I only got to about 5 before I wussed out and had to blow my load.

Regardless, after 5 reps I had a pretty decent pump that lasted me the rest of the day, well into th evening. I think I've found a way to get over my recent plateau!

Thanks supra.

Thats great to hear!!
Where did you buy the Cialis tablets at? How much did you pay for them ?
They look expensive everywhere I looked.
Also, have you heard about the transdermal "topiglan". It is approved by the FDA.
Its really expensive though, but it goes on your glans and speeds more blood flow to that area.