dibocarmona;370345 said:
Will you have a site for this any time soon?

Yes. It is strange that you ask because we are working on the videos now.
Hey DLD! I sent the money for that LM you had for me, and 2 PM with no replies. Have you got my order?
Hey DLD! I sent the money for that LM you had for me, and 2 PM with no replies. Have you got my order?
KingD;370366 said:
Hey DLD! I sent the money for that LM you had for me, and 2 PM with no replies. Have you got my order?

Got the money and shipped it out. Sorry for the delay, we had major weather issues down here.
KingD;370366 said:
Hey DLD! I sent the money for that LM you had for me, and 2 PM with no replies. Have you got my order?

Got the money and shipped it out. Sorry for the delay, we had major weather issues down here.
Hey DLD! I sent the money for a LM a few days ago, haven't got any response as yet, could you let me the progress?
Hey DLD! I sent the money for a LM a few days ago, haven't got any response as yet, could you let me the progress?
ryanli;371265 said:
Hey DLD! I sent the money for a LM a few days ago, haven't got any response as yet, could you let me the progress?

ALl orders have been shipped but two which will ship today. We have had wicked storms here and getting around is a nightmare.
ryanli;371265 said:
Hey DLD! I sent the money for a LM a few days ago, haven't got any response as yet, could you let me the progress?

ALl orders have been shipped but two which will ship today. We have had wicked storms here and getting around is a nightmare.

who had result with this methode?
how much in you have gain..? how lond does it take...

english is not ma native language!
im german.

who had result with this methode?
how much in you have gain..? how lond does it take...

english is not ma native language!
im german.
I used 1 1/4 inch rings. If they're not labeled in the hardware store like that just grab a tape measurer and measure from inside the ring on one side to the other side (not the outside of the ring). You might need 1 1/2 or bigger. Depends on the size of your balls. You only need to be able to squeeze a ball through (with some extra room obviously for the skin around it and maneuvering) It needs to be small enough to keep a ball sliding out after both are through.

It is not a comfortable feeling and kinda creepy the first time taking it off. Start with a few to just get the feel for taking on and off so you're not fighting with no slack to work with. Once you figure it out it's pretty quick and the only discomfort you'll have will be the burning from skin stretch and the times you put too much pressure on a testicle removing the rings. But trust me...if you get em on, they'll come off. Don't panic....just relax. Also why I say do a few to start so if you're having trouble and you need a break you're not still stretching the skin. If you need to hop in a hot shower to loosen things up you can but I never had to. I also wore them in the fall so it wasn't as cold. The days it was cold I used a dress sock (thin black sock) to put over my sack and tucked the top of the sock into the top ring. This kept things warmer and helped with the sack trying to shrink from the cold.

Here's a link to the picture of a steel ring at any hardware store. http://www.reefscuba.com/images/ssring1.jpg

I had one ball that seemed to fit in better than the other so I put the tough one in first. When taking them off just try to pull as much of the skin away from the ball first...I usually pulled the skin tight up into the ring and pushed the ball down. You'll see what I mean. The hardest part is getting one out and then trying to get the second one while there are still rings higher up. Start slow. I used a few (maybe 4 or 5) the first day then added two the next (you may only want to add one or add more that 1st day). I then just added em as I felt it was working. When I had 12 or so on I had such intense skin burn within an hour i could hardly stand it. Best to go slow until you're good at getting em off quick cause there's nothing like burning pain and not able to stop it. :) It's really not that bad.
I used 1 1/4 inch rings. If they're not labeled in the hardware store like that just grab a tape measurer and measure from inside the ring on one side to the other side (not the outside of the ring). You might need 1 1/2 or bigger. Depends on the size of your balls. You only need to be able to squeeze a ball through (with some extra room obviously for the skin around it and maneuvering) It needs to be small enough to keep a ball sliding out after both are through.

It is not a comfortable feeling and kinda creepy the first time taking it off. Start with a few to just get the feel for taking on and off so you're not fighting with no slack to work with. Once you figure it out it's pretty quick and the only discomfort you'll have will be the burning from skin stretch and the times you put too much pressure on a testicle removing the rings. But trust me...if you get em on, they'll come off. Don't panic....just relax. Also why I say do a few to start so if you're having trouble and you need a break you're not still stretching the skin. If you need to hop in a hot shower to loosen things up you can but I never had to. I also wore them in the fall so it wasn't as cold. The days it was cold I used a dress sock (thin black sock) to put over my sack and tucked the top of the sock into the top ring. This kept things warmer and helped with the sack trying to shrink from the cold.

Here's a link to the picture of a steel ring at any hardware store. http://www.reefscuba.com/images/ssring1.jpg

I had one ball that seemed to fit in better than the other so I put the tough one in first. When taking them off just try to pull as much of the skin away from the ball first...I usually pulled the skin tight up into the ring and pushed the ball down. You'll see what I mean. The hardest part is getting one out and then trying to get the second one while there are still rings higher up. Start slow. I used a few (maybe 4 or 5) the first day then added two the next (you may only want to add one or add more that 1st day). I then just added em as I felt it was working. When I had 12 or so on I had such intense skin burn within an hour i could hardly stand it. Best to go slow until you're good at getting em off quick cause there's nothing like burning pain and not able to stop it. :) It's really not that bad.
cool sound good, any more results? ;D i would like see a list here of results from different technicals the user here use.
cool sound good, any more results? ;D i would like see a list here of results from different technicals the user here use.
doublelongdaddy;371306 said:
ALl orders have been shipped but two which will ship today. We have had wicked storms here and getting around is a nightmare.

Hey mate it had been weeks since you posted the LM but I haven't received anything yet, can you check your record and let meknow what's going on ?
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