
Jan 18, 2010

I am a new user of the Heavy Duty Static Stretcher and I have finally got the hang of using the device and have been wearing it for two weeks straight between straight down and straight out. I can cover myself with a blanket, wear a robe, etc (have roommates) so while I WANT to do the SO thing I have to do it this way. I know people bitch about lowering their exit point but I WANT my dick to hang closer to my knees when soft and semi-hard. Accurate erect length is accurate erect length: If I have a 9 inch cock, it's a 9 inch cock whether or not my exit point is lowered.

For all of those here who have used it, and for people who just have awesome knwoledge about Penis Enlargement in general:

1. Does the device cause permanent erect gains if you use it consistently over time? How do you know this?
2. Is it better (causes faster growth) to wear it for two hours at a high weight, say 5 to 6 pounds, or for 4 hours at 3 to 4 pounds?

I have been wearing it at 6lbs-5.5lbs for two hours a day (I take a break once a week and just do some manual stretching). Using the HDSS is ALL I want to do exercise wise. I am thrilled with my girth and just want erect length gains. I cover my glans with band aids before I tape because someone I know advised me of this because they got a blister.

Any additional advice would also be helpful. Thank you kindly.
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Don't know yet but my stretcher is on order...can't wait to be able to contribute with personal experience
Same here. Hope to receive it soon. It looks like a really solid device. I've tried the fast size and and hope this is a big improvement on the head piece and comfort which seems to be the issue for all extenders. This thing must be a hell of a lot more secure than the fast size as I would never wear that with just a robe around others. Too likely to slide off.

How comfortable would you say it is at those levels of intensity?

People are all over the forums saying they have definitely made gains with extenders so this should be no different. High intensity/short duration vs. Lower intenstity/Longer duration. I'd like to know which is better as well.
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high intensity, short duration = hanging

compared to hanging every ads is low intensity.
PainsForGains;367670 said:
1. Does the device cause permanent erect gains if you use it consistently over time? How do you know this?

Yes, you will make permanent erect gains. Any type of deliberate stretching will produce tissue expansion and stretch.

PainsForGains;367670 said:
2. Is it better (causes faster growth) to wear it for two hours at a high weight, say 5 to 6 pounds, or for 4 hours at 3 to 4 pounds?

I would say do a combination of the two. Go heavy for two hours then go light for some time after. This will help produce new gains through heavy work and help them stick through light work.
Thanks for the advice, DLD.

I'm not a big fan of manual work, which is why I use the HDSS. I'm currently 6.5" EL by 6.5" EG; everyone here is always picking a longer/thicker size number as a goal. Me? Like you, I just want to have the largest erect penis in the world. In other words, "Can't Stop, Won't Stop".

Any added advice when looking at my routine (HDSS for 3 hours: 6 pounds for 1 Hour, then 5 to 4 the remaining 2 hours) to accelerate my erect length gains? Any advice at all for someone in my situation?
PainsForGains;367670 said:
I am a new user of the Heavy Duty Static Stretcher...For all of those here who have used it, and for people who just have awesome knwoledge about Penis Enlargement in general:

1. Does the device cause permanent erect gains if you use it consistently over time? How do you know this?
It definetly causes permanent erect gains. I use the device whenever I'm on a Penis Enlargement cycle and I always gain.

PainsForGains;367670 said:
2. Is it better (causes faster growth) to wear it for two hours at a high weight, say 5 to 6 pounds, or for 4 hours at 3 to 4 pounds?
As DLD said, try a combination. Personally, I'd do an hour at 5, and the rest at 4.

PainsForGains;367670 said:
I have been wearing it at 6lbs-5.5lbs for two hours a day (I take a break once a week and just do some manual stretching). Using the HDSS is ALL I want to do exercise wise. I am thrilled with my girth and just want erect length gains. I cover my glans with band aids before I tape because someone I know advised me of this because they got a blister.
I wouldn't take breaks. Band-Aids aren't going to prevent blisters. You should use the tape they sent with the device.
MoreGains123;367886 said:
It definetly causes permanent erect gains. I use the device whenever I'm on a Penis Enlargement cycle and I always gain.

As DLD said, try a combination. Personally, I'd do an hour at 5, and the rest at 4.

I wouldn't take breaks. Band-Aids aren't going to prevent blisters. You should use the tape they sent with the device.


1. The Band Aid DOES work for preventing the reddening in the spot of a healed blister, discoloration which supposedly can become permanent and then, no matter how big your dick gets, you'll have to explain to your new lover why you have what looks like a herpes mark on the tip of your dick. Keep in mind I'm also taping up my glans BIG TIME. When you get a blister, like they say at StaticStretcher, you have to wait for the internal flesh to strengthen ASIDE from waiting for the actual blister to heal. The suction from the device makes the discoloration come up, but if you cover the area with a band aid first, you can stretch freely after the blister has healed "up top".

2. Since you've gained (congrats), is two hours daily sufficient to make a 1" erect length gain in a year or less (emphasizing "less" here)? I wish to God SOMEONE would have some before and after pics or videos of their growth; that way I wouldn't have the urge to ask these questions in the first place.

3. Is missing one day a week going to "fuck the whole thing up"?

My impression of the band-aid was in lieu of the tape. If you're using tape, then it all sounds good. The discoloration at the site of a blister will stop happening eventually, but what's going is you are sort of "rubbing an old wound".

I think 2 hours a day at decent tension is possible to get 1" in a year. I think 0.5 to 0.75 is more likely. My experience shows that it takes about an hour to gain 0.001". Keep in mind that 0.5 is going to be a "whole new dick". It doesn't sound like it, but I am always surprised at how much difference 0.5" makes.

Missing a day only allows the tissues to heal up. You want to keep the stress going. Even if you go with 20 or 30 minutes, I don't recommend going with any days off.

I'll tell you, man: I'm glad you're around for advice. VERY glad.

Trust me on the Band Aid: ONCE the blister is healed (meaning you can't see it anymore), try using the HDSS once with JUST tape. If the discoloration comes back, then you can either wait longer or throw on the band aid and the covering will "throw off" the pressure so that it takes the glans as a whole and slightly de-pressures the tension in that weakened spot.

These following questions are born out of your last responses; your advice solely is what I'm going with regarding the HDSS, but if there's anyone (DLD?) who can give me an add on exercise that fits my special situation, I would appreciate it.

I live with family and I work two jobs and I just don't have a lot of time. I have privacy in the bathroom and in my room, usually about 2-3 hours a day, except one day a week, in which my two jobs intersect schedule-wise, so that I wake up at 6 am and I get home at 3 am, and then have to wake up the next day at 7! Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays, I could wear the HDSS for longer than two hours.

1. The "0.001" an hour" issue: IF this is true, then if I can somehow do 28 hours a week (7 days xs 4 hours daily) instead of two hours a day, then I should expect 1.5"-2" gains in a year?
2. In order to do four hours (because at 2 hours at 6-5.5 lbs I am SCREAMING in pain), I would have to do lessen the tension down to 3 pounds OR, after two hours, take a 10 minute break and then put the HDSS back on (I'll stay in the dome during the break) for another two hours (6 lbs then 5 lbs, or less and lesser?). Is this a legitimate way of getting the 0.001" in those extra hours, in your opinion? In other words, my ego presupposes that HEAVIER IS BETTER. Does this make sense? I don't want to add hours at a light weight unless it will work. If this question doesn't make sense, let me know.
3. On days where I absolutely CANNOT use the device, are there exercises I can do that will allow the continuation of lig exhaustion I need?
4. What were your girth gains and were they uniform throughout your shaft?

Thank you very VERY much, moregains. You are an important part of this community.
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PainsForGains;368014 said:
Trust me on the Band Aid: ONCE the blister is healed (meaning you can't see it anymore), try using the HDSS once with JUST tape. If the discoloration comes back, then you can either wait longer or throw on the band aid and the covering will "throw off" the pressure so that it takes the glans as a whole and slightly de-pressures the tension in that weakened spot.
I understand it now, I just thought you were using only a band-aid.

PainsForGains;368014 said:
1. The "0.001" an hour" issue: IF this is true, then if I can somehow do 28 hours a week (7 days xs 4 hours daily) instead of two hours a day, then I should expect 1.5"-2" gains in a year?
It's true for me, although I stop at 0.5" increments for 6 to 9 months at a time. Trust me that you don't want something so long you can't pound it in without hurting someone! I guess it's possible that it's also percentage-related so it could depend on your starting length. For me it seems to add up to about 1 thousandth of an inch for every hour of work.

PainsForGains;368014 said:
2. In order to do four hours (because at 2 hours at 6-5.5 lbs I am SCREAMING in pain), I would have to do lessen the tension down to 3 pounds OR, after two hours, take a 10 minute break and then put the HDSS back on (I'll stay in the dome during the break) for another two hours (6 lbs then 5 lbs, or less and lesser?). Is this a legitimate way of getting the 0.001" in those extra hours, in your opinion? In other words, my ego presupposes that HEAVIER IS BETTER. Does this make sense? I don't want to add hours at a light weight unless it will work.
I prefer to do heavy work in the first hour and coast with lighter work. To paraphrase Bib: I like to break some eggs and then ride the damage. I wouldn't try going 4 hours at 5 pounds.

PainsForGains;368014 said:
3. On days where I absolutely CANNOT use the device, are there exercises I can do that will allow the continuation of lig exhaustion I need?
DLD would be better to consult here but you can definetly do some fairly hard manual stretches to keep the damage going. Your hands can put out 20 to 30 pounds easily. Doing 5 minutes at this weight you can do some good.

PainsForGains;368014 said:
4. What were your girth gains and were they uniform throughout your shaft?
My girth gains are a mystery to me. I don't really do anything in particular to get them. I have made uniform gains of about 1/2" (after two years and three Penis Enlargement cycles). I think it's what Tom Hubbard said: the penis grows in both directions in order to deal with the stress.
MoreGains123;368025 said:
My girth gains are a mystery to me. I don't really do anything in particular to get them. I have made uniform gains of about 1/2" (after two years and three Penis Enlargement cycles). I think it's what Tom Hubbard said: the penis grows in both directions in order to deal with the stress.

I understand this. I did not do girth work for almost a year but somehow I made gains. I guess it was all the stretching I was doing. I try to give every new exercise a shot to test it's abilities. I was also testing extenders and the early versions of the LengthMaster...I guess this is the enlargement Hub was referring to.
MoreGains123;368025 said:
I understand it now, I just thought you were using only a band-aid.

It's true for me, although I stop at 0.5" increments for 6 to 9 months at a time. Trust me that you don't want something so long you can't pound it in without hurting someone! I guess it's possible that it's also percentage-related so it could depend on your starting length. For me it seems to add up to about 1 thousandth of an inch for every hour of work.

I prefer to do heavy work in the first hour and coast with lighter work. To paraphrase Bib: I like to break some eggs and then ride the damage. I wouldn't try going 4 hours at 5 pounds.

DLD would be better to consult here but you can definetly do some fairly hard manual stretches to keep the damage going. Your hands can put out 20 to 30 pounds easily. Doing 5 minutes at this weight you can do some good.

My girth gains are a mystery to me. I don't really do anything in particular to get them. I have made uniform gains of about 1/2" (after two years and three Penis Enlargement cycles). I think it's what Tom Hubbard said: the penis grows in both directions in order to deal with the stress.

Thanks moregains. Know these Circular Weight things?

Would those be a good idea to wear while not in the stretcher for ERECT gains? They look like they don't fatigue the glans' skin at all.

Here's my schedule then:

This alone, moregains and DLD, should be a sure set up for ERECT LENGTH gains of AT LEAST 1" in a year, correct?

PainsForGains;368084 said:
Know these Circular Weight things? www. dfranceinc. com
I've never understood the idea behind dangling weights. I prefer consistent tension. The dangling relies upon you allowing gravity to always be in play. Sitting renders them useless.

ALSO: I hate websites that hype and bullshit. Circle Device is a very full-of-shit website. My conclusion is: if you need lies to sell your product then your product is probably bullshit too. Here's a sampling: "The Circle Device is patented so you know it's a scientifically engineered, legitimate product".

You can patent a smelly fart if you want. Just because something is patented doesn't mean anything and they know it, but they hope you don't. They make a lot of other phony claims and bullshit assertions too. They are preying on the uninformed.

Here's a funny quote: "It is applauded by doctors around the world". Ask a urologist about Penis Enlargement and they'll flat out tell you not to do it. The FAQ section is full of bullshit too. For example, they say vacuum pumps only work "If you don't mind sitting in an isolated room attached to a vacuum for at least eight hours a day, every day for a year, you could probably see some results". This is total bullshit and they know it.

If you want this sort of effect, go to a golf supply store and get golf weights. Better yet, find an extender situation that works sitting or standing.

PainsForGains;368084 said:
I don't think there's anything wrong with your format, but 6 lbs for an hour is tough for me.

Personally, I would do either one hour at 5 lbs and the rest at 4 lbs or the whole four hours at 4 lbs.
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PainsForGains;368084 said:
Thanks moregains. Know these Circular Weight things?

Would those be a good idea to wear while not in the stretcher for ERECT gains? They look like they don't fatigue the glans' skin at all.

Here's my schedule then:

This alone, moregains and DLD, should be a sure set up for ERECT LENGTH gains of AT LEAST 1" in a year, correct?


Maybe more.

Give me two stretches that I can do on that "HDSS OFF" day; I own the Power Assist.

moregains, I'm sticking with 3 hours a day; 4 is way too much. 6/5.8 lbs for one hour, 5 for one hour and 4 the rest.

Many thanks!
I'm going 5-7 hours a day in the device so far. I dont see any reference to how much weight the springs mimic. Can anybody tell me where this is reference? I've just been using the largest spring by itself. I also, cannot get my head to stay all the way against the dome. I pull down into the silicone about a quarter inch or more away from the top of the dome. I've been experimenting so I'm sure I'll get it right eventually. Any body have any tricks to this?
tye9000;368441 said:
I dont see any reference to how much weight the springs mimic. Can anybody tell me where this is reference? I've just been using the largest spring by itself.
Sounds like the 5.6 lb springs. Compressed half-way they produce 2.8 lbs.

tye9000;368441 said:
I also, cannot get my head to stay all the way against the dome. I pull down into the silicone about a quarter inch or more away from the top of the dome.
If you're burping out all the air possible then don't worry about it. When I use higher tension my glans pulls away too. I'd guess almost 1/4 if the tension is really high. Just be sure you are taped and that the tape is adhering. I squeeze and press all over right before insertion into the dome.

Also: I wait for a about a half-hour before turning on serious tension. I try to let some fluid build-up engorge the glans a little. This helps fill out the dome. As I said above though, burp all the air out as best as you can! When you first see the 1/4 pull away, try taking the dome off the rods and burping the dome one more time. If nothing comes out you're fine.

(I guess I'm getting to be the Fedora of the HD SS.)
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Thanks More Gains. If the biggest spring is 2.8lb, how do we get to 10? Do I stack the springs? I got nothing in the box regarding spring tension. I may be missing it but couldnt find anything about the springs on the SS site either.
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