
I forgot to add, using a good Vit E lotion will help sooth the skin, and help it heal.

BIB, the hanger is supposed to grip the entire shaft correct? I've been messing with the hex nuts and I have noticed if they're too close it feels like the sides are being pushed inwards toward the middle of the shaft, and the top bolt comes in closer contact with the wrap. I've readjusted out a bit and it encloses all the way around the shaft, and sits right on the shoulders of the glans. I'm still having a bit of excitement problems, but I'm getting over it. Do I have my settings correct? The hanger encircles the entire shaft, sits on the shoulders, and the wrap stays on the shaft. This sound good to you?

Also the glans isn't holding near as much blood since I've loosened up the grip on the top bolt, it just needed a bit more room to circulate, at least I think that's what it was. Let me know your thoughts, thanks BIB.
BIB, I have noticed that as I get into the sets my head seems to hold more blood than when I first start. Should I take a longer rest breaj between sets, instead of five minutes make it ten?

>BIB, the hanger is supposed to grip the entire shaft correct?<

I don't know what this means. Are you referring to the entire length of the shaft? That would depend on how long your shaft was, and which hanger you have.

>I've been messing with the hex nuts and I have noticed if they're too close it feels like the sides are being pushed inwards toward the middle of the shaft, and the top bolt comes in closer contact with the wrap.<

That sounds exactly right. If the adjustments are too close in, the shaft will ride up in the shaft well, and come close, or even tough the top bolt. Not good.

>I've readjusted out a bit and it encloses all the way around the shaft, and sits right on the shoulders of the glans. I'm still having a bit of excitement problems, but I'm getting over it. Do I have my settings correct? The hanger encircles the entire shaft, sits on the shoulders, and the wrap stays on the shaft. This sound good to you?<

That sounds correct, as long as you are able to tighten enough to hang the amount of weight you wish.

>Also the glans isn't holding near as much blood since I've loosened up the grip on the top bolt, it just needed a bit more room to circulate, at least I think that's what it was. Let me know your thoughts, <

The top teeth may have been constricting dorsal vein draining the head.

>BIB, I have noticed that as I get into the sets my head seems to hold more blood than when I first start. Should I take a longer rest breaj between sets, instead of five minutes make it ten?<

First, I always tried to take ten minute breaks. Rather, it may have been 8, 9, 10, 11, 12. Not precise, but enough time for the tissues to receive a good dose of oxygen enriched blood. But I doubt that has anything to do with your head swelling in later sets. However, I have no idea why your head would swell more in later sets, so perhaps there is some validity in your theory. I just don't know how that would work.

What it seemed to be is in the latter sets after my breaks I was having some extra blood in the area, because my breaks weren't long enough and the blood was being pushed forward as the hanger was tightened. I also changed the distance the hanger travels forward, which pushes the blood towards the head, by setting it a liitle bit further up on the wrap instead of having it in the middle back of the wrap. I think that the wrap tightness was an issue as well, and I have gotten it to be a tight wrap but it still gives room for circulation. The hanger had to be adjusted a little bit to give a bit of extra space for ciculation as well, and I'm not tightening down as much in the latter sets and I'm not having as much trouble with it. All in all I think this has been a good experimentation phase for me, and I think I have found what will work for the time being, and hopefully I won't have to hang huge amounts of weight to gain since the 7.5 lbs I'm using now seems to be getting the job done pretty well.

>What it seemed to be is in the latter sets after my breaks I was having some extra blood in the area, because my breaks weren't long enough and the blood was being pushed forward as the hanger was tightened. I also changed the distance the hanger travels forward, which pushes the blood towards the head, by setting it a liitle bit further up on the wrap instead of having it in the middle back of the wrap. I think that the wrap tightness was an issue as well, and I have gotten it to be a tight wrap but it still gives room for circulation. The hanger had to be adjusted a little bit to give a bit of extra space for ciculation as well, and I'm not tightening down as much in the latter sets and I'm not having as much trouble with it. All in all I think this has been a good experimentation phase for me, and I think I have found what will work for the time being, and hopefully I won't have to hang huge amounts of weight to gain since the 7.5 lbs I'm using now seems to be getting the job done pretty well.<

All of that sounds really good. You are finding the benefits of experimentation. I always say, my entire hanging career was a great long experiment. I doubt I ever hung for more than a couple weeks in exactly the same way. I always either found something better, or was forced to find something better to provide more stress or more comfort.

Keep up the good work.

I can see what you mean. I thought that once I got everything "settled" that I would be able to do the same thing over and over, but this is not the case at all. I think it's a lot of fun actually. Sometimes it's a bit boring if there's not much to do, but the results I'm having are tremendous, and the experimentation is fun and it's a different experience almost every session. Thanks for all the help BIB.

How is everything going for you right now? I noticed the last few days last week you weren't around a whole lot.

>How is everything going for you right now? I noticed the last few days last week you weren't around a whole lot.<

I went out of town for my mother's 91st birthday. I needed a break.

WOW, that's cool. How is she doing? Good health, I hope. I had a great aunt who passed a few years ago, she was 97 and was always such a joy to be around. I guess that's why I like being around older people so much, they have lived long and have a lot to share and it's never really a boring time for me.

Yes, her health is generally good for 91. Older folks are a fantastic resource. Living history. And most just love to talk, and relate the way things used to be. A shame that many younger folks ignore them.

Bib, Which is more important: total weight used or length of time? I've been hanging for about an hour, at minimum, at 7.5 and 10 lbs. I use 7.5 for one set and switch to 10 lbs for the next set and repeat it usually once more through or more if time allows. I was wondering if the amount of weight should go up first or if total time should go up?

You've said before that it could be a lb increase a week depending on the amount of weight being used. I'm really just trying to stay in the zone with this, that way I just keep on gaining and possibly gain momentum gaining at a faster rate. That's the dream, but I was really wondering how these two variables play out together, and which would seem to be more important. As far as I can tell there's a correlation between amount of weight and fatigue that would effect total time that is possible.

I probably do not understand exactly what you are asking, but I will give it a shot.

I recommend that a guy hangs a small amount of weight, 2-5 lbs to begin, for a couple of sets per day. If that feels ok, he then needs to start adding sets, perhaps one per week, until he is hanging for his available privacy time.

Then, he can begin to move up in weight, but no more than 1-2 lbs per week, until he reaches fatigue within the first set or two of a sesssion. That is his MAX weight. For the rest of his sets of that session, he needs to reduce the weight used, in order to remain comfortable.

When the time comes that the max weight used does not bring on fatigue within the first set or two, he should begin to slowly increase the weight again, until he finds his new MAX weight, which brings on fatigue within the first set or two.

So time and weight are both important. The weight used must be enough to deform the tissues, as evidenced by fatigue. And you must hang for enough time to allow the tissues to deform, and to keep the deformed tissues in the extended state.

You answered my question perfectly. How do you know when you are fatigued?

What you are saying is that once in the fatigued state you want to stay in that state long enough to ensure the tissues will remain in this state, and this is how progress is made?

Here is what I am currently able to do. My first set as of late has been with 10 lbs. Then to seven lbs, and back to ten and down to seven. Yesterday I wanted to see if I could hang 15lbs for ten minutes at the end of my set and it was probably one of the hardest ten minutes I've had so far, considering that my sets are 20 minutes in length.

What I am thinking now is that I will start today hanging 12.5 lbs. then see if this brings on fatigue, and then drop to ten and possibly stay here or if I need to drop to 7. 5 for the remaining two-three sets. I've been hanging for on average 4 sets a day. I have been experimenting with two sessions, one mid afternoon and some lighter sets in the evening. How does this look in your opinion?

I've been gaining pretty consitently. I measured the other day at 7.5 NBPFSL, and 8.25 BP, this is a bit more than 1/4 of an inch gain since i've started hanging. I really like hanging, since it allows me to do some other things while I'm Penis Enlargementing. I'm thinking that if I up the weight just a bit and can squeeze in a few sets before bed time then I should be able to get to 9" pretty quickly, since the amount of work would be enough to keep the tissues deformed and in the elongated state, but all the while being cautious.

>You answered my question perfectly. How do you know when you are fatigued?<

>Yesterday I wanted to see if I could hang 15lbs for ten minutes at the end of my set and it was probably one of the hardest ten minutes I've had so far, considering that my sets are 20 minutes in length.<

I assume your question is answered by your statements about trying to hang 15 lbs. You just had a tough time hanging that 15 lbs, I assume because of fatigue. Right?

I use the term fatigue for a couple of different things. One is the soreness, tiredness in the tissues, that comes from hanging a specific weight. Another is the discomfort that comes from hanging a bit too much weight at any one time. Slight discomfort is OK. As the discomfort increases, you creep closer to injury.

>What you are saying is that once in the fatigued state you want to stay in that state long enough to ensure the tissues will remain in this state, and this is how progress is made?<

Yes, plus to continue to break through limiting factors. After the first limiting factors are broken through, the next limiting factors will probably be a bit easier. A lesser weight will work for them. We are looking for controlled damage. Thousands, if not millions of tiny microtears. No large tears or injuries. I always tried to listen to my body, and go by how I felt. But in general, after reaching fatigue, I would have to reduce the weight for each succeeding set.

>Here is what I am currently able to do. My first set as of late has been with 10 lbs. Then to seven lbs, and back to ten and down to seven. Yesterday I wanted to see if I could hang 15lbs for ten minutes at the end of my set and it was probably one of the hardest ten minutes I've had so far, considering that my sets are 20 minutes in length.<

I have no experience with going up and down like that. It appears that your max weight is somewhere between 10-15 lbs. I would recommend that you try perhaps 12.5 as your starting weight (unless you want a warm-up set at a lesser weight), and then reduce the weight from 12.5 as needed to remain comfortable.

>What I am thinking now is that I will start today hanging 12.5 lbs. then see if this brings on fatigue, and then drop to ten and possibly stay here or if I need to drop to 7. 5 for the remaining two-three sets. I've been hanging for on average 4 sets a day. I have been experimenting with two sessions, one mid afternoon and some lighter sets in the evening. How does this look in your opinion?<

That sounds great. I really did not read your above paragraph before writing my last answer.

>I've been gaining pretty consitently. I measured the other day at 7.5 NBPFSL, and 8.25 BP, this is a bit more than 1/4 of an inch gain since i've started hanging. I really like hanging, since it allows me to do some other things while I'm Penis Enlargementing. I'm thinking that if I up the weight just a bit and can squeeze in a few sets before bed time then I should be able to get to 9" pretty quickly, since the amount of work would be enough to keep the tissues deformed and in the elongated state, but all the while being cautious.<

That sounds great.

Thanks BIB. I have been tinkering with the amount of weight and total number of sets. It seems that at my current weight I can hang 12.5 for one set and reach fatigue and hang 10 lbs comfortably for the last two-three sets. If I hang in the eveing before bed it's usually best for me to hang at 7.5 lbs. I see what you are saying about fatigue, as the base and the internal structures feel a bit loose while there's also that feeling of being a bit tired. I have been feeling a deeper fatigue as of late since I've adjusted my setup slightly so that my pelvis is pushed forward throughout the set allowing for greater stress to be placed on the internal structures (other than the ligaments). I've changed out my chair as of today, so maybe I can add a set or two without having to take an extended break, as this seat is made of nylon and is much more comfortable to lean back in which I hope will help me to hang at a few different angles from this position. I can point my pelvis up a bit further and hold it comfortable as opposed to having to sit erect throughout the entire set, similar to BTC without having the feet elevated since I usually sit with my feet behind me by the legs of the chair. It should be interesting and I'll see how it goes and report back.
BIB, I am wondering how you keep the excess skin from rolling over the glans? I have a good bit of extra skin as you can see in the pics I posted in this thread and I've grown a bit more and it is getting to where it is close to covering the glans completely and I am a bit concerned about keeping it at bay. Did you have any problems with your extra skin while you were hanging? How does the skin gorwth effect where you place the hanger?

I watched SWMs hanging tutorial video again and I set my hanger about that far back on the wrap and pull forward as he does, but I'm thinking if I tighten the wrap a bit and set the hanger a bit closer to the head this will at least help with this problem. I also have cut another piece of THERABAND because the piece I was using did not have an even width throughout, one side had been cut previously, and it's what I've been using but I am changing it out now since I think that's part of the problem with the hanger not having an even surface area to be placed on. Thanks for your help BIB.
I also discovered that I have a thrombosed vein. Does this mean I have to take a break, or can I keep on trucking since I'm not doing any erect work. I have no idea how this happened, but it's happened before so I'm not worried or anything, just means I can't get a hard on at all...HAHAHA. I've woken up with a woody every morning since I was 12 so I know that ain't happenin...but I would love to know if it's ok to hang with one, it's not painful at all during the sessions.
MM about the excess skin you have,why are you worried about it covering the head,being uncut i'm forced to hang with the head fully covered as its not possible to keep the skin back.

>BIB, I am wondering how you keep the excess skin from rolling over the glans? I have a good bit of extra skin as you can see in the pics I posted in this thread and I've grown a bit more and it is getting to where it is close to covering the glans completely and I am a bit concerned about keeping it at bay. Did you have any problems with your extra skin while you were hanging?<

No, I never had any problems with extra skin. In fact, my plan from almost the beginning was to regrow my foreskin, for the advantages of having a foreskin. Mine would always ride over the head when hanging. It is manageable, depending on how much you want.

So now, I have a foreskin that will almost completely cover the head when flaccid. It really does help keep the head moist and safe, and really increases the sensitivity.

>How does the skin gorwth effect where you place the hanger?<

Well, it gives many more options on where to place the hanger, while still being able to stress the inner structures.

>I watched SWMs hanging tutorial video again and I set my hanger about that far back on the wrap and pull forward as he does, but I'm thinking if I tighten the wrap a bit and set the hanger a bit closer to the head this will at least help with this problem.<

Yes, you can do that. But at higher weights, you will probably want to place the hanger closer to the base, grasping the shaft further back, and giving more cushion to the head. That will require more skin. You really have to adjust things to fit your goals and needs.

>I also discovered that I have a thrombosed vein. Does this mean I have to take a break, or can I keep on trucking since I'm not doing any erect work.<

While I had many different things that occured during my Penis Enlargement career, I do not believe I ever had a T vein. At any rate, I never let anything minor slow down my hanging schedule. Sometimes, I would cut back on the intensity, but rarely stopped hanging, except for my bouts of numbness. And that did not take long to recover from.

>I have no idea how this happened, but it's happened before so I'm not worried or anything, just means I can't get a hard on at all...HAHAHA. I've woken up with a woody every morning since I was 12 so I know that ain't happenin...but I would love to know if it's ok to hang with one, it's not painful at all during the sessions.<

I just really do not have the knowledge to answer this effectively. But if there is no pain, I would be hesitant to stop. Do you feel like it will heal while still hanging?

I don't imagine it effecting my hanging, even if I'm reduced to hanging lighter, but it doesn't cause any issues even when I'm at 12.5 lbs but I'll keep monitoring it and do what I can to ensure the utmost safety.

BIB, I did not know that it was ok for the skin to come over the glans as I associated this with the wrap coming over so I assumed the same rule applied. I want to have a restored Foreskin and I totally agree with you on the benefits of it as I stay mostly covered except for the very end of the head.

Hey Prince Albert, Do you like hanging even though you are uncut? I've heard mixed reviews for it as a lot of guys just aren't patient enough to really learn how to hang in general, but I imagine it's a different ball game if you're uncut.
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