Thanks guys, your posts are so helpful to new guys
MI've had my Bathmate for a couple months. I use everyday and sometime twice. Most of the time I'll get a good jelq session in before Bathmate and I have seen solid gains in length (a lil over 1/8"). I must say that if you are close to 6" in girth, go X-40. When I bought mine I just jumped into it and didn't really research. I wasn't consistant with Penis Enlargement so I wasn't cementing my gains. So i'd hover in the 8" range. Before I started with Bathmate I was 7.9, and after about 2 months I'm 8 3/8ths. While in Bathmate I measure 8.5 which touches the tip of the Bathmate. I blame most on dick memory (lol) but consistancy with the Bathmate helped with the super fast gains(last time gains came this quick I was using my "poorman's Bathmate"). My temporary girth gains are CRAZY!!!! Base=7.2 mid girth=6.6 and under glans 6.1. Before Bathmate session under glans =5.75, mid=6.1 base=6.6.
I'm gaining thanks to using my Bathmate along with my clamping routine. I'm up a solid 1/8'' or better in girth. Check out my routine thread.
Thanks Guys. I may have some length gains to report, thought they were cemented last month but still needed to do some work. Trying to cement with erect stretches....really trying to hit that 11" mark.
This is the thread I was referring to
I am definitely closing on 7" of girth! At rest for 4 days I am above 6.80:) Bathmate X-40 is working overtime!
I have been using it for abouta week with the sleeve. I was unable to use it before because of the common balls issue.

I'm going in simi erect and not gaining any expansion what so ever. I do two sets. My first set is 10 min @ almost full pressure. I then jelq for 5 min. Then I reattach and go to full pressure for 20 mins. Then jelq for 5 mins. After that I double clamp for 10 min or so, Then I'm done with girth work.

I feel the pull and can see my dick expanding, but I never get over my normal girth of around 5". I'm even a little sore. Maybe I'm doing something wrong. I don't know....

Been using the Bathmate for a few weeks now and love it, it has taken me time to figure out a comfortable way to use it without getting sore nuts, Also had the issue of the foam ring coming off but now with these issues sorted out I cant wait to go and pump.
For me I try to do manual stretches then lazy ass stretches and into the SG device for a couple hours.
Then I will do 300 jelqs a set of clamped ssj for 5mins then a 10 min Bathmate set pumping every couple of minutes to full pressure for the last minute or 2.
I repeat this twice and find I get around 1/2" to 3/4" expansion, I do get FR but that really does not worry me at all.
The thing I like about it is after you put in the effort with all the manual stretching work and then do the Bathmate girth routine you actually see the fruits of your labour and it is highly motivating.
One more thing I like is if you know your going to get laid you can pump and pound, it isnt just for penis enlargement its for ego enlargement as well.
I just got my Bathmate 8/29/11 it only took a week from time of ordering to arrive at my door, I also got a clear one which is what I ordered, I'm very pleased with the fast service I got. I have been using the Bathmate after doing some beginner Penis Enlargement and I have gained 1/4in. in BPenis Enlargement length and 1/4in. in erect girth, these measurements are taken a few hours after pumping with the Bathmate but still I'm impressed.
Still haven't gained shit..... Just checking in.....

username007;448382 said:
Still haven't gained shit..... Just checking in.....


What is your routine? What have you been doing?
10 min in the Bathmate then 2-5 min of SSJ x 3 sets. I'm not getting very big at all maybe .1-.25 tops not fluid build up at all. Then within about two hrs, it's all gone. I've been at this for a few weeks now. Personaly I'm begining to belive most of the guy's on here are either lying or just getting fluid build up and calling to expansion. This whole " I've gained 1 in in a month" shit is getting old. No way are all these guy's gaining that much that soon. If it were that easy everyone would be doing it. Most have no pic's as proof, go fig. It's begining to piss me off, I'm not bitter I know people lie. I have a life and can't just sit at home and do this shit all damn day, sorry. So if thats what it takes I'm just going to sell this shit. I got this thing because I read a few threads and though I'd give it a shot, I've been nothing but disapointed. I also have your dvd and have been doing the newbie thing for a month or two now also with no luck. I have a SG that I bought after talking to you, but the damn thing hurts to ware for more then an hr or two. I may get the tugger thing and give it a shot.

I fuck about 2-3 new chicks a month and have been for the past year or so. I have never got any shit for my size, but "I" want to be bigger. I know it's just me and well... I want this to work. I'm getting no where, fast. Your LM sounds cool, but I have no paypal and I'm not going to get one so I can't try that out.

Oh.. I also use the king snake hanger @ 5 lbs for 20min every other day. Also no gains.

username007;448417 said:
Personaly I'm begining to belive most of the guy's on here are either lying or just getting fluid build up and calling to expansion. This whole " I've gained 1 in in a month" shit is getting old. No way are all these guy's gaining that much that soon. If it were that easy everyone would be doing it. Most have no pic's as proof, go fig. It's begining to piss me off, I'm not bitter I know people lie. I have a life and can't just sit at home and do this shit all damn day, sorry. So if thats what it takes I'm just going to sell this shit. I got this thing because I read a few threads and though I'd give it a shot, I've been nothing but disapointed. I also have your dvd and have been doing the newbie thing for a month or two now also with no luck. I have a SG that I bought after talking to you, but the damn thing hurts to ware for more then an hr or two. I may get the tugger thing and give it a shot.

I fuck about 2-3 new chicks a month and have been for the past year or so. I have never got any shit for my size, but "I" want to be bigger. I know it's just me and well... I want this to work. I'm getting no where, fast. Your LM sounds cool, but I have no paypal and I'm not going to get one so I can't try that out.


You know what, you are calling us liars because of your shortcomings, that does not happen here...we do not lie. If you continue to act in this way I will delete you. I understand your frustration but training for 3 weeks and expecting a miracle is not going to happen, and if you are looking for help by calling us dishonest no one will want to help you. Your choice, grow the fuck up or leave.
Don't mean to de rail thread, but do you have any stories of reactions or whatnot when women have seen your schlong, dld? Would be great for motivation!
username007;448417 said:
10 min in the Bathmate then 2-5 min of SSJ x 3 sets. I'm not getting very big at all maybe .1-.25 tops not fluid build up at all. Then within about two hrs, it's all gone. I've been at this for a few weeks now. Personaly I'm begining to belive most of the guy's on here are either lying or just getting fluid build up and calling to expansion. This whole " I've gained 1 in in a month" shit is getting old. No way are all these guy's gaining that much that soon. If it were that easy everyone would be doing it. Most have no pic's as proof, go fig. It's begining to piss me off, I'm not bitter I know people lie. I have a life and can't just sit at home and do this shit all damn day, sorry. So if thats what it takes I'm just going to sell this shit. I got this thing because I read a few threads and though I'd give it a shot, I've been nothing but disapointed. I also have your dvd and have been doing the newbie thing for a month or two now also with no luck. I have a SG that I bought after talking to you, but the damn thing hurts to ware for more then an hr or two. I may get the tugger thing and give it a shot.

I fuck about 2-3 new chicks a month and have been for the past year or so. I have never got any shit for my size, but "I" want to be bigger. I know it's just me and well... I want this to work. I'm getting no where, fast. Your LM sounds cool, but I have no paypal and I'm not going to get one so I can't try that out.


in about two months of heavy duty 25-30 min 3x times a day but at first 10then 15 then get my drift!!&highlight=
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