Well-known member
Girth only routine

Exercises used

Clamped Horse squeezes [Redz method]
Clamped Edgeing
Clamped Jelqing
Light jelq

Before the session

Hot wrap warm-up for 10-15 mins with whatever you like such as hot cloth around your dick, very important to get good blood flow to improve circulation and prevent injuries.

What your session involves

X3 10 minute sets with approx 2 mins between them useing 3 different exercises.

Clamped Jelqs - overall penile health and great mass producer, gets your blood flow going.

Clamped Horses - Builds thickness to specific areas on your penis and is very intense. The best girth exercise imo.

Clamped Edgeing - Done last engorge everything that was expanded in the previous work and works very well for overall growth of the penis by time under engorgent if you will and by this I mean when your clamping with this non-stop in that position fully erect while being aroused its how the exercise works best, the time spent at fullness maximum engorgement helps expand and develop the internal penis and this also helps with lasting longer in bed if you take your arousal to just before the point of no return and than keep comming back.

The routine

x1 clamped Jelqing for 10 mins


x1 Clamped Horses for 10 mins


x1 Clamped Edgeing for 10 mins


Once complete you should do some helishakes which are just grabbing your penis at the base and shakeing it around like a helicopter blade to get circulation around.

Do a very light and gentle jelq session aswell and this does not need to be done erect and semi or flaccid will do. Lasts around 2-5 mins to warm down.

Do this 2 days on 1 day off for 2 weeks and let me know how it goes.
The days will than change alongwith the intensity involved.

Please read my guide, the exercise section on the three exercises because I do a different variation of the horse squeeze than its normally done.

Guide can be found here

Any questions or comments please do so.

Length only routine

Exercises used:

DLD blasters
DLD squat behind the cheek stretch rotaries
Blue_Whale's Ultimate Penis Enlargement exercise ''mandingo secret''
DLD Expressive stretches

The DLD blasters are the best proven manuel length exercise in existence, with more results from that than anyother manuel pe exercise, this is a fact. It has grown more inches than anything else and was dld's bread and butter in the start, but also made his length what it is, thanks to him we have this method public for free.

The DLD squat behind the cheek rotary stretch is very intense on the ligaments and is easier to do than various methods that attack the ligament in the same manner around at the moment because little learning curve to follow and members are already reporting good results from it.

Its DLDs newest stretch and like the blasters hits the ligaments but its working with a twisting action, so the ligament is being pulled away at the base ... its not the same than as the blasters, but compliments it.

Blue_Whales ultimate Penis Enlargement exercise otherwise known as the ''mandingo secret'' has already helped several guys gain inches in length and is really intense method that the maker himself claims will make you huge. It works by mainly stretching the outer tunica but also some ligament, so it works differently than the prevous two exercises you will be doing here.

Lastly and a late addition to this routine is the DLD expressive stretches. These are one of a kind in that they stretch out the inner penis, the part of the penis that is inside the body and cant be seen right now. We have lots of inner penis inside of us that stretches dont target directly and only indirectly but this stretch hits it directly.

So with this routine you have ligament attack, external tunica stretching and internal tunica [inner penis] stretching, so all bases are covered for the best length results.

When to do

To start with use 2 days on 1 day off and keep doing that for 2 weeks and let me know how its going and the routine can be ammended than for more intensity aswell or swap something around maybe.

What else will I need

I would suggest if you can, purchase the [words=]power assist[/words] because you can do your manuel work much more intense with that especially with the first, third and fourth stretches I talk about here, more so with the fourth stretch.

How long before I see results

Usually in 4-8 weeks you see changes in your size but these will be temp to start with and its only after 6-8 months of regular exercise that it becomes permanent.

Heres what to do than

Warm up beforehand with a hot flannell in the sink and wrapped around your penis for approx 5-10 mins. This will loosen the tissues up and help prevent injury.

DLD blasters

One set of 15 reps holding for a good stretch until you cant hold anylonger but a guideline is around 10 seconds but increase this with time and make the stretch INTENSE and learn how to do kegels & reverse kegels for this exercise to make it more intense (formula 5sec Kegel, 5 sec Reverse Kegel = One rep. x 15).

Please read the thread on the exercise to understand more on it and it lasts 10 minutes.

DLD squat behind the cheek rotaries

One set of 15 reps eachside holding for a good stretch until the burning feeling makes you stop the hold which varies with each person but once it kicks in and you cant hold anylonger release, do it with intensity like the previous exercise.

Again 10 mins spent here

Blue_Whales Ultimate Penis Enlargement exercise ''Mandingo Secret''

One set of 15 reps holding for a good stretch until you cant hold anymore due to the stress but approx 10 seconds per hold is good to start with but in time aim to hold longer and do with intensity that you can manage.

Also do these bundled like the creator describes but for the first few sessions do them un-bundled to get a feel for the movement first than try it.

10 mins also spent here aswell.

DLDs expressive stretches

One set of 15 holds for a very intense stretch lasting for aslong as you can because this stretch is very poweful and intense. Try for 10 seconds and keep going for more eachtime. When you do this try not to kegel and to relax the area by doing reverse kegels, otherwise you feel more resistence in the area from the muscles.

Its best done in a [words=]power assist[/words] but if you dont have one all is not lost but its easier with the [words=]PA[/words]. More info on the expressive stretches here.

10 mins again spent with that stretch.

Lastly warm down the same as you warmed up.


That was your length routine and is useing very powerful exercises to stretch you ligaments and work the outside portion of the tunica [internal penis] for length gains plus hittng the hard to reach inner penis.

When all three areas are hit you will see length gains really well especially if you use intensity with rest and not do marathon sessions.

Total time spent it 40 minutes which is plenty of time but do make the stretches intense when you do them and if your uncut than retract your foreskin back while doing these so your not stretching loads of skin, this doenst apply with expressive stretches.

To improve grip use wrapping underneath the glans or a cloth.

Any questions please feel free to post here and if anyone wants to adopt this routine than do make your own routine thread in the routine & progress section and update on how your doing in there and not here.



If anyone wants to include the V-SES stretch to this routine than feel free to do so and remove something else from this list that targets the ligaments or the Expressive stretches if you cant do them.

One set of 15 reps to the right & left of the penis, holding for a good stretch until the burning feeling makes you stop the hold which varies with each person but once it kicks in and you cant hold anylonger release.

Your holds should be lasting at least 5-10 seconds and with time they will go for several minutes. I find it easier to pull my foreskin back, wrap a piece of material underneath and than stretch for a longer hold time.

Do this with intensity.

10 mins spent on this.
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Girth & length routine

Exercises used ....

DLD Blasters
Lazy ass stretches
Under the leg stretches
DLD squat behind the cheek rotaries
Ultimate Penis Enlargement exercise
Clamped Jelqing
Clamped Horse Squeezes
Clamped Edgeing

The routine and why

One day on one day off to start with and this is because your penis is fresh and we're hitting both length and girth. Length say Monday than off Tuesday than Girth Wednesdat, off Thursday and length again Friday etc.

Monday = Length
Tuesday = OFF
Wednesday = Girth
Thursday = OFF
Friday = Length
Saturday = OFF
Sunday = Girth

Gives time for rest and recovery

The length routine

Warm up beforehand with a hot flannell in the sink and wrapped around your penis for approx 5-10 mins.

DLD blasters

One set of 15 reps holding for a good stretch until you cant hold anylonger but a guideline is around 10 seconds.

(formula 5sec Kegel, 5 sec Reverse Kegel= One rep. x 15)

Please read the thread on the exercise to understand more on it

This lasts for 10 mins

DLD squat behind the cheek rotaries

One set of 15 reps eachside holding for a good stretch until the burning feeling makes you stop the hold which varies with each person.

10 mins spent here

Ultimate Penis Enlargement exercise

One set of 15 reps holding for a good stretch until you cant hold anymore due to the stress but approx 10 seconds per hold is good to start with.

10 mins also spent here

Warm down the same as you warmed up

That was your length routine and is useing very powerful exercises to stretch you ligaments and work the outside portion of the tunica [internal penis] for length gains.

Total time spent it 30 minutes and than its one day off

Fell free to do lazy ass stretches and under the leg stretches throughout the day when you like as they are simple to do.

Girth attack

Your going to need a clamp or cock ring because these are done constricted.
If you dont have them than use shoe lace but thicker is better and tie that in a slip or loopknot.

Read the guide linked here and visit the exercise section to understand more on how to perform these next exercises but if you require help than please ask.

Firstly warm up like in the length routine.

To start its the clamped wet jelq. Learn how to wet jelq by reading this thread but your doing it clamped and for 10 minutes non-stop at the highest erection percentage as you can for that duration, so do read the guide. Do these with variations in slow and fast motions but with a good grip to push the blood well through the penis.

Total time is 10 mins

Horse squeezes come next and you need to have read the guide to understand my method of doing these but can read about the standard horse squeeze here

Work with them by splitting your penis into three pieces and engorge those areas, holding each area at maximum engorgement over and over for the 10 mins.

Edgeing. This can be read about here and also called balooning. Its in the guide so please check it out for more info.

All exercises done for 10 minutes and keep at MAXIMUM erection the whole time for your girth work and really go for it.

Warm down like in the length work

Take one day off and the nextime you do pe again your back on your length session.

I hope this makes sense and any questions than please ask. Its done on a 1 on 1 off basis with length and girth done seperatley.

You'll see good gains in 6-8 weeks time but after 2 weeks of doing this routine let me know how its going.
Please also make a thread in the routine section with all this and update us often with how its going.

This routine was carefully made by me and wasnt done in 5 minutes I can tell you now! but will give the user gains in length and girth over a short time span because the exercises are all very powerful in how they work with the DLD blasters being probably the best proven manuel length exercise to date and the horse squeezes being my fav girth exercise that helped mold my cock into what it is today.

Also try reading my psychic Penis Enlargement thread here and give it a chance ... does work and helps.
All three routines made by myself and will get you results. Any questions regarding them please ask in this thread but make your own progress thread in the relevant section on [words=]MOS[/words]. Feedback and thoughts on the routines appreciated aswell, in this thread.

Thanks and hope they help you.
great work Red..this doesn't look like it's for the light hearted or the young ones in the pe game..i will revisit this thread down the road when i want to change up my routine..thanks for putting this together..
These routines are great for anyone, new and old. Its all about knowing your limits and not going stupid with intensity and doing something you cant manage. Go easy at first if your new and gradually with time and confidence you can go higher in the gears and get that speed going. I have full confidence these routines are safe for everyone. I will mention that for fresh newbies to be cautious with the clamping, because it is very intense, so best to do the exercise that require a clamp, without a clamp for the first few weeks until your penis is used to the extra bloodflow.

Mr16 all you have to do is search the forums and use some initiative to make your own.
I aint makeing a curve correction routine buddy but do feel free to check out an exercise called paradise bends which will help.
Girth Hammer;342241 said:
I dont understand clamped edging?do you ejaculate after clamped edging?


All your doing is keeping yourself aroused and erect while clamped for a set amount of time without cumming. You dont need to keep wanking to stay like this but from time to time keeping you erect is fine. So with the clamp on and being aroused the wholetime with adult entertainment or whatever else in your mind, keep the erection as engorged as you like, like 90-100% for the entire duration and be very horny like near the PONR [point of no return] but dont cum, this is the secret here .... your getting so horny and near cumming but dont and the theory is that good stuff is released into your penis during this time that helps it with growth.
Thanks for clearing that up. I always thought you ejaculate after edging but i thought that would defeat the purpose of the exercise. This is kind of off topic but how often do you rest RED. I was a believer of daily exercise. The last few days I had two great intense girth workout. But do to having to much fun with friends I went 2 days in a row without exercises. That lead up to last night workout and i measured myself post workout and my hammer was longer. I have no clue if it was from a good workout or the days off?
I rest often actually with several days between my workouts. Its something that will never have a solid answer to, like with weightlifting and someguys love 5 days on 2 off or doing it 3 days P/W or everyday etc etc but I have my views which would be best and what worked best for me from my own experiences, alongwith others and scientific medical studies but people will always do what they want and argue anyway like with the case about HIT and Mike Mentzer, but lets not get onto that.

With Penis Enlargement it's the sameway of thinking usually, and you are wise to find your own sweet spot what works best for you. DLD for example did 7 on zero off and gained rather well.
Guys have done [words=]extender[/words] work and hanging work daily and gained well etc and a member here named Opa [Has routine in the routine section] does 7 on zero off and gained well.

I strongly believe that we dont need to do 5 on 2 off or 7 on zero off but something like 1 on 1 off, 2 on 2 off etc will work better and as you get more advanced at this, you need to use more intensity in your training with less work being added and have more time to rest, heal, recover and grow ... just my opinion but I have a massive cock to show for it and many guys who have suddenly had days off, Opa incl have noticed a sudden growth spurt ... you dont grow in the gym, you dont grow under the stretch or in the clamp but when you REST ... rest is vital and good for us all and doing so is like rechargeing some batteries.

If you have questions to ask me not relating to the routine in future and are off topic, please post them in my ask reds thread located in the newbie section as a sticky at the top.
Clamped Edging was sent from Penis Enlargement heavens from above. Ive never had this type of engorgement with any other Penis Enlargement exercise. If you created that RED god bless you.
Hey Red, just started my routine last night. Did the Length routine and my ligs were burning. Quick question for you. As you know this is my first routine, I am skipping the [words=]newbie routine[/words] and going straight to this. My question is I want to do your lenght routine and the girth routine would it be better to do length monday girth tuesday length wed etc. or length monday rest tuesday girth wed.

Let me know. Also I will be your test rat for this routine. I am taking pictures and will post them in 8 weeks to see what my results were.
Hello Wooden_Indian, good to hear from you. I would suggest do the length oneday than the next hit the girth and than the length, so something like this .....

Mon - Length
Tue - Girth
Wed - Length
Thu - Girth
Fri - REST
Sat - Length
Sun - Girth
Mon - Length
Tue - Girth
Wed - REST

So its 4 on 1 off and thats to equal the length and girth routines out, so they are done twice each in that four days or you could do .....

Monday = Length
Tuesday = REST
Wednesday = Girth
Thursday = REST
Friday = Length
Saturday = REST
Sunday = Girth

... the above has more rest days.

Make a routine thread in the progres section and keep us updated on how its going, I look forward to reading about yoru progress.
Hey I'm doing the [words=]noobie routine[/words] can I do this also mayb once or twice a week
I wouldnt do this and the [words=]newbie routine[/words] because its far too much.
The girth & length routines will be revised soon to incorporate my Frendo width exercise and V-SES ligament stretch. This isnt to say that the routines will get longer though.

I'm also going to do another revision on both the length and girth routines, to incl a shorter version thats still intense and will get results but just not as many exercises incl.

I would love to know how members are doing on these routines as its always nice to hear feedback from those you've tried to help.
I'm following yours and BigAl's advise to do an intense workout and have a rest day following it. I just did an intense workout today and I will rest tomorrow because I feel like its much needed and will take off another if I have to.
EDIT to the Length routine

I know that most of you have problems with the Expessive Stretches, so replace them with the V-SES

Simply remove the Expressives from your routine and replace them and do the V-SES in the following manner.

V-SES replacement for Expressice Stretching

One set of 15 reps to the right & left of the penis, holding for a good stretch until the burning feeling makes you stop the hold which varies with each person but once it kicks in and you cant hold anylonger release.

Your holds should be lasting at least 5-10 seconds and with time they will go for several minutes. I find it easier to pull my foreskin back, wrap a piece of material underneath and than stretch for a longer hold time.

Do this with intensity.

10 mins spent on this.

So that ^^^ is your replacement and it actually isnt a like for like fit because the Expressives are UNIQUE as they target the inner penis more than anything else but they are difficult to perform unless you have the right equipment and can be painful.

The V-SES is for Ligaments only, so no inner penis is hit and the routine already has ligament stretches but with this addition you have the BEST four ligament stretches ever made for NPenis Enlargement and I dont lie to you here.

The Blasters [Relaxes the pelvic floor muscles and than extends the ligs to the max], Blue_Whales mother of all lig stretches [Hooks ligaments], Rotary Squat stretches [Twists the ligament into a stretch] and than the V-SES [traps the ligs and stretches them].

With the above you are sure to gain. 10 minutes is enough time for these because of the INTENSITY your useing.
REDZULU2003;347672 said:
EDIT to the Length routine

I know that most of you have problems with the Expessive Stretches, so replace them with the V-SES

Simply remove the Expressives from your routine and replace them and do the V-SES in the following manner.

V-SES replacement for Expressice Stretching

One set of 15 reps to the right & left of the penis, holding for a good stretch until the burning feeling makes you stop the hold which varies with each person but once it kicks in and you cant hold anylonger release.

Your holds should be lasting at least 5-10 seconds and with time they will go for several minutes. I find it easier to pull my foreskin back, wrap a piece of material underneath and than stretch for a longer hold time.

Do this with intensity.

10 mins spent on this.

So that ^^^ is your replacement and it actually isnt a like for like fit because the Expressives are UNIQUE as they target the inner penis more than anything else but they are difficult to perform unless you have the right equipment and can be painful.

The V-SES is for Ligaments only, so no inner penis is hit and the routine already has ligament stretches but with this addition you have the BEST four ligament stretches ever made for NPenis Enlargement and I dont lie to you here.

The Blasters [Relaxes the pelvic floor muscles and than extends the ligs to the max], Blue_Whales mother of all lig stretches [Hooks ligaments], Rotary Squat stretches [Twists the ligament into a stretch] and than the V-SES [traps the ligs and stretches them].

With the above you are sure to gain. 10 minutes is enough time for these because of the INTENSITY your useing.

with which other exercise i can replace the ves-stretch and the expressive stretch?

i don't understand the expressive stretch and by the ves-stretches i don't feel any intensity ...
buyakascha;354700 said:
with which other exercise i can replace the ves-stretch and the expressive stretch?

i don't understand the expressive stretch and by the ves-stretches i don't feel any intensity ...


You can replace the Expressives with OTS ''Other the shoulder'' hanging if you wish, which will target inner penis or just skip that part altogether as you will still be hitting the penis from most angles with the routine and I was perhaps going into too much detail and complexity when I started this routine.

V-SES replacements is simple.

DLD Blasters
DLD squat behind the cheek stretch
Blue_Whale Mother of all ligament stretches

If you can do the Blue_Whale one than go for that, and this is only because it works more similer to the V-SES which you are replaceing .. in fact it inspired me to design the V-SES, so in reality the V-SES is a modification from the Blue_Whales Mother of all ligament stretches.
I did DLD's 1st routine for 6 minths gained 0,5 inch and now I switched into REDZULU2003 length routine.
Is it ok to do this length routine everyday no dayss off ??
Hi, sure if you like to do this everyday with no days off than go for it and please let us know how it goes and any questions do please ask.
I got some questions on the length/girth rountine..

1. Blasters: how much time should you take in between reps/sets and how many sets should you be shooting for in the 10 min time frame? Should you also switch hands around each set?

2. DLD squat BTC rotaries: same questions as above ^^^ except for the switching hands part.

3. Ultimate Penis Enlargement exercise: how much time should you take in between reps/sets? I'm doing 10 sec reps on these so im assuming multiple sets are needed for the 10 min time frame
TizZle;355493 said:
I got some questions on the length/girth rountine..

1. Blasters: how much time should you take in between reps/sets and how many sets should you be shooting for in the 10 min time frame? Should you also switch hands around each set?

2. DLD squat BTC rotaries: same questions as above ^^^ except for the switching hands part.

3. Ultimate Penis Enlargement exercise: how much time should you take in between reps/sets? I'm doing 10 sec reps on these so im assuming multiple sets are needed for the 10 min time frame

1] Time between is simple ... dont waste time and get to it when you can. Small rest. Amount of sets, well for my routines I dont count them. Do as many as you can in the 10 minutes with good form and intensity. Its not about how many and how much work but the quality and intensity. If you like switch hands.

2] Same as above

3] Again the same as above but try to maintain INTENSITY on this stretch especially and aim for longer hold times with STRONG intensity, not longer hold times and LESS intensity. This will need to be worked into.

Dont bother counting sets and reps with this lot as it overcomplicates it and makes the mind wonder onto things it needn't bother when its main concern and primary focus is to enlarge the penis with good form and intensity.

Think of the whole 10 mins as one large set and each stretch or jelq as the rep but dont bother to count them unless you feel the need to .. what you need to do is makesure eachtime you comeback that intensity is improved and you will know with experience on this one and feelings in the ligaments although some guys report not feeling the burn after awhile, I dont buy into this and if you stretch the ligs enough they will release chemicals that trigger that burn to warn the body it must cease the stretch.

Anymore questions than fire away.
Its only as good as the effort and determination put into it by the man doing it. In otherwords, you will get out of this what you put in!
i was thinking of combining these and doing length only for 2 days, then girth only for 1, with only sundays off, but idk if that would be overkill. also, is it ok to do the girth exercises without clamping because i don't have one?
REDZULU2003;357953 said:
Give it a try and keep us updated

i think i'm going to do it length, girth, rest, repeat for a month, then add more if i need, but what about the clamping? can i do it without? or is there a household item that would make an easy replacement for a store-bought clamp?
REDZULU2003;358024 said:
Use shoe-lace tied in a loop or slip knot.

ooo never thought of that. hopefully i have an extra lace around here somewhere lol. don't really want to have to relace my shoes every other day :P
just wanted to say that i really liked the length workout. for the expressive stretches, since i don't have a [words=]PA[/words], i rolled up my boxers and put them under my balls and pulled against the direction i stretched my dick, and afterward i felt amazing. it felt like a new part of my dick was stretched. the only question i have is, am i supposed to stretch my balls too? because they don't go nearly as far as my dick does lol
REDZULU2003;358096 said:
Could you explain how you did that again

i just rolled my underwear up (you could use a sock or whatever) and looped it under my balls. then i used it to stretch the extra exposed penis the opposite way. sorry if this doesn't make sense but i'm pretty high right now, so my grammar skills aren't perfect lol
REDZULU can you please tell me what the exercise "behind the cheeks" looks like? i mean, how it's done, cuz DLD didn't explained in his video. Thanks
ferrisb;358173 said:
REDZULU can you please tell me what the exercise "behind the cheeks" looks like? i mean, how it's done, cuz DLD didn't explained in his video. Thanks

basically just grab your dick from behind you ass and stretch it backwards across your cheeks :P
I'm going to release a variation of the routines in this thread which are much shorter for those with not much time and as they are shorter, the intensity is alittle higher than normal.
REDZULU2003;342470 said:
Hello Wooden_Indian, good to hear from you. I would suggest do the length oneday than the next hit the girth and than the length, so something like this .....

Mon - Length
Tue - Girth
Wed - Length
Thu - Girth
Fri - REST
Sat - Length
Sun - Girth
Mon - Length
Tue - Girth
Wed - REST

So its 4 on 1 off and thats to equal the length and girth routines out, so they are done twice each in that four days or you could do .....

Monday = Length
Tuesday = REST
Wednesday = Girth
Thursday = REST
Friday = Length
Saturday = REST
Sunday = Girth

... the above has more rest days.

Make a routine thread in the progres section and keep us updated on how its going, I look forward to reading about yoru progress.

Can i also train Length & Girth on one day?

For example like this:

Mon - Length &Girth
Tue - Length &Girth
Wed - Length &Girth
Thu - Rest
Fri - Length &Girth
Sat - Length &Girth
Sun - Length &Girth
Mon - Rest

-> 4 Days On & 1 Day Off