The guy who gained the most and was on the stuff the longest used just the PGE-1 injections and gained 2 1/2". Laid off for a while then restarted with a mix of test(.5mg) and vasodialators with Potaba to gain another 1/2" in two more months. I just want to know how to get the Prostoglandin E-1 without having to get a prescription. Hey Doc I need PGE-1 injections to make my dick bigger. Any suggestions? How much does the PGE-1 cost?
A guy named Girthius was involved in this topic a few years ago. Wish we could get him to chime in. It's ashamed magnumforce left the forum. But this appears to be his exact protocol that he told us about before he left.
Vaseline_Knight said:
well i live in canada, i dont think you can order perscribtion medication with out a perscribtion. or can you?
No need for a script if you buy it in bulk powder from a research chem supply...
This method is surely another category of Penis Enlargement more side effects too (Priapism...). So wee should keep it slowly.....

Also not everyone may shoot themself a syringe in the Penis.

I think I gonna try for the first time the new formula Alprostadil cream
so i hold an constant Erektion for 1 hour and at once after it i pump vor 2 hours; if this works good without complications then maybee i set a run of 3 Months 3-4 days in a week.
chance said:
The guy who gained the most and was on the stuff the longest used just the PGE-1 injections and gained 2 1/2". Laid off for a while then restarted with a mix of test(.5mg) and vasodialators with Potaba to gain another 1/2" in two more months. I just want to know how to get the Prostoglandin E-1 without having to get a prescription. Hey Doc I need PGE-1 injections to make my dick bigger. Any suggestions? How much does the PGE-1 cost?

Phew, I just read all 25 pages of this thread

It appears there were no conclusive answers with the IGF, DHT, Cialis combo.

I wonder if magnumforce is the guy with the patent application.

What do you think of using Trimix and a Potentiator such as Potaba?
bluenun said:
...What do you think of using Trimix and a Potentiator such as Potaba?
That is basically the protocol used in the patent...

Trimix is a combination of 3 vasodilators (hence the name): PGE1, Papaverine, and Phentolamine.
Shadus said:
This method is surely another category of Penis Enlargement more side effects too (Priapism...). So wee should keep it slowly.....

Also not everyone may shoot themself a syringe in the Penis.
You don't really have to inject... the whole concept of the patent is to get and keep an erection for several hours irrelevent of how that is achieved. If one can achieve that with high doses of cialis/viagra then that's good enough.

I think I gonna try for the first time the new formula Alprostadil cream
so i hold an constant Erektion for 1 hour and at once after it i pump vor 2 hours; if this works good without complications then maybee i set a run of 3 Months 3-4 days in a week.
Sounds good but i don't think that pumping would be nearly as effective as clamping... JMO.
I just looked at the link more closely and it's only 99% pure. Would that even be safe for supplemental use? Maybe I should just spend a little extra on the actual Potaba.
spinner2 said:
I just looked at the link more closely and it's only 99% pure. Would that even be safe for supplemental use? Maybe I should just spend a little extra on the actual Potaba.
Let's put that in perspective... for every gram that you consume, you will be consuming 990mg of potaba and 10mg of impurities. Do you honestly believe that most of the supplements that you by off the shelf is better than 99% pure?? You could eat 100mg of dirt and it wouldn't do squat.
sikdogg said:
Let's put that in perspective... for every gram that you consume, you will be consuming 990mg of potaba and 10mg of impurities. Do you honestly believe that most of the supplements that you by off the shelf is better than 99% pure?? You could eat 100mg of dirt and it wouldn't do squat.
Over 3 months at four grams a day that's 4.8 grams of impurities. Eating 4.8 grams of potassium probably isn't safe. I emailed them to ask about potaba derivatives, as I couldn't find anything online. I sincerely doubt that impurities are a small deal considering how much extra is put into making Potaba chemically pure. I imagine all that extra cost is for good reason.

In the meantime I'm going to test out PABA. It has similar effects, although it's weaker. It's also about 8 times as cheap.
The thing that is most important here is that each person here completely download, print out and read the 20 page patent information very thoroughly.

What was originally posted out here over two years by the thread originator could be misleading compared to what was actually patented. What was patented was in fact far more simple and seemingly on the surface less dangerous than what the original "story line" was.

Many of the more exotic things were tried, but you really need to understand where this originated and what the base lines really are.

Remember the following:

This entire thread originated from a study done regarding phallic enlargement caused by "priapism" in patients with sicle cell anemia.

Those individuals did NOT I repeat did NOT have anything different about their testosterone levels. They were not taking IGF1-LR3. They were NOT
using supplemental testosterone or ANYTHING else that was at all ILLEGAL OR EXOITIC TO ENHANCE the size of their penises!

What was discovered that there was a second and different type of erection in this disease process. This condition formerly called a "priapism" (now badly in need of a new and separate identifying name) at a partial erection level over long term caused enlargement, and did so with no damage because at partial erection of about 60% one has enough blood flow to keep the tissues going just great.

The ONLY things I see as necessary are the vasodialators in a perfect balance maintaining the partial erection and a simple Rx substance called Potaba because it is the least dangerous, and based on it's action possibly the most effective. It breaks down tissue making it more pliable and is used in treatment of peyronies, scar tissue and several other dermatological disorders. It is also effective and has a proven track record at doing what it's manufacturer says it will.

The hormone stuff is as I see it not even necessary. That is a big smoke screen because all had results using totally different side elements. If any one of these elements in combination were the key, there would have been failures in their absence. Ten out of ten achieved gains guys!

If you read in detail there were so many variations in the ten patients in the study that the ONLY things that most of them had in common was the controlled erection.

More study is needed before anyone gives this the total green light.

Before trying this what we all need to do is figure out what it was that worked and eliminate everything else.

Some of the compounds used are "Class III" and even posession of these is a trip to jail. I have people checking right now for the compounds regarding their classifications.

Take this one slow and please, if you error, error on the side of good judgment and do not rush to any decisions or conclusions. This is not going to evaporate at all. The more we know the better off we all are!

Fuzzy Ken
In the meantime I'm going to test out PABA. It has similar effects, although it's weaker. It's also about 8 times as cheap.[/QUOTE]

You are right PABA is cheaper and easier to buy.
What is the difference in ingredients between Potaba and PABA?

In the patent application it talks of taking 3g of Potaba 4 x daily when used as a Potentiator.

For a vasodilator Trimix would be my choice over Cialis or Viagara although C and V are easy to get hold of whereas a Prescription is needed for Trimix.
sikdogg said:
Sounds good but i don't think that pumping would be nearly as effective as clamping... JMO.

Yes;but with clamping the blood flow is too much cut and in such a way you can't expand continuous for 2 hours;

I thought it also in such a way if the effect constant 1 hour erektion from the alprostadil leave then to pump with a condom with low pressure to let the blood flow alright and the tissue expand fàor the rest of the time maybee 2 hours......

The Trick is to find out the right dosis for a constant erektion of 1 hour max; so the risks are a good amount lower and then hold de expansion in other ways as aforementioned
Sounds good guys. I have been scheming about this same idea when I first saw the patent about a half year to a year ago. I believe you need something (Potaba, whatever..) to help you keep a good erection for a long time daily and over the months you should start seeing increased size.
Shadus said:
Yes;but with clamping the blood flow is too much cut and in such a way you can't expand continuous for 2 hours;

I thought it also in such a way if the effect constant 1 hour erektion from the alprostadil leave then to pump with a condom with low pressure to let the blood flow alright and the tissue expand fàor the rest of the time maybee 2 hours......

The Trick is to find out the right dosis for a constant erektion of 1 hour max; so the risks are a good amount lower and then hold de expansion in other ways as aforementioned
Yes clamping cuts the blood supply but the erection quality is ten times better than pumping can ever produce... Also, according to the patent document one does not need to maintain an erection at 100% for the whole 3-6 hour window. In fact doing so will just put you at risk of ischemic priapism. As long as you are able to maintain a 40-90% erection during that time, you're good to go. From what i've read, you are much better off by getting a good erection for periods of 20 minutes throughout the whole 3 hours than one continuous pump session. My experience with pumping taught me that the longer you pump (regardless of pressure) the more severe the bloat gets. 3 hours of continuous pumping even at 8 inhg will make you bloated for a good day or two.

From a scientific standpoint, most of the effects from pumping occurs at the outer skin (this is why you get bloat) and very little actual force is applied to the CC. The lower the vaccum you use, the more worthless the session becomes.
Shadus said:
Yes;but with clamping the blood flow is too much cut and in such a way you can't expand continuous for 2 hours;

I thought it also in such a way if the effect constant 1 hour erektion from the alprostadil leave then to pump with a condom with low pressure to let the blood flow alright and the tissue expand fàor the rest of the time maybee 2 hours......

The Trick is to find out the right dosis for a constant erektion of 1 hour max; so the risks are a good amount lower and then hold de expansion in other ways as aforementioned
Potaba is the potassium salt of PABA. It would be much better for any kind of Penis Enlargement, but unfortunately it's much more expensive and much more difficult to obtain. This summer I will try it out for one-two months, though, just to model its effects on NPenis Enlargement.
FuzzyKen said:
The thing that is most important here is that each person here completely download, print out and read the 20 page patent information very thoroughly.

What was originally posted out here over two years by the thread originator could be misleading compared to what was actually patented. What was patented was in fact far more simple and seemingly on the surface less dangerous than what the original "story line" was.

Many of the more exotic things were tried, but you really need to understand where this originated and what the base lines really are.

Remember the following:

This entire thread originated from a study done regarding phallic enlargement caused by "priapism" in patients with sicle cell anemia.

Those individuals did NOT I repeat did NOT have anything different about their testosterone levels. They were not taking IGF1-LR3. They were NOT
using supplemental testosterone or ANYTHING else that was at all ILLEGAL OR EXOITIC TO ENHANCE the size of their penises!
I agree...

What was discovered that there was a second and different type of erection in this disease process. This condition formerly called a "priapism" (now badly in need of a new and separate identifying name) at a partial erection level over long term caused enlargement, and did so with no damage because at partial erection of about 60% one has enough blood flow to keep the tissues going just great.
There is already a term for it... it is called Non-iscHydromaxic Priapism as oppsed to the more dangerous Ischemic Priapism.

The ONLY things I see as necessary are the vasodialators in a perfect balance maintaining the partial erection and a simple Rx substance called Potaba because it is the least dangerous, and based on it's action possibly the most effective. It breaks down tissue making it more pliable and is used in treatment of peyronies, scar tissue and several other dermatological disorders. It is also effective and has a proven track record at doing what it's manufacturer says it will.

The hormone stuff is as I see it not even necessary. That is a big smoke screen because all had results using totally different side elements. If any one of these elements in combination were the key, there would have been failures in their absence. Ten out of ten achieved gains guys!
Actually, even Potaba is non-essential... a continuous erection is the only real requirement. Potaba just allows to process to ocur at a faster rate...
sikdogg said:
Let's put that in perspective... for every gram that you consume, you will be consuming 990mg of potaba and 10mg of impurities. Do you honestly believe that most of the supplements that you by off the shelf is better than 99% pure?? You could eat 100mg of dirt and it wouldn't do squat.

Or you could eat 50 mg of cyanide and die within seconds.

I strongly disagree with your simplistic approach to dismissing the impurities. Those impurities can have an adverse effect on human biology, and since this is to be taken for a long while, those effects might take a toll on a person even if they're mild on a single dose basis.

I do want to get to the bottom of this, but I don't (yet) care about Penis Enlargement enough to become a martyr for it.

Imagine :

"VK was a good semaritan, an athlete, a kind person to those who knew him , and he died for a cause! He wanted a bigger pee pee. We shall miss him until we rejoice with him in the heavens where him and his anaconda dick will be punishing the sinners in hell."
Vaseline_Knight said:
Or you could eat 50 mg of cyanide and die within seconds.
Yes cyanides are very toxic but you consume some form of cyanide everyday without even knowing it... here's something i dug up from Wikipedia about cyanide.

Fruits that have a pit, such as cherries and apricots, often contain either cyanides or cyanogenic glycosides in the pit. Apple seeds do as well. Bitter almonds, from which almond oil and flavouring is made, also contain a cyanogenic glycoside, amygdalin.

Hydrogen cyanide is contained in vehicle exhaust and in tobacco smoke. Because the smoke of some burning plastics contains hydrogen cyanide, house fires often result in cyanide poisonings of the inhabitants. A deep blue pigment called Prussian blue, used in the making of blueprints, is iron (III) ferrocyanide (hence the name cyanide, from cyan, a shade of blue). It produces hydrogen cyanide when exposed to acids.

My point is this... even the most toxic of substances can be consumed at low doses with little or no effect on humans. The body is a very efficient machine.

I strongly disagree with your simplistic approach to dismissing the impurities. Those impurities can have an adverse effect on human biology, and since this is to be taken for a long while, those effects might take a toll on a person even if they're mild on a single dose basis...
Hey it's fine that you disagree... we all have our own comfort level in terms of the risks we're all willing to take. I personally think that several months of taking Aminobenzoate is relatively short... to put thinks into perspective, you've probably consumed enough cyanide from breating exhaust and cigarette smoke to kill you but because it was spread over your lifetime the effects were neglible. If you've ever consumed liquid viagra/cialis (which alot of people on this board has), you must know that you are consuming alot of chemicals that are equivilant to consuming anti-freeze. I can go on and on but my point is that in the grand scheme of things... the risk is negligible.
Dear Group,

First I want to thank Sik for his positive comments.

We have to keep this as simple as possible and eliminate each and every un-necessary risk.

I have already done some preliminary work and though it is expensive it would have the best chance of working very well. It is also mentioned in passing in the patent information. The drug pump is the WOW solution.

I have had some experience via a couple of friends with drug pumps and the implantation of drug catheters. One a diabetic the other on extreme pain medication because of advanced Lyme disease. These little mechanical computer controlled marvels would be the answer to our dreams because they could eliminate the worst parts while maximizing the best ones.

Using a drug pump we could maintain the required "non ischemic erection" (again thanks Sik for that one) virtually indefinitely. If the pump is calibrated a bit on the lite side there are two buttons which can be calibrated to dispense extra drug in variable quantities. These pumps are worn during sleep and 24 hours a day 7 days per week. All you would have to do is to change the "trimix" as you need a refill.

I approached an MD I know with the concept and he said that a good implantation that would do this was certainly possible and that there is a second alternate location where the trimix could be delivered at the base of the penis which would NOT require using anything IC.

I have a another friend trying to do some sourcing for me to see what can be done on everything needed and at the best price.

What my impression is right now is that we would have:

Intall catheter line to appropriate location, attach pump and trimix, throw in some potaba and we have instant "puberty phase II".

What are your feelings?

Fuzzy Ken
damn this is interesting. so a year on this stuff would give you a couple of inches :O. and its basically a mix of vasodilators and potaba? do you think they HAVE to be injected?
so do you guys think that by taking potaba it will break down the tunica and/or ligs to the extent that newbie gains can be achieved whilst doing npe?
FuzzyKen said:
Dear Group,

First I want to thank Sik for his positive comments.

We have to keep this as simple as possible and eliminate each and every un-necessary risk.

I have already done some preliminary work and though it is expensive it would have the best chance of working very well. It is also mentioned in passing in the patent information. The drug pump is the WOW solution.

I have had some experience via a couple of friends with drug pumps and the implantation of drug catheters. One a diabetic the other on extreme pain medication because of advanced Lyme disease. These little mechanical computer controlled marvels would be the answer to our dreams because they could eliminate the worst parts while maximizing the best ones.

Using a drug pump we could maintain the required "non ischemic erection" (again thanks Sik for that one) virtually indefinitely. If the pump is calibrated a bit on the lite side there are two buttons which can be calibrated to dispense extra drug in variable quantities. These pumps are worn during sleep and 24 hours a day 7 days per week. All you would have to do is to change the "trimix" as you need a refill.

I approached an MD I know with the concept and he said that a good implantation that would do this was certainly possible and that there is a second alternate location where the trimix could be delivered at the base of the penis which would NOT require using anything IC.

I have a another friend trying to do some sourcing for me to see what can be done on everything needed and at the best price.

What my impression is right now is that we would have:

Intall catheter line to appropriate location, attach pump and trimix, throw in some potaba and we have instant "puberty phase II".

What are your feelings?

Fuzzy Ken

That sounds perfect but I expect that requires setting up and monitoring by a medical professional.

For guys with no medical need and with average or above average penis' looking to enlarge them I don't see them getting help.

I do like the plan though.

Alternatively for those who can't get the help maybe,

For those taking Finasteride and saw palmetto, stop.

Take accurate flaccid and erect measurements.

2 weeks on Potaba (before starting vasodilator), 1g 4 times a day with food.

Then start IC injections with Trimix, Mon, Wed, Fri, for 8 weeks.
Aiming for 3-6 hours of between 45-90% erection.

Finish Potaba and Trimix at the same time.

Take accurate flaccid and erect measurements.

Repeat or tweak routine according to results.

As mentioned before taking Potaba might present other problems if weight training.
Yes, I think that medical supervision is going to be the best way and definitely the safest way.

Once it takes hold I do not think that finding an MD who will give you what you want will be all that difficult.

You're forgetting something. This immediately puts all the penis enlargement surgeons out of business. How are they going to pay the payments on those Bimmers and Benz's. They either join or they STARVE!

Also remember that advertising sells. The MD that makes a "4-incher" into a "six-incher" may get some business. The MD who makes a "4-incher" into a "one-footer" is going to get ALL the business and THEY know it. THE SIZE WILL BE the competition between the medical practices! As long as they are not held responsible for the "pants python" I don't see much of a problem.

I think that the biggest hurt and problem is that there are going to be individuals who will not be able to have this at all. Those who have had silicone injected and those who have had any kind of implantation in relation to enlargement surgery would not be good candidates because their own tissue would grow and the implanted substances would not. If the only surgical procedure done was a "ligament chop" then they would be OK.

Sincerest Best,
Fuzzy Ken
FuzzyKen said:
Yes, I think that medical supervision is going to be the best way and definitely the safest way.

Once it takes hold I do not think that finding an MD who will give you what you want will be all that difficult.

You're forgetting something. This immediately puts all the penis enlargement surgeons out of business. How are they going to pay the payments on those Bimmers and Benz's. They either join or they STARVE!

Also remember that advertising sells. The MD that makes a "4-incher" into a "six-incher" may get some business. The MD who makes a "4-incher" into a "one-footer" is going to get ALL the business and THEY know it. THE SIZE WILL BE the competition between the medical practices! As long as they are not held responsible for the "pants python" I don't see much of a problem.

I think that the biggest hurt and problem is that there are going to be individuals who will not be able to have this at all. Those who have had silicone injected and those who have had any kind of implantation in relation to enlargement surgery would not be good candidates because their own tissue would grow and the implanted substances would not. If the only surgical procedure done was a "ligament chop" then they would be OK.

Sincerest Best,
Fuzzy Ken

I agree with you that medical supervision would be the best and safest way.
However here in the UK we are usually at least 10 years behind you guys and my Dr had not even heard of Propecia being used for MPB :) so I wont hold my breath.

As far as putting the Surgeons out of business I am not sure, some want instant results with the use of Alloderm rather than many months of inducing Non-iscHydromaxic Priapism (new buzz words ;) )
A lot of the surgeons exaggerated the gains that could be made from surgery and I am sure the same will happen here too.

Competition is a good thing though.
bluenun said:
I agree with you that medical supervision would be the best and safest way.
However here in the UK we are usually at least 10 years behind you guys and my Dr had not even heard of Propecia being used for MPB :) so I wont hold my breath.

As far as putting the Surgeons out of business I am not sure, some want instant results with the use of Alloderm rather than many months of inducing Non-iscHydromaxic Priapism (new buzz words ;) )
A lot of the surgeons exaggerated the gains that could be made from surgery and I am sure the same will happen here too.

Competition is a good thing though.

well the only instant gain you get from surgery is a '3/8th of an inch boost'. the rest of the gains are made from hanging weights and wearing [words=]ADS[/words]'s for at least 8 hours a day.
In hopes of making the discussion of the Patent Protocol better I took the time and quickly founded a Yahoo group which will be dedicated to this subject alone.

I would also like to ask Sikdogg if he would like to join me in that group as a second moderator.

I know it is a pain in the rear but in the interest of removing those who are interested but are unmotivated to actually do their homework the membership is by "Approval". The approval is really simple. You have and print out the patent report AND in the request to join area you place the "U.S. Current Class:" number which is on the right hand side of the cover sheet opposite that line. If we find some idiot cheating we simply make it harder. This tells the moderators that you have the report and are at least trying to read it.

Doing this separate group also separates the current patent discussions from the discussion which has taken place on threads over several years and can be confusing. The patent report as a whole is well written and is relatively clear in most areas.

I /We welcome you to the group and just remember to give us a wee bit of lag time in getting the memberships approved. One other minor thing, because we are discussing male genitalia I had to do this stupid thing as an "Adult Group". Please make certain that your age appears in your Yahoo profile or membership infomation.

One other thing that I like about using Yahoo for this one is that we can use photo files if anyone actually has success and we can begin to document photographically as progression takes place. This is the ONLY way to really begin to document things. If this works we can quickly begin to produce the evidence to that fact!

Look forward to seeing you there!

Fuzzy Ken
In hopes of making the discussion of the Patent Protocol better I took the time and quickly founded a Yahoo group which will be dedicated to this subject alone.

The name of the Yahoo group is "patent5159" which are the last four digits in the patent number.

I would also like to ask Sikdogg if he would like to join me in that group as a second moderator. Sik, I like your thinking and would like to work with you on this subject.

I know it is a pain in the rear but in the interest of removing those who are interested but are unmotivated to actually do their homework the membership is by "Approval". The approval is really simple. You have and print out the patent report AND in the request to join area you place the "U.S. Current Class:" number which is on the right hand side of the cover sheet opposite that line. If we find some idiot cheating we simply make it harder. This tells the moderators that you have the report and are at least trying to read it.

Doing this separate group also separates the current patent discussions from the discussion which has taken place on threads over several years and can be confusing. The patent report as a whole is well written and is relatively clear in most areas.

I /We welcome you to the group and just remember to give us a wee bit of lag time in getting the memberships approved. One other minor thing, because we are discussing male genitalia I had to do this stupid thing as an "Adult Group". Please make certain that your age appears in your Yahoo profile or membership infomation.

One other thing that I like about using Yahoo for this one is that we can use photo files if anyone actually has success and we can begin to document photographically as progression takes place. This is the ONLY way to really begin to document things. If this works we can quickly begin to produce the evidence to that fact!

Look forward to seeing you there!

Fuzzy Ken
anyone know the difference between 4-Aminobenzoic Acid and p-Aminobenzoic Acid Potassium Salt? cos 4-Aminobenzoic Acid is half the price...
EVO said:
anyone know the difference between 4-Aminobenzoic Acid and p-Aminobenzoic Acid Potassium Salt? cos 4-Aminobenzoic Acid is half the price...
What you want is the latter... Aminobenzoate is used in many different applications. For example, glyceryl p-aminobenzoate is used as a pesticide. Stick to potassium p-aminobenzoate...
Vaseline_Knight said:
well the only instant gain you get from surgery is a '3/8th of an inch boost'. the rest of the gains are made from hanging weights and wearing [words=]ADS[/words]'s for at least 8 hours a day.
That's probably true for length but an inch of girth can be had almost instantly with surgury. You can also get a second girth augmentation six months after so you can realistically gain 2" of girth in a 6-7 month window from surgury.
some doctors are using new techniques now where instead of injecting fat, they cut it to size and wrap it around the penis (this reduces absorbtion by the body)
EVO said:
some doctors are using new techniques now where instead of injecting fat, they cut it to size and wrap it around the penis (this reduces absorbtion by the body)

I am not sure if you are talking about Dermal grafts or not. If so there are a few horror stories on the yahoo surgical site and on Thunders regarding bad scarring from the donor site and re-absorption issues.
sikdogg said:
That's probably true for length but an inch of girth can be had almost instantly with surgury. You can also get a second girth augmentation six months after so you can realistically gain 2" of girth in a 6-7 month window from surgury.

yes this is true;
The others beat me to it about horror stories and side effects of girth augmentation surgery.
My concern about the potaba is what other tissues is it going to weaken in the body besides the tunica an ligs? I don't think I would take it long term.
Using Potaba in combination with Hanging to weaken the ligs and an [words=]ads[/words] after will work a little better..... maybee

Anybody with Peyronie’s disease using potaba and hanging too here ?:(
chance said:
My concern about the potaba is what other tissues is it going to weaken in the body besides the tunica an ligs? I don't think I would take it long term.

This is my concern also. I wonder if 8 weeks on 4 g a day would be ok.
Not sure of a way round this problem.
bluenun said:
I am not sure if you are talking about Dermal grafts or not. If so there are a few horror stories on the yahoo surgical site and on Thunders regarding bad scarring from the donor site and re-absorption issues.
If i did go the surgury route... i would opt for alloderm to eliminate the scarring issue. From what i've read, alloderm doesn't get re-absorbed.
bluenun said:
This is my concern also. I wonder if 8 weeks on 4 g a day would be ok.
Not sure of a way round this problem.

I am also interested to know what p-Aminobenzoic Acid Potassium Salt is sold and used for besides chemical Penis Enlargement :)
chance said:
My concern about the potaba is what other tissues is it going to weaken in the body besides the tunica an ligs? I don't think I would take it long term.
If that's a concern for you maybe you can cycle it 4 weeks on and 4 weeks off. Since it's not a requirement, you can still make gains without it. According to the patent, other potentiators can be used such as DHT. Patients 5, 6 8, and 10 used androgens in lieu of Potaba as a potentiator with good results.