Another reason I want to do a mini meato
Edit - needles arrived today so will have a little trial

I actually thought I was just a weirdo who would never learn how to piss property. PROUD!! ?

Super excited for you. Post photos!! Hope it goes well. Keep it clean/disinfected etc and you’ll be good.
Hi everyone! Decided to tie the damn frenulum today (and done it) but here's the question: how tight should the knot really be? The reason I'm asking is that when I was doing the knot it was noticeably painful if I tried to make it any tighter. However, it's been several hours and I don't feel any discomfort whatsoever. I don't feel anything at all actually, so maybe the knot's too loose? Shouldn't you feel at least a little bit of pain as it cuts through down there? I didn't even use any anaesthetic, just some antiseptic ointment. The weapon of choice was a .12mm fishing line.
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Hi everyone! Decided to tie the damn frenulum today (and done it) but here's the question: how tight should the knot really be? The reason I'm asking is that when I was doing the knot it was noticeably painful if I tried to make it any tighter. However, it's been several hours and I don't feel any discomfort whatsoever. I don't feel anything at all actually, so maybe the knot's too loose? Shouldn't you feel at least a little bit of pain as it cuts through down there? I didn't even use any anaesthetic, just some antiseptic ointment. The weapon of choice was a .12mm fishing line.

Hi :) , when I did mine originally it was like as you descirbed - no real pain or discomfort and it's easy to forget you've done it because there's no real feeling and you're wondering if anything is happening. Know that the whole time the knot is tied that it IS cutting through, especially if elasticated thread is used. Part of what causes the separation and aids the cutting process is the somewhat lack of blood flow caused by the knot constricting the tiny area, making the points closest to the knot weaker. I guess also that because a minute amount of blood is no longer entering the knotted site due to its constricting nature, cell death is occurring. But that sounds scarier than it is. On such a small scale nothing bad could really happen in my experience. Eventually the constricted band of skin will fall away from the knot and the tiny amount of blood flow that was once hindered will now return to begin the healing process.

In terms of tightness with the knot, I just tied as tight as I could. Any tighter might have snapped the elasticated thread. Visually though, it was tight enough so that the immediate area on the frenulum was white, so I'd aim for that :)

If it helps to know, I had several wanks whilst my knot was still in LOL and I didn't experience any major discomfort ...if anything I think it might have hastened the process slightly through the internal expansion of the erection creating a stretched surface area beneath the knotted band. So, I'd say don't be afraid to prod, squeeze or gently massage the knot directly, so long as you're hygienic! :)
Okay, so I've been reading this thread for a while now and finally did my first tie a while back. Took about nine days before it finally came apart, and has been almost a week of recovery time. I still need to do one or two more ties, but there's a rather large vein right where I wanted to tie next. Should I avoid the vein and tie around it? do the tie vein and all and hope for the best?
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Okay, so I've been reading this thread for a while now and finally did my first tie a while back. Took about nine days before it finally came apart, and has been almost a week of recovery time. I still need to do one or two more ties, but there's a rather large vein right where I wanted to tie next. Should I avoid the vein and tie around it? do the tie vein and all and hope for the best?
Don't tie the vein!! Some small capillaries is nothing major but a vein is a serious thing. Don't tie it. Be especially careful about how you are going to do it.
Whatever you do, don't tie the vein. You can have serious issues later if you do.
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Hi all - I made my first fren tie tonight.

I followed the general advice of this thread, and a few other sites to follow good fren tying practice:
  • sterile environment
  • 3-0 nylon microfilament sutures with attached curved needle
  • surgeon's knot
  • piercing close to the shaft/head, tying close to the meatus (see annotated image attached, for technique)
I didn't use any topical anaesthetic - my pain tolerance is usually ok, and I thought I would be fine. It just stung a bit when piercing, when tying the knot, and then a dull pinch ongoing.

The annotated picture is not of me; it's one I found (probably in this thread) which is the best demonstration of the technique I used.

Looking forward to the thread loosening or dropping off in the next few days!
Hi all - I made my first fren tie tonight.

I followed the general advice of this thread, and a few other sites to follow good fren tying practice:
  • sterile environment
  • 3-0 nylon microfilament sutures with attached curved needle
  • surgeon's knot
  • piercing close to the shaft/head, tying close to the meatus (see annotated image attached, for technique)
I didn't use any topical anaesthetic - my pain tolerance is usually ok, and I thought I would be fine. It just stung a bit when piercing, when tying the knot, and then a dull pinch ongoing.

The annotated picture is not of me; it's one I found (probably in this thread) which is the best demonstration of the technique I used.

Looking forward to the thread loosening or dropping off in the next few days!

That last pic is me! I had to delay doing my tie due to stuff going on but will likely go ahead this week. I will post pics of how I get on.
That last pic is me! I had to delay doing my tie due to stuff going on but will likely go ahead this week. I will post pics of how I get on.

Haha cool! That pic is a great tool.

One day in, and it's honestly not that big of a deal - I used the urinal, no problem. Basically didn't notice it at all today. I hope I have tied it tightly enough!

Post back here when you've done your tie, looking forward to updates.
Hi all - I made my first fren tie tonight.

I followed the general advice of this thread, and a few other sites to follow good fren tying practice:
  • sterile environment
  • 3-0 nylon microfilament sutures with attached curved needle
  • surgeon's knot
  • piercing close to the shaft/head, tying close to the meatus (see annotated image attached, for technique)
I didn't use any topical anaesthetic - my pain tolerance is usually ok, and I thought I would be fine. It just stung a bit when piercing, when tying the knot, and then a dull pinch ongoing.

The annotated picture is not of me; it's one I found (probably in this thread) which is the best demonstration of the technique I used.

Looking forward to the thread loosening or dropping off in the next few days!

Looking good so far my brother! You may need to do a couple more ties with so far so good.
Looking good so far my brother! You may need to do a couple more ties with so far so good.

Thanks man - yeah I'm expecting to do a few, maybe 3 or 4 in total.

It doesn't hurt at all. From reading the other posts, it seems to take between 5 to 10 days to cut through and fall out, so I'm going to keep an eye on it each day - hopefully I get some good progress towards the end of the week.
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Hey guys, finally got my tie in. Let me know what you think.

I used stretch magic and tied as tight as possible so I guess it's just time to wait now!

You can see where the hole is in the last pic and I'm pulling away from the shaft so when it finally goes it should be nice and close.

After some thinking I've decided I'm going ahead with a meato once the all ties are done and the frenulum is out the way, I'd like to open it up to the top of where the frenulum is now, maybe 8mm away! Would anyone be interested in following this?

Looking forward to my new dick :)
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Hey guys, finally got my tie in. Let me know what you think.

I used stretch magic and tied as tight as possible so I guess it's just time to wait now!

You can see where the hole is in the last pic and I'm pulling away from the shaft so when it finally goes it should be nice and close.

After some thinking I've decided I'm going ahead with a meato once the all ties are done and the frenulum is out the way, I'd like to open it up to the top of where the frenulum is now, maybe 8mm away! Would anyone be interested in following this?

Looking forward to my new dick :)

Wow it made a hole already! Quick progress. Nice one man.

What exactly is stretch magic? What kind of needle did you use?

Can't wait to follow your updates! I feel like we're racing to have our frens detached haha.
Thanks, Hope it does go quickly! Stretch magic is like a plastic elasticated string. Was difficult to get tight but it shrinks back so it should do the job.

Yours is looking good too!
Thanks for the info. Do you think you tied it tightly enough? (Do you think it might have gone faster if you tied it tighter?)
I tied it pretty tight, the problem was that I didn't use stretch magic string to tie it. I used some string that was clear, strong, but not elastic. So when it cut through, it wasn't all the way, so I had to string a second line through to finish it.
Hey guys, 24hr update, I wasn't convinced the first tie was tight enough, so I doubled up on the string and tied through the same hole, all pulled as tight as possible. Feels a bit better now as it's actually pinching down.
4 day update.

It's stinging a bit from time to time during the day. The colour has changed, it's looking a bit red. It's either cutting through, getting infected, or both!

I've been applying savlon antiseptic once a day to help prevent any infection.

I haven't been soaking it like some posts recommend.
Well I finally have a modded dick...

I was right about the tie, it wasn't tight enough at all, I think stretch magic is no good for this as it worked loose - however what it did do is wear down the skin on the frenulum and completely expose the internal 'cord' (pics below).

Basically the tie was no longer doing anything and was slipping loosely on the internal cord (can be seen in pic below), so I took action.

I grabbed my nail cutters and cut the internal frenulum cord, this opened up the gap nicely with both ends retracting away. I didn't feel anything at all however after the cut I could see a smaller thinner cord which was also exposed, so I cut this as well, and down to the bottom of thr hole the stretch magic made. I think I cut the one that runs the ring foreskin as it's nice and supple now, also my skin is no longer trying to roll back!

Now the frenulum is opened up I can see where further ties are needed and I can access easier, time to heal for now though.

You can see where the 2 points have split a considerable distance.
Well I finally have a modded dick...

I was right about the tie, it wasn't tight enough at all, I think stretch magic is no good for this as it worked loose - however what it did do is wear down the skin on the frenulum and completely expose the internal 'cord' (pics below).

Basically the tie was no longer doing anything and was slipping loosely on the internal cord (can be seen in pic below), so I took action.

I grabbed my nail cutters and cut the internal frenulum cord, this opened up the gap nicely with both ends retracting away. I didn't feel anything at all however after the cut I could see a smaller thinner cord which was also exposed, so I cut this as well, and down to the bottom of thr hole the stretch magic made. I think I cut the one that runs the ring foreskin as it's nice and supple now, also my skin is no longer trying to roll back!

Now the frenulum is opened up I can see where further ties are needed and I can access easier, time to heal for now though.

You can see where the 2 points have split a considerable distance.
Oh wow - perhaps not what you were expecting, but it looks like a good outcome!

Healing should only take about a week?

You can see the massive difference it's already made! Nice one!
Thanks, wasn't what I expected but really happy with it.

Whatever I snipped definitely stopped my skin pulling back up by itself as it's stayed back since, I feel like I'm circumcised now! Will post more once its healed.
Day 5.5 update.

It's definitely cutting through. It's stinging a bit now.

I had a spontaneous erection in the shower last night and had a quick wank. It hurt when the fren was pulling, but it was only for a short while until I came.

The stitch seems still quite firmly set in the skin; pulling on it doesn't move it at all.

Probably in another few days it will be starting to work its way loose...

Will update again soon.
Day 5.5 update.

It's definitely cutting through. It's stinging a bit now.

I had a spontaneous erection in the shower last night and had a quick wank. It hurt when the fren was pulling, but it was only for a short while until I came.

The stitch seems still quite firmly set in the skin; pulling on it doesn't move it at all.

Probably in another few days it will be starting to work its way loose...

Will update again soon.

Very clean! Keep taking your time and making this perfect.
Day 7.5 update.

Last night, I noticed that the tie was loose. I was easily able to insert another suture (without using the needle) through where the tie passed through the skin. I then cut the existing tie with surgical scissors and tied a new tie in its place.

The new tie I tied as tight as I possibly could. It didn't cause any pain, I couldn't even feel it. I wonder if the last remaining part of the fren, the central core, doesn't actually have any nerve endings in it.

I'm hoping it will cut through fully soon, I think it needs to heal soon. I'm going to watch it carefully over the next two days, and if it's not making progress I am tempted to cut the final part with the surgical scissors.
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Day 10.

The tie wasn't making much progress anymore, so I carefully cut it out using surgical scissors. It's instantly looking so much better!

Still has to heal, before I can consider a second tie. The swelling in the remaining fren should go down over the next few days.

I'll update again once it's healed. So far, pretty happy with the process and the result.

Keeping my penis up / to the side (to keep it dry, so it's not touching my scrotum during the day) seems to help it progress better (healthier, less moist). So any further ties I will definitely keep the tie away from other skin.
Day 10.

The tie wasn't making much progress anymore, so I carefully cut it out using surgical scissors. It's instantly looking so much better!

Still has to heal, before I can consider a second tie. The swelling in the remaining fren should go down over the next few days.

I'll update again once it's healed. So far, pretty happy with the process and the result.

Keeping my penis up / to the side (to keep it dry, so it's not touching my scrotum during the day) seems to help it progress better (healthier, less moist). So any further ties I will definitely keep the tie away from other skin.

Hi there ? do you reckon you could have pierced closer/deeper to the shaft? In order to have a more pronounced separation of the frenulum?
What do you think will happen with the rest of the frenulum? I mean the skin will still form a kind of bulge?

Don't misunderstand, i'm not trying to teach you something or whatever, just trying to understand the process better for my own experience.
Hi there ? do you reckon you could have pierced closer/deeper to the shaft? In order to have a more pronounced separation of the frenulum?
What do you think will happen with the rest of the frenulum? I mean the skin will still form a kind of bulge?

Don't misunderstand, i'm not trying to teach you something or whatever, just trying to understand the process better for my own experience.

Good questions!

I could have gone deeper, but the tie I made was about 5mm or so, which seems to be the best amount of skin to tie in one go (per previous posts here, other research online, etc). I expect to make at least one (possibly two) additional ties to release it fully. I'm looking for the pronounced separation you mentioned.

I'm not sure exactly what will happen with the rest of the fren - at the moment the "bulge" is principally due to swelling during the healing process, but some may persist after a second tying, and after it's fully healed. If that's the case, I might consider what I've seen others do, which is to use sterilised nail clippers to just "snip" off the bulge and flatten it out.

Have you got some pics of your fren you can share?
Two weeks and two days after the first tie. I’m very happy with how it’s turned out. In hindsight I would have done a smaller tie to help prevent the bump that has formed - although it may still be swollen and further reduce in time.

After another week or two I will do another tie, to further release the fren.

The pic with the thread is on day 1, for comparison.
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Two weeks and two days after the first tie. I’m very happy with how it’s turned out. In hindsight I would have done a smaller tie to help prevent the bump that has formed - although it may still be swollen and further reduce in time.

After another week or two I will do another tie, to further release the fren.

The pic with the thread is on day 1, for comparison.

looks very clean! Excellent work
Good questions!

I could have gone deeper, but the tie I made was about 5mm or so, which seems to be the best amount of skin to tie in one go (per previous posts here, other research online, etc). I expect to make at least one (possibly two) additional ties to release it fully. I'm looking for the pronounced separation you mentioned.

I'm not sure exactly what will happen with the rest of the fren - at the moment the "bulge" is principally due to swelling during the healing process, but some may persist after a second tying, and after it's fully healed. If that's the case, I might consider what I've seen others do, which is to use sterilised nail clippers to just "snip" off the bulge and flatten it out.

Have you got some pics of your fren you can share?

I there again!

I've taken a few pics of my fren, hope they are good enough.
As you can see, i don't really need to reduce my fren, i just want to tie it because it looks much better without it, more clean, more appealing, imo. It's never been unconfortable during sex, i can open it and pull it completely without any problem.
And i don't want to get circumcised either, so a tie is the better option for me, i guess.

Although i also consider just cutting it clean, a small cutt of 0.5cm would probably do the trick.
But i'm afraid of how long the healing process would take.

Did you manage to wank while you had the tie? Did you try to have sex since the tie is done?

I have many more questions, i will ask later ^^

Anyway, your tie seems to be very successful and clean! Good job ?
I there again!

I've taken a few pics of my fren, hope they are good enough.
As you can see, i don't really need to reduce my fren, i just want to tie it because it looks much better without it, more clean, more appealing, imo. It's never been unconfortable during sex, i can open it and pull it completely without any problem.
And i don't want to get circumcised either, so a tie is the better option for me, i guess.

Although i also consider just cutting it clean, a small cutt of 0.5cm would probably do the trick.
But i'm afraid of how long the healing process would take.

Did you manage to wank while you had the tie? Did you try to have sex since the tie is done?

I have many more questions, i will ask later ^^

Anyway, your tie seems to be very successful and clean! Good job ?

Hey mate - thanks! Yeah it's really worthwhile releasing the fren.

It's hard to take pics of your fren (I know!) but those pics make your situation nice and clear. My fren removal was mostly for aesthetics too, so I understand.

Yes I did wank a few times with the tie, maybe two or three times, but it was more of a "release" than a proper wank.

I haven't had sex since the tie, but if I was in a relationship would I have sex with my partner (with a condom) now? Yes. But I'm not going to have sex until the scab has fully healed and the skin is completely sealed.

I recommend you tie your fren (or cut it, if you prefer), it will definitely improve the look. I'm not sure why you're not leaning towards a circumcision too, but to let you know that I got cut 4 years ago and it is so much better in every way - cleaner, looks better, better feel during sex and masturbation. I didn't have any problems with my foreskin (it wasn't tight, or infected, etc - definitely a bit ugly looking! haha) but being cut is so good I really wish I got cut earlier. I can't recommend it enough, it's really much better.
This whole thread has made me freak out! Awesome info but too much for me-???

They have gotten it to the point where it’s clean and surgical, You just have to take your time and follow the directions and you too can be successful at tying the frenulum.
Tbh it's quite straightforward; if it's something you're interested in then the resources in this thread are what you need to make it happen. If it's not for you, fair enough :)

Scary at first but once they understand it’s a blessing
Hey guys , Ive been keeping an eye on this forum for a while and i think its great what you guys are doing :)
Recently went to a urologist that said i have a frenulum breve and instead if of going through with it id like to do the tying mainly because it would hurt less using my emla cream that i have and also make it look how i please whilst saving $1500 dollars.
i have photos here and id just like anyone here to let me know where i should tie because i can retract my foreskin flaccid but when im erect it will retract three quarters and even all the way to the point of seeing the glans but just cant force it down anymore then that when erect for the gliding action youd need during sex.
also got this vein on the side of my penis where my foreskin is that mainly shows more and bulges abit when flaccid if anyone can give an input on it :) Going into detail for me would be much appreciated and using my pictures to show me where ties should go and such would be very helpful and give you all my full permission <3 Thanks guys & hope your all doing well.

View attachment 1826414View attachment 1826415View attachment 1826416View attachment 1826413View attachment 1826413
Look at that the brotherhood just saved you $1500! ?
yeah for sure but i havnt saved it yet because im not that sure were to put the thin needle and once you put it in do you feed it out the other side and just tie it over the whole frenulumn im just super confused and cautious because its my penis and i dont just want to do anything wrong , Thanks
Hey guys , Ive been keeping an eye on this forum for a while and i think its great what you guys are doing :)
Recently went to a urologist that said i have a frenulum breve and instead if of going through with it id like to do the tying mainly because it would hurt less using my emla cream that i have and also make it look how i please whilst saving $1500 dollars.
i have photos here and id just like anyone here to let me know where i should tie because i can retract my foreskin flaccid but when im erect it will retract three quarters and even all the way to the point of seeing the glans but just cant force it down anymore then that when erect for the gliding action youd need during sex.
also got this vein on the side of my penis where my foreskin is that mainly shows more and bulges abit when flaccid if anyone can give an input on it :) Going into detail for me would be much appreciated and using my pictures to show me where ties should go and such would be very helpful and give you all my full permission <3 Thanks guys & hope your all doing well.

View attachment 1826414View attachment 1826415View attachment 1826416View attachment 1826413View attachment 1826413

Hey man - you've come to the right place. The best guide is this pic attached. I recommend the length of the gap between the two black dots should be about 2-4mm, no more.

The vein you have circled in red is very far from where you will be tying, and will not affect the tie at all.

What questions do you have? I think you have most of the information to do your first tie - and save all that money!
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Hey man - you've come to the right place. The best guide is this pic attached. I recommend the length of the gap between the two black dots should be about 2-4mm, no more.

The vein you have circled in red is very far from where you will be tying, and will not affect the tie at all.

What questions do you have? I think you have most of the information to do your first tie - and save all that money!

Thankyou man and yeah i just wasnt that sure and didnt want to risk something when it comes to my penis but its great because i did my needle around where you marked so i should be good and just want to let you know if this looks good to you guys & also i done a normal knot but twice so hopefully it can stay in place <3 Thanks yall
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