Have u tried it while having sex tho or jus while masturbating? If u have tried during sex...how exactly do u execute it? Also I guess it's best to empty your bowels tho huh lol

REDZULU2003;470985 said:
Must be the same area of muscles when you shit when a reverse kegel is done. All I know is it works wonders at holding off ejaculation but dont know how it seems to work.
Hi Guys
I think we all can do the normal kegel,but the reverse....well it has been discribed as doing the opposite to the kegel in that when urinating,instead of stopping the flow,you actually force it out.Now if i attempt that it feels to work on the pelvic muscles above the penis,which to my mind is not the pc muscle...any views?
REDZULU2003;421119 said:
Benefits of Exercising your penis muscles

I have been performing exercises known as "kegels" since 2001, and personally, as far as my own body is concerned, I have mastered kegels. There is no new area of erection firmness or control that anything I can read or hear can take me to.

I don't know, or care, what other people are saying about these kegels or the muscles they affect these days, because I am pretty sure that I have gone as far as a person would want to go in terms of erection strength, shooting velocity and erection staying power, unless they wish to harm their body.

Benefits and Limits

I have had erections that are so engorged that it is scary - you know you can engorge the penis as much as you want but there is a point at which it seems that it will burst or cause some major injury.

I have had erections that stayed as long as I wanted regardless of how many times I came (not ejaculated, but came - the two aren't dependent on each other), but you reach a point where it becomes boring. And no chick that I have ever been with wants to have sex non stop all night. You reach a point where they become numb and dry from all the thrusting and it takes away from all the fun you have had and becomes an exercise in endurance instead of a passionate encounter.

And I have had erections that feel like a steel pipe right after ejaculating as if I didn't ejactulate at all - ie you ejaculate and the dick is in a state that it can just keep fucking/wanking - but immediately after you ejaculate, psychologically you normally don't feel like more sex, even if your dick is up for it. The trick is to simply not ejaculate so you can still feel the lust.

And finally regarding ejaculation velocity and strength, I have reached a stage where ejaculation really feels like you are hurting yourself. ie you ejaculate so hard that your abdomen "pops" like a double joint, and the tendons one the side of the dick feel like they have ripped - and it is fucking painful.

Obviously (I hope) you would not want to reach these stages. The reason I have said the things I said above is to support my statement - as far as my body is concerned, I have reached the limits of what kegelling can offer, and since our bodies are mostly similar, I believe that this should be your one stop shop for learning how to get the most out of kegels, so read on:

Part 1

About Kegels

To put it concisely, a kegel works two main muscles in your penis and pelvis, depending on the type of kegel you do: the PC and the BC muscles.

The PC muscle directly affects erection strength - an erection occurs by a two stage process:

a. blood is pumped into the penis from your pelvis
b. blood is restricted (not prevented) from exiting from the penis to the pelvis

The PC muscle is the primary controller of these two stages. It is worked directly by utilizing regular as well as reverse kegels.

The BC muscle is assumed to be responsible for ejaculation. That spasm you feel when ejaculating is the BC muscle. Ideally a stronger BC muscle creates stronger spams which results in a stronger "spurt" of semen when you ejaculate. A well defined BC muscle allows you to control how hard you cum.
I believe that the BC is worked indirectly by utilizing regular as well as reverse kegels, but MAINLY THROUGH REVERSE KEGELS.

Part 2

Types of Kegels

There are two types of Kegels: Regular and Reverse

As I mentioned above: an erection occurs by a two stage process:

a. blood is pumped into the penis from your pelvis
b. blood is restricted (not prevented) from exiting to penis to the pelvis

Regular kegels increase your power to increase point b above. This results in a rock hard erection, and when I say rock hard, I don't mean an engorged penis that feels like it's going to explode, I mean, literally a penis that doesn't feel like a penis, but more like a piece of wood or steel. This is a great feeling to have when you have an erection, but if you had the ability to engorge the penis you enter a new realm.

For most people who are new to kegels, to perform a basic kegel, which can allow you to feel the PC muscle, simply go to the toilet and start urinating.

i. about 5 seconds after you start urinating, stop the flow, then hold for 5 seconds, then start the flow again
ii. repeat a for the duration of the urination

By the end you should have a firm grasp of what is happening when you kegel.

For the engorged rock hard penis you need to work on a thing called Reverse Kegels.
The reverse kegel involves pushing blood into your penis.
Did you ever wonder why you sometimes get erections when taking a dump? Its because while you are pushing the shit out you are also indirectly pushing blood, through the PC muscle, into your penis.

Taking the example of urinating that I put above, when you stopped the flow, you performed a regular kegel. If you then forced the flow to restart you performed a reverse kegel.

A person with a developed PC muscle has rock hard erection automatically. As soon as he becomes sufficiently aroused, it will be difficult to lose the erection, because the developed (and therefore larger) PC muscle automatically restricts more blood flow from leaving the penis.

Part 3

The Ultimate Erection

A person that has developed their ability to reverse kegel can perform an exercise I call the kegel pump (maybe others call it something else, but here I refer to it as a kegel pump).

Kegel Pump

The Kegel Pump serves two purposes:
1. engorge the penis greatly which increases erection girth during the erection!
2. prevent you from cumming (not just ejaculating, but cumming altogether)

Simply put, it involves performing a reverse kegel followed by a regular kegel. ie. you push blood into your penis, then strongly contract the PC muscle, in a pumping motion - think of blowing into a baloon. You blow all the air out of your lungs and into the baloon, then squeeze the opening of the baloon while you inhale air into your lungs, then you repeat the process.
In terms of the Kegel Pump, you push the blood out of the pelvis and into the penis, then squeeze the arteries that send the blood back to the pelvis by contracting your PC muscle, while the artery that send blood INTO the penis increases in pressure as blood is circulated into your pelvis. Then you push that blood into the penis and repeat.

If, when you feel close to cumming, you perform an extended kegel pump (ie a very long regular kegel followed by a reverse kegel) your penis will feel like it is becoming numb (but in a good way) while still being rock hard, and it will allow you to keep fucking until that feeling of urgency to come goes away, leaving you in a state of extreme hornyness.

The advanced kegeller achieves the this ultimate erection and staying power by using the kegel pump.

Being able to do a kegel pump is like learning how to ride a bicycle: Once you can do it, you can always do it, even if you stop kegelling for a few months, but its effect will be greatly diminished.

Part 4

A Proven Routine

Routine level: Beginners and Advanced

Based on my years of kegelling I'd like to share an easy to follow routine that I have devised that will get those muscles nice and strong.

Rule 1: Consistency - Incorporate into other routines
You will find lots of routines around here that incporporate kegels into the warm up and warm down. It is the easiest thing to do and quite effective. The problem is that this restricts kegels to Penis Enlargement exercises which a lot of people don't follow religiously.
Kegels should be followed religiously because it is harder to overtrain the PC muscle (is it is working when ever you pee, stand up, shit, wank, have sex and sleep)
Incorporate the kegels into your mornings, when you brush your teeth. This will have two advantages -
1. You will kegel every week day at least.
2. you will spend more time brushing your teeth which is VERY important for looks and hygiene. We don't walk around flashing our cocks but we do flash our teeth when we are smiling to a woman.

Rule 2 – minimum 4 minutes per weekday (It’s just 4 mins!!! DON'T BE A LAZY WUSS!!!)

Basic routine

This involves a 260 second count while brushing your teeth.

0 – 200: There is no rest period in these:
0 - 100 → 100 x quick and hard - Flex your PC muscle sharply every second
101 - 150 → 25 x 2 second squeeze – This is more like a 50 second hold in which you release your contraction on ever 2nd second count. So you hold for two, then release and immediately hold for another two.
151 - 200 → 5 x 5 second squeeze similar to the 2 second squeeze, but these squeezes are performed with the hardest contraction. When you do these, imagine that you are trying to lift the tip of your penis, not just squeeze the PC at the base. This is the quencher. Be good at this and you will go very far.

201-220 → rest the PC muscle. Focus on making it as relaxed as possible.

221 – 260 → The PC hold. I do this while brushing my wisdom teeth – an often neglected part of the mouth. These are the teeth right at the back and there are four of them. I spend 10 seconds on each one for a total of 40 seconds. HOLD YOUR PC AS HARD AS YOU EVER HAVE FOR THESE 40 SECONDS. Take deep breaths if you have to. JUST DON’T LET GO. Your PC should be on fire by the end.
There you go. Easy to do, doesn’t take a lot of time, gives good results.

Once you feel you can take it to the next step, try the SUPenis EnlargementR LONG HOLD

Slow Contraction

Another exercise to implement into your workouts is the Slow Contraction (I forget what the original name for the exercise is, as I found out about it years ago on other sites).
Easy to do while you brush your teeth
Each set consists of three stages:
1. Starting position: completely relaxed. Contract slowly for a 5 second count gradually building the force of your contraction until, at "5" you are 100% contracted
2. Starting position: completely contracted - hold at 100% or 110% - ie contract as hard as possible for a 5 second count
3. Starting position: completely contracted - gradually release the contraction until, at the 5 second count you are completely relaxed
repeat 5 times

Source of this information was by another member from another site

Thanks for taking time to explain REDZULU2003. This is such a great read!
I've been aware of kegal exercises for quite some time now but Reverse Kegals are fairly new to me. I'll be incorporating some of this into my work out and day to day life.
I'll keep everyone posted.

Thanks again.
My problem is I don't think I fully understand the whole kegel exercise. When erect a kegel should cause my penis to rise up and somewhat become harder right? What should a reverse feel like?
For me, when I "push out the turd" or "force pee", blood leaves my erection it drops and gets a little softer temporarily. (Reverse Kegel) As your muscles develop, you will feel the kegels and reverse kegels feel like they are taking place closer to your scrotum or even in it. Just keep kegeling, your pelvic floor muscles will get stronger and stronger and it will become clear to you.
Exactly. Please keep in mind not to push too hard on the reverse kegel either, its just enough otherwise you may risk getting piles :)
Want1;472842 said:
My problem is I don't think I fully understand the whole kegel exercise. When erect a kegel should cause my penis to rise up and somewhat become harder right? What should a reverse feel like?

take a dump. get empty lol
and push really hard into your penis from your abdomen and anus. you need to train that.

I trained it for some time now and I can hold a reverse kegel for 1 minute or more. the head gets huge.
How long does it take 2 start getting the effects from the kegel exercise? It seems like it's hard to tell if I'm doing it correctly...I think it's just difficult 4 some of us 2 tell if we are doing it right...they y I want to know about how long will it take for me 2 realize what the effects are some then around that time if I'm not getting the effects I will no that maybe I'm not doing them correctly or what not...
Well it depends on how intensely you can contract your pelvic floor muscles and how often you contract them. I personally, have gotten much more in tune with, and much stronger in a little under a month. I can feel noticeable and significant travel of the pelvic floor and intensity moving ever closer to my scrotum and away from my anus. (Although I will admit that I have become almost obsessive in doing them almost all of the time day and night. Call it an addiction :D)

As you get stronger, you will feel less and less contraction near the anus and closer to the front of your body. You will feel more and more blood movement within your penis and the "squeeze" near the bulbs of the CC and CS. (See images of pelvic region anatomy to see where I am talking about)

I have also noticed, for me personally anyway, that there is a definite feeling of two-stage contraction. (Now in hindsight I realize that when I first started contracting my pelvic floor muscles, I didn't even feel the second stage of contraction.) The first peaks in intensity when the most stress moves from anus forward to the scrotum, and there seems to be a kind of stop sign or speed bump there :D Then if the intensity of the contraction is increased beyond that you will feel almost as if the contraction moves outward along your penis to the glans. (this contraction does not really happen! It is a feeling caused by being able to contract hard enough to push blood forcefully all the way to the end of the glans)

But no one can tell you how long this will take or exactly what it will feel like for you. I was more clueless about kegels than probably anyone, but I just did them anyway, relentlessly. And the strength just keeps getting better.

I would say just do them, do them as much as you can. From my perspective, if it helps, this is what I felt from the beginning:

At first, I almost felt nothing but a "clenching" of the anus.

After about a week of doing them obsessively, I could feel that it became most intense midway between my anus and scrotum.

As I got even stronger, I started noticing that the feeling kept moving forward, and kept moving forward the stronger that I got. And I started noticing a clear feeling of the pelvic floor lifting up.

Where I am at now, about a month in:

The feeling is of significant lifting or raising of the pelvic floor so that when I "relax" or even do a slight "reverse kegel" immediately after doing a kegel, it feels like my pelvic floor drops an inch or so. (It doesn't move that much, but it definitely feels like it falls dramatically)

The first stage of controlled contraction feels like it is most intense right at or in the scrotum itself (or maybe the point where it is attached at), but I actually feel a rise in my testes as well. Then it sort of hits a wall or tough spot.

Then I can contract further and I feel the mass of intensity move out of the scrotum and "slide" along the shaft until it reaches my glans.

Note: the speed bump, hiccup, or whatever at the scrotum only occurs when gradually increasing the contraction. If I do a quick intense contraction it goes all the way out to the glans, but it is not as intense as gradually increasing the intensity.

Maybe from the above you will be able to identify moments when your pelvic floor muscles are getting stronger.
Dear Ir,

Thanks man...your always a help to me and others...maybe you should be careful though man. I don't really want to do them day and night because I'm scared to overtrain them. I remember that you said it's hard to overtrain them but still. O and I have a question that I want to ask you guys. I'm going to make a thread. And I would love to have u chime in. Thanks again man...your lots of help
iGottaGetBigger;473124 said:
Dear Ir,

Thanks man...your always a help to me and others...maybe you should be careful though man. I don't really want to do them day and night because I'm scared to overtrain them. I remember that you said it's hard to overtrain them but still. O and I have a question that I want to ask you guys. I'm going to make a thread. And I would love to have u chime in. Thanks again man...your lots of help

I think kegel exercises that involve resistance are really great. espacially when doing them erect.
I feel that doing kegels all day is a bit of wasted time. I did them and they didnt help that much in relation to resistance kegels
rubberband kegels. or towel raises are good.

One part is making the kegel muscle and the whole area stronger but the other is training to control the muscles.
thanks man. How what where the results from doing these resistance kegels and when did you start to notice the reuses taking place?
dickerschwanz;473126 said:
I think kegel exercises that involve resistance are really great. espacially when doing them erect.
I feel that doing kegels all day is a bit of wasted time. I did them and they didnt help that much in relation to resistance kegels
rubberband kegels. or towel raises are good.

One part is making the kegel muscle and the whole area stronger but the other is training to control the muscles.
Every time I do reverse kegels, after a few minutes I almost vomit.

Is there a way to do it without creating so much abdominal pressure?
You don't have to do reverse kegels hard. Intense kegels are great. But I wouldn't see any benefit of intense reverse kegels. Maybe I am missing something?
I tried it again. I'm pretty sure I did it right this time, and it didn't put that much stress on me. Not only that, but my erection looked crazy after a few minutes.
My previous problem may be due to high blood pressure. It used to be really low last year but I let myself go. I'm getting back into shape though, which should get me back to low blood pressure, and maybe shave a tiny bit off my fat pad.

I've seen some success with edging using reverse kegels today. I will definitely get better at it and try to edge for an hour.
Glad to hear...yeah, I only use reverse kegels myself to indirectly "fully relax" the pelvic floor as opposed to the contraction force applied with a kegel.

And using the reverse kegels to stop ejaculation is fantastic for edging. (Again, nothing intense, just a slight reverse kegel before you get to the "no point of return".)
It is just enough to make the erection a little softer and remove a little blood for a second or two to make the "urge" to ejaculate go away.

Your comment did make me laugh though. Not what you said, but what it made me think of. There was this science guy who was talking about the theoretical limits of the penis on a human being. Long story short, he estimated it to be about 39" long :D Why did he stop there? Because he said beyond that the person would lose consciousness due to the evacuation of blood to the rest of the body to engorge the monster!!!! LOL

iGottaGetBigger;473149 said:
thanks man. How what where the results from doing these resistance kegels and when did you start to notice the reuses taking place?

Stronger erections + more control over the pelvic area. more control over ejaculation /PONR
results are with like every other muscle. it gets stronger every other day I train it.
tough you can never stop the training or your muscle cause then the neural pathway to it and the strength itself will weaken.

Its like with every muscle. doing no resistance training just strengthens the neural pathway and helps with endurance.
Doing resistance training makes the muscle stronger.
I can feel a big difference. It feels very strong and isolated when I do kegel now.
Also the orgasm contractions/ sperm shooting are stronger.

I do train with resistance this way.
Day 1: 3 second hold as often as I can until dick looses hardness
Day 2: 10 second hold as often as I can until dick looses hardness
Day 3: maximum hold as often as long I can until dick looses hardness

make a day pause after or between days.

I do it while I edge and once I loose the hardness I stimulate again while doing very hard reverse kegels.
I didnt find away till now to train the reverse kegel with resistance.(anyone?)

My goal is to reach the point where I can hold a reverse kegel while stil beeing able to breath and move somewhat normaly.
This would enable me to fuck long spurts of hammering with a enlarged dick and no fear of reaching PONR which in essence would transform me into a fucking machine lol
Last edited:
Glad to see this thread bumped dickerschwanz! Good to see you are hitting it hard so consistently.
Looking for some advice on where to begin with all this, complete newb to these excercises.

Does anyone have links or time to explain kegels and reverse kegels?
Alright i have a question for reverse kegals, to know if im doing it right...so i was masterbating last night and when i was at the point of exploding i think i reversed kegaled and started going slower and the sensation went away and then i started giong fast again and then slowed down to reverse kegal and the sensation went away again....is that right?
kg9734;529075 said:
Alright i have a question for reverse kegals, to know if im doing it right...so i was masterbating last night and when i was at the point of exploding i think i reversed kegaled and started going slower and the sensation went away and then i started giong fast again and then slowed down to reverse kegal and the sensation went away again....is that right?

I want to say that it is perfect, but as you realize now, it is the variation back and forth, between the kegel and the reverse kegel that allows this process to cease. It is never the same, sometimes I need to push the reverse kegel longer, some times I have to squeeze the PC faster, but it is always a sequence that accomplishes it.
Reading some in this thread just enlightened me to why i premature ejaculate!

starting as a teen, i would always jerk off laying down, my legs would tense up and i would kegel without realizing it....it just clicked reading this. that inadvertant kegel became a habit and that's how i have sex ever since.

Now to RK during sex.

I feel i have the misconception that RK-ing would draw blood out of the dick making hard-on weak. Is this true?

thanks gang (this site is mindblowingly full of info)
Edging truly does work to enhance your orgasm, and increase performance in bed. You can even combine this with using a fleshlight if you wanna get inventive :)
Edging truly does work to enhance your orgasm, and increase performance in bed. You can even combine this with using a fleshlight if you wanna get inventive :)

One of the best ways the practice is with the FleshLight as it feels identical to the real thing and if you can edge and balloon using the FleshLight for a period of time you should be able to translate that into more time in sex. We don’t just want to bigger penis we want one that we can control and the best way to learn how to control this through this method.
I have been edging for over 3 weeks now! Here is my question! When are you suppose to ejaculate?

The idea is to avoid orgasm. For how long is this healthy? I would not hold back for longer than 7 days if this is a daily routine.
I have been edging for over 3 weeks now! Here is my question! When are you suppose to ejaculate?

Ejaculate away from the edging session itself is what I would do. It can be on the same day, just not within the time frame, as your working on edging.

For example you started edging in the evening for 30 minutes. Several hours later you could have sex, or masturbate, and ejaculate. That's normal, no problems. Just, do not ejaculate during your edging, the whole point is to build endurance, and a mind to body connection I guess in the area to last longer.

I'll quote the original poster, this is indeed a cracking technique to incorporate the reverse kegel.

I posted about this a few days ago in a somewhat unrelated thread, so it got ignored for the most part. So I figured I'd post it here because this is just too good!!

I was reading the kegel article DLD posted in the Main Forum and it talked about the reason men tend to kegel while they are having sex is because kegeling brings the prostate closer to the penis. Doing this causes the prostate to feel the pressure put on the penis by sex/masturbation/whatever. The prostate is like the man's version of the G spot, so of course this extra feeling is going to cause us to orgasm MUCH more quickly. When I masturbate I usually finish within 5 minutes, if that. If I'm really in a hurry and I need to cum quickly I can do it in under 2 minutes. And I've realized lately that I hold a kegel almost the entire time I masturbate.

So after I read that article I tried masturbating while focusing on holding a REVERSE kegel, in order to keep the prostate as far from my penis as possible. I went for a good 20 minutes without even coming close to ejaculating! When I was ready to cum, I held a normal kegel and came within 15 seconds. I tried the same thing tonight and went for 30 minutes no problem before I realized that it was 4:45 am and I needed to go to bed, so I did a normal kegel so I could finish up. I'm going to start training myself to hold a reverse kegel for as long as I want to without having to think about it, and I think this will be the key to solving tons of premature ejaculation problems.

Guys, try this the next time you have a good long time to masturbate. See how long you can last, and focus on holding a good strong reverse kegel the whole time until you're good and ready to finish up. Tell me what you think.
I guess I was edging the wrong way then! The article I was reading said this!
After edging for 20 minutes – STOP – and do not allow yourself to ejaculate.
Put your penis away, and refocus your mind on something else. It also said to only ejaculate every 2 to 3 edging sessions.
Always better safe than sorry! Always ask for help my Brother!
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