And finally, I have a non-Penis Enlargement related question: kegels! Now, months before I began my Penis Enlargement enlargement I wanted to learn how to increase my sexual [words=]stamina[/words], and I read many sources that advised the strengthening of one's pelvic floor muscles. I was hungry to know this knowledge because I did not last too long with my I knew an abysmal future of ejaculating prematurely would be awaiting me at this rate. Yes, I am a virgin. I knew that if I could not last too long with my hands, then there would be no way in HELL I could last in a good, wet piece of pussy.
Luckily, I have been doing kegels for months which helped my Penis Enlargement from the get go. I eased into my stretches naturally as there was no "pullback" or any other involuntarily reflex from grabbing my penis. I have conditioned my pelvic floor muscles, along with the muscles adjacent to it, to remain calm and not constantly stay flexed. When I first began my kegels, it was odd, to say the least. It was even more eccentric thinking of the visual imagery...the idea of me isolating a muscle that is near my anal sphincter. About a month and a half down the road, I am able to clamp my muscle for a much longer time and blast away those kegels with less fatigue, but yet I was still confused as to why I was ejaculating even quicker. I figured I had to be doing something wrong...I hate to compare myself to pornstars since they are biologically just built to do what they do best(not to mention the fact that you can last as long as you want thanks to Viagra, creative editing etc), so I will just compare myself to a more sexually experienced and conditioned male.
Every source of information regarding Penis Enlargement told me to clench my muscle tightly every time I was nearing orgasm, only to exacerbate my feeling of arousal and make me orgasm even quicker...frustrating. Sure, I was feeling a harder erection along with stronger orgasms, but I kept nutting quicker and quicker without a chance to enjoy my various movies that were playing.
It was only one day during my session that I discovered the secret--I won't even call it a "secret," but a the method that I believe all guys use(as part of one big technique) to last longer. I kept stroking during this session and noticed that I did not blow my load at that point as I usually would. The moment that I clenched my BC muscle, the sensation immediately came back and my body was on its way to ejaculation. It was at this very moment that I experienced an epiphany and realized what I had to do. I isolated my BC muscle, but instead of clenching it, I made the bold move of relaxing it and see if it would make a difference. I knew that I had done something different because my pelvic floor muscles felt like they had "sunk" all the way down, in contrast to the constant clenching feeling that I had been used to. I had no idea that I performed a "reverse kegel" and relaxed my pc muscle. I went on for about seven minutes of constant stroking before finally ejaculating...all over my black shirt, bed, and even my carpet, greatly astonished at what had just happened. Those seven minutes were significant to me, as I went 7 times longer as I normally would had without the need for a pause or to even slow my speed down.
Months have passed since then and I have greatly augmented my knowledge on how the male reaches his orgasm + ejaculation, from a to z. I took a completely different look at Penis Enlargement...I don't even like to call it Penis Enlargement as it is not a medical condition for virtually most men; one's sexual [words=]stamina[/words] can be trained, rather than "cured." I realized that the constant clenching of my muscle placed a lot of tension, causing constant exhaustion that always led to quick ejaculations as a result of a muscle that is always overworked without sufficient recovery. In this time period, I did more kegels than ever, with the emphasis of clenching in as much as I can, but also focus on pushing it out as much as I can as well. And let me be the first to tell you that it took me a while to learn how to push out my BC muscle. And again, this is something we all know how to do, it's just a movement we don't workout in excess. I learned a couple of days later that I did a reverse kegel. The following sessions after that were hit and miss: some days I lasted longer, some days I busted quickly. I read that reverse kegels are the same movement you do do release your stream of urine and let it jettison, in contrast holding your BC and delay your urination. Once again, these are movements that everyman know how to do.
Today, I am still a virgin(still waiting for that special someone, :blush

. To be honest, I masturbate for the sake of improving my arousal and control. I am taking it to the next level by learning how to control small nuances, like my breathing. I learned that short, shallow breaths can easily contribute to one prematurely ejaculating. I began practicing longer, deeper breaths and focusing on filling my stomach, hold it for 3-5 seconds and slowly exhale. I believe that this is helping me out tremendously. It makes sense that a man who is breathing shallowly and quickly would cum quicker, as it speeds up the entire process by raising your blood pressure and etc. And when deeply breathe in, I think that I feel my pelvic floor muscles even more relaxed.
I know that my hands are nothing like the real thing, but I feel that I am ready to take it to the next level. I have been reading up the [words=]STU[/words](Stamina Training Unit) and I wanted some serious input from you guys before I make such a leap. It is a made from the makers of the original [words=]FleshLight[/words], and is one of the many products available. The idea of a toy that can train you for the real thing intrigues me,and I so want to try doggystyle and other positions that quite aren't possible with my hands. So, is anybody here experienced with this or any other [words=]FleshLight[/words]?
Thanks for reading this rather long post!