Do you do reverse Kegel, during the whole time you masturbate, or Do you start them right before you think you are about to ejaculate?

Regards, Paul
I'd just like to add my own experience with this.
After I read about kegels for the first time, I realized that I masturbate holding a kegel non-stop until I'm about to come, then I cool down and start to hold again, kind of edging...
Like this I can come after 1 minute easily, but I can go on for a long time using breaks.
anyway, this means that I kegel while masturbating for about 12 years now. I'm not doing any kegel exercises because I think my pc-muscle is already strong enough. When I read that you can hold back an orgasm by kegeling when you're on the edge, I could do it the first time I tried.
has anybody made the same experience? do you think it's still important to do pc-exercises?

I haven't tried the reverse thing yet. I've already masturbated today, damnit... rofl
This guy is basically selling herbal pills for your dick, so most of his claims sounds too unbelievable (but you can see his ingredient list and take the supps directly without buying his pills). But anyway after browing his site for a long time, I finally found a detailed description for his "anal breathing method":

From what I can tell, you inhale and trap the air and push down on your lower stomach (this part sounds like the reverse kegel), he says it pushes the prostate gland back. The second part to it is "anal breathing" where he flexes the upper part of his asshole lightly to move his tailbone every couple of seconds. He is so good at it he can do it involuntarily during sex and lasts as long as he wants.

He's got an interesting section on penis enlargement where he just fills his dick up with a lot of blood and over time it's supposed to get larger (he calls it "penis power up"), I can't figure out how to do it from his shitty descriptions/pictures. But I've been trying a jelq method I based on his massage for 2 weeks now, I'll note if I make any progress with it. The good thing about it is that you're working the part of your dick that you can't reach by jelqing, hopefully I'm not wasting my time.
I'd say you're definitely wasting your time. I've never read anything worth my time on Dr. Lin's site. Keep in mind, his doctoral degree is not in medicine, but in engineering. And yes, his entire site is devoted to selling a product. Plus, I would never take the advice of anyone that recommends sex with animals to one of his "clients."
MDC said:
Ok, now here's the all important question. Has anyone used this technique to improve their control while having sex with a woman?

I've always been able to masturbate for 20-30-60 minutes and have complete control. But with a real live pussy, it's just totally different. Anyone use reverse kegels with real live pussy for better control?
MDC said:
I've always been able to masturbate for 20-30-60 minutes and have complete control. But with a real live pussy, it's just totally different. Anyone use reverse kegels with real live pussy for better control?

I have. It didn't do much for me except make the start/stop method more effective. So in a way, yes it worked. I used to kegel every time I thrusted, I still do sometimes and generally come pretty easily. I've gotten efficient with the rate of thrusting/thrusting technique so when I do the start/stop method it seems like a natural part of the act.

Have any of you tried pressing on your prostate when you are about to come? It takes some practice - try pressing the spot between the "male g-spot"/inner penis and anus. You'll feel it. If you like to touch your penis when you have sex, you can throw a finger back there inconspicuously and control orgasms pretty well. Pulling the balls away from your body at the same time helps.

Another method I use is biting my tongue. It sounds odd, but works pretty well.
How can i do this when having sex coz i feel like i need to hold my breath.
And i feel like i needd to pee.
How can i do this when having sex coz i feel like i need to hold my breath.
And i feel like i need to pee.
HOLY SHIT. I just read this and imidietly tried it out while jerking off. I intentionaly brought myself as close to cumming as I could and then I hit a reverse kegel and held it and the urge to cum disapred then I did a kegel again and brought myself close to cumming and once again stopped it by holding a reverse kegel. This shit is awsome. I have been a bit depressed lately casue I am very new to sex and cumming to fast as always been my major problem. I cant wait to try this out while having sex. I guess its a bit tricky but Il train like mad while jerking off on this.

I cant tell you how thankfull I am for this thread bro. Amazing thats what this is.
I notice that I dont need to hold my breath. My lower abdomen just get a bit tensed. If i hit the reverse kegel hard I have to hold my breath but it doesnt seem to be nessecary to hit it that hard??
I just gave this a try when fucking and I have to say its horribly hard at first to do a reverse kegel. Often it becomes a regular kegel instead.
Also for me its still very hard to screw hard while keeping a reverse kegel but when going slow its no problem. Im usualy a 5 minuter guy and this night I went 30+ minutes without a problem and only came because she wanted me to.

Thanks again for this great advice :)
I just looked back into this thread again, and I have found a science to using it with a girl. I have found that I need it the most during initial penetration because the girls starts so much tighter. I found that in order to use it perfectly during sex, you incorporate it with your deep breathing during sex. For me its hardest not to come when pushing it in. So when I'm pushing in I breath out deep and reverse kegel with as much force as I can muster, the I breath in when I am pulling back out and thats when I perform normal kegels (if you reverse kegel REALLY hard sometimes you lose a little erection strength so the normal kegel rejuvenates it). So this absolutely works with a woman, but you have to have practiced it beforehand enough so you can do it really hard. lol, and make sure you've urinated and emptied your bowles before you have sex if your going to do this, I would be very afraid of something else coming out during a session with my girl :0
No-one yet seems to have answered the questions about holding your breath. I, like a number of people who've posted so far, find that i need to hold my breath to hold a reverse kegel and also find it kindof hard to breathe at the same time, and that when i do hold a reverse kegel my penis gets REALLY hard and eventually starts pushuing out copious amounts of pre-cum (this is what reverse kegels were originally designed to do when i first read about them on one of the old Penis Enlargement boards).
Now, i assume that i am doing it a lot harder than you lot and probably don't need to push as hard but... i like the effect. As I said, when i do it, i get a lot harder and start sort of ejaculating without cumming and i'd like to try and find a way to maintain this sort of reverse kegel for as long as posible (at the moment i just sort of ejaculate every now and then and eventually cum properley and lose my erection). Has anyone else had this sort of effect?
nunchuks said:
No-one yet seems to have answered the questions about holding your breath. I, like a number of people who've posted so far, find that i need to hold my breath to hold a reverse kegel and also find it kindof hard to breathe at the same time

I have been trying to get around this for a while.....because holding back has as much to do with breathing as it does reverse kegels, then i read these posts, i think we just reverse kegel too hard, and that aint a bad thing cuz my erection gets higher and harder and shit its awesome.....
But taking deep breaths and then when you let it out reverse kegel and hold it for a while and then let off it and breathe again...repeat, repeat..... seems to work....

Try that out see if it works
That shit didnt work for me very well. Ill start to get the feeling like im about to cum, and unless I back off I will. My body over rides and kegels that shit no matter what , the only difference is it dribbles out instead of shooting. I cant seem to fight off the urge to cum either. :/ I dunno why. I seem to be getting off faster than before too, maybe clamping has made my regular PC Kegel insanely strong. I wish the nerves on my dick were slightly deadend. Im bout to bust out the bamboo sticks and kill them.
put me down for have to hold my breath to do a reverse kegel...i try to practice while i am peeing not to hold my breath...but it doesn't seem to work
A lot of you guys seem to have great control in delaying your ejaculation.

Nobody has really posted about their Kegel workouts though.
How did you get to this point?
What sort of a Routine did you use? Kegels Everyday? How many sets/reps??

Good! I'm really glad to hear this! Posts like yours make all these years of Penis Enlargement worthwhile, even more than getting a bigger dick.
seems a little bit weird but ill give this a try tommorrow night and report back
jaggededges00 said:
Pre-Ejac = DEAD. Byebye. :wave:

Man I hope edging is good for P.E. I can't get enough and now my problem is knowing when to quit. Laugh all you want to - but for a 23-year-old who has found the cure to years of premature ejaculation, I'm like a kid in a candy shop. When I get married, we're gonna have sex for DAYS at a time!

lol I know how you feel. For a while after I discovered this method, every time I jerked off I'd do it for at least half an hour. Fun, isn't it? :D
jaggededges00 said:
Oh it's just ridiculous. This shit should be illegal or something! LOL. I can't imagine what the mind-blowing sex is going to be like, but I'm saving that for the wedding night. ;)

I'm in the same boat. My wedding is next June. :bouncings
Sweet man. It's definitely tough to restrain yourself. I've been with my girl for nearly 5 years, so right now we're just like, "OK, let's get married already." We've had enough waiting. I'm always glad when I find someone in the Penis Enlargement world that has made the same decision.

I barely play piano at all. Mine is mainly to help me with composition and MIDI sequencing.
I though that was a regular kegal exrecise? What's the diference between a normal kegal and a reverse kegal exercise or is there?
I though that was a regular kegal exrecise? What's the diference between a normal kegal and a reverse kegal exercise or is there?
stallion2404 said:
I am still new to this site. So can someone explain to me exactly how to do a reverse kegel? Thanks

drink a ton of beer, then wait untill you have to take a massive piss
WHILE your pissing, try to piss as fast as possible - MEANING push as hard
as you can

or go out side while you have to take a big piss, stand far away from a
wall, and try to piss on that wall from a distance

remember a kegel is flexing inwards, a reverse kegal is flexing out wards
i have not had much practise with this exersise, but i dont think sex
would be great while holding in a reverse kegel WHY?

cause the whole theme of this thread is "im holding in my breath"
thats what happens to me when i try reverse kegels, any ways
i had to bump this thread, cause i have never lasted over a minute

and that fucken sucks, even if i had a 10 inch cawk , what good would it
be if i cant enjoy a nice 20 minute romp with my girl?

my cousin snorts a oxy contin and he says thats the only thing that
works for him, im not condoning drug use, just wondering if numbing
the nervous system makes you last longer?
Hi guys! I just learned about reverse kegels recently.
I have done many regular kegels but noticed it makes me
Ejaculate too fast now. I've tried reverse kegels 3 times. I did
It the whole time while masturbating. First time was 10 minutes! Second time was 12 minutes and third time tonight o went up to 17 minutes!!!
Normally it would take me a quick 5 min normal masturbating with reg kegel clamping.
I also noticed that now I don't get any pre-cum! It is totally gone!
I think I have definitely landed on something amazing. The slow breathing and holding of breath that occurs while doing a reverse kegel the whole time is annoying, but I think
It's helping. Any ideas, or thoughts? I am so happy now and I can't wait to last even longer. I'm gonna have sex soon and let you know how it went also.
Does anyone know of it gets better with time? I flex the whole time during masturbation. Please read my post right above this one.
Do some of you donor the whole time during sex like I do with masturbation or only when you feel the point of no return coming closer?
Thank you!!!!
Once you've found your PC muscle, you can start doing the PC Exercises anytime, anywhere. You want to squeeze your PC on a daily basis. These are the PC Exercises:

Perform quick PC CLAMPS. Squeeze and release, over and over. Start with sets of twenty, then build to 100 or more. Do at least 250 PC clamps every day, for the rest of your life. Your goal is to be capable of creating 1,000 clamps a day.

Practice LONG SQUEEZES by holding the PC muscle clamped tightly for thirty seconds, or as long as you can.

Try doing STAIR STEPS: tighten and loosen in increments. Tighten for a couple of seconds, loosen for a couple of seconds. Do it over and over again.

PC FLUTTER: Tighten the PC muscle as slowly as you possibly can. Once you've finished the slow squeeze (to where you can't squeeze anymore), let go. At some point it will "flutter," and you'll feel energy sparkling up your spine. Concentrate on deep, slow breathing while you do this. This is great for restoring energy when you're running down!

When you urinate and you want to let those last squirts shoot out, you use your PC muscle in the other direction. By doing this you'll feel your anus open and the sensation is different. This is called the REVERSE KEGEL.

Most men can do Kegels anywhere, since they're seldom aroused by the exercises. Continued over a lifetime, the exercises can help men (and women) head off urinary incontinence as they get older. That, plus greater arousal, enhanced orgasms and longer-lasting sex, make these some of the simplest, most beneficial exercises a man or woman can do.

Psychologists and sex experts have prescribed Kegel exercises to thousands of male patients, many of whom were troubled by erection problems. Most who did the exercises reported firmer erections than ever before. Others reported increased sexual sensation, more intense orgasms, and the ability to delay ejaculation. And most surprisingly, some of the men were eventually able to have multiple orgasms! That is, two or more climaxes during a single act of intercourse BEFORE ejaculating!
Can someone please tell me how this works, how it causes you to gain, and can u gain without kegaling? . etc the whole nine yards thankyou
addingINCHES;419666 said:
Can someone please tell me how this works, how it causes you to gain, and can u gain without kegaling? . etc the whole nine yards thankyou

From the Members Site:

PC Muscle Fitness/Kegels
DO NOT SKIP THIS...This may be the most important part of your workout.
This routine can be done on your morning drive, in class, in bed, pretty much anywhere. The benefits of doing these are a huge part of the [words=]Matters of Size[/words] program. In later phases of your program a mature, developed PC muscle will be paramount to future gains.

What is a kegel?
A kegel is the name of a pelvic floor exercise, named after Dr. Kegel who discovered the exercise. These muscles are attached to the pelvic bone and act like a hammock, holding in your pelvic organs. To feel this muscle movement simply stop and start the flow of urine. This isolation of the PC muscle is a kegel.

Why would I want to do kegel exercises?
Kegeling provides many benefits in addition to being very important to Phase 2

• Stronger Erections
• Longer Erections due to blood hold capacity
• Larger head size
• Further ejaculatory Distance
• Sexual enjoyment is enhanced for both partners
• It can prevent prolapsed of pelvic organs
• It can help prevent leaking urine when you sneeze or cough
This is my own old personal Kegel routine :)

PC EXERCISE (5 minutes)

Do different variations of these exercises each time you perform your workout. You can also do PC exercises throughout the day while you're driving, watching t.v., whatever.

1. Perform quick PC CLAMPS. Squeeze and release, over and over. Start with a set of twenty, then build to a hundred or more. Do at least 250 PC clamps every day, for the rest of your life. Your goal is to be capable of creating 1,000 clamps a day.

2. Practice LONG SQUEEZES by holding the PC muscle clamped tightly for thirty seconds, or as long as you can.

3. Try doing STAIR STEPS: tighten and loosen in increments. Tighten for a couple of seconds, loosen for a couple of seconds. Do it over and over again.

4. PC FLUTTER: Tighten the PC muscle as slowly as you possibly can. Once you've finished the slow squeeze (to where you can't squeeze anymore), let go. At some point it will "flutter," and you'll feel energy sparkling up your spine. Concentrate on deep, slow breathing while you do this. This is great for restoring energy when you're running down!

5. When you urinate and you want to let those last squirts shoot out, you use your PC muscle in the other direction. By doing this you'll feel your anus open and the sensation is different. This is called the PUSH OUT PC or REVERSE KEGEL.
Last edited:
I've always done em... now I do 100 or 200 at a time with no problems. I can stop peeing indefinitely if I wanted. Im always able to do more... its never gotten so tired I couldn't do any. I don't know what the average distance for ejaculation distance but I could easily go 3 or 4 feet during some hot sex. That's not arching it either just a strait shot haha. Is that good?
rebel2011;419728 said:
I've always done em... now I do 100 or 200 at a time with no problems. I can stop peeing indefinitely if I wanted. Im always able to do more... its never gotten so tired I couldn't do any. I don't know what the average distance for ejaculation distance but I could easily go 3 or 4 feet during some hot sex. That's not arching it either just a strait shot haha. Is that good?

Sounds like your muscles are in tip top shape. I was never a distance shooter, I am lucky to clear an inch:)
that's always been one good thing about me. My penis is just above average length and girth. but I can shoot cum clear over the head of my girl when she's bent over. and then some..... i've shot it halfway across the room sometimes. and I cum ALOT. I'm not sure what goes into what makes a guy cum alot but mine is ridiculous. Every girl I've ever dated was amazed. and some even came back to say "i didnt know how much you came until i started dating the guy im with now and a little bit came out... i was like thats it?" lol
actually taht brings me to another question DLD. If my penis becomes larger from Penis Enlargement will that make me not shoot cum as far? or with as much force.... it will be a longer trip down the pipe now ya know?
When you're really really scared and you freeze up, kegels are the only muscle you can move. I was hanging out in a scary part of town one night, the only thing I could do was kegel. It is becoming a really strong muscle.
Turnover;419847 said:
When you're really really scared and you freeze up, kegels are the only muscle you can move. I was hanging out in a scary part of town one night, the only thing I could do was kegel. It is becoming a really strong muscle.

That is true, when I smoke hash I get ultra-stuck, almost paralyzed, but I can still squeeze the kegels. Odd, but true.
that is because your body is made up to release any extra materials it doesnt need during a scary situation making you lighter on your feet to run from danger. That is why people piss and shit themselves when in intense fear. Getting rid of uring or feces makes you lighter to run and also makes you unpleasant to smell or eat to an "attacker" which would surely be an animal of some sort thousands of years ago when we adopted this trait.
Ok so the kegal helps you maintain a harder erection?

Nd another thing, ive been doing phase 1 for a couple of weeks now n my dick is more "stretchy" by i havnt gained yet . im starting to see more hairs on the side of my shaft . Is this a good sign?
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