doublelongdaddy;671158 said:
It is always hard to see and I can completely relate! The same thing happened to me with my penis and the reason I did the study: Penile Dysmorphic Disorder. The same thing applies to the body. Some times it takes time for the mind to catch up with the body!
its funny enough right? i took measurements of my body 2 weeks ago.
i had grown 1 cm on my thighs. 2 cm on the glutes (that can be both fat or muscle)
and i had grown 3 cm around the chest. while my waist line was staying the same.
now i actually don't know if this is much.
but obviously if i grow 3 cm in 2 weeks around my chest.
while the waist stays the same.
i will be 75cm bigger in a year (obviously that growth can't continue as i would become more square sized than possible
just shows how much the mind can fuck with you. and me who has been a PE'er for years and have done i don't know how many threads on how important measurements are. and yet here i am with the very same rookie mistake just in another facet of my life.
it was more of an accident that i did the measurement 2 weeks back.
but this will be a regular thing in the future.
and i might aswell add it here aswell.
so i will measure:
calculate an estimated lean mass measurement (its not precise and we all know it. but it is a nice indicator of progress)
and then obviously the penis:
flaccid lenght
bonepressured flaccid lenght.
flaccid girth.
erect lenght
bonepressured erect lenght.
erect girth
im gonna make a full transformation log.
now as i said. i travel a whole lot.
from now on i will literally only be at home 1/4 of the time. the rest of the time i will be somewhere else on the planet.
this make a shitload of challenges:
find a gym.
and what to do when you can't? (don't worry i have a background in martial arts and i know quite alot about calisthenics)
find healthy food sources.
am i eating enough ? or too much?
other than that i have a whole lot of work to do. (i work approcimately 12 hours a day.
then i have PE
so for the people who should wonder.
no i have no freaking GF
however as it looks right now.
i will fulfill my dream of traveling most of the world in a few years and i will be payed for it
and i will be economically independent by the age of 36.
now all this requires a shit load of dicipline.
as it is right now i use 1/3 of the money i earn the rest is invested in a widespread portfolio.
and to do that much work and training.
man. when i occationally hit my home town people behave like im a stranger. they don't know anything about me as im always gone.
one thing most people now adays don't tell you about is the price that has to be payed.
whenever people claim their dreams. they should consider if they are willing to pay the price.
you want to become an actor:
the price is many hours of free work. many hours of agent hunting on role hunting. on networking etc.
and if you become a success. the price will be that everyone will have an opinion of you. everything you do will become material for the gossip magazines.
the price of becoming a bodybuilder. is neglecting the social circles (unless you workout with them)
not being able to just eat what you want.
eventually if you become a real success. everyone will bash you with the steroid card (doesn't matter if you have done it or not)
and people will feel entitled to tell you their opinion about your looks. if you want it or not "that doesn't look nice. it is too extreme!" said the fat diabetic smoking chain reality tv watching lady"
"ye its not my type either, i like them with a bit more cushion" said the ex junkie mom to 13 kids with 14 different dads with no teeths.
for me the price i have to pay:
is many hours alone.
im away from the people i love. (luckily they support me)
im always tired.
my hands have so much hard skin that i use the palm of my hand to scratch an itch with instead of the nails.
i don't have time for a girlfriend. (which is part of the reason why i use so much time to work on my ability to get one night stands.)
even though i make a shitload of money im still driving an old car worth 1300 dollars. and i live in a 1 room apartment in a ghetto.
im losing friends. as the gap between us is growing. ( i hate to admit it, but with success some people will start to hate you) my amount of real friends has been reduced ALOT. and leechers has joined. poachers as i call them ("i have a great business idea that you might be interested to join", and bam before you know it your part of a malaysian pontzi scheme pyramid mafia company and your money is gone)
when you have money or success its like becoming a pretty girl. you have something that people either want or envy you for. and suddenly everyone has an opinion about you.
so is my world horrible and gruesome?
no! i am just stating the price i have to pay.
my life is hard. but i choose it to be hard. i worked a 8-16 job for 1 week and i went home to my mom crying and told her that i would never do that again. i would become a criminal or kill myself before i did that again. to do the same thing over and over again. it literally felt like torture to me. the mindless movement repeatedly done was horrible.
so i found a way that fitted me.
and so i did other stuff instead.
and now i am here.
through my travel i only had 1 friend who believed in me all the way.
and to see people around me telling me: "you can't do that!" "you need to do as we do" "do you really believe thats possible" "lets be realistic here!"
eventually see me do what in their mind was impossible right in front of them.
and not come to me for advice or help.
but just start to categorize me as "different" instead (i believe it's a weird self protecting mechanism. because if they don't categorize me like that. then i am evidence for the fact that what they do isn't enough)
i don't get it. if i meet someone who has success in something i find interesting. there is no freaking way that they are gonna leave the room before they give me some of their thoughts and secrets.
funny enough this is alkso how i started to get successful friends.
to be able to tell someone: "holy shit man i have deep respect for what you have done, please give me an insigth on your approach"
how many people do you think actually does this?
very few.
the guy/girl will talk his or hers heart out about their passion that they became great in. and a friendship is usually hard to avoid afterwards.
i fucking love my life.
in my little nerd brain this is all just a big fucking MMORPG and i am currently farming to level 99 and getting epic equipment
well. some thoughts spilled out. think i needed to get it off my chest. my world is moving extremely fast these days. and sometimes i need to take a deep breath and stop up just to remember to enjoy it all.
keep it
hanging guys.