Aimingforthetop;678682 said:
And what exactly do you want me to do? As i said if a girl can convince me im all up for it. But im happy as it is. I dont need anything else. Im not in need for someone to be there.

But if i find someone i find special. Sure. But im not gonna take whatever comes my way. I don't see the reason

yep simple and useful as that a good interesting girl wat else can we ask for?? finding our soul mates can be the greatest thing
Aimingforthetop;678825 said:
im thinking how i can breach this cultural barrier to make you see my perspective of the dating.

and i have though about this since i read this post. and instead of trying to use more words and examples im going to try and boil it down to 1 explanation:

your relationship should be a reflection of your wholeness not your needyness.

and in my perspective 99% of all guys do the opposite. they go for the girl they can have not the girl that they want.

how do you get to there? well you can write a book about it! (and many people have) but i believe this is the essence of my dating philosophy

true we want someone but we take what we can while we can Right?:P:O
That's wasn't the jist shawwrtyn XD. Mikes right we need more solutions, and less excuses. Aim please tell us some real world examples of how to date plz :blush:
templnite;679369 said:
That's wasn't the jist shawwrtyn XD. Mikes right we need more solutions, and less excuses. Aim please tell us some real world examples of how to date plz :blush:

Aim's rules
rule nr 1: conquer your fears.

at any time you should be able to walk up to a girl and try and get her. if you have any fear of this. then you need to do it until you get over the fear. why? if you let fear control you, you are per definition not choosing your woman.
im not saying that all woman will want to be with you. which doesn't matter. but your fear of being rejected should be at 0%

rule nr. 2 never take advantage of a woman.

understand that woman are very sexual creatures. and accepting this and defending their right to be this. will automatically let you into the "girls talk" you will suddenly start to hear very honest things from woman. never use it against them encourage them to have a sexual life. and make it part of who you are not to talk shit about them. which leads to next rule:

rule nr 3. Don't kiss and tell
don't tell your friends what you do, now i know this is the opposite to what i am doing here on this forum. but the difference is that if i tell people around a woman what we have done. she will be slut shamed. and she will hide her sexuality from men and feel disgusting. which is not to anyones advantage (why haven't men figured out that by talking shit about woman we all get less pussy)

rule nr: 4 never lie about your intentions.
"hehe i told her i wanted a relationship fucked her and ran away. haha slut"
this kind of behavior. and the mindset behind it is coming from a very low frequenz of thinking.
thinking shit like this proves that the man doesn't think a woman actually wants to have sex with him... just to have sex. and being a lier or a cheater is always gonna result in you getting screwed over somehow. don't fill up the bad karma account. say what your intentions are.
(side note!: if your social skills are zero. start working here. i am not telling you to walk up to a woman and start out the conversation like this: "excuse me miss i just saw you walk by and i got this sudden urge to anally fist fuck you dry.. any chance you are up for that?" now the reason for me saying this is that usually when i give tips to social awkward people they end up missing the things i assume everyone knew.
you need to talk with woman you need to have a basic understanding of how to communicatr with them. if you don't. practice! "but aim im an introvert i can't talk to girls just like!.... "STOP STFU! i was so socially awkward that i couldn't ask an old lady about what time it was. on top of that i was stuttering and i was fat (107kg baby!) if i can do it everyone can do it! i am by definition an introvert! i actually don't talk that much to people i prefer to be by my self most of the time. but i aknowledge that people skill is a necessity in this world if you want to be anything else but shit. so i practice.

i have weeks where i don't see people- sometimes when people call me i have a half min cough because i haven't said anything for 5 days. and i'm happy while i do this! so if anyone use the excuse that they are introverts. i will suddenly be summoned through their mirrors and punch them in the face!

rule nr 5
successful man is forged through failure upon failure. and defeat upon defeat!
the more failure and defeat you can handle the greater you will become
when i was a kid i desired to become the best martial artist i could. at the age of 13 i asked my oldest trainer how i became the best martial artist i could. he pointed into the room next to us. currently 3 world champions where training in there and several other guys who where competing at that level. and he told me: "go into that room and get beaten up by those guys every day and you will become the best you possible can!"
it hurt i bled i cryed, and i was scared.
but soon the pain was gone. my skin was getting toughened up. i stopped crying. and fear was a strange concept that i used to know.
by the age of 15 i was the trainer on the kid team and the adult team (age limit for adults was 16) and beside my best friend who did the same thing as me. the only other guys who could compete with me was the 20+ guys who was training elite level. by the age 17 i was teaching several bouncers how to fight.
if you are afraid of being humiliated. losing, etc. realize that it is your weakness that controls you. and weakness can only be destroyed through repeated beating!

rule nr 6.

and without comparison the most important!
start taking responsibility for your life!
and by this i mean you need to become the best version of yourself!
learn to walk straight.
wear your clothes right.
talk straight
improve everything you can on yourself.

this is health. knowledge. looks. sex. career, spirituality EVERYTHING!

i don't care what religion you are from your god made you! and if you do not reach your full potential. by definition you are not using the gifts your god gave you. you are wasting gods work! how dare you?!

rule nr 7.
always have your passion above your woman!
this is the hardest one to make people understand. and i could literally write a book about this one alone but let me just make it short and easy:
men are measured by our ability to archive, woman are measured by their ability to get the best archiving male to reproduce with!
nature shits on equality! and nature wants the strongest offspring. a woman will always be coded to reproduce with the strongest possible male.
the moment you let your woman succeed your passions. you have set a timer. eventually she will leave. she is not with a strong male anymore! the sexual tension is gone and soon. she will be gone aswell!

get this into your head and live by these codes and your problem will not be to get a girl. your problem will be to keep them at distance!

last note:
i have been fit and worshipped for being the "cool guy"
i have been fat and awkward.
i have had an average sized cock and a big cock (thanks to [words=]mos[/words])
i have been homeless
i have been the one with the traveling job and the insane high income
i have been in deep deep loving relationships. and i have been in 100% sexual relationships.
i have dated 2 bi sexual womana at the same time.
i have cheated. i have been cheated on.

and by no means do i perceive myself as perfect.

i fuck up all the time! but i always do my best. and i am always man enough to admit my mistake!

never in my life have i not been able to get laid. however at times it has been harder (currently im packing alot of muscle which works better for getting pussy than money does! (no shit!)

remember guys! this life is a rollercoaster. it goes up and down and twists around.

now you can cover your face scream and cry. or you can open up laugh and have the best time!
the ride will continue! and eventually it will stop. and at this time you will look back. and you will regret all the things you didn't see and you never get the chance to see again.

what makes the difference between a person who is successful in life and a person unsuccessful. is fear!
the strong fears that he doesn't experience enough.
the weak will fear whatever he experiences!

ohh and Templnite. i quoted you but this text is not directed at you. it is a general message. so don't misunderstand this as an attack. :)

and merry christmas
I know its not directed at me its probably not even your method XD. Why did you leave out the alcohol factor. :s. Everytime you told us about how you gamed a chick y'all made sure to "get fucked up" first no?
templnite;679555 said:
I know its not directed at me its probably not even your method XD. Why did you leave out the alcohol factor. :s. Everytime you told us about how you gamed a chick y'all made sure to "get fucked up" first no?

the hardest part of helping other people to get over themself is to get through to them.

you see most people are so caught up in their own beliefs that even thought they perceive their life as shit. they will literally fight you to maintain their picture of the reality.

no list no mentor no coach. no divine power can save a man from his own minds prison.

Templnite you asked and i gave. and instead of considering if my words could help you. you decided to continue to question everything i write. including if these are actually my words.

i must say i am flattered by your amount of attention towards me, and the fact that you need to suspect me for making a plagiat. it took me 20 minutes to write that text if you look through it i bet you you will find a bunch of misspelling. why you may ask? i didn't check it for typos! and do you really think that anyone who makes a "method" will use sentences like: dry anal fisting?

you are calling me a plagiat of something i wrote in a rush. and i didn't check. my old english teacher would have turned in her grave if she heard that anything i wrote was of high enough value to be suspected to be a plagiat.

so thank you for that.

"getting fucked up" sometimes i smoke. sometimes i get drunk. sometimes i get laid being under the influenze of one of these. sometimes i don't.

i didn't drink anything when i was in the swinger club.

and obviously i wasn't drinking when i met the last 2 girls in the gym.

and it has first been in the last couple of years i could get laid when i was drunk (befor it used to sabotage to drink and flirt)

now i know. that when people see usain bolt drink pepsi. everyone think that the pepsi is the secret to his results.

im here to burst your bubble. usain bolt is successfull due to alot of hard work.

and if you think that alcohol is the secret to have success with woman. by all means go and get hammered my friend.

now when you are done trying to come up with excuses for not working hard on yourself. come back and we can talk. alright?
I'm just pointing out that you're a drinker/drugger man there's nothing bad about that. I used to be a heavy drinker myself, but thank god I quit all that shit. Its really for people to cope more than anything I think
templnite;679586 said:
I'm just pointing out that you're a drinker/drugger man there's nothing bad about that. I used to be a heavy drinker myself, but thank god I quit all that shit. Its really for people to cope more than anything I think

I have a rule about anything. The moment. I need it im not allowed to take it.

Example: i really need a joint right now!
Im not going to smoke.
2 weeks later. i still really want to get high. Im not going to smoke.

2 weeks later. Im sitting at home and want to be creative. And i dont have any urge to smoke.

Now im allowed to smoke!

When you feed the urge for something the urge will grow.

If its drugs alcohol or candy coffee whatever.

Never feed the urge.

And the urge will soon die.

I smoke weed sometimes sometimes i smoke cigars never smoke cigarettes as i think they taste like shit.
For a danish guy i drink very rarely (if you don't drink as a dane you are perceived as anti social)
Most my friends gets drunk atleast once a week.

I get drunk probably once every 2-3 months. And i drink less when i do because i dont need that much to get an effect
I don't believe the actual weed makes you creative, but the relaxation of the brain helps your own ideas come easier. You say a thing very interesting about the Danish, and alcohol XD. When you first wrote about being socially awkward I thought you felt that drink is what socializing is essentially, and yeah I was right since you say they pretty much rear you guys like that.
templnite;679594 said:
I don't believe the actual weed makes you creative, but the relaxation of the brain helps your own ideas come easier. You say a thing very interesting about the Danish, and alcohol XD. When you first wrote about being socially awkward I thought you felt that drink is what socializing is essentially, and yeah I was right since you say they pretty much rear you guys like that.
socializing can be done in many places. both work. at the gym. at school at volunteer work in yoga class etc.

but through my youth i trained so much that i never really socialized.

as i grew up and got fat due to a stop in my training. i suddenly didn't have the social skills. and neither did i have the well defined look to rely on. so i had to learn it the hard way.
shortdick;679598 said:
rejection n bad times you had,but now you got it things all the way around lol:)

now i feel bulletproof. because i build confidence when i was fat. now im fit. i have a bigger cock and i can sweet talk most chicks into my bed.

i did what my old sensei said. i got beaten up until i was stronger :) life is good
Aimingforthetop;679599 said:
now i feel bulletproof. because i build confidence when i was fat. now im fit. i have a bigger cock and i can sweet talk most chicks into my bed.

i did what my old sensei said. i got beaten up until i was stronger :) life is good

role model you are for the bros:cool: lol most of your experiences are great n when you share we all learn from you.
Aimingforthetop;679599 said:
i can sweet talk most chicks into my bed.

Teacher, doesn't this violate rules number two, and four? You are misleading the whore by telling her what she wants to hear, and taking advantage of her ignorance in doing so
templnite;679603 said:
Teacher, doesn't this violate rules number two, and four? You are misleading the whore by telling her what she wants to hear, and taking advantage of her ignorance in doing so

well if you didn't read the rule about females being sexual creatures and that you should respect them and their sexuality and not slut shame them. like calling them whore.

if you believe a woman is not a sexual being. then yes.

flirting and sweet talking doesn't need to mean lying and cheating.

its a smile. its eye contact its slowly escalating physical contact and the fact that you don't experience fear when talking with a random girl puts you into a category of your own. as i also said. go out and practice social contact. calling woman whores is the wrong way.

and i don't perceive woman as being ignorant. most woman are alot more social skilled than men. she is very much aware of what is going to happen. she wants it to happen.

you do realize that you are still in the mindset that female sexuality is sin right?
You showed me they're whores too only you call them "sexual creatures", basically animals. That's why the word slut shaming right (there's unspoken things, and there's weeding out the unclean)? Then you just said there "she knows and wants it to happen" it infer that she doesn't need to be sweet talked because she's just a fuck, and gleefully embraces it :blush:. Thanks you for enlightenment sensei now I wont feel bad that I look at them like what they are, and when they're more social skilled than me its only because they need to get 'fucked up' to live with being their filthy self. The brotherhood must remain clean, and pure FOR THE EMPEROR
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templnite;679638 said:
You showed me they're whores too only you call them "sexual creatures", basically animals. That's why the word slut shaming right (there's unspoken things, and there's weeding out the unclean)? Then you just said there "she knows and wants it to happen" it infer that she doesn't need to be sweet talked because she's just a fuck, and gleefully embraces it :blush:. Thanks you for enlightenment sensei now I wont feel bad that I look at them like what they are, and when they're more social skilled than me its only because they need to get 'fucked up' to live with being their filthy self. The brotherhood must remain clean, and pure FOR THE EMPEROR

for those guys reading this on the side lines. this is the diffenition of a guy who will struggle for the rest of his life with women.

hiding behind religion and old texts to justify a false perception of life.
I'll struggle from having too many :s if its as easy as giving them lustful gazes with a little timely groping, and of course you cant miss the drank! That's when I pour it in tha muthafukin cup with dirty soda, and you see the knight.. in rare form the goblin! Although nobody hides behind religion we charge forth with it bra religion's baws. If I didn't have religion I'd need clarification that people have sexuality :s I guess to go against the natural order of life isn't evidence enough XD now that's 'fucked up' perception!
Aimingforthetop;679637 said:
well if you didn't read the rule about females being sexual creatures and that you should respect them and their sexuality and not slut shame them. like calling them whore.

if you believe a woman is not a sexual being. then yes.

flirting and sweet talking doesn't need to mean lying and cheating.

its a smile. its eye contact its slowly escalating physical contact and the fact that you don't experience fear when talking with a random girl puts you into a category of your own. as i also said. go out and practice social contact. calling woman whores is the wrong way.

and i don't perceive woman as being ignorant. most woman are alot more social skilled than men. she is very much aware of what is going to happen. she wants it to happen.

you do realize that you are still in the mindset that female sexuality is sin right?

Do they have less prejudice than men,maybe most of them do who knows,depending on culture,upbringing,knowledge,life experiences..etc
shortdick;679657 said:
Do they have less prejudice than men,maybe most of them do who knows,depending on culture,upbringing,knowledge,life experiences..etc

when a woman realizes that you don't judge her for her sexuality she will open up to you (if she believes you)

i mean if a girl knows she will get the slut tag for giving you a blowjob. do you think she is going to give you a blowjob?

be honest and let her be honest and trust me. your sex life will improve 10 fold.
Aimingforthetop;679667 said:
when a woman realizes that you don't judge her for her sexuality she will open up to you (if she believes you)

i mean if a girl knows she will get the slut tag for giving you a blowjob. do you think she is going to give you a blowjob?

be honest and let her be honest and trust me. your sex life will improve 10 fold.[/QUOTE

simple as that....thats a hard part most of time, but how many times guys show pics of their naked ex,while they are sucking or fucking,n how many times the girls talk bad shit about their exboyfriends..this happens dont you think..
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Preach brother shortdick! There's no such thing as trust you either engage the target, or don't, but in the end you still have to live with the decision. Imagine that just because I got cheated on, and they gave me herps I won't ever have another commitment. You cant let others dictate your future
templnite;679715 said:
Preach brother shortdick! There's no such thing as trust you either engage the target, or don't, but in the end you still have to live with the decision. Imagine that just because I got cheated on, and they gave me herps I won't ever have another commitment. You cant let others dictate your future

yeah we are not supposed to let others dictate our future,that scene when you are on your way to her place n she is busy...................:P>:(:O.
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shortdick;679698 said:
Aimingforthetop;679667 said:
when a woman realizes that you don't judge her for her sexuality she will open up to you (if she believes you)

i mean if a girl knows she will get the slut tag for giving you a blowjob. do you think she is going to give you a blowjob?

be honest and let her be honest and trust me. your sex life will improve 10 fold.[/QUOTE

simple as that....thats a hard part most of time, but how many times guys show pics of their naked ex,while they are sucking or fucking,n how many times the girls talk bad shit about their exboyfriends..this happens dont you think..

I understand the urge to do so.

And yes there is girls who will be talking shit about you. But the old saying goes: "never wrestle with a pig. You will get dirty and the pig will like it"

Don't go down to that level.

When there is a rumor around you that you trash talk girls. Or that you expose their sexualiy. Well... What do you think the girls around you will say? They will run away from you. And they will even warn their friends.

If women feel that there isn't a consequence of having sex with you... Then sex with you is 1 step closer
"never wrestle with a pig. You will get dirty and the pig will like it" rofl rofl true and is a quite effective way to get all that our lives,low life bitches they are no fucking doubt.

great words thanks
Aimingforthetop;679724 said:
shortdick;679698 said:
I understand the urge to do so.

And yes there is girls who will be talking shit about you. But the old saying goes: "never wrestle with a pig. You will get dirty and the pig will like it"

Don't go down to that level.

When there is a rumor around you that you trash talk girls. Or that you expose their sexualiy. Well... What do you think the girls around you will say? They will run away from you. And they will even warn their friends.

If women feel that there isn't a consequence of having sex with you... Then sex with you is 1 step closer

Never heard the phrase quite that way. I am going to use that myself now, good one.
JakeM82;679756 said:
Aimingforthetop;679724 said:
Never heard the phrase quite that way. I am going to use that myself now, good one.

it's funny because it's true :)

i used to use the old one: never argue with an idiot he will drag you down to his level and beat you with years of experience.

but im getting all fancy and updated :)
shortdick;679725 said:
,low life bitches they are no fucking doubt.

Yeah they're everywhere man, they try to get into our head with their pussy. Then guys become their flunky, but think they're defending something, and having manly traits. That's why so many people have that herps shit because they don't have an ounce of self-worth, and faith that they reduce themselves to whoring.

If you tell a lie big enough, and keep repeating it people will come to believe it Joseph Goebbels (Hitler's advisor)
Aimingforthetop;678948 said:
tell me what you think. peter [words=]sage[/words] made forget to sleep a night because it made me rethink... just about everything.

i downloaded everything from dan pena afterwards (there is a lot! we are talking 9 gb of audio 7gb of low quality videos) and i intend to get through all of it several times. i have already learned alot. and i still am. some of the things he says is just so fucking simple that it hurts. and in his old seminars (from the mid 90's) he spots a young tiger woods as the next big golf player because of an interview he makes.

he is good. very good! but he doesn't sugar coat anything.

Just watched half and I will watch the other half tonight. Very inspiring thus far, his outlook and position on the now is amazing and gives a unique perspective of not only becoming what you want but getting there from a different trajectory. I am very impressed so far.
currently focusing on developing a prototype for a business idea that i have.
hard and frustratic work most of the time.
busting my ass off in the gym.
i have neglected my diet recently. which i can feel in my body and health.
reading book after book about business transactions. negotiation techniques.
development of a business.
breeding a healthy work environment. etc etc.

currently it feels like all i do is to work and sleep.

but im pumped up on life. every moment of it im enjoying it. and embracing it. teaching myself to focus. to visualize and to create.
im embracing the fact that the road im going to travel upon is going to be treacheris stressfull. and i will get knocked down repeatedly.

i have the last few days felt anxiety and fear for the first time in a veeeeeery long time. pulled some contacts for a meeting with a venture fond.

normally this is 1 or 2 guys sitting ignoring you and telling you horseshit about small shit in your business plan.

suddenly i was standing on a top floor of a hotel with 6 guys smoking cigars looking like they owned the underworld. (to be smoking cigars at a hotel now a days is badass in itself) i went into the room and i got hit big time. fucking hell.

anyways they declined. but 1 of the guys gave me a pad on the shoulder. told me that i wasn't big enough for what they where looking for. but he saw i was thirsty and believed in me. he missed the next presentation because of his small chat with me. so i take the pad on the shoulder and use it.

i never expected this to be easy. but ye it really is a whole lot of hard work. never forget that people!

PE has been off for some time.

it's not that i don't want to have a bigger dick. but i figured that if i grew rich i could pay a sweet little thai chick to pull my dick for me instead (thats a joke, don't take it serious!)

besides. concept and idea development has always been my biggest passion.

occationally i forget to sleep because i get an idea i can't let go of.

has been a major problem in my past.

now i want to make it an advantage
Aimingforthetop;679808 said:
currently focusing on developing a prototype for a business idea that i have.
hard and frustratic work most of the time.
busting my ass off in the gym.
i have neglected my diet recently. which i can feel in my body and health.
reading book after book about business transactions. negotiation techniques.
development of a business.
breeding a healthy work environment. etc etc.

currently it feels like all i do is to work and sleep.

but im pumped up on life. every moment of it im enjoying it. and embracing it. teaching myself to focus. to visualize and to create.
im embracing the fact that the road im going to travel upon is going to be treacheris stressfull. and i will get knocked down repeatedly.

i have the last few days felt anxiety and fear for the first time in a veeeeeery long time. pulled some contacts for a meeting with a venture fond.

normally this is 1 or 2 guys sitting ignoring you and telling you horseshit about small shit in your business plan.

suddenly i was standing on a top floor of a hotel with 6 guys smoking cigars looking like they owned the underworld. (to be smoking cigars at a hotel now a days is badass in itself) i went into the room and i got hit big time. fucking hell.

anyways they declined. but 1 of the guys gave me a pad on the shoulder. told me that i wasn't big enough for what they where looking for. but he saw i was thirsty and believed in me. he missed the next presentation because of his small chat with me. so i take the pad on the shoulder and use it.

i never expected this to be easy. but ye it really is a whole lot of hard work. never forget that people!

PE has been off for some time.

it's not that i don't want to have a bigger dick. but i figured that if i grew rich i could pay a sweet little thai chick to pull my dick for me instead (thats a joke, don't take it serious!)

besides. concept and idea development has always been my biggest passion.

occationally i forget to sleep because i get an idea i can't let go of.

has been a major problem in my past.

now i want to make it an advantage

You are so committed and determined it is incredible! Every post you make you are always reaching to become better and it inspires me greatly! So proud to have you here as my Brother!
Thank you.

Newest improvement is after reading an article on richard branson
1No phone in bed
2Wake up 6 o clock early with an old clock
3drink fresh squished lemon in water first thing in the morning.

result: never been this productive before. Ever!!!

In 2 days im gonna make the first real model. Not prototype. But fucking model!

Im so excited about it.

I figured there was alot of things i could do before trying to get more investments.

Basicly what im currently doing is:
Find supplier and prices.
Build the first model myself.
Try and sell it.

Use the money to build 2 models sell them.

4 models.

Sell them.

Basicly proof the interest of the product. Get some marketing going. And slowly start hiring people to take the different roles in the company.

(Accounting. Assembly. Marketing. Etc)

The best thing about this is the journey. And the experience and what you get out of it on a personal level.

I stopped working a job with a 130.000 $ yearly income. I currently survive on small jobs here and there and what i have in the bank. Hoping that this idea will take over and will give a pay off.
Aimingforthetop;681870 said:
Thank you.

Newest improvement is after reading an article on richard branson
1No phone in bed
2Wake up 6 o clock early with an old clock
3drink fresh squished lemon in water first thing in the morning.

result: never been this productive before. Ever!!!

In 2 days im gonna make the first real model. Not prototype. But fucking model!

Im so excited about it.

I figured there was alot of things i could do before trying to get more investments.

Basicly what im currently doing is:
Find supplier and prices.
Build the first model myself.
Try and sell it.

Use the money to build 2 models sell them.

4 models.

Sell them.

Basicly proof the interest of the product. Get some marketing going. And slowly start hiring people to take the different roles in the company.

(Accounting. Assembly. Marketing. Etc)

The best thing about this is the journey. And the experience and what you get out of it on a personal level.

I stopped working a job with a 130.000 $ yearly income. I currently survive on small jobs here and there and what i have in the bank. Hoping that this idea will take over and will give a pay off.

What is the name of the book and can I get it online free or do I need to purchase it?
Aimingforthetop;682078 said:
not even a book. just those 3 simple things.

Three things every entrepreneur should do at the start of each day -

richard branson is bad ass.

however. i am reading the 7 habits of highly effective people.- and i must say that's a master piece aswell.

just read: release your brakes (must read for a person with ambitions)
currently: 7 habits of highly effective people
next: think and grow rich (rereading it for the 3rd time)

Thank you so much AIM! Your last link gave me great insight, tonight I will study this new link. Knowledge is King, but Imagination shares this Kingship.
Great fucking news! I just got a mentor!

This guy has invented several items and sold them.

Was very nice to have a conversation with him.

And he had so much experience i could use. Fucking amazing so pumped up on life and i know what the next step is going to be.

Alot of hard work pays off!
Hey man If i invent something innovative, creative, fabulicious,enjoyable n beautiful etc etc can i get help from your friend LOL LOL...
BigBeardBig;682597 said:
Who is he
He is not a common known name and he is not a celebrity. But he has invented products that has hit the markeds internationally
shortdick;682669 said:
Hey man If i invent something innovative, creative, fabulicious,enjoyable n beautiful etc etc can i get help from your friend LOL LOL...

Mentorship is personal between 2 people. And it should be someone you can relate to and share ideas and concepts with.

And i can't just borrow him to other people.

I can give you advice on how to find a mentor. But you gotta do the foot work yourself.
BigBeardBig;682743 said:
If you could grow your penis 1+inch, there is nothing in the world you cannot do bro !
I wish all brothers here success in life.

We accomplish all we believe we can without exception. The biggest obstacle to getting the things we was is the measurement we put in front of it whether it be money, time, effort, etc. Once we move this shadow of obstruction we can easily see what we want and a clear path to get there.
Aimingforthetop;682714 said:
He is not a common known name and he is not a celebrity. But he has invented products that has hit the markeds internationally

Mentorship is personal between 2 people. And it should be someone you can relate to and share ideas and concepts with.

And i can't just borrow him to other people.

I can give you advice on how to find a mentor. But you gotta do the foot work yourself.

Sure i cant wait for your advice n learn how to use it ASAP .Definitely someone to back me up n show me good guidance would be a great thing.
shortdick;682814 said:
Sure i cant wait for your advice n learn how to use it ASAP .Definitely someone to back me up n show me good guidance would be a great thing.

1. go through local media. find stories about inventors etc.

2. find one who matches your ideas.

3. get an idea on what he has created.

4. from the ideas you researched in point 3. find out what you don't understand of his progress and innovation. and write them down.

5. contact him. either through email phone or meet in person. (i personally showed up at his doorstep and said hi. this can go both ways, but my research showed me that he was an extrovert with a lot of creativity so thats not a problem. however if he was a super geek. email would probably be the way to not crush his comfort zone)

6. ask him about his opinion about your idea. (yes you need to show it. no he is not going to steal it)

7. if the chemistry is there and you seem to get along. ask him if you can ask him for future advise.

the end.

i know of 1 guy who had to talk with 3 guys before he found a mentor. i got one on the first try. which is usually what happens.

most guys who is inventors are very passionate about it. and they feel rather demonized by society and seen as the "weirdos"

so for them its like you are a new guy who REALLY wanna see their pokemon card collection.

i mean im looking forward to becoming a mentor myself one day (gotta invent something first though :) )

it was actually surprisingly easy. and i had put it up on a pedestal to be this very hard thing to archive,

next thing is to find a company that can produce my product (earlier mentioned mentor gave me a company from his network)

and then it is raising capital time again!
BigBeardBig;682743 said:
If you could grow your penis 1+inch, there is nothing in the world you cannot do bro !
I wish all brothers here success in life.

there is actually more truth to this statement than meets the eye.

after i gained my first goal i still had a hard time believing it. i started to use a ruler as a daily part of my masturbation program because i couldn't believe it.

it put things into perspective for me.

i have always heard that PE isn't possible. heck ask any doctor and they will call you a bafoon for just asking the question.

made me think:

what other potentials do i have. that i haven't discovered yet?

because if i can go up against big pharma and proof them wrong.

then what other things can i do that i don't believe in either?
Aimingforthetop;682842 said:
there is actually more truth to this statement than meets the eye.

after i gained my first goal i still had a hard time believing it. i started to use a ruler as a daily part of my masturbation program because i couldn't believe it.

it put things into perspective for me.

i have always heard that PE isn't possible. heck ask any doctor and they will call you a bafoon for just asking the question.

made me think:

what other potentials do i have. that i haven't discovered yet?

because if i can go up against big pharma and proof them wrong.

then what other things can i do that i don't believe in either?

Yeah I always believed every one of us havs its own kind of world.
Its all about you, how you see things, what do you and only you feel its possible.
It can all be done, however cliche it sounds. Great example is telekinesis.