I pinned 25 mcg plus I took 100 mg of viagra orally. I tried putting loads of the lidocaine over my cock but again it had no effect on the pain. The pain was so bad that I couldn't sleep even though I was extremely tired. I started at around 10:30 with the erection reaching 100% + at around 11. At 2 I had to start getting rid of it. I took 5 mg of ritalin but it had no effect so I had to take another 5 mg along with 2 cups of strong tea. At around 3 am my cock was at 50 to 60 % erect, it is now below 50%.

I have more important things to be doing with my time that laying around gritting my teeth with a painful erection. Whats more I was dying to do a shit but I couldn't or else I would have pissed all over the floor and possibly on my face too. I kept having to have mini shits while I pinched my cock to prevent the piss from coming out, then when the piss was too much I would turn around and while crouching over I'd piss in the toilet, then repeat.

I'm currently studying for a degree while doing work experience during the day. My crazy Penis Enlargement experiment has really interfered with my studies. I've re-evaluated whats important in my life and have decided that any Penis Enlargement that I do in future has to: cause no pain as to be distracting, take up little time, allow me to multitask.

I was reading a thread over at professional muscle and a guy reported good results by injecting a low dose before bed. I will try 5 mcg along with 25 mg of viagra in a couple of days. I will get back to hanging but I will be doing the rice sock duck tape method. I may or may not pump. I will see how it effects my time management but I'd say I'll probably have to drop it for now. I'll probably keep up the jelqing and the Ulis, mainly doing these when I wake as I usually just waste time in the morning by laying and daydreaming ( may as well be doing exercises).

Just thinking about it, I will probably work it like this:

7 am 20 mins jelqing and uli's
6:30 pm 2 hours studying
9 pm 1 to 4 sets of hanging
11 pm inject low dose PGE1 plus take 25 mgs viagra then sleep

I've also been neglecting my health. I need to get some exercise in. The problem is I go too hard then I have no energy to study. I will start by trying to get for a walk before breakfast every morning. I will then try and do some light weight lifting in the evening after dinner.
Got my tb-500, cjc 1295 and ipamorelin yesterday. Still waiting on my bac water which sucks as I really want to get started on these new chemicals.

I've stopped the PGE1 injections for now but will probably start them up in a couple of months. I've started back at hardcore hanging again. I'm up at 18.7 lbs for one set BTC and 6.6 lbs with a rice sock.

I'm aiming to inject tb-500 along with cjc 1295 and ipamorelin into the fat pad. I'm hoping the tb-500 will diffuse through to the ligament and base tissues of the penis. The cjc 1295 and ipamorelin have to be injected into fat tissue for a slow release so I might as well put them into the same pin as the tb-500. I'm hoping to lose weight while maintaining the little bit of muscle that I have and the cjc 1295 and ipamorelin should help with that. They will also increase IGF1 which should also help with penis enlargement.

I'm going to be following Lyle McDonalds rapid fat loss diet which consists of around 800 - 1200 calories a day from protein and fibre with one carb up a week and one cheat meal. I'll be doing a high intensity low volume routine probably 1 to 3 sets of 5 on squats, deadlifts, bench with lighter work done on the bent over row, military press, chin ups and abs. I may do this 2 days a week or I may do a speed day as well. I'll probably do it like this:

Carb up day-
Meal high in complex carbs
Heavy weighting
Meal high in simple carbs

Cheat meal day-
speed work
Cheat meal

The diet calls for no cardio as the diet should produce a big enough calorie deficit but with the cjc and ipa I might ad in some light walking first thing in the morning. I'm not sure what time to do the injections. First thing in the morning before a walk would probably help burn more fat but taking the injections before bed would help improve my sleep. Also I'll probably be doing my hanging last thing a night and I think that the tb500, cjc and ipa would improve my penis recovery post hanging. On work out days I might be best to take it pre or post work, get a shower then do my hanging and jelqing.

I will also be injecting tb 500 into my scalp in the hope that I can reverse my pretty advanced MPB. I've been using minox for the past 6 -8 months with little if any results.

I'll be posting my before and after shots. Hopefully I'll get my before shots up by tomorrow. I'll have pics of my body, head and penis. I'll weigh myself and take measurements and post them too.
Yeah I mainly take bone pressed flaccid stretched length measurements and since starting the PGE1 I've gained little if any length. I'm around 8 inches bpfsl. The thing is that I gained some weight so that may be hiding any gains but if so they would be minimal. I didn't stick with the injections for long though and I wasn't doing enough manual stretches so that may of had an effect. I did see a 1/16 th of an inch gain in erect girth but that is so small that I could just be imagining it.

I switched half way through from going for length to going for girth then I kept injuring myself by pushing myself too far without warming up properly. I did a lot of things wrong and wont be making those mistakes again.

I'm tempted to mix some of my PGE1 with the tb500 and inject it today. I would have to inject it into the CC or the tunica.
bigdex28;535576 said:
Yeah I mainly take bone pressed flaccid stretched length measurements and since starting the PGE1 I've gained little if any length. I'm around 8 inches bpfsl. The thing is that I gained some weight so that may be hiding any gains but if so they would be minimal. I didn't stick with the injections for long though and I wasn't doing enough manual stretches so that may of had an effect. I did see a 1/16 th of an inch gain in erect girth but that is so small that I could just be imagining it.

I switched half way through from going for length to going for girth then I kept injuring myself by pushing myself too far without warming up properly. I did a lot of things wrong and wont be making those mistakes again.

I'm tempted to mix some of my PGE1 with the tb500 and inject it today. I would have to inject it into the CC or the tunica.

This is my first week on PGE-1 and I'm loving it more than 600mg test and tren, haha. My observations thus far have been very positive. I can achieve an erection naturally, much easier than before and have even seen some changes to the way my penis looks. Ive been practicing expansion techniques when induced with pge1 by kegeling blood into the penis and pressing downward on the shaft repeatedly; causes extreme pressure and an expanded/elongated state. Have you tried this?
I haven't tried it but I was doing lots of ulis and when I wasn't injured I was getting great expansion. I'm trying to stick to wet jelqing, hanging and manual stretches this time around. I want to hit 9 inches by the end of this year.
Here is a pic of what I think would happen if I gave intra tunical injections rather than intra cavernousal:

View attachment 26864

Obviously this would create site specific growth and would need to be given all over the penis to ensure uniform growth.

The benefit is that you would have the same volume of chemicals working on a much smaller area. You also wouldn't be losing the chemicals from the blood flowing through the CC. Another benefit is that you would produce longitudinal growth as well as lateral whereas, intra cc injections produce more lateral growth.


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I was trying to feel where my ligs are today and was shocked when while holding my dick outstretched I felt my lig from the side rather than from the top. It was much further down than when I feel from the top, probably due to the fat pad making it feel higher than it really is. This suggests that my potential for lig gains are very slim. My lot is around a 9 which would suggest I still have some lig potential and bib's mirror test also suggests this but the latter may also be off due to me being over weight.

All the hanging I was doing was all BTC. I now know that I was wasting my time. This means that if I start focusing on tunica hanging I will really start to see growth. It also means that I may not have as much potential for growth - maybe an inch or 2 at the most.

I also read over TGC theory over at �other PE site�. I checked my BPFSL which is around 8 inches maybe a little bit more and BPenis EnlargementL is close to 8 as well. My erections are around an 8 or a 9. According to TGC theory I should focus on stretching and length based exercises. I was doing some uli's and dry jelqing but these are better for girth and building the CC. I'm going to stick to hanging (probably with a rice sock while sitting instead of BTC) manual stretches, wet jelqing at low erections and my chemical pe routine which I'm still unsure of how to go about.

If I decide not to do the intra tunica injections I will probably go for very low level erections around 60 - 80% erection level. This would prevent unnecessary waste of PGE1 as higher doses would be required for increasing girth.

Hope my bac water is here tomorrow
I got your message. Im on my phone but will reply to you tonight.
I got my bac water today. I'll be pinning later on tonight. I'll be taking 100mcg of CJC 1295 and 100mcg of ipamorelin. I'm still not sure how I'm going to run the tb4. I will definitely be pinning my scalp but I'm not sure what way to go about my pinning my penis. I want to target the tunica as much as possible so I will either pin it into my pubic fat pad along with the cjc and ipa or I may pin it with PGE1 either into the tunica or the CC.

I'm hoping to get rid of my pot belly by the summer. I reckon I'll add an inch to my none bone pressed erect length by just losing weight and maybe .25 of an inch to my bone pressed erect length.
I pinned 100 mcg of tb4 and around 8 mcg of PGE1 last night. I was aiming for the tunica but I ended up in the CC.
I also pinned 100 mcg each of CJC and ipa.

Tonight I'll be pinning 100 mcg each of tb4, cjc and ipa into the pubic fat pad. I will also pin 100 mcg of tb4 sub c into the top side of my penis and 100mcg into my scalp in probably 5 different locations along the front where my hair line should start.
My first time pinning my scalp was kinda painful and I wasn't really prepared for it so I just pinned in one location. The second night I pinned in two locations - to the left and right of where I pinned the first time. Last night I had taken some drowsy cough medicine as I have a cold and haven't been sleeping great lately. I wasn't in the mood to pin in 4 different locations on my body so I just pinned 100 mcg each of the 3 chems I'm taking into my pubic fat pad.

I've noticed that my dick is a lot plumper lately but that may be due to the PGE1 I took at the start of the week. To be honest I'm not noticing much from the Cjc 1295 and ipa. Most people that take them usually take 300 mcg of cjc and 100 to 300 of ipa so it may be due to the fact that I'm not taking enough. I would up the dose of CJC but I can't afford it.

With having the cold I haven't been eating right or doing any exercise. Today was my first day that I've really followed the Rapid Fat Loss diet. I'll be doing a work out tomorrow. Lyle McDonald recommends that when trying to lose weight you should keep your intensity high and volume low to prevent muscle loss. I'll probably work up to a max set of 5 for squats, bench and deadlift. I might do some lighter work with bent over rowing and military press or I may leave them for next week and just work up to a max 5. So my workouts will look like this:

Military press
Bent over row

you should work smarter, follow the tgc theory. focus on lenght for six months to see if your stretched flaccid lenght catches up to your bpel.
My stretched flaccid is pretty close to my bpel. With focusing on length I'll probably see a greater difference between bpel and bpfsl. Focusing on girth would bring my bpel to the same level as my bpfsl.
hanging and low flaccid jelq in front of portable heater is your best bet. Invest in gripsystem for all day stretch, ditch that stupid extender lol.
I didn't inject last night so I'm doing double of everything tonight.

So far I've injected 200mcg of tb4 and 10mcg of PGE1 sub c into my penis. This was the first time I injected PGE1 sub c. It was slightly itchy at the injection site. It was slightly swollen and red. I'm hoping that the PGE1 will help with softening the tunica. I also injected 100 mcg each of cjc and ipa.

I then hung 5.5 kg for 1 set of 15 mins. I attached the hanger a bit too close to the glans which left it a bit painful which is why I didn't go for the full 20 mins. I followed that with 20 mins of wet jelqing at low erection level.

I'll be injecting more cjc and ipa later on as well as another 200 mcg of tb4 but this time into my scalp. I'm going to try and inject at 4 different locations on my scalp.
I was thinking to myself about the structure of the tunica when I remembered reading about how it is composed of two layers - one which goes laterally and the other which goes longitudinally. So I searched and found this:

"he tunica albuginea of the corpora cavernosa is a bi-layered structure with multiple sub layers. Inner layer bundles support and contain the cavernous tissue and are oriented circularly. Radiating from this layer are intracavernous pillars acting as struts, which augment the septum and provide essential support to the erectile tissue. Outer layer bundles are oriented longitudinally. These fibers extend from the glans penis to the proximal crura, where they insert into the inferior pubic ramus. There are no outer layer fibers between the 5 and 7 o'clock positions. Elastic fibers normally form an irregularly latticed network on which collagen fibers rest. In Peyronie's disease the well ordered appearance of the collagen layers is lost: excessive deposits of collagen, disordered elastic fibers and fibrin are found within the region of the plaque."

To increase the length of the penis you must increase the length of the longitudinal collagen fibers - those on the outside layer of the tunica.
To increase the girth of the penis you must increase the circumference of the circular collagen fibers - those on the inside layer of the tunica (as well as increasing the cells withing the CC)

If PGE1 exerts its effects by weakening collagen or preventing the deposition of collagen then we would want this to happen on the outside layer if length was our goal. This could be achieved by injecting sub c or intra tunically (not easy, I've tried it and missed). You would think that injecting into the cc would allow the PGE1 to diffuse through the inner layer to the outside but I don't think this would happen as the tunica is very dense. The PGE1 is probably bound to receptors before it can make its way through to the outside layer.
Hey bigdex. Interesting info bro. So how are you injecting pge1 into just the tunica. I would think that if you inject into the penis to just hit the tunica and not go into the CCs then you would need to do multiple injections all over your penis to ensure that the pge1 is being dispersed all over your tunica right under the skin. With injecting sub c how does that work bro?
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