doublelongdaddy;705339 said:
Fuck, I know every language! Google Translate :)

google translate sucks lol i know spanish and when i translated some english text into spanish it's just straight up sounds wrong
LONGERDICK7+;705436 said:
pfff fecking crazy.I think you should stop watching that stuff man...

I don't watch it on purpose lol. It just crosses me when im on R3dd1t and ill take a look to see why its under /WTF
kyomoto;705367 said:
google translate sucks lol i know spanish and when i translated some english text into spanish it's just straight up sounds wrong

Yeah, it suck with Spanish and a few other languages but it is spot on in others.
1. Translating Spanish to English is not as easy as going to Google Translate. You need to continuously correct grammar until it makes sense.

Let us take this sentence and convert it to Spanish then back to English and see the errors.

La traducción de Español a Inglés no es tan fácil como ir a Google Translate. Es necesario que la gramática correcta continuamente hasta que tiene sentido

Translation from Spanish to English is not as easy as going to Google Translate. It is necessary to continually correct grammar makes sense until

We see the grammar mistake in bold so from here we need to correct this.

2. Translating Spanish to English is not as easy as going to Google Translate. You need to continuously correct grammar so it makes sense.

La traducción del español al Inglés no es tan fácil como ir a Google Translate. Es necesario que la gramática continuamente correcta de modo que tiene sentido ..

Now we translate this back to English we see word placement and grammar are correct.

La traducción del español al Inglés no es tan fácil como ir a Google Translate. Es necesario que la gramática continuamente correcta de modo que tiene sentido.

Translation from Spanish to English is not as easy as going to Google Translate. You need to continually correct grammar so it makes sense.
What an awesome modification! Truly a game changer.
Another alternative for connecting the Vacu Vin with the [words=]bathmate[/words] is using a part of a flat bicycle tire. I cut out a piece, about 5-6 cm long and 4 cm wide (when completely flattened) and roll it first over the Vacu Vin and then over the [words=]bathmate[/words] top. It's a bit hard to get it on at first as the rubber is fairly tough, but it will adjust after a few sessions.
Here is a pic the way I use it:
View attachment 32187
Last edited:
lazyhanger;705793 said:
What an awesome modification! Truly a game changer.
Another alternative for connecting the Vacu Vin with the [words=]bathmate[/words] is using a part of a flat bicycle tire. I cut out a piece, about 5-6 cm long and 4 cm wide (when completely flattened) and roll it first over the Vacu Vin and then over the [words=]bathmate[/words] top. It's a bit hard to get it on at first as the rubber is fairly tough, but it will adjust after a few sessions.
Here is a pic the way I use it:
View attachment 32187

Great variation. This could help a lot if people would prefer this tech. Rubbery will be better than stretchingt he vacuvin itself
almost hitting that 8"
vacuvin is the bomb.

lazyhanger;705793 said:
What an awesome modification! Truly a game changer.
Another alternative for connecting the Vacu Vin with the [words=]bathmate[/words] is using a part of a flat bicycle tire. I cut out a piece, about 5-6 cm long and 4 cm wide (when completely flattened) and roll it first over the Vacu Vin and then over the [words=]bathmate[/words] top. It's a bit hard to get it on at first as the rubber is fairly tough, but it will adjust after a few sessions.
Here is a pic the way I use it:
View attachment 32187

Yup, one of the best modifications the Brotherhood has created!
I purchased a Vacu Vin (this one): and a [words=]TLC[/words] cone (this one): Yet, I can't for the life of me get the vacu vin stopper over the [words=]x30[/words] valve, like many others on this forum. I've tried boiling water then shaping the stopper, using a lighter to heat the bottom end of the stopper to increase flexibility, but I over did it and destroyed that stopper, leaving me with one stopper left. Please let me know if there is a stopper from another company or any other device you can recommend that works with the [words=]x30[/words]. I'm very interested in this mod but am left disappointed thus far.
Alex_4;712425 said:
I purchased a Vacu Vin (this one): and a [words=]TLC[/words] cone (this one): Yet, I can't for the life of me get the vacu vin stopper over the [words=]x30[/words] valve, like many others on this forum. I've tried boiling water then shaping the stopper, using a lighter to heat the bottom end of the stopper to increase flexibility, but I over did it and destroyed that stopper, leaving me with one stopper left. Please let me know if there is a stopper from another company or any other device you can recommend that works with the [words=]x30[/words]. I'm very interested in this mod but am left disappointed thus far.

What I did was removed the entire [words=]BM[/words] valve assembly which essentially left me w/a cylinder with an opening at the top. I took The VV stopper and stuck it in the opening securing it with a rubber 'O' ring (no glue or anything, just a compression-fit to keep the stopper in-place while you're pumping). The stopper is a one-way valve so you don't have to be overly dexterous to make it work...move the little pip at the top to release the pressure when you're done. EZPZ!
Big Schwanz Acht;712492 said:
What I did was removed the entire [words=]BM[/words] valve assembly which essentially left me w/a cylinder with an opening at the top. I took The VV stopper and stuck it in the opening securing it with a rubber 'O' ring (no glue or anything, just a compression-fit to keep the stopper in-place while you're pumping). The stopper is a one-way valve so you don't have to be overly dexterous to make it work...move the little pip at the top to release the pressure when you're done. EZPZ!

I see what you're saying, this makes sense. One question though, you mentioned moving the little pip at the top to release pressure but you said you took the valve off the [words=]bathmate[/words] in order to have the stopper fit, but the valve contains the pip. So how can I release the pressure if the pip is off my [words=]x30[/words]? Hope this makes sense..

It would be greatly be appreciated if you could share a pic of your setup for further clarification. Thanks!
arkailija;712537 said:

Two pictures. After my answer there are few more.
And if you replace the valve assembly with the Vacu-Vin cork, you basically release the pressure by pushing / sliding the small part in the middle. Takes a bit of time to get used to releasing the pressure gradually with that, but you'll get the hang of it.

Thanks for your help, I appreciate it. I saw the 2 pics you posted. It looks like you kept the [words=]bathmate[/words] valve on but removed the [words=]bathmate[/words] pip and put the vacu vin stopper over the [words=]bathmate[/words] valve. Is that correct?

- - - Updated - - -

Big Schwanz Acht;712539 said:
The VacuVin stopper has a pip on the top as well...I should have been more clear.

Got it, makes more sense now. I'll need to buy an O ring but look forward to trying your method!
Alex_4;712541 said:
Got it, makes more sense now. I'll need to buy an O ring but look forward to trying your method!

I had a rubber washer ('o' ring) kicking-around the house from an old faucet I could probably even get all 'McGuyver' on it and find a rubber band or equivalent...just something that provides enough compression for the first few pumps. Once the [words=]gaiter[/words] has compressed and you have sufficient suction, the VV stopper stays-put due to the vacuum
MacGyver :-P But yes, O-ring or equivalent should do the job. In my picture it's and old [words=]BM[/words] [words=]Hercules[/words], but the principle doesn't differ that much. No need for the pip removal in the valve assembly. [words=]Hercules[/words] never had the pip.
All is forgiven, it's a common mistake.

Upon the topic anyway, I recall someone getting elastic plastic hose and cutting a piece of that, using that as the piece to make the connection.
Many ways to create the Vacu-Vin modification. Have fun pumping!
And of course for beginners or people returning to [words=]BM[/words] usage after a hiatus, I'd say it's best to start with the initial suction of the device and then progress to the Vacu-Vin mod.
I actually need to remember to take it easy soon enough as I haven't been able to use the [words=]BM[/words] due to big scab. Still doing some light exercises and keeping my mind in the game by coming to [words=]MoS[/words].
arkailija;712577 said:
And of course for beginners or people returning to [words=]BM[/words] usage after a hiatus, I'd say it's best to start with the initial suction of the device and then progress to the Vacu-Vin mod.
I actually need to remember to take it easy soon enough as I haven't been able to use the [words=]BM[/words] due to big scab. Still doing some light exercises and keeping my mind in the game by coming to [words=]MoS[/words].

Not for the uninitiated that's for certain
Anybody know how much gains you can make it you just use the bathmae [words=]hydromax[/words] v30? With DLD stretching routine added in also?
Kungfu0691;715783 said:
Anybody know how much gains you can make it you just use the bathmae [words=]hydromax[/words] v30? With DLD stretching routine added in also?

If you are going to use the [words=]BathMate[/words] 5x5x3 routine in [words=]SRT[/words] you can make girth gains pretty darn quick. When you say "DLD Stretching" I assume you are referring to the group of stretches in the [words=]Newbie Routine[/words], if so, there are very good stretches that cover all areas of gain. This combination could bring you an inch in 3 months, maybe more, maybe less it really depends on your consistency a nd dedication to your routine.
Please help.. I've been trying to get this damn vaccume over this pump for 1.5 hours now. Fingers are felling rough at the moment now. Any one has the secret to getting this thing over the [words=]bathmate[/words] valve? I can get it on now after all the stretching but it keeps coming off 30 seconds later. This is so annoying.

Or take the whole original valve assembly away and put the cork to its place. I think a flathead screwdriver is all you need to pry the assembly off, but the method in my picture keep the unit "original." (Although in the picture it is my beat up [words=]Hercules[/words], that has received many fixes.)
arkailija;717348 said:

Or take the whole original valve assembly away and put the cork to its place. I think a flathead screwdriver is all you need to pry the assembly off, but the method in my picture keep the unit "original." (Although in the picture it is my beat up [words=]Hercules[/words], that has received many fixes.)

I dont have this ring. was looking to try this tonight. What is it by the way? A small cock ring?
Just as Ark said, remove the entire [words=]BM[/words] valve assembly which essentially leaves you with a cylinder w/a [words=]gaiter[/words]. Next, take the VV cork and pop it in the top of the cylinder, you can use a small faucet washer to keep the cork in place while you fill with water. Once you're mounted with adequate pressure to stay attached to your body, the cork will stay-put. Pump-away
Big Schwanz Acht;717360 said:
Just as Ark said, remove the entire [words=]BM[/words] valve assembly which essentially leaves you with a cylinder w/a [words=]gaiter[/words]. Next, take the VV cork and pop it in the top of the cylinder, you can use a small faucet washer to keep the cork in place while you fill with water. Once you're mounted with adequate pressure to stay attached to your body, the cork will stay-put. Pump-away
Lol now I have to buy a faucet washer? Lol.. just a thought to mods.. these suggestions if possible should be put on the front page. I've been suggested to do this mod to my [words=]bathmate[/words] many of times.I Finally get around to buying the wine vac, come look at instructions to find out there's extra steps because it's too small to fit over. Just would be nice to have all this info upfront to save time as this thread is 27 pages long. Thanks for the tip Big Schwann.
you can always unscrew the aerator of a seldom used faucet and hijack it until you get to a hardware store...or you could use a thicker rubber band...or you could use a girls hair-tie...c'mon, channel your inner MacGyver
Big Schwanz Acht;717376 said:
you can always unscrew the aerator of a seldom used faucet and hijack it until you get to a hardware store...or you could use a thicker rubber band...or you could use a girls hair-tie...c'mon, channel your inner MacGyver
Lol.. you're right. I actually just used it and got it to work without the washer. Only thing is that it only works when there's no water in the chamber. When I add water every time I push down on the vac the auctions releases only with water trying to be pushed back in. I used it without water and got a mega pump. I believe it was too intense though because I have major buildup and dick is misshaped at the moment. But I'd still like to use it with water. Have you had this issue of not working when water is inside the [words=]bathmate[/words]?
Flash777;717381 said:
Lol.. you're right. I actually just used it and got it to work without the washer. Only thing is that it only works when there's no water in the chamber. When I add water every time I push down on the vac the auctions releases only with water trying to be pushed back in. I used it without water and got a mega pump. I believe it was too intense though because I have major buildup and dick is misshaped at the moment. But I'd still like to use it with water. Have you had this issue of not working when water is inside the [words=]bathmate[/words]?

I would modify it with the Wine-Vac, it is the best way to make the pump extremely powerful.
Flash777;717381 said:
Lol.. you're right. I actually just used it and got it to work without the washer. Only thing is that it only works when there's no water in the chamber. When I add water every time I push down on the vac the auctions releases only with water trying to be pushed back in. I used it without water and got a mega pump. I believe it was too intense though because I have major buildup and dick is misshaped at the moment. But I'd still like to use it with water. Have you had this issue of not working when water is inside the [words=]bathmate[/words]?

I've never gone 'water-less' so I can't comment on that, but if you are able to wedge the VV cork in the top of The [words=]BM[/words] so it holds water while upside-down, you can then enter and place the [words=]gaiter[/words] against your body and do one or two 'regular' pumps to halfway seal it and then get the VV pump with The [words=]BM[/words] tilted slightly up so the air-pocket gets sucked-out first...then it'll start compressing more and more against your pelvis while removing the excess water. (sorry for the run-on sentence, btw).
Big Schwanz Acht;717416 said:
I've never gone 'water-less' so I can't comment on that, but if you are able to wedge the VV cork in the top of The [words=]BM[/words] so it holds water while upside-down, you can then enter and place the [words=]gaiter[/words] against your body and do one or two 'regular' pumps to halfway seal it and then get the VV pump with The [words=]BM[/words] tilted slightly up so the air-pocket gets sucked-out first...then it'll start compressing more and more against your pelvis while removing the excess water. (sorry for the run-on sentence, btw).
I'm thinking maybe I do need some sort of seal because the water splashed out of the sides of the wine vac. Could that be the reason for it not working while water inside? But it shouldn't be because the seal is strong when no water is present. Also what size washer do I need? Should I put it on the wine vac or inside the [words=]bath mate[/words] hole? Also the wine vac tip doesn't stay put until I get a suction going. Is that how it supposed to be. Also I'm doing this with my original [words=]bathmate[/words]. I believe it's the [words=]Hercules[/words]. I didn't want to ruin my new one by taking the top off.
The wine-vac 'tip' or 'cork' needs to have enough compression to stay-put in the end of the cylinder where the [words=]BM[/words] valve used to be. Any kind of flexible, water proof material would just need to wedge it in tight so the cork doesn't move/wobble. The VV in its original design draws air from a partially consumed bottle of wine, all we are doing is drawing water out instead of air. You'll notice that the water will expel through the end of the hand pump...there will also be a bit of water coming-out of the side-vents of the VV cork/stopper/tip. The beauty is in the simplicity and once you've felt the amount of pressure you can develop with warm water and the wine-mod, you'll never pump dry again.

Best of luck!
lazyhanger;705793 said:
What an awesome modification! Truly a game changer.
Another alternative for connecting the Vacu Vin with the [words=]bathmate[/words] is using a part of a flat bicycle tire. I cut out a piece, about 5-6 cm long and 4 cm wide (when completely flattened) and roll it first over the Vacu Vin and then over the [words=]bathmate[/words] top. It's a bit hard to get it on at first as the rubber is fairly tough, but it will adjust after a few sessions.
Here is a pic the way I use it:
View attachment 32187

Very nice one too ! Crazy how we all came up with so many Vacu Vin related mods to Pump it to the MAX :)
Captain.Thick;719427 said:
Very nice one too ! Crazy how we all came up with so many Vacu Vin related mods to Pump it to the MAX :)

The creativity of the Brotherhood is amazing!
I see a lot of people mentioning getting past some value, I assume a pressure measurement. I have the [words=]x-30[/words] and don't see anything like that. My sticker just has the inches on the right and I assume cm on the left. What are these values in the 100s? Thanks.
Has anyone purchased this model and can attest that the cork/sealer will work for this? I can always try to modify the application but I would prefer if they just fit on snugly without putting up too much of a fight.
jorgsmashh;721899 said:
Has anyone purchased this model and can attest that the cork/sealer will work for this? I can always try to modify the application but I would prefer if they just fit on snugly without putting up too much of a fight.

That's the one I have and the modification is not difficult
What I did was not try to fight getting the rubber cork 'over' the [words=]BM[/words] tip, but rather remove the entire [words=]BM[/words] valve assembly and stick the cork in its place. It almost fits perfectly, but will need something (I used a rubber washer) to keep it secure while you're filling the cylinder with water. Once you've created a seal, the cork stays-put due to the vacuum.
Hmm not sure I'm comfortable doing that just yet as I just got mine two days ago! Haha. I'm not going to use the wine vac until I get acclimated to the [words=]BM[/words] but just want to have everything figured out and ready for when I reach that point. I read you can also just use a thick rubber band to create a good seal directly to the wine vac without the rubber tip thing. Would probably go that route before taking my new [words=]BM[/words] apart lol.
Just remember, if you are not going to do the Wine-Vac modification get a [words=]BathMate[/words] Extreme.
jorgsmashh;721932 said:
Hmm not sure I'm comfortable doing that just yet as I just got mine two days ago! Haha. I'm not going to use the wine vac until I get acclimated to the [words=]BM[/words] but just want to have everything figured out and ready for when I reach that point. I read you can also just use a thick rubber band to create a good seal directly to the wine vac without the rubber tip thing. Would probably go that route before taking my new [words=]BM[/words] apart lol.

I use a silicone donut style cock ring as a seal - just put it around the whole [words=]bathmate[/words] valve, and then push the vacu-vin into it... works fine and much easier than trying to force a vacuvin valve over it, or make any mods.

Like this one - Silicone Donut Cock Ring
emceemonkey, That's a good way to utilize the Vacu-Vin! I'll keep that in mind, as I have an idea for a new picture thread about these modifications or the get-arounds.
Sometimes a picture is truly worth more than 1000 words!
arkailija;723723 said:
emceemonkey, That's a good way to utilize the Vacu-Vin! I'll keep that in mind, as I have an idea for a new picture thread about these modifications or the get-arounds.
Sometimes a picture is truly worth more than 1000 words!

That would be awesome! It would help so many if they could see exactly how it is done.
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