bobonthecob;390671 said:
Do u think using the ssjs with [words= ]Bathmate[/words] one day and then the next day doing regular jelqs with [words= ]Bathmate[/words] would bring good results or is sticking to one of them a better idea

For some guys this may be what they need to do. [words= ]Bathmate[/words] Girth Blasters are a very intense exercise and may require more rest than other exercises.
So will jelquing on the days I dnt [words=]ssj[/words] be smart..I kno ur beginners rutine is mostly jelquing so can I still see the benefits even tho it's every other day or should I jelq every day and [words=]ssj[/words] every other..btw I appreciate how u get around and Answer all the questions shows ur serious bout wat u do
Of course, as I said if you can handle it and it has no adverse effects than do it.
I'm not at the point of doing the [words=]SSJ[/words]'s yet, but am still a bit confused on them.

Say I do a 5 minute set of [words=]SSJ[/words] after a 5 minute [words= ]Bathmate[/words] set..
When doing the [words=]SSJ[/words]'s:
1) Do you try to keep the [words=]SSJ[/words] held for as long as you stay erect
2) Do you restimulate after every [words=]SSJ[/words] (once gone semi erect)
3) After getting fully erect for the first [words=]SSJ[/words], naturally I'm assuming the erection will fade during the exercise. Is it just a case of kegelling blood after an [words=]SSJ[/words] and going at it again, or as above, do you really need to get to another 100% erection before doing another [words=]SSJ[/words]?

I'm thinking if you need to keep getting yourself to a 100% erection, you are wasting time in that 5 minute set, not performing what could be an [words=]SSJ[/words].

Maybe it will become clear to me when I actually do these next week :)
punkster;385929 said:
Is the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] suppose to leak water from the valve at the top?

Mine leaks water from the valve at the top when it's upside down too. How are you guys doing this, turning it upside down against a wall without the cup of water escaping thru the valve when its upside down??
allergix;392569 said:
Mine leaks water from the valve at the top when it's upside down too. How are you guys doing this, turning it upside down against a wall without the cup of water escaping thru the valve when its upside down??

Your valve should not be leaking, are you pressing against it at all?
The top valve on my [words= ]Bathmate[/words] has always leaked water out when I fill it up, but not when its on and there is pressure. If you watch the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] video on how the device works they even say to cup your hand on the valve when filling it up in the shower so it doesn't leak. DLD, i am not sure how yours does not leak when left upside down because it seems you are one of the only lucky ones.
I find it really hard to stay erect when entering the [words= ]Bathmate[/words], and its even harder for me to stay erect when removing the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] after 5 minutes to start a set of [words=]SSJ[/words]'s.
I still dont really know how to accomplish this routine. When I have to "force" myself to get erect, as if by command, i only get like 30-40% erect.
Btw, your all talking about 4-6 hours of temporary gains. I'm only using the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] for about 1 week, but my temp gains dont stay that long. My flaccid size after a girth session is unbelievable, but after 10 minutes its nearly completely gone? Maybe its just because I just started my first [words= ]Bathmate[/words] sessions a week ago.
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Doublelongdaddy: I just bought your [words=]dvd[/words] and look forward to try your tips. just one question, is [words= ]Bathmate[/words] for newbies like me, or should i first use it after i have done the phases on the [words=]dvd[/words] for a year or so?
doublelongdaddy;373697 said:
Not at all. I will shot a short video showing what I do...I think this will help.

DLD - Were you ever able to make this video? I would love to see your complete [words= ]Bathmate[/words] Girth Blasters routine as I'm just not getting how to do this with only text. Also, is there a central location on your great site here for all available video training, like a library? Please let me know and thanks again for all of your help and advice. :-)
Malagabecher;394209 said:
I find it really hard to stay erect when entering the [words= ]Bathmate[/words], and its even harder for me to stay erect when removing the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] after 5 minutes to start a set of [words=]SSJ[/words]'s.
I still dont really know how to accomplish this routine. When I have to "force" myself to get erect, as if by command, i only get like 30-40% erect.
Btw, your all talking about 4-6 hours of temporary gains. I'm only using the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] for about 1 week, but my temp gains dont stay that long. My flaccid size after a girth session is unbelievable, but after 10 minutes its nearly completely gone? Maybe its just because I just started my first [words= ]Bathmate[/words] sessions a week ago.

When I do DLDs [words= ]Bathmate[/words] Girth Blasters I get great expansion but I dont remain with all that expansion in the flaccid state. After about an hour my flaccid is closer to its regular size, BUT the difference is if you get hard again you should notice that you still have great expansion going on. I think that is what people are referring to when they see the expansion for like 12 hours. I would say it takes me that long for my ERECT girth to slowly decrease back to its normal size.
ah Ok, I never saw anything like that because I'm a bit new to the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] and after those first workouts I felt like its impossible to get hard.
Now since I dont have this problem anymore I'll look out for this extra erect expansion and try to make it permanent
Remember, this work we are doing will bring fatigue, especially in the beginning stages. Eventually, with any intense routine, your penis will become better able to recover quicker. For me fatigue lasts 12-24 hours. I am always ready to go the next day. When I first started with the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] it took more time to recover EQ...gets better everyday now that I am used to it.
Hey DLD, really quick question (well kind of). So I have been using your girth blaster routine and mixing it in with my [words= ]Bathmate[/words] sessions. For the first couple weeks it went great but now I am having tons and tons and tons of red dots popping up right after the girth blaster routine. At first it was just a couple red dots, but now its literally like dozens and dozens (no joke). I am getting these dots SECONDS after I am fully clamped and in the middle of the girth blaster routine. I noticed that after doing the blaster routine and entering the bath my dick BURNS. Its like the skin is getting very very weak and irritated. Have you experienced anything like this at all?

When I first got the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] I started with 5mins [words= ]Bathmate[/words] sessions and 100 jelqs & a couple reps of girth blasters in between every session (counting to 30seconds when clamped during girth blaster session). After about a month or so I moved up to 10mins pump sessions, 100 jeqls, and a couple reps of the girth blasters @ 30secs a rep. I noticed the red dots forming shortly after I switched up my session to 10min [words= ]Bathmate[/words] pumps.

After repeated [words= ]Bathmate[/words] sessions I figured it was time to move up and make a new game plan. Here is my current workout.

-10min in warm bath to relax penis for the pump session
-100 jelqs
-Three reps of girth blasters
-100 jelqs
-10min [words= ]Bathmate[/words]

-three reps girth blasters
-100 jelqs
-15mins [words= ]Bathmate[/words]

-three reps girth blasters
-20mins [words= ]Bathmate[/words]

Im thinking about cutting the girth blasters out of my routine and just do normal clamping. I usually clamp the base of my penis @ 50% with my hand and then kegal a couple times then 100% clamp it off with my hand and hold it like that for 30seconds just like the girth blasters. I did used to do this but once i found your girth blaster routine i substituted.

Pretty much Im just wondering if the dozens and dozens of red dots are normal. The dots eventually turn dark dark black which is something that is also getting me kind of ticked off. Anyways, let me know whatsup...sorry the short question turned into paragraphs. Cheers!
Sounds like your skin is very sensitive and this is leading to spotting and bruising. I think you should work through it as it will happen less and less as your skin becomes more and more used to it. I used to get spotting and bruises constantly for my first 3 months or so, eventually it happens less and less and today I only get them when I move into a more intense routine but they fade eventually again. Good warm up and warm downs help and also deep penile massage helps.
Hondatuner87;397534 said:
Thanks man, I will look into massaging more after my pump sessions. Just glad that I'm not the only one experiencing this lol!

Like I said, it is short lived. It may happen again when you move into something more intense. remember the penis skin is extremely thing and when you are fucking with blood pressure, as in Penis Enlargement, you will be prone to bruising and spotting.
Hi everyone!!!

What type of lube do you use when you do this routine? I really like oil based lube but it will shorten the life of my [words= ]Bathmate[/words]. How do you guys do with lube and cleaning of the [words=]batmate[/words]?!
I use vaseline and wash up with dish soap and hot water.
There should be a little rubber tip on the very end of the [words= ]Bathmate[/words]. It's a one way valve. When there is no pressure (vacuum) in the chamber then water will leak out if the unit is upside down. I just put a finger on that rubber tip to kinda hold it pressed in as I put my penis into the pump. It works well for me. Of course I'm not walking around the house or sitting at the computer like DLD, I do it in the shower so any leakage is ok.
Now that I have the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] and am going to start doing these do I just quit with jelqing or should I still do my jelqs?
n8dogg;411784 said:
Now that I have the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] and am going to start doing these do I just quit with jelqing or should I still do my jelqs?

Replace the Jelqs with the SlowSquashJelqs and the [words= ]Bathmate[/words]...Big things coming!

Pumping & [words=]SSJ[/words] has become all of my sessions consist of now. I'm not 100 percent shore I'm doing the [words=]SSJ[/words] right.

When I perform a rep, I can hold it up to 2-5 min. but after about 1 min. my unit stays very engorged but I can fell the blood draining out & the hardness fading. I continue to hold the rep as long as possible but do I need to clamp harder at the base or does the erection fade no matter what with [words=]SSJ[/words]?

Also, If I'm doing them right or wrong, They are having a effect on my unit that no other girth exercise has. When I go to edge blood back in after each rep, my unit seems to get harder & fuller after each rep. What makes [words=]SSJ[/words] so different?
ma sjekke

No Habla?

Also, If I'm doing them right or wrong, They are having a effect on my unit that no other girth exercise has. When I go to edge blood back in after each rep, my unit seems to get harder & fuller after each rep. What makes [words=]SSJ[/words] so different?


what makes them different is the dual compression that your using with both hands as your pushing the blood from the base to the head and the head to the base,
Thus making a crushing can motion which in turn gives that super expansion.

Hope This Helps:)
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is there video of how to perform [words=]SSJ[/words], cause english is not my first language so im no t sure if I got it correctly and video would help

[QUOTE='pepe';415055]is there video of how to perform [words=]SSJ[/words], cause english is not my first language so im no t sure if I got it correctly and video would help


SLOW SQUASH JELQ VIDEO but you will meed a membership to watch. Memberships are available HERE.
oh dang :(

but in a nutshell does it go somethin like this
1. clamp at base
2. jelq clamp hand about 1 inch up
3. with other hand, bend your penis down

how long i'm suppose to bend it in 1 rep?

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i gotta tell you bro,,,this routine is no joke,,,my unit looks like a pit bull now,,,my wifes words exactly the veins look so bad ass,,,i and she love the results from doing these,,my glan has become rather large as result as well,,,i find that not only pushing downward ,,i also push upwards as well and straight,,i almost fill the [words= ]herc[/words] compltely girthwise from base all the way to just before my glans as a result of this routine,it seems to have evened things out perfectly,,thanks for this and all your, i have a partially clogged nympth vessel,,i have done all the suggested,,massage seems to be keeping it at bay as well,,its not getting any better nor is it getting any worse,,,,but a little concerned i am,,,,thanks again
[QUOTE='pepe';415142]oh dang :(

but in a nutshell does it go somethin like this
1. clamp at base
2. jelq clamp hand about 1 inch up
3. with other hand, bend your penis down

how long i'm suppose to bend it in 1 rep?


Not really a bend, that is the wrong word, it is a slight, aching roll more than a bend.

If you have a site membership here is the video: DLD Slow Squash Jelqs
kport11;419867 said:
i gotta tell you bro,,,this routine is no joke,,,my unit looks like a pit bull now,,,\

lol :P That is some good shit bro!
hey DLD, i found this from other forum, is this how to perform correctly?

- I get about a 80 t 90% erection
- I wrap my base and squeeze hard with an ok grip (standard)
- I stroke upwards (jelq motion) about an inch, I can´t go more since I´m squeezing hard. I keep my hand squeezing in that position.
- With the palm of the other hand I push my glans towards the base of my penis, kind of trying to compress a can of coke.
- I hold in that position from 30 to 60 seconds

just asking but does it efect base girth? because base is not getting expansion if you move your ok hand above 1inch from base
[QUOTE='pepe';419982]hey DLD, i found this from other forum, is this how to perform correctly?

- I get about a 80 t 90% erection
- I wrap my base and squeeze hard with an ok grip (standard)
- I stroke upwards (jelq motion) about an inch, I can´t go more since I´m squeezing hard. I keep my hand squeezing in that position.
- With the palm of the other hand I push my glans towards the base of my penis, kind of trying to compress a can of coke.
- I hold in that position from 30 to 60 seconds

just asking but does it efect base girth? because base is not getting expansion if you move your ok hand above 1inch from base[/QUOTE]

That is the perfect description. No, you will not gain base girth using the [words=]SSJ[/words] but if you do the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] Hardcore Stretches you will have the best of both worlds as base girth explodes when you do the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] Hardcore Stretches.
First post on here after a bunch of reading. Just started this routine two nights ago after much debate. Was worried about fluid retention because I was already getting a ton of it just pumping, thought any form of a jelq would make it 100 times worse... WRONG... this routine is amazing. Before I started it, I had never hit the 170 mark on the [words= ]Bathmate[/words], and my erect girth after pumping was right around 5.25 or so...

Tonight, after my second night on the routine...

Right around the 175 mark and right at 6 inches girth. Unreal. With time, can I expect these gains to stay around longer and longer, and eventually permanently?

Good stuff DLD. Thanks for the great routine.

PS: I also threw in some stretching with the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] while doing this routine. During the pumping time, I will stretch 2 times, each direction, for 30 seconds each. Really loving it.
slimeypenor;437908 said:
First post on here after a bunch of reading. Just started this routine two nights ago after much debate. Was worried about fluid retention because I was already getting a ton of it just pumping, thought any form of a jelq would make it 100 times worse... WRONG... this routine is amazing. Before I started it, I had never hit the 170 mark on the [words= ]Bathmate[/words], and my erect girth after pumping was right around 5.25 or so...

Tonight, after my second night on the routine...

Right around the 175 mark and right at 6 inches girth. Unreal. With time, can I expect these gains to stay around longer and longer, and eventually permanently?

Good stuff DLD. Thanks for the great routine.

PS: I also threw in some stretching with the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] while doing this routine. During the pumping time, I will stretch 2 times, each direction, for 30 seconds each. Really loving it.

That is great! I am happy you are including manual work too, this will help speed the process. And, yes, it will be permanent.:)
Ok a concern I've come across...

After doing the routine, maybe about an hour later when I'm completely flacid... My dick looks like a mushroom lol. I don't know if this is what you guys are talking about when you say fluid retention or not... but its just like a big puff up of mass just below my head. Anyone else get this? It seems pretty unavoidable with this routine so I'm hoping it's just normal. My dick just looks really weird afterwards and I'm not sure I'd want to show a woman my thang in this state lol.
slimeypenor;438458 said:
Ok a concern I've come across...

After doing the routine, maybe about an hour later when I'm completely flacid... My dick looks like a mushroom lol. I don't know if this is what you guys are talking about when you say fluid retention or not... but its just like a big puff up of mass just below my head. Anyone else get this? It seems pretty unavoidable with this routine so I'm hoping it's just normal. My dick just looks really weird afterwards and I'm not sure I'd want to show a woman my thang in this state lol.

That is fluid retention, try adding some jelqing in between the sets. I'm confused because [words=]SSJ[/words]'s are supposed to reduce FR. Some guys are just different so you can pump wearing a condom and that could help it in the [words= ]Bathmate[/words], and its ok to have a little fluid retention as long as it is not overwhelming.
"I'm not sure I'd want to show a woman my thang in this state lol"

Well, that's why we stay away from women for five years to do this. Didn't anybody tell you?
Turnover;438491 said:
That is fluid retention, try adding some jelqing in between the sets. I'm confused because [words=]SSJ[/words]'s are supposed to reduce FR. Some guys are just different so you can pump wearing a condom and that could help it in the [words= ]Bathmate[/words], and its ok to have a little fluid retention as long as it is not overwhelming.

Maybe I'm doing the [words=]SSJ[/words]'s wrong then? Basically just starting off like a regular jelq, going up an inch or so, then pushing down on the head? Is that right?

Maybe I need some more guidance on these things.
slimeypenor;438525 said:
Maybe I'm doing the [words=]SSJ[/words]'s wrong then? Basically just starting off like a regular jelq, going up an inch or so, then pushing down on the head? Is that right?

Maybe I need some more guidance on these things.

Have you watched the video? We have an incredible video section.
doublelongdaddy;438534 said:
Have you watched the video? We have an incredible video section.

No disrespect, I enjoy this site so far in my limited time here, but I'm not quite ready to pay just yet.

Without directing me to a paying members only page, could you just describe the [words=]SSJ[/words] as clear as possible? Am I supposed to be bending the penis down, or actually squashing the head towards my clamping hand? I think that might be where my confusion is.

slimeypenor;438567 said:
No disrespect, I enjoy this site so far in my limited time here, but I'm not quite ready to pay just yet.

Without directing me to a paying members only page, could you just describe the [words=]SSJ[/words] as clear as possible? Am I supposed to be bending the penis down, or actually squashing the head towards my clamping hand? I think that might be where my confusion is.


DLD is not trying to make anyone pay for anything,He is just telling you to go to the video section of the forum and check out me or SWM [words=]SSJ[/words] videos there,Stillwantmore has a jelq,SSJ and Clamping Section there nothing to pay for bro.Just scan the forums and you will see.

Superdick;438574 said:
DLD is not trying to make anyone pay for anything,He is just telling you to go to the video section of the forum and check out me or SWM [words=]SSJ[/words] videos there,Stillwantmore has a jelq,SSJ and Clamping Section there nothing to pay for bro.Just scan the forums and you will see.


The link given asked me for user/password and when I typed this one in, it didn't work. Oh well.. not going to clutter this thread with this. Too much good info in here for it to be tainted with this type of discussion. :)
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    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
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