Medicating;422701 said:
I feel you on being fatigued by the BTCs man. I do 10 minutes of BTC every morning when i'm not hard enough to do a [words= ]Bathmate[/words] session. Feels so nice and fatigued after. It's my favourite manual stretch.

Very good ligament stretch! Actually the best.
Haven't seen an update on measurments since 12/13 I believe. Any updates on how your doing? With the rest and different mixing of stretches I would like to know for future reference.
So far my routine is looking like this lately

3x 20 min sets at 15 pounds BTC or SD

Go to the gym 1 1/2 hours

1x 20 min set 15 pounds BTC

5x40 sec [words= ]Bathmate[/words] Stretches straight out

I will post a measurement Friday. I want to measure after I have done this a couple weeks.
Deagle;423830 said:
So far my routine is looking like this lately

3x 20 min sets at 15 pounds BTC or SD

Go to the gym 1 1/2 hours

1x 20 min set 15 pounds BTC

5x40 sec [words= ]Bathmate[/words] Stretches straight out

I will post a measurement Friday. I want to measure after I have done this a couple weeks.

Looking forward to your new, larger size:)
Im a fraction of an inch longer, Its not enough to add a new measurment to me because I am sure this will fluctuate. Not dissapointed because I was still conditioning to the new snake hanger and havent felt fatigued. So i am going to up the amount of sets I do daily until I feel the necessary fatigue
Been busy. Haven't had time to post much. Working on girth now. I bought a vaccum pump for discreet pumping in the morning and night. It does not have a gauge but I go very light with it for a max of 6-7 minutes for a set.

I did about 2 sets the first two weeks now moving up to 3. Then i go to the gym for 2 hours and come back and use [words= ]Bathmate[/words] in the shower for 10 minutes. Girth seems to be sticking longer now.

I read after you do this for a very long time you really only have to pump once a week to maintain size. To me that is permanent enough. Plus pumping feels kinda good, and is a great time to do intense PC excercises.

Thoughts anyone? I know i need a pump with a gauge but this is what i got for now...
O yea. And im doing the [words=]SSJ[/words]'s in the middle of my vaccum pumping sets.
[QUOTE Girth seems to be sticking longer now.[/QUOTE]

What do you mean by this? Do you mean expansion lasting longer? How much expansion do you get from pumping anyway? I´m not well up in pumps but I recently read about the product called "air clamp", I´m still confused in whether this tool clamps or pumps penis. But that tool has attracted my attention. There is a guy called Monty at thundersplace who owns a site where air clamp stands at the price of 50 bucks. I read positive feedback from guys that struggled with girth. Even Bib was using something very similar for his girth gains. I think it was called Uli Thing. Air clamp applies the same principles. It acctually looks like pump. I´m at the end of my 3 month decon break and I wanna make girth gains by clamping, so today I went ahead and ordered stuff. We two gotta figure out what works for girth. If two men have same sizes and both gain hard, there is a huge chance that waht works for one will work for the other too.
I am aware of Monty. And that sounds really good too because the clamp will form to you girth so if it being air filled it will fit perfect for everyone. sounds solid. No it is not a pump its a clamp. Im thinking its kindve like a Blood Pressure Reader, not sure the technical term, but you get the point.

In response to the quote. Yes I am saying that because I pump in the morning and by evening I still have expansion, while when i started pumping I would have been normal. My base girth is about 5.25, at evening it is staying 5.5. Gaining girth near the tip is the hardest it normally 4.75 and after pumping its 5. however at the end of the day it is near normal again, however I am remaining positive, base is coming along shaft will follow.

I read about another member( I think this credit goes to SWM, correct me if im wrong)pumped then clamped afterwards. That to me is the ultimate workout. And honestly I have all those cable clamps but i think I would prefer the air clamp, however I need to save meh moneys!!!
Deagle;438634 said:
I read about another member( I think this credit goes to SWM, correct me if im wrong)pumped then clamped afterwards. That to me is the ultimate workout. And honestly I have all those cable clamps but i think I would prefer the air clamp, however I need to save meh moneys!!!

Yes money is the main concern, it´s good to know that I hear increasingly more about clamping after pumping as the ultimate workout for girth. I hope you break your expansion limit soon. I might get air clamp soon. Tommorow I´m starting clamping I hope to get a good expansion, but I read about the member at thunders who had been not getting good expansion after clamping for many months at all and started to do O- bends and broke the limit and gained over 3/4 inches in girth. Do you think that clamping permanently inhibits your length gains?
I dont think that at all. it is possible it might make them more difficult, or even easier if your stretching the tunica. getting more girth may result in more length.

Basically nobody knows.
So I restarted Penis Enlargement. I had been pumping ninja-like during the summer when girlfriend was home. now she is going back to school and I can start my routine again. I checked my LOT for shits and giggles and apparently its extremely low now(2-3). before it was much higher(7-8). so i have begun upwards hanging. and pumping afterwards if I have time. hopefully this will start my gains again.

along with this I go to the gym 3 times a week on a 5x5 routine bulk. supplementing with Whey, Tribulus, AAKG, Vitamin E on days off. and GABA before bed
Hung for 2x20 min upward hanging sets yesterday at about 6pm

today @ 7:30am I am finishing up one set.

schedule later:

2-3 more sets when i get home at around 2pm then follow it up with some pumping sets at low pressure.
restarted my fastsize [words=]extender[/words] use. doing only upwards stretching. doing this to hit the tunica. I ordered my wide mouth pump.

the width is just over 2 inches and its shorter obviously the other way. its also 9 inches long, has a gauge and seems very promising. I will be doing this after my [words=]extender[/words] use. and probably just the pump on the weekends
Pump arrived and I did 3x15 min sets. Pretty much NO fluid retention yet good expansion.

Im trying something today(mainly cuz I didn't expect to have as much time since I am now called off work)

20 min pump
fastsize upwards.

Goal is to keep the length I get from the pump in an extended state for longer. Since there is no fluid retention, I don't really see how this could be that bad. Let me know if you think im doing something wrong

After the gym and a run later I might be doing more fastsize but definitley more pumping.
Deagle;452977 said:
Pump arrived and I did 3x15 min sets. Pretty much NO fluid retention yet good expansion.

Im trying something today(mainly cuz I didn't expect to have as much time since I am now called off work)

20 min pump
fastsize upwards.

Goal is to keep the length I get from the pump in an extended state for longer. Since there is no fluid retention, I don't really see how this could be that bad. Let me know if you think im doing something wrong

After the gym and a run later I might be doing more fastsize but definitley more pumping.

What pump is this? I thought you already had one?
I first got the [words= ]Bathmate[/words]. but the foam pad fell off and I was outgrowing it. Instead of getting the [words= ]X-40[/words] I got a cheap one from online because I would be able to pump discreetly. instead of running the bath for a while getting it ready and what not(girlfriend hates wasting water so she would probably come in to find out what was taking so damn long lol)

Well the problem with that pump was there was no gauge. I knew this was an issue so I tried not to push it. But I know i overpumped a few times. So i took a bit of a break did some manual work then bought that one in the link.

It has a gauge and the oval shape is attractive. I always wondered why penis pumps werent really shaped like penises. It didn't really make sense to me. Biggest reason I got this is the quality + safety.
There really is no fluid retention after pumping. its awesome. obviously this is what would have happened with continuous use of the [words= ]Bathmate[/words], but with the buggerin foam continually falling off I had not the patience.

My base EG usually is 5.25 give or take with EQ. after pumping im up near 5.75 pure expansion. and my length spikes to 7.75 BPenis EnlargementL. I measured this morning and I don't think its a gain more just some left over expansion from 20 HOURS AGO. im still gonna [words=]extender[/words] during the week and cement this stuff.

But thinking about it. If expansion is gonna last longer and longer. And I have to pump once a day or every few days for 1 set of 20 mins(the website says the maintence is once every 5 days to maintain maximum size) then that is permanent enough for me. If I don't go to the gym for weeks and weeks my muscles will get smaller right? Plus pumping is fun, I don't really ever want to just be "done".
doublelongdaddy;398700 said:
Kettle Bell looks interesting, wondering why it cost so much though

I use kettle bells also, they are actually great. I can't justify the cost of them, but you can find MUCH better deals online than at a retail store. Also, you have to be careful with the weight you choose and your movements or you can cause yourself a lot of bodily harm from the extra weight over twisting tendons on turns, etc.
My base girth seems consistent at 5.5 and my "near tip girth"(the one thats hardest to gain that is posted in my sig) is closing in on 5" thanks to pumping I believe. I have stopped pumping for a while and am only doing [words=]extender[/words] with applications of andractim test gel. seeing huge improvement in erection quality and libido. this also maybe because I was overpumping and EQ suffered, either way its a lot better now. length seems over 7.5 regularly but i don't count is as a gain yet. been using andractim almost 2 weeks.

will update
Good update. I am happy things are coming together. Have you tried Slow Squash Jelqs in an isolated way to target the area you want to enlarge?
I also have bought a [words=]FleshLight[/words] to use a few times a week. this shit is FUN! I bought the [words=]STU[/words] model. using it a few times a week. edging session about 30 mins

I do like the [words=]SSJ[/words]'s however Im not incorporating them because im not pumping. I always had trouble gaining if I did both length and girth at the same time. Im focusing on keeping my dick under constant strain as much as possible. Looking to get either Penis Enlargementweights to use while im at work or maybe the [words=]VLC[/words] [words=]tugger[/words] with the strap.

My question is would the [words=]VLC[/words] work with a fastsize [words=]extender[/words]? Im sure you can tell me this DLD, as you probably have a fastsize laying around somewhere. :P
added hanging again for length. just started my second week yesterday. first week I used 7.5 pounds this week im using 10 lbs. next week I will go up to 12.5. been doing as many sets as possible during the week. max I have hit is 6 in one day 20 min sets. I also use a space heater right in front like kingsnake. and occassionaly I will turn on adult entertainment to get a semi erection while hanging. according to kingsnake's research the penis is most manipulative in flaccid and semi-erect states. so I try to hit them both while hanging. no problems yet. I usually take a 5-15 min break in front of the heater too.

morning wood is still good and my erections are crazy hard. at the end of all the sets I use my [words=]FleshLight[/words] to edge W/O ejaculating(once again kingsnake's technique to boost sex hormones and circulation.

Penis EnlargementACE!
3rd hanging week: Weight 12.5

usually hanging monday-friday. minimum amount of sets I usually get are about 3x20mins. Most I usually get to is 6x20mins. I would still go for more after 6 if I could.
Manual stretching in the bathroom @ home/work. I usually measure a lot so I don't really have any gains to report. However Im not really discouraged. in my opinion 3-6 sets at 10lbs is not really enough to induce gains. I will need a higher weight for that set number to really come into effect.

Before when i started hanging I upped the weight too fast and couldn't handle it. Now i work on one weight a week to condition myself. and up 2.5 the next week. I feel like its better than 1lb because it might "Shock" the penis a bit more. I know everywhere i had read to move up in weight slowly, and now i finally am disciplining myself to do so.
12/5 Hanging @ 12.5 pounds

3 hanging sets @ 20 mins

2 hours [words=]extender[/words]

2 hanging sets @ 20 mins

12/6 Hanging @ 12.5 pounds

1 Hanging set @ 20 mins

45 mins [words=]extender[/words] while washing dishes(is that multitasking?)

2 Hanging sets @ 20 mins

Gym for 2 hours heavy chest bench's + 2.5 miles ran

1 hanging set @ 20 mins

P.S. at the end of set 2 fatigue really started to set in. almost didn't make it through set 3. I think if I did my fourth set before the gym I would have cut it off after 5 mins. But I recovered enough to knock it out.

P.P.S a lot of my hanging is done with a space heater hitting my dick during the hanging session i usually do it during the first 5 mins then turn it off for 15 so it can cool off in the extended state and heal there.
12/7 Hanging @ 12.5lbs

3 hanging sets @ 20 mins [words=]extender[/words] 40 mins

12/8 Hanging @ 12.5lbs

2 hanging sets @ 20mins [words=]extender[/words] 25 mins
gym 1.5 hours (Heavy Deadlift day)
Deagle;466597 said:
12/9 Hanging @ 12.5 lbs

3 hanging sets @ 20 mins [words=]Extender[/words] for 30 mins
2 hanging sets @ 20 mins

Not too shabby for a lazy Saturday:)
12/12 Hanging @ 15lbs Part 2

After work did 3 more sets of 20 mins. and 30 mins [words=]extender[/words] in front of heater. used to be stretching to the bars was a bit of a strain but today it was WAY less than the amount of bars I think i need now. stretch length has definitley improved.

might do another set tonight if girlfriend goes to bed early. then wake up and do it again before the gym!

Rest day

12/14 Hanging @ 15lbs

Managed to get 5x20min sets in before girlfriend got home. Edged for about 10 mins in [words=]FleshLight[/words].
12/15 Hanging @ 15lbs
only got in 2x20min sets. before gym time.

12/16 Hanging @ 15lbs
Whopping 6x20 min sets total. 3 sets before work. only worked a a few hours. 3 sets after. SUPenis EnlargementR SORE. reward with gym!
in addition to the above post on saturday(12/17) I did 2 more 20 min sets for a total of 3x20 min sets on the day.

Monday 12/19 : Hanging at 17.5lbs (new week new weight)
4x20 min sets. penis feeling very sore. the base of my penis is very red and skin is irritated. small bits of skin are flaking off from the intensity at the base. this is obviously the skin stretching. proof to me that there are changes taking place. perhaps not able to be noticed yet. this is more weight than I have ever been able to consistently do. and I have not measured in a week and a half(very proud of myself)
my snake hanger broke. the metal part on the left side that holds the screw just snapped in half and cant hold it anymore. either way im getting another one. it was a great machine.

Using the pump again in the meantime for 10 minute sets + space heater(didn't try this before) ending with a jelqing session. also im re applying andractim since its been a month without taking it to cycle off. ordering my new snake hanger today.
got my new snake hanger. the size is slightly bigger than before i think. however it is way more comfortable( 2x3 ) the same one kingsnake uses. I thought since his dick is way bigger than mine i would need a smaller one but that is not the case.

since it has been just under a month since my last hanging I have dropped weight back to 12.5. I was just starting my 17.5 weight. I will be back up there in a few weeks.
1/17 Dropped back down to 12.5 pounds to re adjust tissues from the month off.
Did two sets this day for 20 minutes. Skin is very red and sore.

6x20 . Great day wednesday. very sore but had an awesome 6 sets for 20 minutes. Finished off with penis pumping for 2x15 minutes between 5-7HG

only 2 sets + [words=]Penis pump[/words] for 15 minutes around 7HG before gym

8x20 min sets of 12.5 pounds. feeling good


1 set of 20 mins


Pump 10 mins 5-7HG


Back up to 17.5 pounds I figured the week before i did 8 sets without feeling very sore the next day so it was time to move up.

3 sets before gym + 1 after all for 20 mins


3 sets before gym + 1 after all for 20 mins

1 set for 20 mins


1 set for 20 mins


so far have done 3 sets at 20 mins before reaching fatigue(finally). dropped weight to 12.5 and hung for 1 more set of 20 mins. followed by 2x15 min of pumping. that was 2 hours ago. about to head to the gym for a couple hours and when i get back will hang for probably a couple more sets.
1/28 - 1/29 Off


2 sets for 20 mins at 17.5 pounds. went to work for 4 hours then came back and pumped for 13 mins at 5-7HG

4 sets for 20 mins at 17.5 pounds before gym. after gym squeezed one more 20 min set in. and then pumped for 15 mins 5-7HG
aiming for 3 sets tomorrow before girlfriend gets home.
2/1 @ 17.5 pounds
3 sets of 20 mins

1 set of 20 mins

3 sets of 20 mins went to work for a couple hours. came back for 2 sets of 20 mins. total of 5 sets.
squeezed in a couple of sets saturday. first set was 17.5 pounds BTC almost thought about calling it before 20 mins because i was so fatigued. waited about 20 mins then did 20 more mins at 15 pounds.

day off today. super bowl sunday!

2 sets @ 17.5 pounds


next 3 sets I dropped to 15 pounds due to a pain at the base

2/7 17.5 pounds

3 sets
went to the gyn
1 set

2/8 17.5 pounds

3 sets

2/9 17.5 pounds

5 sets
been on basically the same routine. but i am now up to 22.5 pounds of hanging. fatigue reached alot faster. will ride this weight until i don't really notice much soreness after 3 sets.
Deagle;475939 said:
been on basically the same routine. but i am now up to 22.5 pounds of hanging. fatigue reached alot faster. will ride this weight until i don't really notice much soreness after 3 sets.

22.5 is huge! I hung at that weight in my hanging tenor. On some days I would double it in progressive pyrimid sets, there is a post somewhere. This progression from 20 to 50 was just what I needed to budge from the late 9" area to the 10" area. After that I no longer could gain with hanging and needed to change my routine, this is when Expressive Stretching became a major part of my Penis Enlargement, and still is today.