Too bad I didn't get to start this log back in May 2004 when I started... but as difficult it is to see/feel my gains - the ruler doesn't lie. .75" EG in four months, and the next .25" in the subsequent few weeks. I'll be the first to say I'm skeptical of my gains, but I've learned to trust in the ruler.

Starting Stats/Routine</B>

May 16, 2004 I took my primary measurements. This was before I ever had any preconception of average size and I could've sworn I was average. Unfortunately I was shorthanded on girth.

May 04 - 6.9 x 4.1 BPenis EnlargementL

Routine - well, jelqing had never worked for me... I could never keep it at a workable erection level. So I did light constrictor work by wrapping a shoe lace around my base to keep my erection (this is before I had ever heard of constrictors, weird eh?) I did basic Uli's and Horse type exercises. Maybe 20 minutes a day. I was still at school but within a few weeks I was back home. I was very distressed about this erection problem - so I bought a pump. I figured if I used it in conjuction with my basic Penis Enlargement work I could make some gains.

I did this until the end of July - and came up with:

July 04 - 7.0 x 4.5 BPenis EnlargementL

This is when I decided to step it up. I was to let nothing stand in the way of my goals. I bought a good collection of cock rings and started to do a much more intense squeeze routine, easing up on the pumping also. Here is a sample exercise I might do one day...

Warm Up/Hot Wrap
10x Dry Dual Jelqs
6x Isolated Compression Squeezes
6x DLD Bends
6x Pan Squeezes

Done in supersets. VERY INTENSE. I did as many sets as I could before it was impossible to get enough blood into my penis to do the work. I do not recommend this. But then again, it worked for me.

Soon after I discovered cable clamps and figured out how to use them properly. Of course I didn't do that. I did the routine above with the cable clamp on. Without taking it off. Usually 45 minutes - an hour straight. I don't know how I made it through that. I sometimes even pumped a few sets afterward. My penis was ALWAYS fucked up, discolored, loads of fluid build up, and almost impossible to measure because I never took a break. Not to mention desensitized and lack of the ability to get erections for hours and hours after my work out.

By the end of August I took a measurement...

August 04 - 7.0 x 4.875 BPenis EnlargementL (+.75" EG since May)

By this time I realized something had to change. My clamping routine was taking a toll on my penis so on a whim one day after a few days break I tried out jelqing again. To my complete suprise not only did I get a decent set in, I stayed hard the entire time! And it felt good. For some reason it seemed really special to me. I abandoned my clamping routine then and there and started jelqing. After a little experimenting I've found a routine I really like.

Jelq 40 minutes with adjustable cock ring on (Highest level of erection possible at the time)
Slow Squash Jelqs thrown in for good measure
*every 5 minutes do 2 Uli's and 2 DLD Bends
Top of the set with a few quick sets of Uli's/Bends
Hang 3 golf weights directly after my set for an hour
Quick kegel routine: 100 5 second holds, 100 quick bursts, 60 second hold

Hot wraps sporadically through the day to maintain good blood flow
Occasional Lazy Ass Stretches Periodically
1500 mgs L-Arginine
450 mgs Yohimbe
1200 mgs Horny Goat Weed

Warm up/Hot wrap
Jelq 30 minutes
Strap on ADC for a few hours

This routine has been a godsend. My penis is ALWAYS hanging big and full, it's healthy looking, rarely discolored and almost never any fluid buildup. I'm getting erections all the time. And the best news? In the past 2-3 weeks I've tapped on another .2" EG. And my penis loves me again.

Current stats:

Sep 04 - 7.125 x 5.125 BPenis EnlargementL (+1" EG and .2" EL, .75" [words=]FL[/words] and .6" FG since May)

My future? Well, if school doesn't get too busy I'm going to add a stretching routine in there somewhere. I'm ok with my length for now but I sure wouldn't mind tackling that extra inch I'm shooting for at the same time as my 6" girth goal.

I'll keep this updated weekly or so. Thanks for reading, and Good Luck.
AlloyCG said:
Too bad I didn't get to start this log back in May 2004 when I started...

What matters is that you are starting a LOG now and it is an awesome LOG to say the least. I love watching guys logs and seeing their gains. I try to subscribe to every LOG and get trough them all once per week. I see some amazing stuff happen, looking foward to watching yours!
Thanks for the encouragement, DLD - it feels great to know I'm being cheered on.

Quick update - today I measured 7.5 BPenis EnlargementL. Granted, this was after hanging some golf weights for a while after my girth routine, but cool anyways. And my previous length measurements have never been very accurate anyways. It's crazy to look at 7.5" on the ruler and see how big it appears and then putting it up against you and it being the same.

Length is cool. I've always been obsessed with my girth but length is way cool too. Maybe I'll get inspired to start an actual length routine one of these days.
Well it happened. I hit the dreaded stop in gains. I believe it's time to step it up. The jelqing gave me some immediate gains when I started it, but those gains have thoroughly declined. It doesn't give me that 'intense' feeling, and keeping the maximum erection is a task. As much as I hate to admit it, it may be time to start clamping again. I HATE clamping, but I'll be the first to admit my best gains resulted from it.

Also, I just read a comment on the effects of water on girth gains. I'm going to give that a shot. Let's see, the glasses I have here are about 20oz, I'd say a good 8 of those a day should be adequete. Also, I recently started smoking again - I'm ready to kick that, a bigger penis is worth it.

I really dig the twice a day excercising, but I think two intense clamp sessions are going to be too much. Not that I wouldn't do it, but I doubt I can get that rock hard back for the second set. Maybe a clamp session early, some ADCing it up, and a jelqing session later. I've decided to wait on the length work, I hit bottom on my lady no problem - too hard very often.

Well, my last couple of sessions have gone as such:

Hot Wrap 30 minutes and take HGW, Yohimbe, and 2g L-Arginine
Jelq for 15-20 minutes. I generally lose the capacity for a workable erection level past this.
Uli/Bend routine - 15 seconds to get 100% erect and 45 second Ulis and Bends
around 12 Uli's, 8 Bends or so.
ADC at 95% erection for as long as possible, usually around an hour and a half.
And I'm spent.

Well, I replaced Isolated Compression Squeezes with Uli's because for a while I felt the Uli's gave me less fluid build-up. My last couple sessions have proved otherwise - I get hella fluid when doing a heavy regiment of any squeeze routine. So my first change - ISO COMP SQUEEZES!! Got to. Bends - only down and up, not every direction. I'm doing this because when I do it to the sides I always feel like I hit one side harder and I don't want a bend. Maybe someone can dispute this?

Anyways, keep a lookout. I WILL hit that 5.5EG by Christmas. Thanks all.
Ok so I've hit a rough stint in my life. Insomnia is killing me. I get my workouts in, but keeping the erection is nearly impossible. Here's what I did yesterday:

Hot Wrap
5 Minutes Jelqing
4x 6 Iso Comp Squeezes/2 DLD Bends (4 Seconds Each)
2 Hour ADC
1 Hour 1 LB Golf Weight Hang
30 Minutes Edging

Penis was exhausted and couldn't handle another workout.

Also, I marked off 5, 5.25, and 5.5 on a strip of paper. After my pump went away I was barely hitting 5" EG with the paper method. Maybe it's too easy to cheat with the string method, I don't know. I'm starting to get a little down about how slow my gains are coming. Thanks for reading.
Don't you worry man it will come, im the same type of a guy. I want everything to come instantly, but hell does it? NO. :)
And i have gotten discourage many times, but now im trying to do Penis Enlargement everyday, no-mather what. I think you will gain good, are you planning on gaining any length?
Thanks for the response Ghost... yeah I have had such luck with gains in the past - I shouldn't have expected my streak to last forever. I'll be working on length eventually, I've just put my heart into girth and going for it hard.
Well I just double checked that strip of paper. While It measures out to 5.5", around the 5.5" toilet paper roll it reported .25" less. Whew. I thought I'd been measuring wrong and giving myself a little. Looks like I'm being plenty accurate and I really did make those gains =)

Anyways, today I am sick. Insomnia has driven me into the ground - erections are impossible. I'm taking it easy today after being unable to stay erect with TWO CLAMPS. Maybe I'll at least be able to hang some golf weights or something later tonight.

Thanks for reading.
AlloyCG said:
Well I just double checked that strip of paper. While It measures out to 5.5", around the 5.5" toilet paper roll it reported .25" less. Whew. I thought I'd been measuring wrong and giving myself a little. Looks like I'm being plenty accurate and I really did make those gains =)

I can hear that HUGE sigh of relief now:)
Interesting session so far today. I just got over strep throat and haven't been able to work out the past few days. I tried it today with high hopes and it was awesome.

I'm experimenting with the pump again. I seemed to make my best gains back in the day when I used it. Here's how my exercise has gone:

Hot wrap - 30 minutes
Pump 4 minutes
50 Dry Jelqs
2 Iso Comp Squeezes - 60 seconds each
Supersets of the above 4 times
Edging - 15 minutes
2 Uli's - 60 Seconds each
Chilling in a constrictor with the heating pad on it as we speak.

My expansion was huge today. I have to admit it too - I haven't been as up on my Kegels as I should have been. But the past few days I hit hard as sort of a bed time ritual and I can already feel myself having better erections. I really think with a GOOD kegel routine I will be making those quick gains again.

I also read a post my Mr. Pump who said he wore his cock ring at all times. I read somewhere else that there was a guy who never Penis Enlargement'd but wore a cock ring at all times and developed a 7" girth. I'm going to give this a shot. The only reservation I have though is I tend to get LESS to NO erections while wearing a cock ring. Maybe the Kegeling will help this. Adios.
Ok, today I started the [words=]SSJ[/words] exercise. It was completely new and different. I think the exercise is fantastic. Here's what I did...

DLD [words=]SSJ[/words] for around 30 minutes
Pump - 5 minutes
ULI's - 10 minutes
Clamp at 90% - 30 minutes
Rest about an hour
Edged off and on for about a total of 2 hours

I did get a pretty bad fluid buildup again, but the edging took care of that.

Wow, I cannot believe how horny I've been lately and how easily I'm getting my erections. I'm working out really hard, but I'm always able to get erections. I've come twice a day for the past few days and it hasn't wore on my libido or erection quality at all. I can even get and keep erections after a workout WITHOUT my cockring. It's amazing.

And I'm gaining. I feel it.
Wow, I can't believe how hard discouragement can hit and how quick. Yesterday I was popping erections all over the place, had a cool wrokout, felt like I was gaining. Today - bad session so far, pre-workout measurement wasn't too hot, minimal erection power... I don't know. This Penis Enlargement shit is a rollercoaster ride and a half. I think I put way too much emotion into it. I want those gains so bad.

On a lighter note, I talked to a few girls last night about Body Dysmorphic Disorder and said "Believe it or not, a good percentage of guys are very worried about their penis size and it preoccupies them to the fullest." It blew their mind, they couldn't believe it. Every bit of evidence points away from penis size being as important as we make it to be - why am I so obsessed? I'm a good guy, look decent, I'm respectful and amiable... but all I can think of is when I pull the penis out what they are going to think. I've got to get to my goal - there's no other option.
Ok, after I wrote that last post - as down as I was I tried something new anyways. It was an amazing Penis Enlargement day - weird huh? Here's what I did:

15-20 Minutes of Ulis and DLD SSJs
Tight cock ring to keep engorgement for 10 minutes
rest 30 minutes or so with massaging/edging
4 sets of the above

The engorgment by the last set was amazing. With the rest, massaging and edging I was able to control fluid buildup immensely. Also, with the shorter sets I was able to avoid becoming too sore to do the next set. I was also always able to get and maintain my erections enough for my set. By the fourth set I was getting up to 5.75" EG... by far the most engorgement I've ever had. This set thing is an awesome development for me.

I've also been having an orgasm every night. I used to not be able to because it would affect my erections the next day. The Kegel regiment I'm doing is giving my awesome headway on my erection capability, and I'm even getting erections during the day again. And my ejaculation distance and power is getting insane. I've also been able to stop taking Yohimbe, which I think was making me uneasy and anxious.

I've also upped my L-Arginine dose the past few days to 2.5 grams. As soon as I can afford it I'll be bumping that up to 4 grams a day or so - I don't think I've been taking enough. My come is a lot thicker and whiter though.

Well, today goes to show that even a horrible Penis Enlargement day can turn into a Penis Enlargement blessing.
Well, it was nothing suprising, I measure about 20 times a day anyways. But, for a cold measurement, no cockring or pre-workout or anything, I'm happy. My last measurement was with a cockring on, I think that I was just pushing for that gain. Well, here we are.

SEPTEMBER 29, 04 - 7.25" BPenis EnlargementL x 5.125" EG Mid Shaft

On the upside I'm gaining length out of no where. I'm up .35" or so from May, and I haven't done a damn bit of length work. I thought I would at least be at 5.25" EG by now. This month has been kind of a let down... even though I am up a 1/4" EG from a month ago. I want that 6" so bad, my penis really is starting to get in the way of other things in my life. I'm closing in on a 3 and a half hour girth session right now (around 90 minutes of hard work.) Too much guys.

Anyways, my session is the same as yesterday's - it's working great for me. I'm hoping that expansion turns into some real gains pretty soon. I've been thinking about putting together a Wench, but I'm not sure I have the time for hanging right now. Packing on some base girth wouldn't sadden me though.

To anyone who is reading, thank you. It really disappoints me to see no one responding, I think it's a great log. Anyways, I'm out.
Damn, this routine I'm on is really fucking tough. My penis is exhausted from the session earlier today, from the post above. And this is only day two. I remember thinking way back in the day, when I first started intense clamping sessions. I thought "there's no way in hell I'm going to make it through even a month of this." Well, I did make it a month - and it was a successful month.

I guess I need to reflect on September. I think this was my lost month - searching for the perfect exercise, or set of exercises, to skyrocket me to the next level. I've tried about everything under the sun for girth this month. Luckily, I still made gains. But I need to focus. This latest routine takes me 3.5 hours. 3.5 fucking hours! Where did my life go? Even so, I think it's been the holy grail of everything I've been looking for in a routine - incredible expansion, minimal fluid buildup, prolonged engorgement.

So much has been wearing down on me this month. It seems like someone just doesn't want me to succeed at anything. I think it's going to take me spreading out my attention this month. I'm in school again, I can't have penis running through my mind all day and occupying time I need to do work.

I guess it's easy to get down with this Penis Enlargement business. It's painfully slow, and even gains don't feel like anything new. I might as well have the same old dick I ever have. I'm going to get there though. I literally couldn't stop if I wanted to, not now.

I'm going to make a pledge. If someone out there happens to read this please support me. I'm tossing out the ruler. I'm measuring 20+ times a day, and I think it's detrimental. I'm tossing it, buying a new one at the end of October. I want to see some real gains.
AlloyCG said:
I'm in school again, I can't have penis running through my mind all day and occupying time I need to do work.

You can't indeed! You need to train yourself to do your penis work, put 110% into it, but when you put the guy away...FORGET HIM! Visualization is a wonderful tool in Penis Enlargement but obsessing is dangerous. A very fine line but you are a very smart man, find your medium.
Today was an interesting day in my Penis Enlargement trek. I feel like I've made Penis Enlargement history for myself every single day since I've started on Girth Attack. My last few days have been extreme supersets of moderately intense workouts. Today I tried doing short workouts throughout the day. Here are some of my issues with this:

-I can keep a good pump all day.
-I keep the tissue broken down throughout the day.
-No fluid buildup.
-Good erection power throughout the day.
-Unsure of rest day potential.
-Unsure of good recovery time. If I were to do this everyday the maximum rest I'd have is 12 hours.
-Expansion was average. Probably due to so little fluid buildup.

The recovery time is really where I'm lost. Some people swear by it. Some people don't take rest days at all. I have worked generally 6 on 1 off or so - an attempt at everyday but every so often something comes up, right? I have always done just one session a day though, so I was getting 24 hours of rest. It's so difficult to say whether I'd gain more working everyday or taking those few days off every week. I'm scared to lose those days that I could be working.

Anyways, enough of the chit chat, here's how my routine went today:

10x 60 Second SSJs
rest 20 minutes
10x 60 Second Ulis
rest 30 minutes
10x 60 Second SSJs
rest 3 hours
30x 60 Second SSJs and Ulis, alternating every two
rest 30 minutes
10x 60 Second Ulis
rest 1 hour
10x 60 Second SSJs
rest 30 minutes
10x 60 Second Ulis
rest 30 minutes
12x 60 Second Ulis

I also generally chilled in the cock ring for 10 minutes or so after a set. The verdict for whether or not this is a smart routine is still out. I don't know the difference in gain potential doing a few long sets vs. tons of short sets.

AlloyCG said:
10x 60 Second SSJs
rest 20 minutes
10x 60 Second Ulis
rest 30 minutes
10x 60 Second SSJs
rest 3 hours
30x 60 Second SSJs and Ulis, alternating every two
rest 30 minutes
10x 60 Second Ulis
rest 1 hour
10x 60 Second SSJs
rest 30 minutes
10x 60 Second Ulis
rest 30 minutes
12x 60 Second Ulis

Now that is determination!

Rest day! Oh no! What am I going to do with myself? No playing with my penis, what?

After discussing with Stuff some, I decided a rest day was in order. I think that all of these crazy routines I've been doing day in and day out are just not giving my penis a chance to grow. I'm not making gains, but I'm doing great workouts. But I figure if I'm willing to experiment with different exercises and routine's to make gains, I might as well experiment with rest days. A lot of guys swear by them.

Actually =) I saw a man at Thunder's swear up and down that he is making better gains doing like 10 minute jelqing sessions every other day. This man is my nemesis. But really, I'm going to scour this forum and others to find out what I can find about the general consensus of rest days, especially in the extreme girth vein. Hopefully something works out and I'll be able to present it to my Soldier brothers. Maybe even seemingly counterproductive activity can turn out to be a blessing.

Peace up, A-town down.
Back on the beat today, I've been hitting it hard. Actually though, it's amazing how deconditioned the penis can become after one day of rest. After a week of serious Penis Enlargementing last week on the last day I could still get it hard for every set and didn't bruise too bad without even warming up.

Today, after my first 2 sets without warming up my penis looked like it was a punching bag. Deconditioning really showed here. Also, I'm having trouble doing the insane supersets I was doing 2 days ago. That's ok, I'll get back up to it.

The rest day was really, really nice. I woke up all last night and this morning with raging woods like I've never had before. Out of the blue I've gained some length again, but girth is not budging. It will though - as Cyclops said at one point "there's no way for you not to grow." I like that.

My routine today so far has been like such:

20x 60 second Ulis
rest a spell
10 Minute Hot Wrap
10x 60 second Ulis
rest a spell
10x 60 second Ulis
Hot Wrap 10 minutes
10x 60 second Ulis
10x 60 second SSJs
Hot Wrap 10 minutes
10x 60 second Ulis

Hopefully I can knock out another set before I head out tonite, and hit up my Kegel routine before shut eye time.
The recovery time is really where I'm lost. Some people swear by it. Some people don't take rest days at all. I have worked generally 6 on 1 off or so - an attempt at everyday but every so often something comes up, right? I have always done just one session a day though, so I was getting 24 hours of rest. It's so difficult to say whether I'd gain more working everyday or taking those few days off every week. I'm scared to lose those days that I could be working.
Im not doing my girth streak until I am done with my length streak and grow .35 to reach 8.25"BP. Once I do which hopefully happens before new years I will tell you how my 7 days on, viagra + max engorgement routine goes. Sounds insane and I agree, but we will see, that rhymed heehe :-D It also seems like a long way off, but ya time flies on [words=]MoS[/words] when you just put in your time, keep your progress thread up to date, and post on things that interest you. It will be New Years before you know it and you will be 6" and going for 6.5" :)
Thanks for reading sephin. I've never heard of any routine I thought was too insane to try, I can't wait to see how yours goes. And if I could get to 6" EG by New Years I think I may quite possibly be the luckiest guy around. 2" EG in 6 months - a record? Crazier things have happened.

News - I messed around with an ADC tonite and low and behold, minimal fluid buildup! Granted, when I ADC it up I shoot for 95% erection and try to keep that for as long as possible, until it's too uncomfortable or it naturally fades. Suprisingly, it never got too uncomfortable - but unfortunately I rarely if ever get and kind of erection in an ADC. I'll play with it some more at night after I've finished all of my routine for that day.
Rough Penis Enlargement day, it just didn't come together. I can't get and stay erect when I need to, otherwise I think I would be making half inch gains every day. Maybe I work so hard in the beginning of the day towards the end I'm just too sore to do my thing. OOOH, damn I was edging too and unfortunately I came. Perhaps thats the reason? Anyways, here's how it went today.

Hot Wrap
10x Ulis
Hot Wrap
20x Ulis/SSJs
30 minutes ADCing at 100%
edge 20 minutes
10x Ulis
edge til orgasm =(
Attempt at Wet Jelqing, never got past 20% erection

That's 40 solid minutes of girth broken up. I don't think this routine is going to work out. I think the routine I did a few days ago with 20-25 minute sets every hour for 3-4 hours or so was the most productive, albeit time consuming. I'm trying something like that tomorrow. At least longer sets.

Over and out.
Things are beginning to get very rough for my Penis Enlargement life. I don't know what's going on - do I have an injury? I don't notice anything physically wrong aside from a little soreness at the base where my ligs are. I thought I may have thrombosed a vein, and granted I do have some that I can grab a hold of but nothing seems out of the ordinary. In any event - erections are yet again an impossibility.

I had a similar break down to this a month and a half ago or so when I discovered the joys of jelqing for the first time. I want to give it a try again. I think a few weeks of jelqing really got me back on track again as far as penile health. Maybe I've just worked it too hard.

My routine today was next to nil. Tried to edge, couldn't get it up. Threw on a cable clamp and did 20 minutes of SSJs, couldn't keep enough blood in it to do it longer.

There must be something everybody else knows that I don't. Maybe tomorrow will be brighter.
Alright, it's been a few days. I posted the other night about a great jelq/Supra Slammers and went on and on about the joys of jelqing. Yes, you've heard it before.

Alright, well my secret weapon of the week is EDGING. I think I'm going to research edging and it's benefits for a Girth Attack Research Topic example. When I jelq, I edge for around 10 minutes before hand, and any time I slip below 90%. I edge between EVERY Uli, Squeeze, Bend, Slammer, etc. I read about cAMP production, etc... I'll try to find out more.

My routine today has been as such...

Hot Wrap 20 minutes
Edge 15 minutes
5 Minutes Dry Jelqs
Edge 5 Minutes
12x Supra Slammers

No Hot Wrap
Edge 15 Minutes
5 Minutes Dry Jelq
12x Supra Slammers
Ejaculation =(

Ok, so it doesn't sound so intense. I was mostly just experimenting with the merits of edging - I'll definitely be going back to a jelq/Slammer routine tomorrow. One thing I have noticed is NO FLUID AT ALL. I'm rock solid and my veins BULGE. The pump isn't mega super - but it's no fluid so I know I expanded the chambers.

It's been a while since a good gain. It'll happen soon. It has to, right?
Damn, getting Girth Attack rolling has been a fucking task - compiling members, writing introductions, writing newletters, answering questions, organizing meetings/homework. I hope it works out the way I want it to, it has such awesome potential.

Anyways, I'm experimenting with a quasi-deconditioning routine. Short-term deconditioning if you will. My routine looks like such

Day 1: Medium Intensity
Day 2: High Intensity
Day 3: Medium Intensity
Day 4: Rest

Don't confuse intensity with me not working 100%. I just don't go past a certain point of fatigue.

Anyways, today was medium intensity... went as such:

Hot Wrap 20 Minutes
Edge 5 Minutes
Jelq (5 seconds each) 90%+ 25 Minutes
10x Supra Slammers (60 seconds each)

Doing the Slammers correctly and slowly is AWESOME. After 10 with perfect form I was amazed as how tired my penis felt, and for how long. It felt GOOD.

Big day tomorrow, sleepy time.
Part of the Girth Attack homework is to try a new exercise/rehash an old one - then write about what you think. I'm using two: slammers and pumping. I really, really like Supra Slammers - it's weird though feeling like I've done so much work in so little time. I can't tell if I really did do the amount of work.

That's actually the problem I've been having lately - finding a balance between amount of work and effectiveness of work. I think an hour straight in the clamp doing advanced squeezes got me good gains but wreaked havok on my penis. Jelqing 15-25 minutes (good, slow, hard jelqs) with 10 Supra Slammers I seem to get a lot of work done but my gains aren't exploding - my penis is also super healthy though. It feels really good to be able to get erections all the time. I hate to keep switching my routine, that's not going to do me any good.

I also broke out the pump for my PM session tonight. The first set was good - 12 minutes in the pump and looking huge when I came out. I did 10 minutes of some dry jelqs and tried to go back in the tube - once I took the cock ring off I just couldn't get it up. I managed to get a semi and stick in the tube, but after 5 minutes or so it was obvious it wasn't doing anything without the right erection level. Maybe I need to do a dry jelq/pump routine early in the day when my erections are at their best.

Today my routine was as such:

5:00 PM
Warm Up 10 Minutes
Edging 5 minutes
Jelq 20 minutes
Edging 5 minutes
10x Supra Slammers (45-60 seconds each)

10:30 PM
Pump 12 Minutes
10 Minutes Dry Jelq
Pump 5 Minutes

Could this be getting the job done? Even 5.5" EG seems so far away. Tomorrow is a rest day. Also a thinking day to decide what I want to do to make gains...

Peace up, A-town down
Alloy, I am like you in that I want to do the most effective work out, for the most gains. If that was 4 hours a day of clamping I would do it. I hate waste, and to think I could be under doing it, or over doing it, makes me a bit aprehensive. Let me know how the Fulcrum whips work for you. I hope they work as good for you, as they did for me.
Easy in mind Alloy!You are giving your best.Its not all in gaining size,enjoy more during the ride.Although this is a race of some kind,dont run too fast.Gains wont escape nowere,they are waiting for you.
It is really hard to find a balance between intensity and being able to get a solid erection. I think as time goes by, for me at least, my PC muscle will get stronger and I will be able to perform more work.
Alright, I was supposed to take a rest day yesterday - it takes more for me to will myself to rest than to work! Ahh. Anyways, I've been kind of excited lately. The past few days it's felt a little thicker. It's not measuring thicker consistently, but often it is upwards of 5.2" EG. But I can feel it getting bigger. I've goddamn bided my time for more gains. I've also thrown some new stuff into the mix.

I've talked a lot about wet jelqing when I'm in a rut and it kind of pulling me out. Well, I've kind of gotten over that rut and I've switched to dry jelqing. WOW. Dry jelqing gets me pumped up. I can put a hell of a lot more pressure on the chambers and I just get silly big. I've also been using Iwant8x6's new exercise that we are working on, I may be doing a variation on it (I'm not sure exactly.) It's a cool exercise, relatively little physical work but a good penis work out. Feels great too.

My workouts have been relatively short. I mostly just work until I naturally lose my erection, and with the dry work it's a little faster than wet work. I maybe do 25-35 minutes worth of work, occasionally pumping for 10 minutes after the set. What's odd is that my penis feels REALLY worked after a set, even though a good part of it is simply edging. Edging really makes everything count I think.

Here's how my routine went today:

5:00 PM
Hot Wrap 10 minutes
Slow Dry Jelq x16
Iwant8x6's thing x10
Repeat Several Times
5x Supra Slammers
EJACULATION - God it felt good
Total Time: 30 Minutes

12:00 AM
Hot Wrap 10 Minutes
Dry Jelq [words=]x20[/words]
1x Supra Slammer
Repeat Several Times
Pump 10 minutes
Total Time: 25 Minutes

Well, not bad. I feel good about today. I really need to take a rest day soon, but with gains, good workouts, high spirits... what's a boy to do?
might be a good idea to time increases in expansion like I did in my log. I write what I was doing right before the expansion this way I can see what is working, and how long I am under that increased expansion.
rest days are for the weak :D no but seriously the little guy may need alittle break for healing, but whatever suits you.
Iwant8X6 said:
might be a good idea to time increases in expansion like I did in my log. I write what I was doing right before the expansion this way I can see what is working, and how long I am under that increased expansion.

My expansion isn't quite as drastic as yours is during a set. I might try it sometime though. By the way, I dig the Fulcrum Whips - I'm getting really good reults with them.

pUNKY said:
rest days are for the weak no but seriously the little guy may need alittle break for healing, but whatever suits you.

Little guy? I'm heartbroken.... from now on I'm Penis Enlargementing just to prove YOU wrong. Pretty soon I'll be needing a BIG break for my BIG guy, right?
Alright, I'm trying not to get excited yet - but I think the gains are happening. I am measuring bigger in the cock ring than normal, sometimes I get a little nervous about measuring without it, I definitely have ruler anxiety. I don't know exactly what to contribute it to, wet jelqing, Slammers, dry jelqing, etc. I'm also spending less time per day than I ever have in my Penis Enlargement career. I was definitely over training. If I could only convince my cohorts to train less...

I had a good set yesterday -

Hot Wrap 45 Minutes
[Dry Sets]
20x Dry Jelqs
10x Fulcrum Whips
Supersets for 20 Minutes or so
[Wet Set]
5 Minutes Wet Jelqs
8x Supra Slammers

Total Time - 35 Minutes

I felt really worked after this, it felt really good. I think I'm finally getting the results I've been pushing for.

Today is a rest day. After over a week of taking no rest, it's time. I really wanted to go on a 3 on, 1 off routine, but it's so difficult for me to rest. I'm really going to do it from now on =)

In other news, I'm starting to get disillusioned with this board. For the most part there are some good guys I really like, make good posts, and are respectful of others. But there are a lot of people who find it easy to be tactless in an anonymous setting. I cannot stand people being rude. And as much as everyone applauds the openness of ideas on this board - I don't see it. You get flamed for disagreeing with the effectiveness about some of the fad exercises or agreeing with the less is more theory, for examples. God forbid you say something positive about other discussion site - a really good board full of extremely knowledgable Penis Enlargementers. There are as many jack-asses here as anywhere.

Girth Attack is going well, a handful of guys are even interested in really participating and doing everything assigned - it's really cool. I'm proud to be a part of it.
Wow Alloy,

Nice log time. I am impressed by reading all of it... Good work. I have found that resting seems to help growth and erections, especially at nite and early morning after resting all nite. I have an injury to my upper body, which may need surgery, so I have not logged at all. I am just doing jelqing, pumping, and wearing a [words=]Peni Master[/words] daily. I have seen some gains since April for sure. I appreciate your hard work in the posts for journaling.
Alloy you hit the spot.Thunders place is a very nice forum,and there either can be found some interesting posts like here as well.But i think they are not as positive nor open like guys on this board.I either had a week full of 2 workouts per day,but i dont intent to rest few more days,than ill take 2-3 days off.It seems that i gained .1 inch during this week,but i am still not sure,about that.We are going to hit 6,thats only that i see right now,and keep up the good work.I think the history of Penis Enlargement is realy begining with us!
Thanks for all the responses guys, I do try to keep an accurate journal of my Penis Enlargement thoughts in here. It's cool to get people reading it, you'll know the deepest darkest secrets of my Penis Enlargement mind!

Anyhow, I took a day off from Penis Enlargementing and it was really odd not doing any penis work for a day. What is even more odd is I woke up this morning, and alas, after 24+ hours my penis is thicker than it ever has been cold. The gains are rolling. For a while I could have sworn I was just Penis Enlargementing for the fuck of it and not making gains. I may have even lost faith that gains were possible. Not anymore. They are rolling again with this new routine.

My routine today was as follows

Hot Wrap
Dry Jelq

Hot Wrap
Dry Jelq

Ahhh, two orgasms in a day! Penis Enlargement is going to be hell tomorrow, but that's ok. I just get thinking of my lady and it goes off in my hand. Speaking of which, I will be seeing her again since the break up. I am nervous as can be - we have talked about staying together, but her just needing her space while she gets adjusted to school. In a few days it may just determine whether or not we were meant to be... damn I love her. Everything works out for the best though, right?

Anyways, yeah I've gotten a lot of response to what I said about [words=]MOS[/words] and Thunder's. I don't know what to think of it yet. In any event I plan on keeping my cool and maintaining tact through this little struggle. If anything I'll stay here to support my Soldiers, we are doing eachother a world of good. I think the guys, and myself included, are getting a lot out of a group genuinely interested in the work they are doing and are genuinely cheering them on.

Penis Enlargement FUCKING ROCKS, over and out.
AlloyCG said:
The gains are rolling. For a while I could have sworn I was just Penis Enlargementing for the fuck of it and not making gains. I may have even lost faith that gains were possible. Not anymore. They are rolling again with this new routine

Good to hear you are gaining man!
AlloyCG said:
Ahhh, two orgasms in a day! Penis Enlargement is going to be hell tomorrow, but that's ok.
Methinks it might not be a bad thing. The most girth that I ever gained was about .25" after having sex with my wife twice in 24hrs. Crazy but true. You've seen the log. It is ironic that since starting Penis Enlargement, I have only masturbated once to orgasm for fear of ruining my gains. I've also religiously avoided sex 7hrs before or after Penis Enlargement workouts for the same reason - even when I was horny as hell . . . Gaaahhh! I'm such a dumbass!!! From now on, if my soldier salutes, he's going to battle rofl
Man, i think sex and girth are linked somehow....its like the whole sex hormones testosterone/DHT/whatever are released better or something.

I have noticed recently that my girth routines are better on days when i watch adult entertainment while doing the routines, regardless of whether I blow my load at the end of the whole workout or not.

Either way, seems like you got a solid routine.... I might add edging soon to my routine maybe in a couple weeks (seems to help a lot of people).

Keep it up!
Upgrading Unit - I completely agree, my girth routine has become a thousand times more efficient with edging.

A lot of people have been talking to me about loosening up their workouts. Are people finally starting to see that kicking your penis's ass day in and day out isn't helpful? Since I've started my new routine I've been gaining hardcore, and this is just the beginning. I can see me hitting the coveted 5.5 EG by New Years doing relatively less work than I ever have. Working smart does not have to equal working ungodly hard.

Girlfriend news - I saw her for the first time since the breakup tonite. Things are looking good, if all goes well we may be a team again soon. It's still too early to tell though.

Girth Attack - going rather slow. I'm going to need to start shelling out some assignments or something. I have had a few people ask me to help out on routines though, and that's quite nice. That's how I wanted it to be. pUNKY I haven't forgotten about you.

Today is a rest day. A well deserved rest day I might add. I worked hard three days, got tremendously good work outs in, and I'm set to start tomorrow. And let me tell you, I have been getting super hard, excuse me, painfully hard erections like every 30 minutes. It's amazing. Girth really deserves a lot of experimentation and openness to unpopular ideas - I think all too often guys get caught in the trap of the most hardcore exercises have to be the best for gains. It's just not true. My routine may be sissified - but I'm making good gains. I'll be hitting my second inch of girth before you know it.

Also, I've been thinking about hanging. I really dig the tree trunk shape, and I guess I wouldn't mind some length either =) I'll probably construct a Wench, and since I've never hung before I should be ok for a while using lighter weights. In related news, I've been hanging weights from my balls for a few days with a little clamp/golf weight contraption and I really dig it. I want them hanging at my knees, about an inch shorter than my penis.
I know you haven't forgot mate, i was looking at some of the posts you have done about doing a routine that goes alittle like...

100 jelqs
4 x 30sec bends
60sec uli

I like the idea of something like that, as today has been the first day i have seen my erections suffer, maybe i need i gentler routine. Anyway you seem to be going good and i hope you reach your goal soon.
Working smart does not have to equal working ungodly hard

Exactly, 7 days on hardcore efforts aint needed.
If anyone looks into my progress you'll see I NEVER hit the 7 days on or 5 days on, I used what I call ''EggShell'' routines, which are done WHEN I can do them, at least say 2/3 per-week but could be in any order.
I always made sure that the sessions were intense, what time I had and still have must be used effectively.

One major factor alot of guys seem to GROW when you REST...not when you work, do alot of work intense and you wont grow nearly as good, say if you did a more laid-back routine.
REDZULU2003 said:
One major factor alot of guys seem to GROW when you REST...not when you work, do alot of work intense and you wont grow nearly as good, say if you did a more laid-back routine.

Of course that is just speculation, no one really knows when we grow.
AlloyCG said:
A lot of people have been talking to me about loosening up their workouts. Are people finally starting to see that kicking your penis's ass day in and day out isn't helpful? Since I've started my new routine I've been gaining hardcore, and this is just the beginning. I can see me hitting the coveted 5.5 EG by New Years doing relatively less work than I ever have. Working smart does not have to equal working ungodly hard.

I think that kicking your penis's ass is good, but not all the time. I think cycling intensity could be a good strategy, which is what I am trying out now.

AlloyCG said:
Also, I've been thinking about hanging. I really dig the tree trunk shape, and I guess I wouldn't mind some length either =) I'll probably construct a Wench, and since I've never hung before I should be ok for a while using lighter weights. In related news, I've been hanging weights from my balls for a few days with a little clamp/golf weight contraption and I really dig it. I want them hanging at my knees, about an inch shorter than my penis.

I have also recently been thinking about getting back into a little hanging, but I am not sure if I have the time to do both length and girth. You will really like the wench, it is awesome!
philadelph said:
Of course that is just speculation, no one really knows when we grow.

It isnt, you grow when you sleep/rest
The body heals itself and repairs anything that needs it, when you Penis Enlargement thats when the growth happens....their is no CONCRETE evidence but think about it.....your not going to grow in Penis Enlargement sessions, say while you've not just is essential, also in BB its a big factor in growth.
I'd like to start incorporating some hanging in my routines as well. Don't know if I can get away with wearing a device all day since it is still "shorts weather" and I might get arrested while picking up my kid from school.