Ha,ha very funy!
REDZULU2003 said:So your still doing constricters.
I know you stopped clamping, but thats useing the clamp.
Do you now use this device and still do the work you did in the clamp?
Works in the sameway a shoe lace does, except this is MORE comfortable....I had something similer, but I lost it.
AlloyCG said:my routine is completely revamped - but I'm making a hell of a lot better gains.
TomdW said:Hi Alloy, I've just finished reading your progress thread. I found it really informative and inspiring. You are definately a hard worker, that's for sure. Congratulations on the girl and the mod status, you deserve them both. Good luck with your progress (my fingers are crossed for you reach 5.5"EG by the new year).
profesionalac said:Hoos - you might be absolutely right with this stuff.I`ve been thinking last night about the differencess between pumping and clamping,and my conclusion is(note:i`m close to be called academic citizen,i`ve been styding electronics for 3 years at a electronics university of NIS,so i might be actualy smart!!!)Pumping is causing blood and fluid influx from the body,and the pressure(vacoom) that is made by pump is the highest at the penis surface,and the lowest in penis core(in the centre of the shaft),that effects gains directly by stretching individual cells closer to the surface of the penis shaft more than those closer to the core. Fluid buildup can`t be avoided because it`s purpose is protection of damadged cells caused by higher than normal pressure in penis structure.Fluid buildup is a sign of overtraining,it is!!!You can overtrain your penis in yust few mins. you dont need hours of training for that to happen,that just means that you are applying too much pressure.On the other hand clamping is better solution bacause the pressure is highest in the core,and the lowest at the surface of penis.If you do an ULI and kegel to get max. epansion and than clamp at the extreme base of the penis,you actualy might avoid fluid buildup because you have decreased blood circulation between the body and the clamped part of the penis,limiting the speed of the response that our body has(everything that our body sends by blood to our penises is slower and appearance of fluid is lessen).In clamped penis expansion is pure blood expansion,atleast in central penis structure,you might have fluffy penis on the surface,but central structures are expanded with blood only.In pumped penis central structures are expanded with blood + fluid in the sorrounding tissues which is making your penis bigger,but just temporarly!!!Conclusion in the battle between clamping and pumping is,good clamping gives lower temporar expansion but better over time gains,pumping gives you bigger penis now,but just now!!!(gains are big ? with pumping).Usefull pressure(there where you need him for good expansion and growth)has a bigger rate in clamping than in pumping.
I understand exactly what you mean.On the other hand clamping is better solution bacause the pressure is highest in the core,and the lowest at the surface of penis
AlloyCG said:After a few hours I picked up the lady. Let me tell you, I rocked this woman's world. It had been so long since I'd had sex without a ring - it was killer. I was bottoming out like nobody's business without the ring, I was ROCK hard the entire time. I came pretty fucking hard - and her... goddamn she made me feel like I was a sybian incarnate. She came three times back to back. As soon as I thought she'd had enough I kept going and she came again. I am a fucking stud.
How many minutes did you clamp? It is normal to have difficulties getting an erection soon after a clamp session. I had problems getting erect after clamp sessions when I first started. That is a documented newbie reaction as well as a normal reaction if you have done a session that is more intense than what you are accustomed. My first suggestion would be to adjust your EXPenis EnlargementCTATIONS to a more reasonable level. If you are having sex daily with your gf, don't be surprised if your erection quality suffers on the same day as your girth session.AlloyCG said:HOOSYODADDI - tried the workout. It was ok, got a pretty decent pump. Dry jelqing below 100% seems worthless to me though, like I was just moving blood around and not forcing the chambers open. It was also hard to keep below 100% and not completely lose my erection. The real downfall was the sex test later that night, when I could barely keep it up with a condom on. When I took it off and she gave it a little working I was back to it, but fuck. That doesn't happen when I don't do constrictors. I also gave the hot/cold dips a shot at the end of the workout. The hardest problem wasn't finding the right size glass, it was finding an appropriate water temperature for the hot dip. I could stick my finger in there and it wouldn't be too hot, then I would stick my penis in there and scream a yelp of pain.
HOOSYODADDI said:As far as the hot dips go, sounds like you are using it as another excuse not to stick to the plan.
Whoa there, Nelly! Kind of a strong reaction for you after coming back from being absent (from the forum) for 3 weeks. No need for name calling . I'm sure that there are other things going on with you that provoked that reaction so I DEFINITELY will not take it personally.AlloyCG said:You are an asshole. A plan that worked wonders for you may not be effective for me. This was the case. It's rather difficult to stay on a routine when the returns are negative and you can't make it through the routine without fluid/losing erections. I appreciate the help, and I did give your routine a few weeks. Only because I said I would, and you are my friend.
I've found something that's working well for me at the moment. If nothing else, it's keeping my spirits up. I pump in the morning for 3x 8 minute sets and then top it off with a 8 minute clamp set. By the end of that, a little fluid has set in, so I FR for 4-5 hours. After about 6 hours from my AM workout I'll do 4 sets of 8 minute clamp sets with constant stimulation. I find that keeping the sets short, making sure I'm staying hard physically, and not because of the clamp I can avoid fluid buildup COMPLETELY (for this second set, that is.) At night, I do a short pump and clamp set. I've grown a little bit on this plan, and my erections are doing just fine. By the second and third day of my rotations I don't get bruising at all.
To anyone who cares: this is just an update. I've been having some trouble with the internet so when I get on is few and far between. I'm about to move, so hopefully after the move I can be as active as I was.
I think you would be proud to know that I haven't missed a single day of Penis Enlargement. I have found other areas of focus in my life as well. I miss you guys. Take care.
Rest day! Oh no! What am I going to do with myself? No playing with my penis, what?
After discussing with Stuff some, I decided a rest day was in order. I think that all of these crazy routines I've been doing day in and day out are just not giving my penis a chance to grow. I'm not making gains, but I'm doing great workouts. But I figure if I'm willing to experiment with different exercises and routine's to make gains, I might as well experiment with rest days. A lot of guys swear by them.
Actually =) I saw a man at Thunder's swear up and down that he is making better gains doing like 10 minute jelqing sessions every other day. This man is my nemesis. But really, I'm going to scour this forum and others to find out what I can find about the general consensus of rest days, especially in the extreme girth vein. Hopefully something works out and I'll be able to present it to my Soldier brothers. Maybe even seemingly counterproductive activity can turn out to be a blessing.
Peace up, A-town down.