Papi Champagne;497229 said:
It has been a month now so I posted new pics in my log posted new pics in my log or do we post them here?

Post in both, the more exposure the better.
doublelongdaddy;497626 said:
Get ready for some long, effortless stretching sets! Your SizeGenetics will love it!

My dick is gonna love that stretch....and the bitches are gonna love being slapped in the forehead with my big meaty
I'm so competitive but this could honestly save a life and make you *unbeetable*.... For any of you guys that have a hard time getting your hands on those little blue diamonds or prefer a natural alternative, check out this video(fun explanation)...

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Im glad to see you guys kept up what i started. My daughter was born and i have been in a time crunch between her work and the gym its been hard to do pe. I have condensed my gym work out to 3 days a week taking about a hour. I am looking to do the same with my pe
FATmeat;497806 said:
Im glad to see you guys kept up what i started. My daughter was born and i have been in a time crunch between her work and the gym its been hard to do pe. I have condensed my gym work out to 3 days a week taking about a hour. I am looking to do the same with my pe

Congratulations on the baby! Do your thing, we will be here when you are ready. You created a great competition here and so many have become involved, that is a great accomplishment!
FATmeat;497806 said:
Im glad to see you guys kept up what i started. My daughter was born and i have been in a time crunch between her work and the gym its been hard to do pe. I have condensed my gym work out to 3 days a week taking about a hour. I am looking to do the same with my pe

Congratz! Welcome back....
I've been a little under the weather, so I've been slacking a little on my girth routine. But anytime I get a few minutes of some private time I do some cranks.

My fav stretch right now is a little variation on the BTC stretch(don't know if anybody has tried this b4)

What I do is...when I'm in my bed watching tv or getting ready for rest I lay on my side and pull my dick straight btw my legs. It's feels great. I also pull it to both sides which you will have to roll over to get to the opposite side and do cranks from this position.

Try it out'll love it. It give you a extreme angle and great leverage.
Body position can really kick up the intensity of a stretch. BTC stretches can really become intense when you start shifting body position. I also like doing them in a squatted position.
doublelongdaddy;499116 said:
Body position can really kick up the intensity of a stretch. BTC stretches can really become intense when you start shifting body position. I also like doing them in a squatted position. was a post I read about doing them that way that lead me to lying on side and doing them. I also like the fact that the weight from my legs retains blood in my shaft so it works on girth as well as semi-erect stretching.

The VLC is the ish....helps with manual stretching as well as with the SG. My hands don't get tired and I can stretch longer and more fun doing cranks with the VLC on. I think I could probably even run on a treadmill using the shoulder strap. :cool:
DXXIII;502094 said:
No sign of growth for me this month...

Maybe it is time for some adjustments to your routine. What is you current routine?
DXXIII;502474 said:
Any suggestion?

Stick with what you are doing! It is an incredible workout. Did you get into the contest? Did you enter?
Hehe thanks DLD i'll continue with this routine and yes i'm into the contest but no growth for this month so a pic isnt' really useful ;)
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