higherone;420788 said:
Should hook Armand up with one too!

Trying to hook him up with a gym now:) I am opening a Boxing Gym in my town:)
Wow man that's awesome!! Good for you guys! Keep us updated on the progress! You may have a boxing champ in the family soon!
higherone;421001 said:
Wow man that's awesome!! Good for you guys! Keep us updated on the progress! You may have a boxing champ in the family soon!

He is one hell of a boxer, a real champion. I will ask him if I can put some videos up. The next Mike Tyson for sure!
higherone;421001 said:
Wow man that's awesome!! Good for you guys! Keep us updated on the progress! You may have a boxing champ in the family soon!

He is one hell of a boxer, a real champion. I will ask him if I can put some videos up. The next Mike Tyson for sure!
Anyone let their FATHER in on Penis Enlargement? Or thinking about letting their dad in on it?
higherone;421976 said:
Anyone let their FATHER in on Penis Enlargement? Or thinking about letting their dad in on it?

I told my Father but he never tried, at least I don't think so:) I will ask him when I get to Heaven:)
I told my father about Penis Enlargement too. At first he thought I was nuts and thinking about surgery! hahaha Once he found out what it was and I compared it to his weight lifting, he was cool with it. It's definitely strengthened our father son bond, because now we talk about stuff we never would have before.
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higherone;422115 said:
I told my father about Penis Enlargement too. At first he thought I was nuts and thinking about surgery! hahaha Once he found out what it was and I compared it to his weight lifting, he was cool with it. It's definitely strengthened our father son bond, because now we talk about stuff we never would have before.

Break down the sexual barriers and watch the relationship blossom!
doublelongdaddy;422207 said:
Break down the sexual barriers and watch the relationship blossom!

Exactly, DLD! I think what holds guys back from letting their sons or fathers or friends in on Penis Enlargement is fear. Fear of being judged. Fear of a negative reaction. Fear of being open, honest, raw and real. Once you take the plunge and are open about Penis Enlargement all that fear is gone and you realize it's not a big deal to be the true you to the people you care about.
DLD, how long into Penis Enlargement did you let people in on it? For me, it was after I gained about an inch.
I think if you're going to let your son in on Penis Enlargement then you have to guide him to keep it all in perspective and make it part of your life, but not your whole life. A father should do this with his son with sports, video games, girls, etc. If you're not raising your son, then he's raising himself or he's being raised by society/friends/etc.
The reality is most teenage boys/young adult men do have concerns (and in some cases anxiety/insecurity) with size/sexual performance/etc. I think there are several benefits to letting your son in on Penis Enlargement. They include 1. by sharing something personal with him, it strengthens the father son bond. It opens the door to talk about other things openly. 2. Most young men have concerns (and many have insecurities) about size/performance/etc. By letting him in on it, you're giving him a chance to do something about it. 3. We want what's best for our sons. Penis Enlargement knowledge is a good thing, even if your son never gets into Penis Enlargement, he'll have the knowledge. If he does, then he'll have you to thank for it. And you as a father will have your son to talk about Penis Enlargement with like you do here on the forums.
well the problem is if the kid tells in school, maybe the social service could get a hold of the info and see it as something of a pervert and not socially acceptable guidance?
For us it is man's talk for them it could sound as a father trying to get too close?

We all know the score, how would they perceive it?
Alex78;423469 said:
well the problem is if the kid tells in school, maybe the social service could get a hold of the info and see it as something of a pervert and not socially acceptable guidance?
For us it is man's talk for them it could sound as a father trying to get too close?

We all know the score, how would they perceive it?

I think that's where you tell your son this is between me and you. I know a lot of kids that their parents say, "What's said in the house stays in the house." If your son already had the talk about sex then what can social service say? It's no different than the father that tells his son masturbation is a normal part of life.
higherone;423504 said:
I think that's where you tell your son this is between me and you. I know a lot of kids that their parents say, "What's said in the house stays in the house." If your son already had the talk about sex then what can social service say? It's no different than the father that tells his son masturbation is a normal part of life.

I'm with you but Penis Enlargement is not theirs cup of tea and will start shit just so something is happening!
Even to me when i was starting Penis Enlargement i was having feelings of doing something perverted and what some loner creepy insecure guys do to fill their ego!
If you keep something with your son as a secret he will be even more tempted to share it with his buddies just to say hey i have got more going in my life.
People do not get that Penis Enlargement is more just than big dick, but also health and longevity!
You really must know that he will not say nothing, bonds like that are rare, kids see their parents usually as authorities that need to be challenged and conquered.
My buddy's dad smoked weed in his house the whole time he was growing up, he never told us until we were adults. Kids can keep things quiet. Think about it, did you brag that you were jacking off when you were 12/13? Probably not. Why, because you kept it quiet. The same could be said about Penis Enlargement.
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