Haha! That's awesome. Obviously no one cared then. I bet the same will be true of Penis Enlargement.
A guy on another thread went about it this way. He was straight to the point. He asked his 19 year old sexually active son what would he think if he could be an inch longer than he was, would he be interested and he said hell ya. That was it. In his own words..."I actually asked him what would you do if 20 years from now your dad said hey, I knew how to make your weeney bigger 20 years ago but I never told you would you wish I had or had not told you." He said "let me in on it" and a very open conversation about exercising the junk ensued . We talked about ED in older folks and general pecker health and he ate it up. He wanted to know the website and other things. Probably actually the best sex talk we have ever had and I think since I was straight to the point there wasnt even time to get akward, says he gonna log on and check it out tonight. I am glad we had the conversation. I did wait for positive results so I could say " it actually works".
Hey there- I am new to MOS but would love to add my perspective on this. My dad and I are pretty close; I always looked up to him growing up. He played college football, helped me get into lifting and loved showing off his package.

In high school I'd bring girls home, mess around. Dad never said anything about it. In college I brought a girl home for Veterans Day- dad heard me fucking her good. That night he mentioned she was way hot. Really? I asked. Late that night her and I went at it... I told her my dad was into her... She though he was rugged and sexy. After I shot- she went to my dads room and surprised him. It was so hot hearing my gf get opened by my dad. She loved it too. We can home every couple weeks after that. My dad and I totally bonded.

In my mid 20s I did some Penis Enlargement. I wish my dad had told me about it years before... Now that I am serious about growing I am desperate to have my dad do it too. Haven't decided how but I am hopeful he will.
Alex78;423469 said:
well the problem is if the kid tells in school, maybe the social service could get a hold of the info and see it as something of a pervert and not socially acceptable guidance?
For us it is man's talk for them it could sound as a father trying to get too close?

We all know the score, how would they perceive it?

Ya, I'd agree with that all the way. I would never bring my son into it til he was an adult-then hell yes I would. Besides, I'd think Penis Enlargement would be safer after you're done growing.
Turnover;424048 said:
How old was your son when you started him on the penis enlargement convoy DLD ?

He does not Penis Enlargement. He is naturally hung :)
bigformassive;425708 said:
Hey there- I am new to MOS but would love to add my perspective on this. My dad and I are pretty close; I always looked up to him growing up. He played college football, helped me get into lifting and loved showing off his package.

In high school I'd bring girls home, mess around. Dad never said anything about it. In college I brought a girl home for Veterans Day- dad heard me fucking her good. That night he mentioned she was way hot. Really? I asked. Late that night her and I went at it... I told her my dad was into her... She though he was rugged and sexy. After I shot- she went to my dads room and surprised him. It was so hot hearing my gf get opened by my dad. She loved it too. We can home every couple weeks after that. My dad and I totally bonded.

In my mid 20s I did some Penis Enlargement. I wish my dad had told me about it years before... Now that I am serious about growing I am desperate to have my dad do it too. Haven't decided how but I am hopeful he will.

I'm pretty sure this is not true...
Alex78;423469 said:
well the problem is if the kid tells in school, maybe the social service could get a hold of the info and see it as something of a pervert and not socially acceptable guidance?
For us it is man's talk for them it could sound as a father trying to get too close?

We all know the score, how would they perceive it?

Never thought of it like that, good to keep in mind right?
I think that letting your son in on Penis Enlargement wouldn't be much different than letting your son in on masturbation in the eyes of social services. It's more of a family value thing than an abuse situation.
higherone;425926 said:
I think that letting your son in on Penis Enlargement wouldn't be much different than letting your son in on masturbation in the eyes of social services. It's more of a family value thing than an abuse situation.

Especially if you tie it into a personal "religious" belief.
Even beyond that, it's not abusive for a boy to play with his dick. It's pretty common knowledge that most guys do starting around age 12/13. I think social services wouldn't touch that one with a ten foot pole, or an eight inch dick even! hahaha

Besides that, in my experience most people either think it's not true or think it's cool that it can be done. Most fathers can let their sons in on it and even if the son tells his buddies, the worst that would happen is they want to do it. I doubt they're going to tell their parents about it.
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I would think it is how much you are telling and who you are telling it to. If a conversation ensues of a sexual nature and the wrong child was there it could become an issue.
Oh exactly. I'm talking about a father telling his son, not a father telling his sons and his son's buddies. Then you'd definitely have to be a lot more cautious with the words you used and how you said things.
higherone;426013 said:
Oh exactly. I'm talking about a father telling his son, not a father telling his sons and his son's buddies. Then you'd definitely have to be a lot more cautious with the words you used and how you said things.

No doubt, I never thought that it could become a problem but good to keep in mind.
I just got a fortune cookie, opened it, and it said: Sharing little joys offers great hope to others.
doublelongdaddy;425833 said:
He does not Penis Enlargement. He is naturally hung :)

That's the beauty of letting your son in on Penis Enlargement. You can have a talk about dick size and your son share that he's hung with you without it being awkward.
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