My Son is very shy to talk on this for some reason:) He said I could post in his behalf but I think I will respect his privacy and await his input when and if he is ready. :)
doublelongdaddy;415026 said:
My Son is very shy to talk on this for some reason:) He said I could post in his behalf but I think I will respect his privacy and await his input when and if he is ready. :)

Well, it is kind of personal to talk about, so I understand your son not wanting to share. I wouldn't want you to speak for your son, DLD. He has his reasons for not wanting to share and we have to respect that. If you choose to share your view of it from your perspective as a dad, that's your decision. If you could, encourage him to at least read this thread so that he knows we're on his side.
higherone;415030 said:
Well, it is kind of personal to talk about, so I understand your son not wanting to share. I wouldn't want you to speak for your son, DLD. He has his reasons for not wanting to share and we have to respect that. If you choose to share your view of it from your perspective as a dad, that's your decision. If you could, encourage him to at least read this thread so that he knows we're on his side.

I will ask him tonight if he is OK with me posting a bit of history, he is sleeping at me house tonight:)
What age do you think it's appropriate to let your son know about Penis Enlargement? What about getting him on a light routine? Are the two the same or different?
AndyzBoot;414894 said:
I would love to share Penis Enlargement with my dad, I'm waiting to break the ice after I've made it on my own first. I may never be able to tell him. At least I have you guys.
I think it's a lot easier to tell your son about Penis Enlargement then it is to tell your dad or other family members about Penis Enlargement, because your son looks up to you (usually, even if he doesn't admit it) while the dynamics of another family member are different.
i think its not a bad idea if his son is having a small penis, getting ridiculed in school can be a traumatic experience, but having a normal size, just give him the DLD DVD when 18, problem solved, no need for deep discussion!
Alex78;415999 said:
i think its not a bad idea if his son is having a small penis, getting ridiculed in school can be a traumatic experience, but having a normal size, just give him the DLD DVD when 18, problem solved, no need for deep discussion!

I'll definitely give him the MoS DVD but I will also have the discussion with him. To me there's no shame in Penis Enlargement. It's no different than lifting weights or any other exercise.
higherone;416075 said:
I'll definitely give him the MoS DVD but I will also have the discussion with him. To me there's no shame in Penis Enlargement. It's no different than lifting weights or any other exercise.

I think giving a kid advice on how to be better at approaching women and getting a bigger penis, is just like bodybuilding!
Only thing is the presentation, and timing!
Seeing your kid fail at approaching and then coming with the solution or if he is ridiculed under the shower, and then giving him the Superman Idea!
You should approach it like it is something special and he is now in a secret world of a technique that will get him ahead of his buddies.
When you are young just tell a kid if he wants to learn a secret and he is all ears, tell him does he want to hear health medical beneficial properties of manual Penis Enlargement and he goes running for the playground!

You have to remember that tribes in Africa teach this to their sons, and Arabs also!
This is not perversion it is prevention of ridicule and embarrassment!

I would not be surprised if the slaves who were brought to America gave the technique to their sons...
If you see the stats on penis measurements, and black guys in general are not 5 inches above the average!

All this things are now hitting global awareness, like seduction and Penis have been craving for self improvement in these areas for centuries, only the few had the knowledge!

Not giving your son an invitation to this to me sounds stupid, while you know it works!
Hey guys,
I thought I'd help you out from the other point of view. I'm 18 years old and found out about Penis Enlargement when i was maybe 16 or 17. I think that I found out about it from a link to �other PE site� on another site that I was lurking on about getting better with women. I'm glad I found out about it. On my own it has been something that I do, not too seriously or consistently at the moment because I'm in college and have very limited privacy and free time, but it has helped boost my confidence a bit for sure. Because I discovered Penis Enlargement I know generally what the average size and stuff like that is and adding a bit of size down there helps for sure with confidence, even if no one knows about it. Coming from a health point of view, I think that it is very beneficial to know about kegels and how much they help your body in different ways and also how to get better EQ and stuff like that that I learned from Penis Enlargement.

As for talking to your sons about it, I think that if you have a good relationship and if you know your son is at an appropriate age you should talk about it. I started doing more stuff with girls when I was 15, and plenty of my friends were way ahead of me. Like I said, I think it depends on the maturity level of your son but talking to them about it as early as 14, maybe... MAYBE younger isn't crazy. I agree that you should at first convey it in a fitness way the same as running, lifting, etc. Otherwise I agree that mentally it has the potential to do some pretty serious damage if your son ends up thinking he has a small penis and loses confidence, becomes worried or obsessed about it...

Ask me questions if you want, I'll try to remember to come back here and answer.
danny7x5;416114 said:
Hey guys,
I thought I'd help you out from the other point of view. I'm 18 years old and found out about Penis Enlargement when i was maybe 16 or 17. I think that I found out about it from a link to �other PE site� on another site that I was lurking on about getting better with women. I'm glad I found out about it. On my own it has been something that I do, not too seriously or consistently at the moment because I'm in college and have very limited privacy and free time, but it has helped boost my confidence a bit for sure. Because I discovered Penis Enlargement I know generally what the average size and stuff like that is and adding a bit of size down there helps for sure with confidence, even if no one knows about it. Coming from a health point of view, I think that it is very beneficial to know about kegels and how much they help your body in different ways and also how to get better EQ and stuff like that that I learned from Penis Enlargement.

As for talking to your sons about it, I think that if you have a good relationship and if you know your son is at an appropriate age you should talk about it. I started doing more stuff with girls when I was 15, and plenty of my friends were way ahead of me. Like I said, I think it depends on the maturity level of your son but talking to them about it as early as 14, maybe... MAYBE younger isn't crazy. I agree that you should at first convey it in a fitness way the same as running, lifting, etc. Otherwise I agree that mentally it has the potential to do some pretty serious damage if your son ends up thinking he has a small penis and loses confidence, becomes worried or obsessed about it...

Ask me questions if you want, I'll try to remember to come back here and answer.

Thanks, danny7x5. Good insights on how young boys are experimenting sexually nowadays, and how that could potentially impact when you let your son in on Penis Enlargement.
Alex78;416082 said:
I think giving a kid advice on how to be better at approaching women and getting a bigger penis, is just like bodybuilding!
Only thing is the presentation, and timing!
Seeing your kid fail at approaching and then coming with the solution or if he is ridiculed under the shower, and then giving him the Superman Idea!
You should approach it like it is something special and he is now in a secret world of a technique that will get him ahead of his buddies.
When you are young just tell a kid if he wants to learn a secret and he is all ears, tell him does he want to hear health medical beneficial properties of manual Penis Enlargement and he goes running for the playground!

You have to remember that tribes in Africa teach this to their sons, and Arabs also!
This is not perversion it is prevention of ridicule and embarrassment!

I would not be surprised if the slaves who were brought to America gave the technique to their sons...
If you see the stats on penis measurements, and black guys in general are not 5 inches above the average!

All this things are now hitting global awareness, like seduction and Penis have been craving for self improvement in these areas for centuries, only the few had the knowledge!

Not giving your son an invitation to this to me sounds stupid, while you know it works!

I think you put the information out there and make it normal and no big deal. If your son chooses to get into Penis Enlargement that is his choice. You shouldn't force it on him. You also shouldn't be ashamed to let him know that you do it too.
Thanks, danny7x5. Kids are more aware of what's going on than we give them credit for. They can take real talk as long as it's honest and open dialogue. That goes for everything, not just Penis Enlargement. Letting your son in on Penis Enlargement is no more traumatizing than letting him in on there is no Santa Claus if you do it the right way.
Awesome thread.
I do believe I'm gonna fill my son in on Penis Enlargement, in a few years.
He just turned 9, and he's getting body hair, and his pits are starting to stink lol! I swear all that shit didn't happen to us til we were 12ish.
He ain't ready yet.
You guys are giving me good ideas how to bring it up tho.
Jonny5;417142 said:
Awesome thread.
I do believe I'm gonna fill my son in on Penis Enlargement, in a few years.
He just turned 9, and he's getting body hair, and his pits are starting to stink lol! I swear all that shit didn't happen to us til we were 12ish.
He ain't ready yet.
You guys are giving me good ideas how to bring it up tho.

Yeah kids are maturing faster these days. About 3 years earlier than just 75 years ago. Best of luck to you as you introduce your son to Penis Enlargement!
stillwantmore2;417376 said:
How about a power point presentation? ;)

:) That would be nice for family fun night:)
Daddy what are we watching tonight?

No son it is time for another DLD session ,this time, girth blasters!

Oh dad so cool!
DLD can be the Jack LaLanne of Penis Enlargement and have his own "fitness" show! Great father son bonding time!

I bet this has happened with some fathers and sons though....showing and or passing on the link to DLD's videos.
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