If you want one used, I will give you mine. Dont like the thing at all. I totally understand if you dont.
jakb said:
If you want one used, I will give you mine. Dont like the thing at all. I totally understand if you dont.

Just pm'ed you...thanks.
I used my TLC ventless for 12 hours by plugging the hole and my penis felt kinda "spongy" and looked longer when flaccid for a couple of days. I wonder if using a VTLC would compare to the other extenders... if the "spongy" feel of the internal structures and increased flaccid size are any indicators for explosive length gains lemme know heh.

The "spongy" feel is kinda like what it feels like jelqing after pumping at about 5"hg for 5 minutes but with more evenness and much longer duration to the "feel".
I know no ones posted here for awhile, but i'm going to let you guys know that I think fastsize is actually one of the best extenders out there. Its cheaper then most of the others, and I know the thing actually works, i've been using it for about 3 weeks now and I have actually seen results
(Trust me, im amazed that the thing really works). Well anyways at their site they actually have forums, i'm even a user over there too. They have a chat room, online support as well, so I would suggest going with fastsize. The site is and on the top of the page you will see Chat, click that, then it says enter forum in black on the page, just click that and there you go. So i would recommend going with a fastsize extender, the thing is actually really really nice. I love mine.
I have used the Andro-Penis from

I've gained 0.25" in two months wearing it about 7 hours a day. Not bad if you ask me
First off, do NOT buy the MAX extender, I have one and it's garbage, it's bulky, hard to use and has the same failing as other extenders; if you tighten it enough to get a decent stretch, the lasso behind the head pinches and burns like hell, cuts off circulation, turns your head purple and numb. This thing really is junk, there's a reason it's the cheapest extender out there!

I bought the Vimax a while back and used it for about three days, it pinched, cut off circulation, and was just generally uncomfortable. I honestly wish I hadn't wasted the money on it.
BUT. . .
This extender;
was posted here;
as I already have the Vimax, I ordered a modified head assembly that is designed to fit other extenders;
The modified head assy. is more like a mini-Bib, it can be used with the extender or alone with weights. They sell tubular weights you put on first then apply the head assembly. But the modified head assy. comes with eyelets that you can hang your own weights on if you prefer.
So I'm awaiting delivery for my modified head assembly, I'll let you know if it's any more comfortable than the "tourniquet" style extenders.
First off, do NOT buy the MAX extender, I have one and it's garbage, it's bulky, hard to use and has the same failing as other extenders; if you tighten it enough to get a decent stretch, the lasso behind the head pinches and burns like hell, cuts off circulation, turns your head purple and numb. This thing really is junk, there's a reason it's the cheapest extender out there!

Thats your opinion.
Myn is that its VERY GOOD.
I have gained from it, used it reguler and its really good.
Works the EXACT same as the more expensive torsion devices albeit more simpler and from plastic.
It isnt painful or mess'es with circulation if you take countermeasures against that.
I defend the max-extender lol its helped me alot, its like with anything...some think the jes is shit, some think its the bees knees ect ect not everyone will like things the sameway, just had to defend it because I have had good from it and reccommend it for anyone wanting a good cheap extender because those dearer ones just aint worth it, if you can work well with your device like I can than it doesnt matter what its made of and you'll make it work.
However, the extender you linked looks the BEST I've seen thus far and I like the thought of that bib-hanger grip, you should write a review in a new thread on it when ya ready.
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you're absolutely right - that is just my opinion - and I guess I should have said so, I hadn't read about anyone using/liking it. It's just so frustrating to buy stuff with such high hopes and not be able to get it to work like you expected, so I guess I was venting.
I'm glad it works for you. What did you do for the discomfort? I'd have saved a lot of money (on the vimax [$149] and now the modified head [$69] plus weights [$22]) if I'd known there was a way to make it comfortable and by now I'd have to tie a knot in my member to keep it from dragging on the ground!! LMAO
so i guess with the sili extender, I gotta modify it thats if i buy it so It wont bother me.
REDZULU2003 said:
However, the extender you linked looks the BEST I've seen thus far and I like the thought of that bib-hanger grip, you should write a review in a new thread on it when ya ready.

I just got home from work and there it was by the mail box, WooHoo!
I first put it on with the 6 lb. weight and there was a bit of the circ. scar between the head clamp and the weight. The pressure of the weight pinching the skin gave me a little blister in less than five minutes! BUT...
I took of the head piece off, put the silicone wrap on (which was include free - nice surprise), and re-applied the head piece. I've had it on now (with the 6 lb. weight) for about 45 minutes. it's VERY comfortable!! All the other types of extenders I've used would have had me in the bathroom at LEAST twice by now trying to adjust it for comfort.
I'm going to keep this on for as long as I can tonight. Then wear it again AFTER work tomorrow night for as long as I can. Then try to wear it all weekend. If I can keep it on comfortably all day I'll start wearing it to work next week, and will keep posting.

An added bonus is that since I do a lot of manual labor at work, I only wear loose fit jeans and while all this hardware gives an impressive bulge, it's not obvious that there's half a volkswagon's worth of plastic and steel wrapped around my cock!! Though I would DEFINITELY not wear any of this with close fitting pants.

phraze! said:
so i guess with the sili extender, I gotta modify it thats if i buy it so It wont bother me.
No, that site sells a full extender kit with the mini-bib style head assembly, and for only $139.
PeniMaster here i use and prefer...mine came from germany took only 5 days and im in dallas... <<<the wider fastening belt was the buying catch for me...and im glad too>>>... is comfy i put on a thick infant babysock with the foot cut out first then the fastening belt...then wrap a velcro strap over the little wings underneath to hold and lock them in pinching pain probs....wearing time right now about 12 hours a day....<<<i work from home so i got the time....i would like to gain about 3 inches erect. i plan to measure once a month...only had mine now for a week....but have noticed more spontaneous erections than b4... also...i am not doing any other exercises other than wearing my penimaster...

29 yrs old right now would like to have an extra inch for my b-day in september....thats goal number one....

any of you guy with positive stories on solely using the PeniMaster...???
oh...also the customer service at PeniMaster is unsurpassed 3 FULL YEARS WARRANTY...and from what ive read <<<mostly in other forums, a few friends and here from many many guys>>> they really do hold true to that. just keep your reciept...and if a problem (breakage) email or standard mail them a copy of your ticket and a photo of of the bad part...and then just expect it soon in the mail. No need to mail any bad parts to them...and they ship you the new piece for dont even pay the shipping for the new part. A friend of mine broke one of his resting end plates and they shipped him 2 new ones and 4 fastening belts... Now thats what im talking about...and this is not just an isolated case either...these great stories are more common than pennies in a water fountain...

And you can see and feel the high quality....ive heard horror stories from the noose style users choking the heck outta their penises and increased soreness and a host of other problems... most of these guys switched to the PeniMaster...or...went to manual exercises or gave up altogether...

So also for this i reccomend the PeniMaster... CUSTOMER SERVICE is a big key factor... i would rather spend 50 or 100 dollars or more for good cust service and FREE replacement... than save a buck and get a piece of junk when once it breaks all is good for is the trash can....

Look b4 you buy...PeniMaster puts the quality in the device, the customer service and product warranty... not in a fancy wooden storage box which will do absolutely nothing for your penis...this is why you pay fancy prices these other models...are you wanting to buy a fancy wooden box... or a high quality Penis Enlargement device ???

Need I say more....???
goldmember said:
I have used the Andro-Penis from

I've gained 0.25" in two months wearing it about 7 hours a day. Not bad if you ask me

I assume you jelqed during this time didn't you? If so how much jelqing and how often did you jelq? Was that .25 in length all from the extender? I just want to know because I'm ordering the autoextender this week and I'd like to know what to expect.
wow, this thread has really grown in the time i was gone :D

i'm back from the dead guys :)
i've endured one of those Penis Enlargement downers for some time which made me stop doing it for a year (being lazy is one of the factors) :p
a week ago i started to pick things up again and i will hopefully never stop with Penis Enlargement again. i've also gained tons of knowledge in my absence which i will share with you guys after i have tested it myself first ;)

ontopic: the autoextender is very appealing. i think i will order one soon to try it out :)
btw, thanks to all who contributed to this thread :D
i have just ordered the vimax, for me its a great deal. a post elsewhere suggested training yourself 'into it' if any of u have spent the day digging up the garden & thought "bugger that for a day job" you'll know this makes sense. i plan a gradual & progressive use of the extender, i post progress for sure. the advice on countermeasures is top, thanks.
Hi guys. I thought about buying an extender as it works your penis passivly. I do not have much time for jelquing and other stretching routines to much studying right now. It would be exellent to wear it while doing that =). They claim it adds girth? I mean I have been doing some streching previously but never got that effect. Maybe hanging increases base girth but nothing else as far I know.

My question. Which of these expensive stretchers do you recommend? In my opinion the autoextender seems most comfortable. Though the others looks more fabrically produced. I get this sell sell commercial feeling visiting these pages... Autoextender was cheapest only 139 $. The pages all claim so much gains but what is reality?
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